HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-31, Page 2III
his is Canada's Wireless
Whether you are resident in a large city or two or
throe hundred utiles away,. Amateur Wireless Equip-
ment -furnishes you with endless instructive entertain -
anent. tVj can supply Receiving Apparatus which will
pick up signals from the big Wireless Stations and
enable you to "listen in" for wireless. -telephone con-
certs radiated lay the Marconi Company. Secure a
Transmitting Set (operated directly off a lamp socket)
and communicate with your friends a hundred miles
away'! Amateur Wireless brings the great World to
your door. Cut out and mail this ad; to us with request
for Price List C" and ask us anything you would
like to hnow about Amateur Wireless.
Full line of Parts and tech-
nical books always .n stook.
Fully licensed
under Marconi
and Canadian
General Electric
Patents, .
By The Law of Tooth
and Talon
Vogel "Falls for a Skirt."
"Big Louie" Vogel took the back
way out of "Silver Danny's" saloon,
leaving a quarter cm the table to pay
for the drink be had not touched. He
chose the back way for several rea-
sons. Principal among them was the
fact that one never could tell what
bird of prey of his own world might
be standing in the barroom to spot
of a ticket to the big, cit Thera
.__.._....... ------.-..
only possssions,
_ the .eastoft garments e
of her 'mistress 'arid two 'dal
e r
hinge, she had bravely set
try her fortunes.
But the big eity had been unkind,
as is the habit, of the big city. How
she got past thepoliceman and wel-
fare agents at the station .where she
!was deposited by the train that had
brought her, always was i mystery
!to her after she learned ° there were
such persons on the lookout for en -
wise little girls. But she evaded them,
probably because she was not trying
to; and spedilyw-fzluml-li elf • eft-
lar5 ' in :. d��' `t � _ R� r �5, its 5 a nr ". t i �, � '
oUt t � SHEEP P
golfed in the whirlpool She had tine
ed old
b and
hat it
d got
e. Of
r she
d on
be- 111111
idly ventured to asic a kind -fat
1 woman where she could- get a jo
,jihad been answered so harshly t 1was several hours before she ha
up her nerve to ask any one els
course she never got the answe
was hoping for. One or two
pausing to take hi the beauty,
her ridiculous garb could not en
i hide, had been rude, and badly f
1 erred her, and she lead wandere
until she had conte to a park
there she had fallen asleep, her
a cold stone bench in a sheltered
where she escaped the eye of
park policeman. •
Thus two days had gone by
Stella had accomplished nothing
',./ yond seeing a great deal of the city
on foot. Naturally, with her mountain
training, she had gravitated away
from the better resident districts and
towards the slums and there it had
been that Louie Vogel had come upon
her—a weeping, very tired, very hun-
gry bit . of felnininity--and had taken
her under his protecting wing.
Why he had done it the gunman
himself could not have told. One of.
thosestreaks of goodness which are
said to exist in oven the worst of us,
must have come to the surface just
long enough to touch his heart at
sight of the forlorn little girl. At any
rate he had taken charge of her and
in his masculine way, unaccustomed
as he was to dealing with women, he
had seen that she had food and clothes
and a room at the shabby hotel and
then, when she refused to acecpt fur-
ther bounty at his hands, had helped
her to geta job in a factory at
"And that's what yu learn at them
meetin's," interrupted Vogel, rough-
ly. telling listen to a lot of long-haird
Y g yu what they are goin
to do for the country if yu'll jest do
as they say and yu give 'em your
money to help spread 'the message to
all our downtrodden brothers,' " he
mimicked a street orator he hadeonce
heard, "and yu go out and help push
their graft along. But if their dreams
the well dressed stranger as he left did come true and all that they prom -
and then lie in wait for whoever! tse yu happened where do yu suppose
night follow hint, with the hope of 1 horn gas t ust At
end of the
getting a look in"on whatever ras- " ed to this
:ality was brewing, spielin' so long yu got so yu believe
Not that "Big Louie" was in the it, and yu're always tryin' to work
sabit of splitting with any one. He some other person into it. No wonder
paid, and paid well, these to whom they're got so they call yu 'Red
tie saw fit to entrust small parts in Stell. This red flag wavin' ain't
his various enterprises, but the bulk goin' to get nowhere."
