HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-28, Page 66 • For better painted port:i,ee, for lAPPear;`}II4e, pr9tegtiQ2r and wear, uce Ford. Paint yett'"ao r Rule. Palley" to Peir.R7'.g.ht4 ASK YOUR DEALER By The Law of Tooth and Talon 1.1311.031.1.1111. By EERL1N .MOORS' 7A YLO.f l Wein with impunity, The ethic of "That," he replied eaeily, "is for the Doisheviats are the ethics of the his ears. I am afraid that your wouldn't :jungle, ,11,ssas•sino,tion, arsons loot axe be interested, anyhow; $y the way, all perinissi!ble in their minds, Sehools, didn't I see you down in St. Louis chin hes, avvexnments may be des about two years ago?" .Marlton had tro'ed; banks looted, property and all }earned that it never paid to press arr industry seized, private and pu'blie griwi1Ibi witness on a subject and debts repudiated, marriage outlawed that often it was easy to get tihe in favors the development of the mos and free love become the rule." formation he sought by changing the quito;.. It is, therefore, considered "Why cl fat topic of f,gnversatioT1 �� timely that every housekeeper who de- `ii 11y that is just what the al' el.ee de - geezer was Baying we would'do," els- No, I never was in St, Louis, was sires to be free from this disease - claimed the girl to herself. "Why be her answer. "I was born and raised breeding and annoying pest make a ain't no better than a common thief in the Inou.nteins,'lhe Cove it is called, cornpiete survey of the home in the and murderer. I wonder if they all! and Jasper is the only city I ever wars effort to remove all sources which believe like that. That ain't what I in before I carne here. Are. You a favor the development of the mos - believe. lieve. I wonder if I'm' a sucker," cop?" quite: The 'back yard should be clean- Her reflections were,eut short Eby. a `"Lord, no. I'm no pgLiceinan;' ed of all ince ta�ebes barrels cans rot -tat -tat at' the door. Dropping the I laughed Charlton, He threw open his p , , , paper to the floor, she jumped front' coat, bare of star or shield, and was bottles and other rubbish which may the bed where she bad .been lying and grateful for the fact that he carried retain •sufficient water to attract the stpreng to the door, For a moment his badge in a vest pocket. mosquito, the thought had flashed through . her. "`Well, I ain't seen Lo1Xie fox several mind that it was Vogel; conte to ex- days and I don't know where he is, but plain his delay. Then she remember.- I wish to God I did," she said, and for ed that he had told her once never to a moment Charlton thought she was open her. door without ascertaining about to burst' into tears. who was outside. He had explained : 'You're his gill', aren't you?" he that her beauty and the fact that she asked quickly. "Is •tans his room?" lived alone might tempt. some un- Instantly she faxed up. scrupulous man. She knew that it "The room is mine," she cried, hot - was not Vogel who had knocked, so ly. "I could be Louie Vagel's girl if she paused in the act of 'openin'g the, I wanted to. He would marry me if. door and demanded to know who stood • I said the word. But -the room is mine. I want to ask you about Lo ci He never sari foot in it, neither did no without. e," other man. I'm not that kind of a girl. Good-bye." The door slannn•ed. `in Charlton's face. "Little fiirebrand,"- he murmured until othe !hibereatizng mgsquitoes rind suitable breeding planets to deposit their eggs and to continue their pro- pagation' before organizing efforts to combat them. The first ' wave of warm weather said an unknown (copyright) , Without quibbling; she dropped the Synopsis of Preceding Chapters. ham's- voice was bitter. He released • chain and turned the key in its lock. Louie Vogel, a notorious criminal, Charlton's hand and dropped bees into But when she saw Charlton, and not is offered $5,000 by Lebrun to kidnap : his chair. "I ant fed up on theories. a man she knew to be Vogel's friend, siftly. "Temper goes with that kind Judge Graham, terror of evil -doers. My father missing three days and not she would have doped it again. of hair and it's some hair. Anyhow, I As Lebrun leaves "Silver Danny's" a single thing to show what has be- "Don't be alarmed, Miss Lathrop," .think you told the truth and that, Icon he is observed by Ralph come of him, And you