HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-28, Page 5T; hureday, pril 2tith, 1921.: URr BUSINESS CARDS proudfoot, • K.illoxan & HOLME,a, Barx'isters, Solicitors, Nularic;a, µl,li:, PJte, Office an the Square, 2n4 dear from Hamilton St, Gods eriele Private funds to lean at lowest rates, P oudfoot, K,C, J, L. Killoran D. E. Holn,,es, - A willbe in Tc ,bar, 1<%OlrxiErs Hewlett on ...VP "ri,day of each week. QIANF.4V4MYW,M+wMO.:FNP.ose..,v.'xrmrue..i.:.'StYwnw NDREW F. HESS, :rotary Public Korn siissioner, Conveyancing, Wire anti Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office, Zurich, 1)r.13„ S. Hard ie DENTIST At ZURICH 'EVERY WEDNESDAY 'DA,S,HWOOD. EVERY TITURSDAY MAIN O1`1!`'Ic's — 13ENa? LL. OSCAR 1LOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co - lusty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County, Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- fanteed or no' pay. Several find farms have been 'reeved in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 F,. a samara., Licensed Auctioneer 1 have +taken out Auctioneer's !License . for the. County of Haran tad am in a position to conduct any kind of Auetion Sale. Give mel a trial and' 1 will assure , you satisfaction or make no charge. ,Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone '31 r 13. Lubh MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Eoiogana 'Sausages, etc • :Highest Cash Price ;or WWot,li i1 CASH FOR SKINS & B11)ES Tungloint &,. Deldhut NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I ani in a ,position to ,accomodate all requirements a• - long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- .. line 46-tf. GEO. 3. THIEL Zurich. Phone 58 LIVE POU LT RAT WANTED) "Taken every day till 3 Ocloek p.m. Do not feed fowl ,same morning --when brought in, i s • as t' Prices --CASH FOR--- ,Cream OR--Crearrl• and Eggs W. O'Brien Phdne 94. Zurich WANTED Dealers and Farmers to know that A. Weiss," 147 Grange Ave., Toronto, Are direct buyers and pay top prices for Dressed chi- eltens, eggs and butter. Also cat- tle Hides and Wool. Wants 'steady shippers reliable. service, same day returns. For .:a square deal don't forget —to ship and trade with; A. WEISS, 117 Grange Ave, •Tctonto,• Ontario. t-43 r` ts SPRING AND, SUUMIVIER DELIV- ERIES, Season 1921 During the past Coal Season `which has almost ended, Nye have been able to render the consuming public of Zurich and vicinity,. a fuel service which, we think, has not been equaled in any other part ofe the country, We will again during the coming season give of our best seY vicesin solving your fuel problems and subject to the usual conditions governing prices and deliveries. We, are glad to announce ie are again booking orders ' at the old stand where we are still doing bus- iness, enjoying the 'calumny of our. enemies and the adulations of our friends, strongly fortified in our Copse enjoyirig the eventualities of the fight,—Terms Cash. Phone—House 10W, Office 103 W )C0AI, & PRODUCE MERCHANT EN SA L., oNT FUT YQUB Wants, For 'Sale, Lost, Found,9otice, Etc. • IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE Good second o hand d top buggy'en. sale. G. Holtzman,Zurich. 'Cf-3 If FOR `ALE Se rto a ,Gen xT ua•"lae n grown from certified reed also some Irish Cobblers, , . Hy. Kruegee, R.1i..2, Zurich t40 b EGGS FsR HATCHING J. lili ve White 'Rock eggs for hnteli,inl for sale. Bred from good stock. T. lilitticlroltz, Zurieh, t-10 NUTWE. • Notre is heeeby given ' that all aceourits owing :Dr._ B. Campbell Must: Ix? Settled at once, Other methods of eotlectioe will, be used on all unpaid aecourits• after May e0tt>,, 192i. A. P. TT1i1SS, Zurich, • t-11 NOTICE. Parties wishing to contract for delivery of Dutch Setts for • the corarifg fall, kindly do so at .once. T. L. Wurinl. -42 FOR "SALE 1 ,am offering :fox sale my barn in Zurich, size 24x40 and 16 feet high. Apply Wm. Siebert Zur- FOR SALE We have •the following varieties of seed -corn for sale; Imp, Le- arning, White Cap, Wise. No. 7. T. L. Wurrr -42 FOR SALE A quantity of good onion Seed for sale, Apply ' to Mrs. 3: H. Schnell. tf-36 EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. Anconal Eggs for hatch- ing from the Shepherd and Ratz Strain.