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Zurich Herald, 1921-04-21, Page 2
-7r7- FF7 noders'tood all .of the wo he -•r have u:n=;,, J �.. �.- -�=-• e 'hw�ci gr�tnek.t the : a e;a•s .. - , usetl� tilt sli � .f all he. wished to e4i?Ney: .: .?F' .' ! ]ti+1t1I{ 1R LS �LtTiearol 0910 'l h+t . Q ax c . ire OY it}} typon, . 0 oi, to da 114, ,lid E'�tp .A ^" to 3pQ• tnlie*. or. test, ,. Ilow' are y g • , t/J Goat to dellYepY pp //^�� in'gll]TI.$fl, "People ;fain t gU,it. to 'S'tk�li{l �y ,' or as P 1� r s� .+t"►' 1- 'goc at crier �tletAaa ,1t 7 u 1 is aG•" �acl. order urc 1+ae¢� pwlnurclai�.ce yThe At Once a babel of calm; trttsttew. `':� �•.;<` ,- - e,1, n of ur o ° . l rtc�Nfune , I `Each anti seamed to be trying to ox- Si me ha to Ya von ti icer r1� a ,.rid .A J► to xoa1K chem over, »err a•ek us t4 s ! o plain to Per in his ' Qr hail own, :n a?' �s. „ r .� take anY Oat t<a Its Fe sus a 1 ,,. Qn�att�e rot ' take a;iOry ¢rfiH olF +ctev ys an I ho -v the en'd was to be a'acoanphshec,. lia,ncl, Latrine izeld up Ills Hasid for sileriee. „ ou i lid '!"atvei: a gre'a't help oil was day. 13y the i7 ere Pre, Uaed Gar Market .•-- It is riot to ire eilpected irhat ': lY1tl► Rasa t a. _ e th, aoa X ohne IstY•mot, _ nroro>Fto a� th of, the' �.. • v© llZiss of this hose w hich..is six feet lit lery� Would grasp tore full lire' d a �. _ ,a Ile said, "Yoa� The vase that the edess ger , I'rave slaved myself marry' sto=ps anda plan at sorb) st' hex, e, ,eels as ua NY -as beantaful': but He> ,.y ha,a , •• 1 E 1 -4 y�Q.R , tiled haemo tvs yvcll, I cin fill m r -vassh Stili Made a Noise. MERLIN �iQ I m1i,s't alisoi''b it by e nne� . ,y il, Rachel �>y _ . '. • the work of the Tn Co 11 .. stayed :away -vli�eai they gave i�t cert tubs, with co?�d water, vyhr.�ch saves) Ai. Ttaliali fruit dealer era's cauglir .- Icor n a people will not stand,'for it, ase. She `felt s4ao eonid not be present, .; o, i t'nrn it •anti al'a0 gives . in. tl}e railroad yards 'in Ills Ford tlntcic. - You say P p 1 eamrvtn, and i 1 ., , _ . .ust stand for i't, Under o':m _ ..__. The n _ " y since she hardcontributed nathamg tc- , ri h +: v d harvtl me -time fqx mtiny °th'er ,neiessany Bedomiug excited, lie ];filed li s ca,fko n tGcP g. t? glorious banner, lie wti, e a g l ward the .gift, With no money how deities that inv+aT14.1vly occur oil v✓:sll-i stopping the t•.xuck on the t'a'�rck, -t on. a ^ed at the fleet of the flight'and toward the red flag adorning the;�xal , ci � Nevex'thele'sis, iicli' it vvas ]cnoci]ceci by a switch on• °& Preceding Chatters, alap she eontiibu.te wl Synopsisth:e bookcase swun„ o behind her. „ , will gatrlhex 'ir1 silo'. xorce tki t no could s love her teacher day erianai.al, t just this w� be. �•re,at enQug to no girl in the cla.is Io, _ giro, r wt clay a friend dUT" 961red him if Louie Vogel, a notorious Stella bald not expected J � resistance., will b .,. � {h car was badly damag'esl, "'Yes," Lebrun to kidnap : ve bewan hell descent. 1us; Throughout the :6%111- as H'ebty loved her,, Child's Account Book- a is offered $5,OOG by - oess• but si.s bravely g ilia overcomeark iet1 o Miss Raeliel with her _ replied the Italian, ,he Pretty tool Graham, terror of evil d ,,; to -illi° away from1 the foot of try our agents arae at work, flkl, _ Y And. now it damage the en Judge Gra F , ,Silver ,s Stre „ ! 1 t will ally In this era of Catvad a1i ei:trava eaves �ailVex TJai?rtiY a tunnel that led she could te,.chin. the doctrines tha l -� love -..'y mliile and her sweet voice, was Our Gh•)ldxen the'' stuaslla uP." ' "T�1cl As Lebrun. l b, Tbalph P see s was g garuce, why root teach o ! is observed Y tell .where but she followed it, to our standard all of those whip, clo going far ,away, gine, very n.ucii?'' "No, I .tinlca not. thorn, he en:� of Just net , De artm �, alternative but to re- not belong to the ruling ,classes ,i.Tlte G tewrs welled iv in Iietty's value of money? Try giving clean a; g i;llaxlton ' of the 17 . s<, Gra,. Thi�ere was n •ed I icl ` s'tarial De horn he scilla blov;'." • . dubbed hire The • y r tees. 