have nothing said tine Govsrnnllent man, striving to wherever Vogel is keeping himself, ' you don't know where it is." • As he turned away down the dark hall he almost. collided with a elan pussyfooting down it. ""I beg your pardon," said the startl- ed Charlton. "And I youxs," was the reply in a voice that thrilled the Government man. In the dimly lit hallway he had been unable to distinguish the fea- tures of the other man, but the voice here now to see if you had gotany,-was that orf "The Gray Wolf." trace of hint yet" (To be continued.) Charlton of the. Departmer-� of Just- but theories." Men hie recovered him tivm her good graces. He made no tice who has dubbed him "The Gray self. "I beg your pardon, Mr. Chari- move to prevent her from closing the Wolf." Vogel takes the $1,000 given ton, and yours, Inspector. I am great- door and this in a measure reassured him to bind the compact to Stella ly wrought up, over the platter. I her. She waited to se,e what he would Lathrop, a country girl he had found didn't mean to infer that you and all say. starving in the city and befriended. the others were not doing your very ear want to ask you if you 'knew. • Stella is now earning honest wages in best to find him. I know you are and where Louie is," he went on. "It is a factory and refuses to marry Vogel I thankyou. But my father and I are very important that I find him and he unless he gives up his evil ways. She very close. It would kill lie to learn seems to have ' disappeared. I was has, however, fallen a convert to that harm had come to him. He n's down at `Silver . Danny's? when you; Bolshevism. Vogel carries out his pact, an old man, gentlemen, and God only telephoned yesterday and I dropped in Judge Graham lies bound in a shack some miles out of ,the city. "The Gray Wolf" demands that the Judge should let certain prisoners off with merely e fine. Threats of death for himself and torture fon his son have no weight with the gust Judge. Charlton becomes suspicious of "The Gray Wolf" and Vogel. Stella Lathrop joins the Inner Council. • CHAPTER VL Charlton Gets a Clew. `Charlton found a clew which con- vinced him he was on the right trail the next day-. As soon as sleep had restored hint, he reported to his chief that he had' what he believed was a good line to follow.. "Get out and follow it, then," snap- ped that harrassed individual. "You're the fiftieth or the five hundredth man. I don't recall while, who has told me the sante thing since Judge Graham dropped out of sight. I've had theories and tips which didn't pan out, dinned into my ears until I'm fairly insane. I don't want to listen to anything ex- cept facts. Unless you've got theme, go on and work on any line you wish." "I'ni to use my own judgment?" "Yes." Then the chief's irritation vanished. Ile pint an arm around Marlton's silouhders. "My nerves are pretty ragged, son. I'rn dead for sleep. After I've. got them normal "All right', The inspector of de- a,gain I'll listen to you. In the mean- teethes promptly agreed to the plan, while if you think you have a good "You don't want either of them pinch - basis to work on,go to it. If you ed. I suppose?" need help, call meon the private wire "No. But I want Lebrun watched to the house. Unless I 'bear from you closer than any man has been watched platform on rollers, made as follows: I'll take it for granted that you are in this town for a long, long time. And Take a board. 18 inches square and doing something worth while. In any if Vogel is found, I want hem 'shadow 2 inches thick for the top. Finish the event, call me whenever convenient, ed just as closed,. Ill keep in tough but not until tomorrow. I'in going to ! with you and in the meanwhile I'll edges with ends nail strip ece of molding. woo sleep the •clock around. Noe run on. 1 drop around and see what I can find . pi He playfully shoved the agent to- I out about 'Red Stella " 4x2x18 inches, and place a caster in ward the door,;yawned and began Ill go with you," offered Graham, each corner. Finish with a coat of! closing down his desk. Charlton de- leaping to his feet. "This inaction is paint. This rriavable platform is ,easily 1 parted. 