—J. CTas,aho et F..13. Meyer, WANTED A. limited euinbee of cattle will bo takon for pasture for the com- ing season. For further partic- ulars apl)ly to B. J. Brisson—St. Joseph. tele NOTICE' We will take a limited number of contracts for duteh setts, to ba delivered in fall. • ' • J. Gascho fg' Son. FOR SALE SWEET CLOVES. SEED A quantity of White and Yellow Sweet Clover seed for Sale, app ply to Alfred Westlake, Bayfield. Phone 5-99, Hensall. FOR SALE• We have the following varieties .of seed corn for sale; Wis. No. 7; White Cap Yellow Dent; Learn- ing, Early Bailey and M.S. Sweet. • J, Gascho & Son. -41 FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc., one 9-h.p. , Lister gas- olene engine. Far £tit ther part- ieulars apply to John Thirsk, Blake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -'31 HENSALL GREENHOUSE Tamai:oe, Cabbage and Cauliflo- wer plants :or sale, a'su Gereninms Stocks, Asters, Sa,eit and Zinnia. Hanging baskote filled, A nice aesortment of 'Ferns, Begauias an'l Primroses, Chrysanthemums and Gladolia bulbs. Flower pots JOHN ZUEI+`LE, HENSALL. t -37 HOTEL FOR SALE First-class Hotel, situated at •D:nshwood, on the main road be- tween Exeter and Grand Bend, Buildings all in first-class shape, with good stabling aecomodation. Goccl reasons for selling. Willbe sold very reasonably. For par- ticulars apply to Win. Zimmer, Dashwood. t-45 • ,- NOTICE NOTCE We, Notice is hereby, given the y4 e, the undersigned, have decided to prohibit bicycle riding on the side- walks, also the coasting with wag - gees and roller .skating on the main streets of Zurich, Parents should eec • that their chiidxaen do not indulge in these practices. Anyone di obeying these larva wi 1 be, dell with eever'ely by Prosecut- ion. We also request that every- body clean all . each rubbish, ash es, .etc., from! in front of their pro- perty. ZURICH POLICE TRUSTEES t45, We are now open for o:: ,'Bicycle Repairing. too big; No Job too sinall. Also Agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give ,us a. Call. • O'BRIEN' & WALPRI.1.•. Ofi'iee • and. Shop, first building south of WaIper house, tf-I0 LOCAL NEWS Mrs, W, B. Colics was ,et Lon don, on Monday, 1VTr. C, " Il artleib oi' London sp ent a few d-lyfl with friends her e, S<. Frazer 1 oa.) of Kr e n is spending the week in tha vii lege. .1. Mr, an'1 Mrs Emmerson Smith o V jeea, wt. re Suaday visitors, in Zuri'h ?1,4 fssee, E. J. Brisson and Sol- omon Denomy Of St. Joseph,lef loll' X eel for on Monday. • Mr. and Mee Ezra Tiernan an .Mr. D. Tieman of Dashwood wer in the village e on Sunday. Mr. tx :1 Mrs. J, Procter spent few d lv,l at 'Stratford at'tendin ttto 1e:ti.sngelioal Can, Conference. Co,rseterabl';.' or . Our ,y ouzig people cejoy'ed natixre's own see ',eery in the Pinery on Sunday. Mr. John Cantin, who spent th past few weeks at his home a St. Joseph, left for Montreal o' fdonday. Messrs, Ted, Merner and E Willis of Seaforth, were week -end vi'itois with their" friend, Mr,. Russell Preeter, Mr. W, C. Wagner underwent a op'•r.atien one dray last week by Drs. MacKinnon and O'Dwyer, an the patient . is improving nicely. We all know you can run a car acid have a cut-out, and can make a lot of noise, so try'and see how :month you can manipulate your auto through our main streets. Mr, jos. Drfvir has disposed, of his loci gr distinguished pure bred Newfoundland dog to a party at Leawood, Ont. Mr. Drupe rec- E:ir*e ct handsome price for this fine .rrllxlai, r • IMPROVEMENT CAMPAIGN HAS u;A.p (.xooD itssIJLTs Whai is known es the I ive,,Stack Itxzproeement Campaign, ,being ear z'io,l en in Stitch littron by the Live Stoed: Departme xt of Canada and. O:rtario for the past couple of menths, is drawing to a close as f:'e a€. 