HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-21, Page 5- es, Thureday, Api1, )V1,, 1921 BUSINESS CARDS Proud foot, Killoran & IIOLMFAR. Sarristere, Selleiters, Notariee: PuLU, Etc, Office on the Spey e, eied door irons RaMiltoe St. God- erich. Private funds to Iowa at lowest rates. Proudfoot, K.0, J. 1-'. :Killora D, E, Holmes. lir, Holmes will be in Hensel' on Friday of each week. eeeeeeeeeseeeeeee eee ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Palle Com missioner, ,Con veyaucing, Wire and Life Insurance. Akent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. Dr.E. S. Har DENTiST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY IDASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAT AIN OFFICR - HEN Q 'LL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales eondected in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfactiou guar- einteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0. Phone 18-93 AtracIrart.timmoguranstar.amr.....meczar...morstavorsasmea Licensed Auctioneer. have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron lAnd am in a position to conduct any kind of Auctien Sale. Give mei a trial and I will assure you latisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13. dal 1 I TX 2,1C I 1. " t iairitth Med MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats PoAccigna Sausages, etc 'Highest CIA, Price for Wooq CASE!. FOR SKINS & UJDE Tungiblut - g tri ev ctYze61.V te .11•1.11".91.S..1.181:1-9-,e14.ha NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in -a position to ;Keel/I:iodate all requirements a- long this line, .A-na also a licensed ehauffeur and have an auto for Lire. Anything done in the team- ing line46-tf GEO. J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices • i ----CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich WANTED Dealers and Farmers to know that A. Weiss, 147 Grange Ave., 'Toronto, Are direct buyers and pay top prices for Dressed chi- ckens, eggs and butter. Also cat- tle Hides and Wool. Wants steady 'shippers reliable service, same day returns. For a square deal don't forget --to ship and trade with; A. WEISS, 147 Grange Ave, .Totonto, Ontario. 1-43 SPRING AND SITUMMER DELIV- ERIES. Season 1921 During the past Coal Season which has almost ended, we have been able to render the consleming public, of Zurich and vicinity, a fuel service which, we think, has not been equate/1 in any other part of the country. We will again during the corning season" give of our best services in selving your fuel pedblerns and subject cto the usual conditions governing prices oncei, deliveries. , We are glad to announce we are agein hesesing orders at the old c stand where we are still 'doing bus - Imes. enjoying, the calumny of °dr enemies and the adulations of our friends, strongly fortified in Itoreje enjoyin IT the eventualities of the tight. -Terms Cash. Phone -House 10W. Office .103 Ciaan.,telonn. tom, & PRODUCE 11/IERCHANT , HENSALL 0 N "r 4 puT TO1711 Wants, For $ale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads p1119 COLUMN • •• .4.71.4 • • 111.... • WANTED .& limited number of cattle W411 be taiten 101," pasture for the cella- . Mg . season, For further , paetle- Were apply to E. j. Brison-St. Joseph.- t-43 EGGS FOR FOR HATCHING S, C. Ancona s Eggs for hatch- ing froin, the Shepherd and Rate Straire-j. Gesell° & F. B. Meyer. • NOTICE We will take a limited member of contracts for dutch Betts, to be deliveted in fall. • FOR SALE • SWEET CLOVER SEED A. quantity of White and Yellow Sweet Clover seed for Sale, ap- ply to Alred Westleke, Baylield. Phone 5-99, Hensall, NOTICE Notice is hereby given the We, the under egned, have decided to prohibit bicycle riding on the side- walks, also the coasting with wag- gons and roller skating on the main streets of Zurich. Parents should see that their children do not indulge in these practices. Anyone" di obrylng these lava Wi be delt 'with severely by prosecut- ion. We also request that every- body clean all such rubeish, ash- es, etc., from in front of their pro- perty. ZURICH POLICE TRUSTEES t45 FOR SALE Wn have the following varieties of seed corn for sale; Imp. Le- atning, White „Cep, Wise. No.. 7. L. Wurrre. -42 WANTED Intelligent man to take charge of our branch factory at Zurich. One with some experience in -fix- ing sewing machines preferred, but not necessary. Apply in wr- iting to H. F. Gundel, c/o. Hall Dent Canada Ltd., 286 Dundee • Street, London. FOR SALE A quantity of good onion Seed for sale, Apply to Mrs. J. H. Schnell. tf-36 FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction s engine, tank, belts, Etc. one 9-hge. Lister gas- olene engine. For further part- ieulars apply to John Thirsk, Blake, R. R. oN. 2, Zurich -31 .41.1.40earylael.14, NOTICE. I have a pure bred Poled Rex- ford Bull for breeding purposes. Moses Gerber, Bronson Line, St- anley, lee mile north of Blakt t42 HENSALL GREENHOUSE • We keep a supply on hand of cut flowers in season, also potted p1 - ants, Beganias, Primroses and Cin- eraras, Gladolion bulbs. Tomatoe plants in season. Funeral wreaths furnished promptly. tf-37 JOHN ZUEFLE, HENSALL FOR SALE I am offering for sale my barn in Zurich, size 24x.40 and 16 feet high. Apply Wm. Siebert Zur- NOTICE 1 have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joseph BlocX 8-tf. eave a quantity of good short etove wood for sale opposite the Zoxich Garage.. A. Foster tf-39 FOR SALE We have the following varieties of seed corn for sale; Wis. No. 7; White Cap Yellow Dent; Learn- ing, Early Bailey and M.S. Sweet. • J. Gascho & Sot. -41 FERTILIZER As 1 cannot find time to call on my many customers for orders for theor supply of Fertilizer for the coming season, I am taking the liberty to quote the following pric- es viz; - 163/4 for April $38.33 a ton. 1-8-1 for April $42.10. 1-10-1 for April $44.25 2-82 for April $50.25 Orders will be accepted for the above at once. 3. Hey, Jr,, Zurich: -35 We are now open for all kinds o Bicyele Repairing. No Job too big; No Job too 'small. Also Agent for the Well-known Red Bird and Hyslop makes of Bicycles. Give us a Cali. O'BRIEN & 1,VAL1?ER t).fiez• and Shop, first building south of Walper House. tf-40 LOCAL NEWS Miss Lflhiun Weseloh spent the week -end at London, Me. E. Wesley of Detroit visiting friends at Zurieh and eel- •etlyes at 4 he, Sauble Line, Re V. Creasman of Hespler'co* ducted device services in the; Men- nonite church '0)/0 the week-encl. Dr. and Mr. A. J. 'MacKinnon en,- terteibed.letr, and !Vire, J. Hey, Jr,, to a .Coeri eupper one evening last week. We are ple't,orl. to sce MT Jacob Howald out and around a- gain after being confines to the house this winter. Miss Edna Etu°.), who has been at Chatham, returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Etue, Sauble Line. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gottschalk . of ,Catio, Mich., and Miss V. Gottsch- alk of Bad Axe, Mich., visited the past week with friends here. The beautiful weather and the e..ye witneesieg of the ball 'twirlera create new pep and vile in the old lazy, drewey self. Wake up! Spring is here! 'Mr. J. Kipper, the local black- sitith, is enlarging- •his place Of, business, by moving out the south wall, the foundation has beed laid and operations will soon be un- der way., The Essex Canning Factory and the Cot -tam Canning Factory will not operate this year, owing to higher costs of tin cans and other materials, while the selling price is lower. • Owing to the absence of Mrs. F. B. Meyer, Rev. Mr. Meyer will not be able to attend the Egan- gelical Canada CConference now sessionri at Stratford, until the latter part of the week. Mrs. A. G. Ehnes, who spent the laird: winter with her son, Rev. Morris W. Ehnes, at Evanston', Ill. has returned to her home here for the summer. Mr. Ehnes advises that she had a most enjoyable winter. A very enjoyable evening was /y.)-nt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. trr rl. Lelbold,' 66 McNab St., • St- retford, April 8th, on the 25th •ennieersary of their wedding. Over 25 couples were present, the evening was spent in Cards and *nueic after which a dainty lunch was served, after which dancing eoeimenced till 2 a.m. They re- ceived many gifts of silverware. All reported a very enjoyable ev- en'nes. The out-of-town guests were; Mr. Arnold Leibold of De- troit, Miss Georgina Hoffman and Mis SG-orb:Tide Day of London. -Stratford Herald. New, uniform suits are brieg or- dered for our 1921 Baseball team. Most of the old suits have been. in service for goodly number of years, and we think, have well served :their tim,e. Other teams in this district are doing likewise and why should not Zurich?, when our team, we think, is just a little better than any of the others. Parties who have not been sol- icited by Mr. Wm. O'Brien, with the subscription list, and who evould like to donate their portion thereto, are requested