HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-21, Page 8ht zuRicn RIBALD FASHIONABLE Spring and Summer Goods We have a fine array of newDress Materials on hand at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val- ues. Also new cotton G-oods such as; Prints, ginghams, galateas, skirtings, cottonades, etc., all at louver prices. Serges andVelours Fine Dress and Suit serges in various colors, 51 in., wide value at $2.50 a yard. Velqurs and ot- her wool goods for Spring coats at from $2.25 to $3.75 per yard. New Voiles and Organdies Figured and Striped Voiles in light and dark shades and new designs, also fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride in our fine showing of these goods now on hand. Come and see them. MEN'S WEAR Now is the time to order your , new Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have a complete range of! samples to choose from, for den Grocery Dept. A new stock of Field and Gar - seeds now in. Also Gardin- made-to-measure suits at right; er's Calf Meal, Timothy Seed No. prices. WALL . 1 purity at right pride, also small YV ALL P,L PERS i lot of Alsike Clover Seed. Get See our new, Wall Papers for our Prices. Spring. We made a special ef- fort to obtain the very newest designs in Wall paper and have! a good variety on hand to show CERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. you. A FULL LINE OF FRESH GRO- J. GASCHO & SON ANNOTJ N CEIVIENT Zurich's Garage We have. moved our Stock back to DUNLOP, DOMINION AND AMES-HOLDEN TIRES AND TUBES TO CLEAR AT (SPECIAL PRICES.) WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS. INSTALL A SET ON YOUR FORD, AT OUR RISK FOR TEN DAYS, AND IF NOT `SATISFIED WITH THEM, BRING THEM BACK AND WE WILL REFUND YOUR MON- EY. GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTER- IES. WE ALSO ALLOW FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY ACCORD- ING TO CONDITION. 'BATTERY CHARGING, BATTERY SERVICE. ALSO AUTO REP- AIRING, ANY MAKE OF CAR A SPECIALTY, A COMPLETE MINE OF GENUINE FORD PARTS. GIVE US A CALL. our old Stand, and are now ready for business, . with a complete Stock of H. Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. i.......................,f............................ ...,.. ]PROST4.FEIN CE 4 Good Yews to the Farmer +...... 4 ,+i 4. . The n.sgt Tw;' S e ens we have been supplying our many 4- ; Customers with Rirg Lock Fencing. oe4. Having Jus` received a large Car of Frost Fencing, we ..,Sl. 4. will be able to eiteb'y the Public with a much better fence. 4' A. Fence that i• .r`i.vier Galvanized, Better Lock, More Coil 4 + and will stretch u i.; more evenly than any other fence. We 4. 4carry all the leading Styles in Farm, Hog and Poultry Fence. .i- 4. 4 ALSO A FULL SE'PPLY OF BARB, COIL AND BRACE WIRE •II°4 SI' APLES, ETC.,. ;* C.i'ILL AND SE1' OUR FENCE BEFORE F BUYING ELSE- 2 * WHERE. --OUR, PRTCES ARE RIGHT, + .i. IF THESE GOO 5S DECLINE IN PRICE BEFORE APRIL' 1ST. .i. * YOU WILL GET THE REDUCTION. + + TADE &WEinn PRTR BLOCK, ZURICH + Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOMY EROS. GENTS FD.ERNISHINGS Ordered Clothing TROUSERS Dress, work, and Outing Trousers for Men, Youths and Boys Our Trousers aro to be had in staples and fancies in all wanted shades of dependable materials. The Prices, too, are in accord with condit= ions. Buy naw!: DENOMY EROS. Produce taken is exchange for Goods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST All the business men of Lucan hay e signed to close their place of business at noon, Wednesday of et .h o eek during the months of 'Key, June, July and August, st arcing on May 4th..,,,,, The well-known entire horse, Col. Graham, owned by Mr. Thos. Berry, Hensall and supposed to be, managed by Mr. Cyrus Coloskey of the village, has been sold by Mr. Berry, hence Mr. Coloskey will not make the already planned route for 1921. The fees for the officials con- ducting the referendum election, have been reduced from those that previously prevailed. Un- der the new tariff returning ,offi- cers will get $2 per poll instead of $4; deputy returning officerawill get $7 per day instead .of $8; and poll- clerks $4 instead of $5. Stanley Michell, of Hen'all, 15 year-old son of Jack Mitchell, is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in a serious condition, suffering from 'lockjaw. The lad contract- ed the malady last Friday and was removed to the hospital on Sat- urday. Little hope is entertain- ed for his recovery. Twelve hundred imm'gr in`s from lal parts of Europe arrived in the city of Toronto on Wednesday last..,( The newcomers were from Reiland, Belgium, Hungary, Gal- atia, Poland and from the British Isles Among the crowd were G5 English and Scotch families from agricultural districts, who, are going to settle on the land to Ontario. Whether or not the Hon. P. C;. Biggs received a rake-off in the mctor truck deal for his depart- ment, the method of purchase lea- ves ground for suspicion and the. public are quick to suspect. It was by denouncing just such me- thods that had something to do. with patting the farmers' govern- ment in power.