'l r riding i e: 1ai., t a s ri;lrn is eor c xtied and ea 1 , l ;kxas`, eve feel, been apps' eiatod by the euentl's in „ eherai al this Fur bred bulls of :'propi'r type and!breeding have been purch:i: el at •'tuiiaus points in Western Ont. shinpi,tl le to Tele staples 01, Ex.- ctei • and Oilmen, giVe;i\a, e cabid of lrteeth by a Go vie Vet. and 5ci.ld ut emit pini freight/ It is imPf•e t;.0 t to note thio tihese: bulls have leen p arch a ied and record mended by good,. pelt:ttcal., live stock nre,o. Th order to induce the farmers, who 1ru.ve bean keeping grade and ether inferior 'bully, to ship thein to the stook, yar.i;, the Govt r,1-. rnient, is paying the freight to 1. or•- oeitC) and the feed while' there, and arrangements ha e been mode :vitki several commission finers' to; sell without charging commissions The packers are paying as goner:- , oner- , ous, prices as liossible for ...bulls sent in this way, Probably the most conspicuous benefit et the whole campaign is 1 that• accomplished on the Sauble Line around St. Joseph where im- d. proeenlent was , badly needed. These;., men have not only put in real good bulls to replace their poor ones, but they are arranging to. purchase some proper good fernalea, Me, Oscar ICiopp has purchased through this campaign the hull "Lavender Prospect" -131529- pro- bably• •one the the best Shorthorn bulls that has ever come into this locality. He is a white, 25 months old Neighs 1850 lbs-, is a fine strai- ght bred Lavender an',l sired byl the• famous Archers Hope, and is j a. half brother to "Master Ruby' 1 a bull When made an outstanding reputation in the LUnited S_:e :'s. !:Mr. Kleppe buil iva:a brad t,•,• IVtr 1 W, A Dx, th n Of them :lin, On Mr Edm'a,,d W ') r on th Bron -1 I son Line puree:peel .a lead that should WO ?k ;a wader'ul :rn',ro%c- j m4:at in the cattle of 1113 locality. :HTO . is an extra big smooth bull royal bred and just the kind to produce big gootii is ding steers from common cowe. II:' is a str••, eight bred "Mort. Mksie" and out; of the same .cow 1Tissie Print:, a bull owned by el . Ralph of Al- berta., and recognized as one of the outstanding bulls of C'nnad,- to -day. Mr. TYalper's bull s s're:.l r by a good imported Clipper bull Mr Louis Rader oe the Town Line has purchased aa exceptional good .bull also bred by _Mr. W. A. Dryden of Brooklin, Ont. He is rcan_ and a bezuti£ul type, is out of the frustcow ,in .'eta Dryden':s ua We'll 'fahoherd, ate extra bred Cruickshank Victoria, sired by Secret Light, one of the best sons of Archers' Hope, Mr, Simon' Gree of the Babylon Line, purchased an extra good thick young bull, which should 1* a great help to the Stock men of his `leeality. He is out of a cow imported from Scotland and his Mee . was ,:the Tinp ett'd Clipper• bull, that was the sire of Mr. Ed- more/ il,ralpers' bull. Messrs, Wie Dueharmee a,1'1 A:ex Oben of the Sauble Linn are to i be congratulated on the bull they purchased; he is a nice roan of proper type and qua.it;v out of an imported Bruce Mayflower cow, cited by an Imp. Clipper buail There is :probably no part of th Township 'where good blood was u>edlE d any' worse then in this neighborhood, and the action of hese men should be appreciated by their neighbors, A. new Garage business has op- ened 1; ar,a P1 the veer o f Mr. Drear's Tirplereent shop. for. the conv en- r'''Aci` o 'uto owusax 1, ivlr. R. Ohle.rt, the mechanic, has had a rasa experience in motors and tr •an=1ni sign. and et' t::ou<t a delete, is an expert in .this lin-e of work. Messrs.. S. E: Faust • and C. Tlartleib •niotor,ed to Gotl:'rich on and while there Mr. Faust pureh'ts^ l a grocery basin e s, also a •d.'e -flint; residence and will mo VP to that: place from Zurich 'ASV: week. While It.Tr, Har tieib also purchased. a fine dwelling' property, close to the G r I3. Depot of Go•'lerich and we una le..t:tnrl will move L•oid )rr +'o hi% ne\t• home time in May . from some A we ids re' of interest to Zurich took place. in Detroit on Saturday A wedding of interest to Zurich took place in Detroit on Saturday April 23rd, 1021, when Miss Mabel iduoit, ciaughtnr of • 113a...i a r1- herr° Wiliam Rupp, war married to 1VIr. CE'•ore Rebb of Detroit. Miss Ada Want of New York \ Gritrp was the bridesmaid and the groom was attended by Mr. Edgar •Rupp, brother of the bride. Mee.. 