of the work he did himself, and he "Now, Louie, we've been
fortunate unatet the bulk of fello w the
crooksc never had j fneends cryin'rlut all
theretitirthe you
much difficulty in getting a few dol-; night because 1 wan broke and
tars from him when their pickings gry and no place to go and you
aid been bad, but he always insisted my friend right. We ain't goin to
rigidly on repayment whei. fortune quarrel now. So you run along andw
smiled again• let the dress and 1'11 drift en don
Froni the back door Vogel surveyed 1 to the nneetin' and along about 10
he immediate surroundings before o'clock,
say, you meet me in front of
;stepping down into he dark alley,butyl " y's and we'll have a ice cre of eam
aecfollotivededlt briskly no one lurked
couplenc i
days, perhapssody or , we can see lthings alike.
Blocks, debouched upon a dimly light- Meanwhile we ain't goin' to fuss."
sod street and sought the shabby hotel I She made as if Vogel put out aro closninge he door but
where he had one of the'two rooms
he maintained in different en parts of. "There's one thing more, Steil," he
the city. said, awkwardly. 'I picked up a piece
Re passed through its doorway and keep it forme tgtnt ? and
c I want. yu, to'
went straight up the steps at the side all ter;_ar,, td
of the narrow lobby, deserted noxv-by'?? 1e don'.t:•.the t n h i;'s yours." He
its habitue • who,' as was their custom �Pul1'ed out the ten hundred dollar bills
prowled all night ,and slept all day..) Lebrune had given him to bind their
The surly -faced clerk mounting guard; compact and pressed them upon her,
over the desk loolced up at his en-( There's a thousand dollars there, kid.
trance, then resumed his reading of,
Keep 'etre as, a favor for me and if—
the evening paper- The comings and i if self." n' happens,, yu keep sem fer
goings of the hoteI's guests interest- (yerself.
ed him not in the least. ` "I wouldn't touch it for my
Down a long, dark hallwayVogel. Louie," she replied, "But I'll
stepped with the assurance of one, them until you want it, as a favor
who knows his ground and knocked Y. I've lived straight, so far,
upon a door, whose grimy transom •' 'I've lived honest, and I've never spent
revealed a light within. penny that I didn't get fair and
"Who is it?" demanded a woman's,square.
voice.1 "That's what I like about you, kid,"
"Louie," he replied. There was, he said and turned on his heel.
sound of a dropping chain, the click Stella Lathrop -stood looking at his
of the key in the lock, and the door' retreating back fora moment, then,
was thrown open. In the dim rays of ; shaking her head, closed the door and
beyondlighta gas erteeefaced
aeauburnn haiedanscarcely! was a startling artlingher t and unusuald 4exce She
baby faced. She held a gaudy kimono" to the class of people with whom
wrapped about her figure and evident- ,associated, almost as much to their
ly she had been surprised in the act, own surprise and wonder as to that
of dressing, of the police, evho had been vainly
She did not invite him to enter, and' trying to discover just where she fit -
"Big Louie," fumbling his hat in his; ted in among the denizens of the
hands, seemed' at a loss for words. "I; underworld,
thought you might want to take in a; Stella Lathrop lived among crooks
pitcher show," he finally stammered,, because among thein she l,ad' found
do she,
, don't," „rye, th
replied.the ,only f"'
Ive fiends she had known since
got another date for to -night." i she had quit the mountain comnhttnity
"Big Louie" 'glared and his" face 1 where she had been born and reared,
Rushed in anger. down among the : foothills of the Oz -
"Who is he ?" he asked. "I'll knock 1 arks, She had gone to The Cove's
his---" little school and, because she ha,i im
"Oh, no you won't,,: she replied; I agination and was a dreamer, she ha
en laughed, "�•3,w, I won't kid you; foreseen that she could follow bu
ore, Louie. It ain't a he at all. i two courses. One was to break awa
g•oipg to a meeting!" i from The Cove aItofe I
good meagre wages that to' her seemed
found fortune.
