HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-04-21, Page 1Not. XX I No 42 .. YYI.i.s1N®gyp ZURICH, THURSDAY MO NINA, APRIL21, (:921, Smart, Snappy, Facinating Such words cannot adequately describe the good features of our NEW SPRING GOODS. Our New Pomps and Oxfords for Ladies; are the prettiest styles. It has been' our pleasure to show. They are certainly the hondsomest Shoe creation that ever adorned a pretty foot. We are proud of ourdisplay. We want ladies to see them. All the newest shapes,, leathers and colors for men. A peep at our window will con- vince you that the right place to buy your•foot- wear is at; W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS 1 .•4OC�0�•C�•4.p4•O`O.O.Od..�.04• •OO OC`i• •0400•�tl• 4400 • 4 �' �Pd•P•l!• pp p�dp.�jp4.0�04�fl4�O�0�0�0000004��� t1 40 8 li iD Special Season Offerings The spirit of Spring is revealed in the Splendid showing of all that is New and Attractive in wearing apparel, etc. Tricotine Suitings 400 D We are showing an exceptional range of 54 inch, fine quality. All wool Tricotine_ the...populae cloth for. Ladies' Suits for kl,,+•r.:.wd • rt ` 7p7:00 "per yares. ' -a. •ociYca� ...rn:iu• _.� ..._ t so_.wardei..at $w.� WE HAVE THE ABOVE LINES IN ALL POPULAR SHADES SERGES We have a beautiful range of all -wool serges in Black, Navy, and Brown. Also fine Botany Serges at very low prices. BROADCLOTH ES We are also showing a nice lot of Broadcloths in Suit Ends. These make up a very neat suit. TRIMMINGS Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming the above mentioned Cloths in all shades, also silk Dress Girdles to match, at reasonable prices. New Spring Voiles We' are showing an exceptionally fine range of printed Voiles this season these have just arrived and you should loose no time to mike your selections, as these Goods are liable to be scarce later in the season. Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard 85c Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard .._ _. _ r.. $1.00 Sarance, Tiesue, etc., at per yard from $1.35 to ... _..i ....__ $2.50 SER OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Gents' Furnishings SUITS SUITS AT GREATLY • REDUCED PRICES Again we are ready to show our New Line of Mens' Suits for old and young ranging in sizes from 34 to 48.., So come along you PIG MEN, We feel satisfied we •have sornething he'ie to suit you as well as fit you. "REMEMBER" These Suits are splendid Values Smartly Tailored, at greatly Re- duced Prices. "No need of paying $50 for a Real up -to -.date Suit," a " See ours at half that Price. SHIRTS HATS ' CAPS OUR. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE 1 House Furnishings WALL PAPERS We are showing an eligent range of new Wall Papers. A11 our new Papers this season are 22 -in. wide, so you get- that extra value yb buying your papers , from us. We have ' a splendid range of patterns to choose from and at all Prices 20e. 221Ae. 25c, 30c and 37%cents a Roll. LINOLEUMS A nice lot of 4 -yd. wide Linol- eunzs at $1.25 a square yard. CURTAIN • SCRIMS A big range of Scrims withLace and Insertion and Plain in differ- ent Shades. Also a nice lot of colored Marquetts from 25c to 81.00 per yard. RUGS Some splendid values in Floor Rugs J. PREETER Phone 59 V` .+ '.�"'••` '4--«`' WJ'' ' w•."=,."rte"i` k.. +zr.' •y�G'^">:'vT• ^r .•" ,,�v ; "y` a,r: 47An.en, 'C:w ••:x!'C's"'�� CS•�a �� � Cs•Q'`�: ��,: � s'�a'..,: �a��: � ^.'�. • rat''.�� ''�,� �: �'Gti �.''� '•'Sar Produce Wanted O�DA QW. ip ;Mr. R. W. Williams was in' Sea- :fr. th a few days last week. 'Miss Maida Routledge was a business visitor to London on Tuesday. The Provincial majority in fav- or'" of the Referendum; is estim- ated at 200,000. +i'eessrs. S. E. Faust and M. Swei- tzer were at Goderieh on ,Tues - clay After the whiskey is gone, 'tis said the dressless female is to fol - ides; . and then tobacco. Mrs. F. B. Meyer attended the funeral of her mother, the Iate Mies.. Whoey, at Corrie, on Tues- day. Mr. Wm. Doerr and staff of Ex- eter are trimming back the trees that come in contact with the local hydro wires. The sidewalks in the village are receiving attention. Several men are engaged by the village fath- ers, and are leveling the pneven parts, raising up the settled