HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-28, Page 4Pour :,ade f Phe Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National P 'Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide Crusade. for The improvement of health The. pli eY nti, 1 of disease ,The mitigation of suffering. This movement is endorsed by The Governments of Thirty-one Nations; 8 The RLrewgue of Nations; Medical and Public: Health Experts Meet- ing in International. Conference at Cannes, France, App"il, 1919. The Crusade is being inaugurated by a ort .Wider flment of Members. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT V22o As he outward and visible sign of your personal share an the, ro'S%ei eillt for good health; To help create public opinion nq favour of sows health measures. You may enroll with your Local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Com- mittee or, if ther-e is no organization in your community with THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL DIVISION, 410 SHERBOURNE ST., TORONTO. ® � Canadian. �°Iaety Ontario Division. LOAL NEWS VIT rid MCS. C. Fritz and Mr. and Mrs. el Melick attended the Can: lConferener.: on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Heist and two daughters of Crediton cal- led on Mr. G. Holtzman on Sun - 'day. r Hon. R. H. Rrant, minister of ed- `ucation, says that no schools will ebe asked to consolidate :loo do "not wish to do -so, but those that tiid would be generously treated. Practically all of Hensall's bus- iness men -have signed the pet- ition for half -holiday, Thur_dayaf- turnoou of each week. for tliemon the of May, June, July, August and -September: firs Mani' and child and Mrs. Mallard and two children, who have visited relatives and friends , here for several weeks, returned to their homes at Chatham on M enday. DASHWOOD. La.•, rte fora few weeks. DRYSDALE. 11Ti; E: G. Wesley.. and Tittle ci ughter, Evelyn of Detroit spent the past:. week with friends and relatives. r • Mrs. Melon and Mrs. Mollor of Chatham returned home oh Mon- thly after spending a few, weeks with their father, Mr. Peter L. Deromy. Mr. .R. Ohlard the new garage roan of Zurich, overhauled Miss B. 11lousscau's car last week; and trade a good job of it, and is aso v ery reasonable in price. Mr. Harry. Talbot is busy grad- ing the road, also Mr. Wm. Du- eherme, they are making a fine ono. Quite a number in this neigh- eorIlood attended Miss Johnston's auction sale on Saturday, where prices went fairly good. • eI1. Edward -Laporte of St. Clair spent 'Sunday 'under the par- entai roof. Mrs. Benetto of Windsor is visa iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 111r. Gordon- Crates and nephew, Mrs. Pariseau is home again after little John;. Donehay of Chicago, spending a few weeks in Port are visiting with the former's par Huron. , cents;• Mr.and Mrs. Russell Baynhani moved. to Grand Bend last week. Mr. Robt. Hager attended the iunerai of his sister at Walton on Friday,: Rev. W. J. Yager is this week attending Conference at Stratford end we .are pleased to learn that lee has again been stationed at Dashwood. Miss Brownlee attended the fun- -tral of an aunt last week. Misses Gladys -Guenthe'e and Id- lia Bender are visiting in Sarnia. Nlr. and Mrs. Dan Vincent mov- ed to Seaforth last week. .Mrs. Wrn, Eveland attended the funeral' of a 'elative in Sarnia ov- er the week -end. MVlrs. Edrneston is ill at present We 'hope for a speedy recovery. STANLEY .TOWNSHIP, 'There will be no services in the le:hcn church next Sunday, liar i1 xi Que t'i iv t ti^rsltw ltit eeervice will be. held 1 i the xs.irpen Meth°?!C,,t cliui ch . ^.6. n +. "Pitt team l; f' f.lw. ductin .in.ex in tee?. :'inglicail ta ur,^h. Cios'te:n, on tech [ ri<1a e ec:- ten ri ; putpo`.+1 ct; prn)arin clnee foe ooeflrlesetion .Mr le D. "tT,.i'L1 el..; is in yilricli, 'iS -Itiege on bee. brethe e et,e wtri i7T t ler who 13 ill ei.Oftlw Tt1 . Clinton Itoeeit 11 nn 1! l ri1 .I i alt, to Mr. and Mee, Ati s- x xl ate i v, 'lice Miss Reta Keys) eelheeie ( Rev. Father A. Rondotte is spending the week at Stony Point to visit his relatives. . COUNTY NEWS . Fire partly destroyed the roof of Mrs. Charles .Isaac's residence on the 3rd concession of Stephen last Thursday afternoon. The chimney got on fire but ;was wat- ched carefully, and burned itself out after a short time. ` Mr. Mewl went to work in the back fields and Mrs. Isaac went to .Centralia, An hoar latter a neighbor noticed the roof on fire, and it was soon extinguished, but not before a large hole had been burned thr- ough the roof. ,.Apparently a spark .from the chimney caused the fire, HENSALL. Twenty dog tags have been is- sued in H niiall. ,Workmen are busy tt work, on 11i s b ,'+rpt,,; green ?.n $11'0 W eok on- level-ace, n 1 i ; a the green fro,n• four to five er-e No'a xt;C ;'tir'11 O".To. Oti O *7,110 NITA1 ho i ,>'stti,ng relatives 11.1. f i'il 1 : "(' lest: Week for greed d }'r irie lit. CY 7 1 1"'"n,r 1'1.1 014 Sh britt, Si , itffere 1 a paralytic stroke, but his condition Wa:s not as feriou?j apt i V.01 :i't first tlioir;ht and heho' , now so f -u. i'*ce , er: 1 as tar ury, Mr. Siege -rite is now 86 years of'age. Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, who has be- 'en very serif uslyr.ill.„c7.taaua s-theepeee' few months, has greatly unproved in health and' on Saturday last Was taken to London where she will take treatments in one oe thehos- pitals. EXETER Nelson Prior of Portage la Pra- irie, Man., visited friends here last week. - ( ' Jos, Cobbledick., of- Calgar'y,A.lt.,. recently spent a few days in Ex- eter renewing acquaintances..• John Hunkin, on Tuesday last while cutting wood, got his .sleeve caught in a set screw on apart of his auto, Which was used for pow er, and his arm was drawn in the machinery. His shirt was „prac tidally torn off, his back and his and face badly bruised before he succeeded in stopping the Vicar.; Injury to his lungs, inflicted by Germna gas attacks in Fr ante pro- ved fatal last Wednesday morning April 20th, to William Russell, Who lies been postmaster here for three years. Mr. Russell was 30 years, old. He served overseas in the' 70th Battalion and lost an arm at Ypres besides having his lungs: badly affected by gas. He is sur vivid by. his Wife, mother and fa- ther, and two brothers and one, sister. His last illness was of several months duration. NOTICE This is to certify that 1, Samuel,. Hey, have been done great injus- tide by an untruthful story that. has been spread around, and have received the following letters for publication -from. Proudfoot, Kil1-: oran & Holmes, Solicitors, Goder- ich, Ont.- . Mr. Ernest Rader writes ;-- By, your leter dated March 7th, regarding trhe above named Gentleman, I heardt that story and repeated it as heard it. I am not the originator of this story in anyway, nor do I, know who was the originator, as, the story was repeated by many; a person before I heard it. I believe this to be an injustice to Mr. Hay, aid as far •asi I am con-. c -rated. I ani 'sorry that it ever escaped my lips, and I might say t'liat will never occur again as far <ri I an concerned. ” Aed Mr. Lang Poster states that. ilr) mitt 'vas ver sound in his 'glen ley or taken to the store at 111 t'; , as l that he has not the sli;h'.ost ground for believing, nor has any suspicion that Mr. 1,I1ey 7-, -1 ,lv4,lxin , to do with any re- ioval of grain. wi Lluwua HINGS LOOK F WHEN YOU BUY '4 TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT IT HAS ALL -THE FEATURES ESSENTIAL TO ALL-ROUND SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY OF . OPERATION, FOR INSTANCE, LOOIC FOR-- A kerosene engine' so that you can use cheap fuel, thereby doing your work at the lowest possible cost. A throtle governor to regulate the fuel to the load variations, insiuing un'if'orra speed of both tractor and driven machine in addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when engaged in belt work. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDER. MORE I. C. TRACTORS IN 'USE ,THAN .ALL OTHERS COMBINED. L .-PRANG, 'AGENT, ZUiliCH eCIS-Y %DCllt'IlesitfileaAe as ale /�, � s �-1' .;��� ,; . - on CasL.-r s A[R',y, .pCUSSON I N? Tim 6r RU 3R colvM N`il`e 1a NO HAM. ONTArtio. r _,sieeer- have been appointed Agent for the district for the. above Celebrated Inner CUSK110HH Tires. And will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and: be convinced. era M. ` TIN SE'OU ANTS --AN a - VARN 1 11E • Touch',up Your Fu ituMme and Floors Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the artii;le is considered use- less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all. Use OD -TAC STAIN Floors and furniture that are shabby can be made to look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN—a durable, beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds—a combination of high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts to common wood surfaces :the rich appearance of more expensive woods such as mahogany, rosewood, cherry, etc. Twelve beautiful shades. Get A Sample Bring the attached coupon and securc a trial can sufficient to do over a chair or small table. We will give you full instructions how to use it. We .avant every householder to try WOOD -LAC STAIN. Melick & Braun, Zurich • I k"� oa. I b' •• le `°' til° ,4 I o'V heeler'' ;/• I ass ,,,,„ . ,i, J.- �y�,t1a0,p /' • bdsti°fits .. c . w 0-0 ta. , es ,t . Q 4 c 4'" • \:I°f wry p0�' bits "f 1