—Exeter Times. Thy Cni'dren's Aid Sos:ety, God erich, have at pre3ent nine chil- dren in the home at Goderich, and are expecting an addition of a family of f Vei during this week. The ages of all these range from 1 to 10 years, and, ofcourse, good foster homes are desired for them. Have you not a place where one of these could find the care and loving sympathy which every child is' entitled to for the years in 'whish it is preparing to take its place in the activities of life. The almost invariable tes- timony of those who have taken part in this work by adopting a child, is, that they have been` amply repaid for the care and. anxiety incident to their bringing u.p THE REFERENDUM Considerable interest was taken on Monday evening as to how the Ref ar andum. re ifte3 in Hay Town;: ship, and everybody paid ,partic- ular attention as th'e reports of. the various poles were heard of. There were 913 votes polled, a: bout two-thirds of the possible votes, as pet last election voters'' lists, and the ballots' in the var- ious poles resulted! as follows. Poll No. l Yes No. Total 477 436 , 14,jQsity 4t - LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Eggs... ... ... ... ... .... Dried apples Wheat ,.. ... Baxley ... ... Oats ... ... Buci.wheat . ... , Flour, ... ... ... Bran... ... ... ... , Shorts Potatoes per bag... ..: ... 75 Hogs...; ... ...... ............... 11.50 50 27 8 1.75 90 45i 90 5.00 5.75 $40.00 40.00 NOTICE. Parties wishing to contract for delivery of Dutch Setts for the coining fall, kindly do so at once: T. L. Worm} -42 h ..,. WAYBURN NEWS J. E. Tom, I. P. S., paid assn of- ficial visit to Wayburn school on Thursday of last week. -A gospel service was held in 'our school last Sunday evening, but the attendance wsa very me- agre. Owing to the epidemic of me- asles, in our S. Section, the Gos- pel services will be postponed until May 3rd. Mr. J. Guinan, assessor of Ste- phen Township, spent Wednesday Knight of last week with, our teach- er, Mr. J. S. Delgaty. Th.) heavy rains o' las': Sa`t:r'ay and snow fall of Sunday, left the roads in a worse condition than the previous week. r Mrs. Carrier, of • Grand Bend; had a paralytic stroke lately, wh- ich has left her in an ill. condition. We hope to see Mrs. Carrier ful- ly recover and resume her usual activity of life. SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 3, Hay. The percentages of. the Jr. and Sr. IV. classes are based upon tests - in . history, Geography writing and literature. The re- mainder of the names are in order of merit. Sr. IVs;—Luella Jarrot 70, 70.7% Bella Kyle 68,1, Bona Blackwell 59 5, Marger , Richardson 90,8, Wes- ley Richardson 36.2. Jr. TV ;—Florence Armstrong Gretta Blackwell 57.6, Glenn Love 38.6. Jr. III; -Cooper Forrest, Or- land Seimon. Sr. IT;—Stewart Blackwell, Ru- ssell '.Blackwell, Arthur • Broderick, -Annie Jarrott, Roy Kyle. Jr. II;—Marold Reichert, Mine- rva Reichert, Wilfred Moussean. Dorothy Kyle, Willie Armstrong, Margaret Mousseau. Pr—Tom Armstrong, Debra Ar- mstrong, Elda Stephan. Nesbitt Woods, Teacher. SPORT NEWS A bumper crowd of baseball 'fans attended the annual meeting o.i. the. Seaforth Baseball •Club in the G. W. V. A. rooms on Saturday evening, when the fo'lowing offic- ers were ,elected; Hon. pros., Dr. Mackay.; Pre'., E. Umbach; Secy., Kenneth Ament; Treas., Tommy Smith; Executice Com., A. Reid, R. Welland, F. Cudmore, E. Smith; reenagcr, F, L. Downey; represe- ntatives on Seaforth Sport Assoc., A. D. Sutherland, J. Beattie, The Mel) wit enter;' a team in the North -Weiiington League, and with an abidance of splendid material, Will be there or thereabouts, The OPLITicil is putting recreation Park shape, and Minaer Wowman Will commence active praetiee next i' Thursday, April, 21, 1921 i We wish to draw your at- tention to a few Seasonable Lines Peerless Wire Fence (all Styles) Peerless Wire Gates, Staples, Etc. Martin Senour line of 100 -per cent. pure paints. iCHINANEL •LINE OF VARNISHES AND STAINS NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES AND OVENS FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVES GARDENING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. t SCREEN WIRE, CLOTH, SCREEN DOORS, AND WINDOWS.. POULTRY NETTING AND FENCING, LAWN MOOWERS, AUTO TIRES, TUBES AND ASSCESSORIES. Fresh car Can. Portland Cement New Barrell of No. 6 Ign. batteries BOYS' COASTER WAGONS,F(JL1: LINE OAF BEDS, SPRINGS, AND MATTRESSES; CURTAIN TOLES, WINDOW SHADES, BASEBALL BATS, GLOVES AND BALLS.' WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE LINE OF MACHINE, AND CYLINDER LUBRUICATING OILS, POLARINE, AND MOB- IL -B., ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BUILDERS' HAR- DWARE, AND TOOLS, METAL WORK IN GENERAL IS ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES, NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BINDER TWINE. r The Store with the Liberal Cash Discount MELIeK& BRIUN PHONE 63 NOTICE. 1 ACCWNTI1 I am now in a position to do all kinds of paper hanging, .painting, EXECUTIVE graining and staining work. Also keep a large assortment of sam- ples of paper and can have same in short order. Satisfaction my Motto. —Carl Blumenstein, Walper House, Zurich. tf-39 • The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for al. vancement to qualify as accountant. Homesfuiy training, not interfering with your present occupy-. tion. Booklet free. We have trained more Certs fied Public Accountants than has any other Institu - tion. we have helped hundreds of others weer!. good paying positions. We can het, you. 'nl _rn' tio•'a` A _cc nil Soc'et••Toronto New Styles! New Clothe New Prices! Spring and Summer The "BROADWAY" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your nieasureforan up to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. 'iundceds of Sar- pies to chose fro i •i Produce Wanted. Buteriolaashions n Phone