1ki ling me.ppushed, with the foot from place to.; Convinced in his own mind that, "I am afrad you'll not find tramp- place, even when it holds such articles "The Gray Wolf" and "Big Louie" + ing around with mo very much more f as mop pail full of water, a heavy Vogel were in some way connected 'to your lik'in,g, objected Charlton. with the disappearance of Judge Gra i"Suppose you take the inspector's tip, coal scuttle, oil heater, or, in fact, harm, the Government man decided to go home and rest. I'll promise to call any household article that you desire• TO CA very carefully lay a trap for one or , you up the minute anything develops to move. both of them. -He had been given a l and then I'll be only too glad to have * * * F, CY GOOD5 CO., Ltd. free band by his chief and he cast you with nee. Another muscle and back saver for about for the best means of keeping "I have a very fast car outside,"the housewife who cooks for her own Wellington St. Est track of his men. He did not know the !said Graham. "Can't I drive you to family is a shelf near the cookstove city's underworld himself. Usually wherever it is you are going?" TORONTO had been in the habit of getting l "No, you take that -car and go home. high enough to elevate the fuel so TORONTO the assistance of the police where his I Perhaps later we can use it and .use she need not stoop down to reach it Importers and Wholesale Dealers work called for investigation in the it to good advantage and you will when it is necessary to replenish the . in -Fancy Goods, Cut Glass, Earth - haunts of the city's crooks. So it was want to be fresh and able to drive it fire. The shelf should have a narrow enware, Fancy China, Toys, Sport to the office of Inspector of. Detectives safely. Your nerves are not in shape board nailed to the outer. edge to keep iaig Goods, Smallwares, Hardware Griffin that he at on2e turned his to do that. You cannot help, now." the wood from falling off: Specialties, Druggists Sundries. steps, certain that from that very 1 "I'll do it," said Graham; he shook * * * * Travellers Exerywhere clever detective he would obtain every � hands with the two orf them •and a I keep all my recipes sorted and in y bit of co-operation asked. He had done moment later through the window theyWholesale Only Griffin a good turn on more than one' saw hes car threading its way past: special enveloaes. When I want to occasion and he knew the inspector the traffic in the street outside» - - - was more than eager to repay him., Charlton left shortly after he had His card gained him inetant admit- heard Griffin give instruction's for the tante to the inspector's office. shadowing of Lebrune and Vogel. I "Hello, Billy," he greeted the police Charlton had little difficulty in find official. "I've conte to you for Help.; ing Stella fat�rs a.s hroOverwhelmed rrhe of her ' Beg padon, I didn't know you were not alone." He paused abruptly, for ; initiation into the Inner Council, she' he had discovered a haggard looking, - had remained in her roam at the hotel! well dressed young fellow •slumped into 1 trying to reconcile her views with' a chair in a earner. j what she had learned of the plans for "I wouldn't be surprised that: your casting the nation into turmoil. Le- two visits alight be connected, r said Griffin. "I want you to meet Judge Graham's son, Alfred, Lieutenant Gra- ham of the Aviation Corps. On>r'•apf the leading aces, you know," °, "Yes, nave read a great deal about Lieutenant 'Grahtim," replied Charlton, touched by the appeal in the young aviator'e bloodshot eyes as he rose to hake lianas, "And my visit was to do with his father." "Have you any news? My father! Has he been found?" Yoalirg Graham knows what has happened to him. "That's all. right, Lieutenant, soothed Griffin. "I'11 admit that we haven't learned very much, but some- thing must turn up soon, and I have no doubt we will find your father not harmed in the least. Now, my ad- vice to you would be to go home and have a good rest, We will notify you promptly if we learn anything." "No. No," the young flier protested. "First I must know what Mr, Charlton has that is promising," "Very little, I azo afraid," admitted the Government man and proceeded to give them the reasons why he suspect- ed Lebrune and Vogel of knowing something concerning Judge Graham. "It isn't very much," agreed Griffin when he had heard the story. "What's your plan, Ralph?" Graham had not commented upon the