'Perhaps a hundx hole strength of the n u,, eyesaW ; , ' the supper dishes certa4n amount eQ6 week fox duties � _ lice who his 00. zvenitzalce he s , n�ad ended , G eyes as she washed d Pp o •' " Vogel tikes th'e $1,0 g et from. where the steps Workers of the Word,, , this Bol Yhe- Y low, upon ilea well performed, increasing it to cover �� R of and set them to orderly • him to band the compact to Stella she discerned anotliei• light in the des' visas, the anarvh.s+ts, the majo�at3'. •char li'ci't Certain extra tasdcs, not enotitgh to -- ^ountx girl he had fQ•nnd d be enol it a door b'arxed he S'acialists, diose Who erre dt'sshtis- pantry sihelves� She was a eve them the inipxes+sion taut You � ��, +. f athro'p, a Y g talim, an y o• i Cit and befriended-. Nothing had beer said to t with coedit+°ons, the r'eturnirug sol- girl with soft brown eyes and thick g starving in tl o y i wages ill the way' g fieri • esrnlvg ionast ga she should <3-e beyond r and sailors who gave up ,Jobs to brands of hair that fell below her axe paying them wages, but a stipu- FANCY GOODS. CO-, Sta'l'er is no v to marry Vogel her about wh t riles lasted scum. Impose a snriall fine out FAN . x factory and refuses aslcnm file o]d bo'oksoilem for works on enlist and returned` to find there were waist. Old Mrs, Burton had urged >?o'.' e vas a his evil ways. She veli etrolution, and, reaching o other jobs for them,: the fo eign- r mother to Cut them off; so muC] of the allowance for dude's neglected 7 Wellington ,St. East N unless h gives P the fret has, however, #adlen a convert to the door, she paused. Instantly she er,s With these. ideas alrezdy instilled hair took her sitren�gth, the old 1'ad+y o1 fontgotteaa. i ' Bolshevism, Vogel carries out Itis pact., omscious that from behind. it she l into the -all will flock to Join;,iikds ex had shaken Have them keep an. account �hQol , TORONTO r 3odsh ]vas c said but Hetty s moth Tud e Graham lies bound in a shack' . bei" studied by unseen eyes; all with us when the day arrives. + and credit themselves with hlI they ► g "The Gray i as g f the city i suddenly fia,shed into „ Ve have neo ley. Our Ivus- 'her head; Ietty, w'as xtxozLg enough, ve and clvarcre themselves with Importers arid Wholesale Dealers some miles out a , should } lite?.ere Itght sudd • y . Money . ► " demands that the Judge face, but m.m'edistely weivt 1 .. comrades hrave sent to hells us aiid l.er hair ways her. one beauty retail end: and balaavice the beak: in Fancy Goods, ;Cut G1oys Earth- Wolf d `$can c alt they spend., let certain prisoners off with merelvlhe� smiylrif crud the d'oar swu.vg' open.,- th the ft ht aiiilld'ons taken frozn,:the As Hetty Oarried the •last cup into enware: Fancy China, 's'nys, Spnxt- e Thi peau .of de<'rult fir himself I out a+,a once a month. Encourage them. to. a fine. Steller stepped t]vraugh it and found' t oivg-boxes of the rich, ; Aiuong the pantry she stood there a moment Ing Goods, Smallwaresy .Iiaxdvvaro k- torture for his son have no weight 1 anteroo.n, confront a 'have raisea- other '111.1- save the nickels and dith which they arid tont , ourselves w reflecting, Miss Rachel 'was going Specialties, druggists Sundries. k with the just Judge. Charlton becomes herself- in a small � J , „ ed by a man v�hom she recognized as lioi.s Oh, there will be plenty of away;• Was there not swmethiivg s�11'e am�ownt to dollars, with -vhicIli they