to call on either the manager, Mr. W. B. Colles or the Captain, Me. L. W. Hoffman. Look over the list, and you will be sere to get the giving spirit. The spring weather has again created the feeling of "clean-up" and these who have not had this feeling should give it some thou- ght and considera.tion. Zur:ch al- ways had a fine. reputation of being a Mee clean village, and lee us all put forth special 'effort and keep that good name. Old piles of ashes, rubbish, tin cans, etc.. should no more be seen, neither on the streets or in the back yard. It almost looks as if our. village fathers will be asked to remove a fine big pile of black wood from the street in our business part' of the village, a great big "Eye -Sore" it is to any one whether a citizen of Zurich or only a visitor. We would be pleased if the officers of this Society would possibly re- move this, wood, or induce their janitor to pile; it away for the sum- mer, at 1 east. HOTEL FOR SALE First-class Hotel, situated at Deshwood, on the main road be- tweee --Exeter and Grand Bend. Buildings all ib first-class shape, with 'good stabling accomodation. (Acted reasons for selling. Will be sold very reasonably. For par- t:jailers apply to Wm. Zimmer, DhW0Od. t-45 DRYSDALE. ••••••dikiiimimipoioisa Mrs. Joseph Rau underwent a successeel operation on Wednes- day, March 30th, when she had a tumour weighing about one- half pobncl removed from her right shoulder, Des, Mackinnon - and O'Dwyer of Zurich performed the opeention. Dr. 1VIttel(ineot admin igtered the anaesthetic. with great thoughtfulness for his patient, while the surgeon, Dr. 0'.Dwyer performed thee., operation with reat skill and care. The nurse Miss Manson, and Mrs. Geo, Den - eery waited on the physielans,Miss Mansonremeined for a few days mliewing great ability in her at- tendance to her patient. Logunfe,,apteroi for Enechment Wooniation of f;iecil and Soil Deserib. ed---Ctover, Alfalfa, Peas, Etc., iDA'1::07111115215.4f.:1104ud 1."4-8°Ine Te (coutri biA) ii),,,oirpoxcit.),.)4.strrient 01 It has bott,.. 1 +arm, for. eflAUTieS 'Phat tli� feel lilee in whet thee. has 'been Fosoeee :;6e4,1 Inv, or Dile): e»leu crop 18 liriler after the ere?) than tt AVD btAfore. Bence the praelly ,1 or havings. clover or other legua1i,10,1s proy In the crop rotation. Just. wltvp, good legumin- ous crop was b -to °fetal to the soli was not knowa 1.1,til a few years ego. it was then fone,! that certain spe- ciesof baric which came to be known as Ilti It,Pnine bac-401'1a," en- tered 1.4e reels or tbe leguTe, and Produced on tliz, little gifellinfIrs or nedulpee Wherevcv these Deeulcs are presentRn large tdinibers on the Too& of legumes a good crop is assured. The combination .of the legume bac- teria, with the plant results in tbe plant tissues, root, stem and leaf, giving , a larger and more vigorous plant than is the case where the bac- teria are not present. It has been found thei, different varieties of legume bacteria are ne- cessary for Most of the various legumes. The veriety of bacteria good for red and •White elever is no good fee alfalfa or sweet clover; the variety 'good for field pease is no good for field beans, and the variety good for field beans is no good for soy beans, and so on with other legumes. If any particular legume erop has not been growing satisfactorily in any particular field, it is question- able if the right kind of legume ,bac- teria is present in the soil of that field. So, before a satisfactory crop can be grown the right bacteria have to be' introduced. For instance, the cultivation of alfalfa Is a new prac- tice in many sections. If sweet clover:1s common in the district it is probable that .the right bacteria are therefor alfalfa, as the variety kood for sweet clover is good for alfalfa. If it it not present, it is doubtful if a good crop will be gro-wri; hence the difficulty often met with in get- ting alfalfa established in a new dis- trict unless the bacteria are first introduced. There are various ways of introducing the bacteria. One is to take a few loads of soil from a field in which the bacteria are pres- ent and scatter this over and work it into the field to be treated. This raethdd Was the first adopted. It is not practicable, however, in most cases. Legume Seed Inoculation.