matter. - "If you can spare. a few men I want "What do you want with hint?" site: ' demanded. Mlnard'a Liniment Relieves Colds, etc. Five Kitchen Helps. Throw away your blackening brush and try this simple plan of caring for your range. If your range is not a new one; and has bad many coats of use one I fasten 't to the inside of My left forearm. It is always clean and saves pie running from este side of the table to ,the other to see what to add. next. two things done, said Chariton. "1 blackening, first scrub it all over with * * * * want every effort made to learn where hot suds; dry, and apply with a. flannel It is impossible to do, the weekly Vogel has gone, where he has been ford cloth a mixture of equal parts of lira wadi without .getting one's apron and several days and I want Lebrun seed oil and kerosene. Afterwards. dress wet, and the •damp spot so quick - roadster and the very devil for speed.) over the range once a weal:, and using bib -shaped apron of oilcloth, bind the It would be my tip to have a motor- i the polishing cloth on tap of the with tape, fasten a piece of tape cycle man planted around the corner range after each -meal; you can' keep to edges with corner of the bib, to slip over to trail him .when he drives it. But your stove in fine ,condition. It will the head, and attach a piece of tape that yl�e man must be fast if have a dull glow, much mare. avec -te each side to tie in the back? Splash he keeps eps .up with this :biro" tive than the usual shiny polish. Its all you want. to, your clothing will is easier to apply 'and'. cheaper. 'keep dry. * * * * One of the most useful things I Exterminate the 'Mosquito. have ever seen in a home is a snmall, This is the season to attack the mosquito nuisance. It is folly to wait COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO brume had mentioned Russia, Stella I had bought the newspapers to see if, esee they had anything to say about Vogel.' Puny licensed Now she turned to the columns which under Marconi - contained Russian news ;and perused I Gene air ec rte them avidly. In one of them she found Patents, a lengthy dispatch which gave her a decidedly new viewpoint on Bolshe- vism. Taken in connection with what she had heard Lebrune and thefat. man say at the Inner Council meeting, site began at last to discover that the roseate dreams of the radicals whose seized the •agent hand in a fervid 1 words she had •swallowed as truth clan�p. v, -ere mere camouflage to eever up the I "Steady, old man," replied Marken. desire for turning the world into a 1 "We haven't found hien, but I think I pigpen with every one fighting for I have a geed line. Just a theory, so the ront place at the trough. far, h, an ; hwillr theory,"oking Afred,Gra-' euci ism le,f •on the article tans a class . pure! � 11 expon,en.;a, as witness thele in Russia,i 111J sed AUtO s . are c•I�uite wiling to e srminate the l soycalled ruling classes, includingi every one who owns the least bit of 1 itlean' dl9lt,r.vs 7Cy dz ' MAD property t if that is necessary to at- care of all tepee; i1 a Mold taut- fain thetzr. ends and get what they get to tl,1iYeryr urr to, 04' i?zilerl, Or test want And they want everythillir. un of sariie t> irtanoe it y' *i *ieb. Its 1.. so(,*,,t no inw ex - eviler sib paiYdblteiad. fir ggrciiasta '1`110 Bo vtehe-ists know v rice refunded. sept the law of their own malting,, and ; 1'rING Mechanic of yacht' town choices they are quitewilling to'' Chane that ok there ower, tirr ascii ustoto 10 i'9.ke city 'esti'' to city` treore�eni:ts.tisre for law at any time t0 sui't thelnse ver. tzt*pectlon, ver;' large "t"./ Yell' Ys ed What is permitted today may be fors' ?tla.tid Beeelsey's i.lseafi Car Market bidden to -m°"°11', and the person v'nto.' ;'1 M r re Mkt* t w XtlrFl & violates the new law, 'ev'en though he - does not know of that law, may be This is Canada's Wireless Year i Whether you are resident in a large city ortwo or three hundred miles away, Amateur Wireless Equip - Mont furnishes you with endless instructive entertain- ment, We. can supply Receiving Apparatus which will pick up signals from the big •Viceless Stations and enable you, to "listen in" for wireless telephone con- certs radiated by the Marconi Company. Secure a Transmitting Set (operated directly off a lamp socket) and