'V F Reding and Bliss Acla Wurm we- re hn:tesses at a shower" given Miss Rupp on April 21st, et Which 'eurich was well represented. A very quiet wedding took place at St. Paul's Anglican church, Hen - sell on April 15th, when Miss East 'r Johnston, of London, Eng., be- came the bride. of Mr. Wm. J. Otterbeia of Hensel formerly of Zurich. Rev. A.R.E. Garrett of- ficiating. T1i .' bride looked very charm' ;e in a navy georgette go avn rmb. oidere l in cardinal, with hat to march, and was unsttended. Mrs. Revs Genera and Mr's. ..Anna S,netsn er acted as witness. Their friends wish them many happy ye- ses of happiness. 1\.ir. and 11rs. Ott nrbein will reside in Hensall, IIAFL HOLIDAY We, the undersigned business Men of Zurich, Ont., hereby agree to close our places of business at 12 O'clock noon on Thursday of each week, for the months of May, June, July and August, 1921; Miss M. E. Routledge, T. L. Wurm, Chas. Fritz, J. Gashco & Son, E. Oesch, W. H. P.file., Meliek and Braun, W. L. Siebert,. Post- master; 'Stade & Weido, RoyWeb er, Dc:nomy Bros., Andrew F. Hess W. H. Hoffman, Jacob Deichert, Feed M. Hess, John Kipper, W; G. Hess, L. A. Prang, Williams Bros J. Preeter. t GRAND BEND Bert Holt, ;who sold his . house to Castor Willis of Port Franke, will move into Mr. Heaman's hoes a It is reported that Mr. Heaanan will build a pla.niaxg mill here sho- etly. 1 Philip Sipple of Pigeon, Mich., visited Joseph Brenner recently. Mrs. Rev-. Carrier, who suffered Light stroke, is improving. Walt, England of Corbett is moving into part of Phil. :Bakers' hoiiise: The fishermen are busy getting thea! frets in..-Mrs,'Bee ore evho spent aweek here, lies retu- rned to her home at Point Edwar i ( , I 1 , { : 4 4 •01•4.1•,§••II^^II^^II•+^F ++++++++4.4 4 44+4444 E•^ 44 •4•€^•r' +4444+0143 +A 1 i + 1.+fi'^;•+ •+, eed Flax Seed ,74 5.14 t. 4., We have a .! l united quantity of I .4. Flax geed suitable for feed pur= I ,poses which we will sell .''at a very reasonable price. ; .14 ) 4 A L.1 L 0 ) 0 + ... ÷ $ PHONEZURICH le k,,,,, i.i. .t..44++4,4+^$^ti.t"^ ^7^d^++.14444i 4.++++4, 4'4.4 .1.44.4el "+,ii.+4•44.4see, Five ti a,. 1.s For Infants and Children. m i. '(t rz • .f l r i+f ?a 4 R ,.., S, 4tt 1 TheilkopstaicrtitkrVlolittnatt /`Pte •`' ' Rliearri:, r Fxel hc.tiiiaeS!e aaol!'a ndJiisi el III 1 illeillre, d 't. 'n, Mforpl innrtr Mineral. cove' Etr,'CC l.'.. t'r,t'L r,rr.• rani ill $r e, rp t'reet arm( 3"41.7 liner,' 5 ii rrai a ri rc4e eliv lter%, e ElaroR J. i. .Aliel,itilRee:etlyffer • CeftelleauaetaatelItierreaea J card 1wveilsiurte .s. and r tLs or See:VP S o SSerefroea iia farce l l'evelinile `alter of ` tiTA71R COMPATi Flo ' nE sN 7 P wl• . 5 ins L Oo Ott a G'iU 1' 40•4 Exact Copy of Wrapper. ,q,atmarv , ;,L1i,•u_ THE CIPtTAeIR COMPANY, NwW )'Oa ( CITY. yarm 161 ID er We are Sole Agents for this dh tr ct for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harry FarmTractors, I; lements. a> d 1-°ar Engines a`ind and can Supply your wants for the corn= ing season. ey have Steed the T i li e They Nave E2E111 8 a o- ;cal il Give,us a call Before purcha.sinF elsewhere E, DBUAHJ - nth , EMMID T-WrA ::?M¢.b4.32.^ .1.i.".'rg`me,.Sn' AI""''Tno: Z2=i L°.G2,SE3I C ;"`..t,'y,wnc —r's :P P:i«:1 a 0 140 ti 0' F. M. C. 5 n1.3 AV s E" tee Ce OVERLAND cO. ZUR CH SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Caps {P 'MFM 0 fIa "g Conveyancing --DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WILLS, ETC. Victory Bonds --BOUGHT AND SOLD Insurance ii'111 r --ALL LINES OF AUTO AND FIRE INSURANCE HAND- • .ata , LED. Incoie Tax. Returns ,--CAREFULLY PREPARED Andrew' F. Hes Zurich Ad Agent fol e—Ithx on. a-nd. Erie Mortgage Corporation; The Canada Trust Co' V M