Travellers Exerywhere suspicious of "The Gray Wolf Sind havi,y been a frequent speaker rat the ilvoney to start. After that we:'take for her? And then, as she can start a bank account or buy solve., could do Wholesale Only Vogel. open meetings -which she bad attend- eclat nion;ey we need, take it frena the thing wished for, instead of spending ed. banks from chase who leave it;'_ U- e�ood in `the dusk of 'the little p�art'ta'S' every, nickel for foolish toy's or too CHAT TER V. "You are olillpt" Miss Lathrop," ;ever banks, find it we will tape it," and pressed her tear-filled eyes �wiUii r came.inuch candy to hnpair t'heix digestion. � The Inner Council. Y the said. The door wbich had aadmatted . "What'll the police ds 11 erg her hand'sRachei�heardQa timid ksuock This first business training will be of; COARSE SALT Stella. Lathrop was sorely puzzled i her swung to, a Heavy iron bar drop- were doin the taking . Miss Vogel had not: lace and her P at her deal and lifted her head from benefit in latex years, by the fact that La SsV°' .after theip� noisiele'sely into p' Prarctical sand to her t'he-palhce xe ie- LAND SALT met hes in front of y f guide led het to a second door upon I sented a force that was irresistible, her p'ackmng. T1ie Jewish pospulatio of the world meeting off radicals following her re- i wliicl1 he rapped sharply a number of "Tl}e police! Bahl" It was the'' at • ++C,ome im "'she said .in her sweet =a to oto ilia movies -vatih him. times with pauses between. It, too, frail at the foot a# the table- :ivho Clear volae, and Hetty entered. Miss has been es-thnst+e�d at 15,430,000, of Balk Carlots fu. 1 g Neither had she seen anything of him swung open without sound and Stella answered her. What did the police whom 300her.,000 are 'in the British isles, TORONTO SALT WORKS several days thereafter. Anxiously moved forward iihto a larger room. do in Russia? in Germany? We: will' Rachel s'lid'er Het "she said, c. J. CLiFP TB;ROlVTO ; for y ers, expecting ! she read the sth pap move a long table siert perhaps a, not p:ernvit the pomace to do amythlne. Good evening, ty, le re 'in she would not find ar- dozen in,en� a,nd 'half that number of •ire will kill them if they try,' We Hetty smiled faintly. "Good even- Minard'ts Liniment Relieves Colds, at' - sale "with the goods on:' cl.ron.cled women. They arose as Stella's guide oil] kill all those who .nterfere,with ilig, Mass Rachel" Then for for a mo- =---,- - there wa'th elaborate details• urged her forward. i us. Blood! Blood! It will run'Iike hent she paused, "i felt so sorr,Yl "E'. Louie" had never taken the "This is Miss Lathro+py" he said, and water and it will be the blood of our she began tremulously, "because I f girl into his confidence regarding any 'there was blowing all aro'un'd. The girl enemies. Blood and firer, young, w'o couldm't give amyt'hang toward buying Df his exploits, Neither had he at- Was somew'+hat confused aihd embai ,man. That is the way we wiI ,.I e the beautiful vase that the rest of. • f tempted to conceal from her the fact l rased by t'Itus becoming the centre Of i foilce our plans. The jails will; sive Fri h tf U 11 Y � •thiat he lived outside the law, but such attraction but she quickly regained' a their victims. Prison dloors•,will the girls gave you. But i didnt'lave 1 � a ��JJ'' ' � � information as she had was packed up I her poise, CVi'lih two exeepiions she. open for them and yawn for those oily ln'pney' "� piecemeal ficin those of his associates had seen ami these people and talked! who oppose us and who". we do, not •Agia,iii. she panxsed a moment, talar �,� ,rfs�TMTonc who also were hers. It was to then. with most of them at the meetings kill:' ocntinued••"But, Miss Rachel, none of ����� � :d aReRES E. 6, EVEa that she now turned foe .sews Of Isis Which she had attended. Inwardly 'Stella shivered. "'He looks the girls love you more than: I do. I • 'BYO �� whereabouts. They had none. The exceptions sat -at the head and 1 aiid he talks like a butcher," she lave your hands, your eyes, your "He''s probably sore at me for what foot of the table, and although she did ° thought. Outwaiddy she was. perfect- smile, and 17he way you fisc your hair, I said," she thought; with some not know him, the one who sat at, ]y calm as she nio'd+died and sail: 1 qualms she remembered the pict..rei the head eras Onto Lebrune, known get you," Evidently tlii.s was taken and your clothes, and everything she had suggested to lh3mz of Ills being + to agents of the Delraitment of .Jus- for indoxsem• t of what liar'>,, been about you. 'So Pve come to-.vglvt to a'sk l fS phrase, is used to epitomize the con - 's at, the hands of the police. "I j tice as "The Gray Wolf." The other fo explained to her. whether you'll' lei me do something ' ditions which exist throughout the . guess it's up to me to hunt hinl up! Ii;arl a face with nal obviously Teutonic "Are there any questions you -would for you, something I can do and sums - and let him see my hearts in the. cast, fat, flabby, with pig --eyes. Hisllike to ask?" Lebrun put the querY thing I'want to deo very much, I've country. right place." neck overlapped his collar in folds,. to her. come to ask you., illmss"Rachel, be Every hour oft the day and night the TORCH And to that ta�sk'she devoted herself his hair was poni,padoured and I"is � «How you goon' to keep peo�pleafroni you,i`Z let rhe wash all your clothes OF CARELESSNESS brim's destruction to . about the: time that the city was be- bulk threatened the destruction of the findin' out about all Chas ahead of fore you go away. Mother says I n Ing turned upside down .in the search chair into which he dropped heavilyitinie?" she asked. "If we're gin' to wadi beautifully:' far Judge Graham. Stella velli about as soot} a's a seat had been pointed out, have all of these people -v.th us:. when somebody's property in Ontario. the matter quietly. She approached } the time comes we got to 1° 'em 1<Iisfs Rachel looked at HettY—at the q pp to the latest arrival: such cloaks as might be expected to "Before we Proceed further, it is Two out of every three fires occur in our s p , know beforehand, aunt tine. fiiw do thiii.lsttUe face, lighted by its wi's.•tfud , if any, h.irm had befallen "Big cess, that the oath be administer-{{ -ve know seine of 'em ain'tgain ..,to :e e and at the small rough hands • --... nh�,:ten-.....I.. �sroildel . tile., _lousing Qra{J1eIn is LOW she. sought out the lawyer ed to our new ment'bex and that she I turn squsa]er and trip otf ti gs 1. I Y cTn *.' "' �"``r-err mer m re 'ori: said had been: xetaim_,ed he acquainted -with the purposes of i . , F-w"� `"B acute. ono P q � ]avow I1?'���d, :this � ? •�� ': "But, r, ,: e mian'ently to "spring" Vogel. when this body." Otto. 17:itil4�-:f3lc�ge,~ I want to ] ixiw ioa, " But dear she said ic. a tren.bl' p ����� � .. , � Eight o a v en s are preventable. -. xisd,._to „lye tailcEn up by the .i�. ass instinctive dislike tt a- „ `vWilce, "I don't 1t+arvt you to wash illy E1 out f e eTy t f1Te .pp ter s telnkicited cafe;'= nice ri lit sister, answered Le- hien. "lYI ss LathroVs sentiments bTun�e• Sta'g'er wished, lie wouldn't call clot'"es•" Fire waste is, an economic crime, caused he have been too thoroughly investigated her that. She -bad no sisierly feelings Hetty threw both arms round her. u 031, her return to her room to permit of an reluctance on curl pYincipally by C83elessneSS Gild llldifferBnce. P y to-waxd tthis man. Itis face .xeca]lecl "Dear Ma>~s Rachel, I've cried every from one of these quests that slie dis- part to ta>-irg her into our full conf.