communicate - with your friends a hundred miles away! Amateur Wireless brings thegreat world to. your door. Cut oat and mail this ad, to us with request for Price List '''C" and ask us anything you would like to know about Amateur Wireless. Full line of parts and tech- nical books always in. stock, SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTER, • Limited 93 XING STRIEIIT EAST, T07f.ONTO Send for Book of Recipes; FREE? comm i To bring out the spicy, appealing flavor, and make them crisp, and drunchy, add a'cup of Crown Brand Syrup instead of sugar, the next time you bake cookies. Chil- dren munch Crown Cookies with lively s>atisz ction. As they grow older the mcmar•i• of Mother's Crown Cookies reTnains when other things axe .forgottetz. THE CANAtth srAitoil CO., LIhi,11-t n, E01t171l41,, In 2, 5, and 10-1b, tins Crown ru ..ancii, re t''Sw rt'+•` ' se the C OL D 0 ARP ET. of all ,kinds made into - NEW RUGS Rag Ruge Woven, Carpets Cleaned Send card for catalogue. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING CO. 83 Ryerson Ave., Toronto 22 Holidays in Argentina. Argentina has twenty-two public holidays during the year; Germany,? nineteen; 1tumazki1"a, twenty-four;, anti, India, twenty-one, The British flag was first hoisted over Kimberley, South Africa, fifty I years ago. Mlnard's Liniment for Burns, ctn. At Your 'Service Wherever Ton Live. The woman in town, or country, has the same advantage 'as her sister in the city in expert advice `from the best-known ' firm of. Clte+ners asst Dyers' in Canada. • Parsers from the country sent by ziraiI or express receive the same careful settee teen ,as warkdetiv.Brei personally, , Cleaning and Dyeing Clothing or HnusehoId Fabrics. Far yearns the name of "P'krker'W' has signified perfection in this work of inakilag old things Tock like new, whetirer personal. garnrn*ts of even the not fragile znaltexiial, or house-. told curtains, draperies, rugs, ete.. Write to ns• for further particulars or se>xd y inr parctrla direct to 1 -SE IOU PURE PAT. & VARNISHES • IU% rues - aura The paint for wccr and weather. SaNOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It weary and wears and wear,. , "VARNOI,EIR t" beautifies and rat serves 011 Chat; and Linoleum. 'MOOD -LAO STAIN Inipraves the new —mews the old. ANN --ONE": The sanitary, wash- able Flat Oil Paint far Interior Decor- ation, Nothlnd add, ca aiuch to the beauty of a harps Roars that ara ProPerlY car.' tor; oDqq tnt an hand, liotra that era not ptotnett,y: ante unpleasant to Look at, are hard to :keep clen, and beco,r.c Inlurcd through wear. Don't neglect your floors, bautily them end nave • them. Save the surface and you save all. MARBLE -IFS near Finish is theertect treatment for Boars of all kinds. It is the one ilaor finish that has a morey.back guarantee attached to ovary oan. In 24 hours MARIILS•TTE tides hard with e beautiful lint%that will, not show heel marks. It hes a high gloss, yet la tough enough to stand any amount ell wear without injury. It can be washed tt'ith soap and water and It will not mar nor scratch white. , • There is a special 31AI2TIN14EA'Qt'R product for every surface and for aril pnrpora, Conrail Or ,genii Dnakr Alen!, or write t" d,r:cl. Our bo,kkt "Town and Couairy Xn,aea niaikrl free on refill. I:tthB MARTIN-SENouR ITED OnoDUC;na DP P.Mia; RSD UARRI3,e1 e ve'ei vuv h3ONTREAI�. i.eau,'',i. An Ounce of Prevention Cleanliness and Carefulness ad lib. To be taken regularly in large. doses. THIS is the most potent ,prescrip- or fire -itis. An tion f epidemic that is destroying thousands of lives and millions of dollars' worth of pro- perty throughout the country. Care and Cleanliness are the antidote " for fire as well as the antidote .for disease. Eighty per cent. of the fire disease is preventable. During the first week of May the boys and girls of the Province are go- ing to inspect our homes, where two out of every three fires occur. , Help this splendid army of young Cana- dians to PREVENT FIRES BY REMOVING: THE CAUSE The booklets, "Conservation of Life and Pro- perty from Fire" and "Lightning, its Origin and Control," may be had for the asking, Ontario Fire prevention League, Inc. in Affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshal's Office 153 University Avenue Toronto °noutnT+J P. Sedretary uj