— Another way is to inoculate the seed of the legume crop to be sown with apu e culture of the right variety a.c.1.. of ba teria. When this is done, the on -the surface of tie - seed Iwhen it germinates in the soil and so get into the young. roots. These cultures of legume bacteria are prepared in bacteriological laborator- ies and sold so much per culture. They are known as nitro -cultures or legume bacteria cultures, and var- ious other trade names have been given to them. The Bacteriological Laboratory of the Ontario Agricul- tural College was the first to produce these cultures satisfactorily for dis- tribution on the American continent, They are sold from the laboratory for the nominal sum of 4 cents each, to cover cost of material, container and postage. Each culture is suffi- cient for one bushel of seed. Thou - sande are sent. out annually to all parts of Canada on application for the same. Letters received from those who have used these cultures speak very llaly at this metliod of inoculation as shown by the following excerpts: Comex, B.C.: "Iri the spring of 1914,you sent me some alfalfa cul- ture suitable for this district. After two years, 1 'have to report that the inoculated patches have flourished exceedingly well and are reeking most luxuriant growth, uentirely eiowding out the weeds and showing a splendid color. The others which were not inoculated have almost en- tirely- died out and the few plants left' were small and very pale. 'In fact, e have recently ploughed theM. up." Edmonton, Alberta: "We made many tests in °aerie which proved tp us that even alfalfa screenings Would produce a greater growth the first and second year, after being treated with the bacterial culture, than the very best quality of alfalfa seed would without treatment. We have been using the bacteria here, and have had a very good result the first year." Fort William: "Regarding the cul- tures which you supplied last spying, they were used on a field of peas of an early variety. The larger portion of the seed was inoculated, but part was planted in the ordinary way as a check plat. The seeding was all done about thee12th of May. In twelve weeks the whole field had reached maturity with the expeption of the uninoctilated strip which was -still ereee. I wes not aware that the use of cultures hastened maturity of this revue, but it appears from this ex- periment that the crop was not only improved in yield, but growth and maturity were hastened. The part of tile crop grown froiu inoculated seed gave exeellent results and in future cultures wilt be used en all legumes grown oil the home farm." Celtures are dlitributed from the Baoteriologicei La,beratory, 0. A. C. Ouelpli, for inoculatieg seed of alL• falfar red clover, sweet clover, crim- son: clover,' alsike clover, vetches, peas, sweet peas, cowpeas, field peas, beans and soy beans. -31 H. Jones, 0. A. College, Guelph. 1tOTS0$ which are well groomed will stand the farm work better than those which are neglected, ' Page Fire MINEKIIIIMENVENNEMENsuMINVEMNIMIN 4 149 4 70 ,r' IbbtPrieniOrbtatgALE,319..; 1 , --..--..- •.,,..--___ LI i'l: AVei0fadeNeparatiPilib . 4V' IpindiatinglheFoo4 byRegola- :, Mall th6Stomactis and Boots orj: e--, .. . , 0 IGThheereerbfoilnils°slaattgsjliCgeell54.13: ineithgr 013-4ir(Oforphinen0l 1 Doper OloWit:iNlarVilriali PlenPlan dgef LeAnAnet it& filrefrfgesbee mAnifl,ss teSil aartirearyar Ninforprogavar AllelpfttiletnedY fOr otistipaiion.andTiatrhoei tuulfeverishness and i boSS SX2OVP te,91111tingthererterwialefaacy.1 leareSirn:ty,..5.4vowignaiitre. of THE, onus COMPOV, :351:14.5.1,6t44.0>.;,*i.ic:024 For Infants end Children, raweritaamazip=osaii.=gasneorutix,,ximemo others. Opipe. Casteria fr • Bear th Eignatiire .of 1r t,'se tver oars Exact Copy of Wrapper. ligtr* 40! TIE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW VOA?: CITY. .147:7N7 asse HarriB Farm Mao;113.,ery ++1, \'\'e are Sole Agents for this district for the cekbrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm E gi es and Tractors, and can supply your wants for the com= ing season. Thy Have Stood The Tost They Have Es!ablished, a Reptotatien Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere E. DRUAR, - Zurich OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars d., VOA., Conveyancing --DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WILLS, ETC. , Victory Bonds --BOUGHT AND SOLD Insurance --ALL LINES OF . AUTO Al:ID FIRE INSURANCE HAND- ) 1 " LED. income Tax Retul ns ---CARMULLY PREPARED Andrew F. Hesis, Zurich Agent for:—Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation; The Canada Trust Co. 1 s ' 1 1 4 4 . A