- to her, like it had to the govexnmeilt night for- a weak because I couldn't CLEAN UP accumulations of waste material, covered a note under, the door. It bores dente," .he went oil in. his oiiy tones.' agent the face of a cruel; rapacious give anything toward the vase. You he+admg nor signature and its en, alining to her, he s-a'ld, "Befoa'e t wolf. ' "But those w"hero -ve -vill use g g , . rubbish, boxes, shavings, papers, and ' con- neitheryvordin would. -have conveyed to airy- I a:d'ininistex• to you the Oath ou have, f dean t go away aiid make me feel I e Y P the opportunity to withdraw f de our instruments do not are the 'done nothing! Don't you see that I ditions that create disorder. one without the key Clic impression ,p = frolic our details of our plans, They are secret that it was merely a ni,essage from a midst." • want to have apart in you; and if ery dear friend Who was appointing ,< , , � with the Inner Council. I, as its press- u won't let me do this I can't. 1 g She shook her stead. T ll stick, slier dent, am in touch with the presidents . , a..meting place for the evening. said, 1of the Inner Com.cils of other eities,. Pleatse, Miss Rachiei." In affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshal's Office Stelltr xeadii.g between the lines, `'You will now repeat after me :the We get our orders from the council° Seeing that Hetty's heart was set lfi3 University Avenue, Taranto recognized it as a summons to a very following. oath," continued Lebrime.iof presidents. Local details are left upon it, Miss Rachel let her have her f1P;dRGi!7 F. LEWIS, Secretary ;secret meeting .of some of the leaders I swear to be faithful and true to the i with us. We carry out orders and way, and a flew= minutes later she of the most radical circles in the city. mandates of the Inner Council, o, plans to fit conditions. But outside g ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE, INC. She had been. informed by one of then:. f cheerfully obey them even at the ex- °i tl.is council no one knows what crefpt dfown the stairs -with a ba • � that her sincerity and earnestness had t pense of my life, to give m - best of -4' T bundle in her arms. ++ t g 3• 1 those plans are. � e bell the molt just ! "formation and text books, Conservation of life and been noticed, that sl£ had been sig -t forts to caa•xying out such plans as, what we waist the mob to know. Wel Two days, afterwards Hedy brought gasfetl m an excellent person for someitmay decide upon, to respond black the clothes, snowy white and Property from Fire" "Lightning, Its Origin and Control," important -cork if she were villin to I tell them what we liege to bring about, g ipxonvpt3y to any calls made upon me' but We do not tell then. hove we are ioeautifufily ironed. llis�s Racked zeas free on request, undertake it. Notice would be sent by any .of its members and, above. all,? going to do it. Is that clear?" to go away the next inoining. Hetty her whan to be ready, and how to con- to keep locked in my innermost bosom Stella nodded. A big light was be removed the cloth, and Miss Rachel duct herself. and to reveal to no one an- of the . • , �:�• _ � __ E. iii ,ginning to brew.; upon her. She did saw them in all their sweet, clean Stella hurried into the best clotl.as things -uvhiell I may learn in the In -'not need to ask further questions to freshness. as��,ass—zaT SYSTEM she possessed and set out to keen the ner Council, so help me God." I enlighten. her as to what was the Teal "Dear." she cried gathering the Lift- , , appointment, The bookstore where "Sounds like I was joinui' a Iodge," 