p'.aces, which makes a big improvement. During the severe ice storm on Saturday, one of the high-power hydro wires from Exeter to here broke, about a mile south of ,Zur- ich.. -,:The power was turned off. for a couple ofhours and the bre ak repaired. The April meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held at the home of of Mrs. H. Lipphardt. The ppogrem including a paper on; "P?.ical Health, The Keynote of Health and Beauty." by Miss Ida Routledge, and impromptive spe- .hes by,those present, on the I ' c rams # ed by Dr. Mary e . t was taitrelle'cy- rtbg r5ie The seucring of a public rest room and piano were .also discussed; The May meeting is the annual el- ection of officers. All members are requested to be present and bring a friend. • Incorporated in 1855 THE ]� 11 1 O JL S O NS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The cost of living is falling, iso the price of food stuff. This 'necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank where it will be ready for any eall and yet be earning interest. I IIW. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch I A meeting of the Directors of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held last Thursday evening. Mat ters pertaining to the welfare and interest of the society were dealt with. The pasture and hay at the Fair Greunds will be sold by public auction on May 7th, at the Wainer House. Messrs. W. 5. Johnston, J. Decher, Jr., and A. ReicherN were appointed as a com- t%iittee to look after the special prizes. A Baby Show will again be one of the chief 'attractions. Also larger prizes will be offered for speed contests. The Fair • dates were fixed for Wednesday, Sept., 21st, and 22nd. 5 Mr. Wilson, hydro engineer, was inspecting the local hydro system on Monday and found everything in good order. Good news was received from the Can. Hall Dent Ltd., Louc]on, Office, of their intentiops to open up their branch at Zurich here, if a suitable man can be secured to superintend same, This will mean a big help to the village if they will operate again, as we are assured they will receive the sup- port of the entire village. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children n Use For Over 30 Year°w ,A11.Sua s te'a'ttar''Aitltt a: the ,Cheater L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance $1.50 IN ,&BRFARS, $2 MAY 13E (MARGE 111 jl 11111111 011111111111010 1111111i1111.10111111111 IIII'I�: Johnston's Clear flay Reflectors Price$ 1 r50 GOVERNMENT APPROVED No ne'ed of changing your plain glass Gives a wider spread and 1'-3 more light than 90 per cent of all the patent lens on the market W, G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 3 : HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS,, t • HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. • SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT A BIG R EDUCTION. , 01 *0004,4O4* 00004100000040900 a 000000000!60000♦0000000+4ip r Winter •Horse Re q ui rement 4 • We are offering the following seasonable Horse I requirements at greatly reduced prices: • e We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single 0i. harness, Etc. 4' t • REPAIRING' A SPEC!ALTY tj}} FRED THIEL ZU'I 'ICH I 4:7-+.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ladies! •i• •� You use great care iia selecting •e. • a new Hat—Why should SHOES •Y. • be less important? Come and see our line of I New Spring Footwear • •a€• Which consists of all the latest . styles and shapes in the finest Kids, Patents and other materials 4. equally as tasty. A very classy M •�• Iine all through, with prices right. e Also a fine assortment in Men's oy and Children's Footwear. Call • and see them, and if we have not >� what you want, we \\'ill try and get + .them for you. EGGS E WANTEDTTR AND R I Z OSUR MOTTO N THE SHOEMAN • 2 • +6• 0< • 1 0< 4-'..-:e+++++44++++++++++44+++4+414++++++:44+++++++++4444+4' • Reduction of Pres We have seduced our prices on Dry Goods, Groceries, and all otherlines we carry in Stock, to present mar- ket pricey,,, and will coati i le to droll, our prices as the markets decline.. SO THAT OUR CUSTOMERS. CAN REST A';iSURRU T)L 1 WE ARE LOOKING AFTER THEIR IkTER'EP,T. Fresh Groceries al.\\Ta\ i Sty R. - N. 'N' 11 JM • 1