4 abject of this Imier Caundil. LQat, i, . ' '" „ g 132 Canadian Oade>r of Chosen F:: �.o.. Charlton had once seen Lebru ne was Thought Stella as she parroted the robbery, ileus, i;.urder—all of therii the figure into her arms, what overly the appointed rederc•ous. An old man ,1 wards after Leibx:ut.e, her hunt -u i clothes! HOW can I thank you? it 34 Teays of Succeas gray hatred and bespectacled, emerg-+ lifted. Thea. she tient attention upon � izafi3on of the iCouncil'sii laws. Lebrnne. ' not e'very'one that is willing to gird wiLoie ramtiy insurance at Cost. Government tatea.rc Rates, ed frown the depths behind the rows oil what lie was saying to her. Iliad mentioned Russia. pS'tella knew a himself with basin and towel as the Total faaas on hand at stat 7Deaeiv:bor, ssao-s>,aos;ssz.v�. rotes of bookcases and hastened to l "'Miss Lathrop, the Innen' Council is ° little of what was taking place there. Masiberr did" JOIN L. DAVIDSON, Grand councillor, ii40 Euclid Ave., Toronto, Ontario nest heT as soon as she had entered ` the ruling body in this city for all of "In the factory where she worked she Hetty` looked into the dear face. - F. AIONTAGUL, Grand Recorder ant Acting Grand Trea•¢urer, the door. those who believe that the day is at i had heard several Russian girls talk +,And leave. I," she ,asked, "really. Eamilton, Ontario. There is something you wish, I hand when a new order of things w>ila I in. and she had gained some idea of s though h I For information as to cost of Joining apirly to, miss?" he asked, bowing before her.; come into being throughout the avorld, t the tuixno l which involved that gun- give.'you +ainebhimo y hof g W. >r. CA.51rh LL, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ontario, He .wTu g his hands continually While. The common people have been trampl-? try. didn't have any money . O Miss � �- be vatfelied her closely from behind d underfoot lon • enough. Their suf-t .But of the Bolshevists and what Rachel], T wanted you to kahow•l hers thick -lensed glasses. Stella, fol- i fering at the hands of those who have l th = stood for she was i noranz. She . Mins Rachel nodded: . � bowing dnstvlvtl'ons which had be'enlwealth and power must end. The class � g ++•'S The Paint for Brighter domes is given Ater, touched her mouth with a which has been rulingeverywhere in Iliad eagerly attended radical meetings Silver and gel& have I none; but y and listened to speeches predicting such • as I have •,give I thee, she fin -ger as if slightly in doubt as to the world must now step down in flat a new day was dawning for the what she i:eandy di�i wish.. l y g quoted softly. Tanen .slie paused arnci t favor of those -rhe heretofore have aa&ed, "Ca dd'd,, child, you have given she replied, slowly. "l' wish' been the ruled. people d, the lower classes and had to see some books on the Trench rr approved, but mu dei and robbery had " Our comrades in Russia haze, never entered her head as theniethods me,zuore than anyone. reM1rolution."• It was the password pointed the way for us. There theywoui A )}calf hour )ate. a�"hes. Fietty book with which'she 3zad. been supplied. have overthrow'. the despotic czar and With sudden ealaation it burst noon the empty clothes basket down the ':Yes, miss," The old bookseller .substituted the soviet form of govern- PAINT turned and led the way toward. the menu which is controlled by the worlc_ her that it was to these early things 'st ilii her thin little face was softly roar of the store. "We have some ingmen. In Gerinai•y our comrades that she had pledged herself, Heil. smid6ng. a choice will not;, soul turned sick within her and --�l�ilc "Basin wind to -vel," she-vhispexed, very fine books and. 3},ave followed shit. They have upset she appeared to be paying attention " , e": + � �� The Right Paint to Paint Right" be difficult" Pp' lr Y g Orh, Im: so glad Miss Rachel seat' the throne and.substituted a goven i- to the routine disctis5ion She followed hint to a -Well:-filled'• merit of tiheir. awn. A harnessinakei' going oil that!" boolcease against then wall. Still talk- Who in other days would nut have around the talvle slie heard riot a �]� YOUR DEALER .trig of the treasures on the subject she � gu siivgle conaTo be sentence. re cladlbeen allotv�ed within ",shot of the (ie be continued.) Two Labor -Saving Devices. �_ - -. • ` "=""�''` ' ma', &t be eNp'eeted to findq he a I seat of goveemnent now is the governs r,�--- _ e of the hanclies�t toa1S that I mo -P- out a hand, pushed gamy upon the ment's heard. In Engil�an�l, ,ii. T ranee, On m• zbe7ves and they swung upon well- in Stir idem in alt the mantxies of Eur- Peddle Sunlight if You Ct#11. Nave' on cleaii3n'g days is a wire map- In g e the our is strrikim ether our - rip , he wire oroLuxurious— ., °elle•<i hinages i'�vea)in a nafz'row deal- '• gg Though you deal in liquid blacking, sita�ck, faxwbi�la� sn all lsumva �,' -y-� PLlr ,iii `ttT2Oits-- +i' . 2, 3 arta way and, lea'dnpg downwards a flight con-aades there Will launlc+h their blo-v Dismal blunt and: such things, chased � g' of steps. • The old matt rnotiuned to- for freedom.. Wheli you have a sale to tnartage, the sw& -was covered, -with heavy felt ' IQ-tb. tats brit Economical theiii, ahe stepped upon the WP "We in.Ameriea, are also preparing Do it as the robin sings. maherial, hieing very careful that all . landeng', a clam e'lect'ric light suddenlyIfor the'. day when we Must strike, peri: sone cheer -up in your business, ssharp'edges were thoroughly covere:•dl. lairs: i I 1th t h t f t. t r, mai ,Klwse who have weer . s arc i with uS; industries, fecitor es, shops Be a chipper sort of man, And, with other tines of notiolis, . Overc this pint a piece o a wornau blanket, sewing it securely to the felt. ' and governme�ts•--'national state and --must Pass .auto our ]lands. It is Peddle sunshine if you can. •'iiV�hon,oid•inary. dusbimg its to lie done, city t our birbbrvght. Deprived of it for we, are about to take it. There's awful deal of lneanness I Put xt dustless duster over the pad- ding, f'asdem it to the inopsticuk aiid. genecatians, peaceably if we Can, by, ford•, if weoceed Our a+oma`tt&s in Russia have In this busy world of ob rs ; Btit, mixed in with weeds t]ie rankest, to dust in ilia usual way, The Laing wooden handle of the mopstick insist, nobly shown us bow this can be ac-. Oftt;n.es grow the Rifest flowers, enables me to dost the o4tt-of-the-wily canlpiished.Ve have no irate u.se wear a posy on your ';opal,— corners, and a almost out ,to for Ire .Ainerlmn form of goverrunent It won't hurt the trade you pian, bll-r with this device t- I lain it than we had for the Russian system wham the czar, was ruler, It %ust be, And along with other samples, peddle sunshine if you can, dust picture iia-din,g:s, ce3hiivgs, cor- &ust inol hers, tops of window ,$ Ana 'doors aiid overthro+nrn, even though the ctruntry be <lrenchetl -with blood to accomplish �, Six pen de�1t. of ilia 13ne of ti Swiss other high places, It slaves trine and exit enlds." railroad .s over the bridges ,and 115 labor, and I never have to use a chair IIe psasea3 To,: breab , In his eyes p cent. bhrou+glt Lim:nels, or lift'dder 'a•s was necessary folmerly. glowed 3ih'a zeal .of the fanatic, AborYt ' ____ _ 7"lie other handy device is a piece of t1 e table niers at .d 'it•°nie11 1a'od�dfed their ,:_ linear rmM,er Bose which has been 1 1yi]nard 4 Liniment for urnai, etam. oic y - llt <ls in apliroval. St OU might riot f