er one Perhaps the same streak of goo
hun- ness had compelled Vogel to treat h
been 1 with respect and to see that othe
e months before,e. Tand Stellt had a, asrea
pupil and apt at picking up new way
had blossomed out from an awkwa
little country girl into a typical ci
girl of the factory type. She ear
discovered that Vogel and those.sh
met through him lived ley their wi
and not the sweat of their brows ii
they were the only friends -she kne
and they had treated her .better tha
she had ever been treated before, s
she had not chosen 1.0 e. est:
Strangely enough ref had lce3• t he
self- aloof from ahy of their. nefariou
enterprises and, stranger still, sh
had "gone straight." But heow
bitter experiences during her firs
days in the. city, magnified perhap
by the strangeness of all about he
had implanted in her heart a rebel
lious things which perm t ed so few ainst the peoper e
to have a great many things, and so
many people to have nothing at all
fer' los she had been an easy convert to
and ithe street corner harangues of soap--
hos Socialistic, I. W. W. and Bolshe•
5, of
so in
ators and, deluded by their
false doctrines, she had become. a
rampant radical herself. She attend-
ed all the meetings of this kind she
could, eagerly drinking in the lying.
promises of the spellbinders and fail-
ing utterly to see the real motives be-
hind their words, Bit by bit, they had
taken notice of her, sensed approval
of all their utterances and gradually
admitted the
to itwhich shhe inner e lived, she
aired her views and preached the doc-
trines of the red flag. Because they
liked her, these people of the under-
world, to which sh_ belonged in one
sense and still did not belong, tolerat-
her, jokingly
, ,
t ,
11 nicknamed clna
d he
„ l
Stell, and let it "Red
Vogel, he was inlovewith hers ford
would have married her, but sties
would have none of hint, nor. would
{1 she even consider the matter unless
he ef usd; and bthis he wouldanot;do. ous He harsuitsd
t s done nothing else for so long that the
y 1 game itself, if nothing else, would
have held
to remain there b lex; the other
"Agarn2 he muttered, 'Seems to and snarly some
me yu've got them cl—n meetings on! rnountain boy and raise his children
the brain. What do they get yu? and work from early morning until
Now if yu'd hook up with`me-._» late at night to make his scanty earth
"And be left a widow some day. ings keep a roof over their heads,
when some cop bumps you off? Not; food in their stomachs and rough.
much. I've told you that before,1 clothing on their backs. She had
You'll get yours sure as ahootin' one' shuddered at visions• of herself be -
of these times. If You really want to 1 coming a drudge like the other Cove
marry; me you'll have, to cut out the' women, her mother, for example, a,
rough stuff' and get a job, I work] slatternly, angular, discontented wo-
• every day, don't I? You can do the • mall, whose frayed nerves kept her
sarng and it "Won't Inaktne difie1' ilia; ho„ceful of children in constant fear
to ine wlhethee you make ten dollars, of her.
a week or fifty. Time's coming when So Stella Lathrop, having broached
US people what has to work will be the subject of seeking employment in
gettin' ours, share and share alike town and receiving a box on the ears,
and we'll all be on the same footin''lfor, her pains, had silently packed her
and no guy with money's goin' to sit I prtrfully few belongings in a hand' -
back and get fat on what others make kerchief and set out one night to
for him."' trudge the rocky roads to town. If
she had feared 'pursuit and 'forcible
Sreturn to her home, it was groundless.
lHer father had branded her all utt-
� andmo
R7r;AREY sruaas THEM; USED ' hadtefel been ]positivesshe w uldereturmeas
sect fordellverly up to 5 0 cars
sold trot;soon as she grew hungry
run of same drstanre if. you wish, in as ': The girl knew a .storekeeper in
go, 7. order as purchased, or purchase town and he, sensing her ignor{an,e,
y,rlre refunded, , had readily given her a ,lob in the
7)'itINC4 mechanic of, your own choice
,rt to look them neer, or ass: tis to kitchen of his home, at 4, ie munificent
leas any ear to city rerasentative fel' wages of four dollars a month and
inspection.'eery large stock always on Ther keep, She had quickly seen that
!hallo, areakey's Used Car Market )she had utterly failedin her purpose'
io:a rate StY•eet, - Toronto :and she miserly had put by every cent
of her wages until she had the price
(Continued in next issue.)
Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc.
Argentina has 22 public holidays
during the year, Ge,rin•any 19, Italy 19,
Rumania 24, and India 21,
It takes a joint of beef to
make a bottle of Bovril.
Has not changed since 1914
Sante Price, Same Quality,
Same, Quantity.
Firs -�� -,.� Ctau ,� N°
=''-- 91 are
ale �\\\\..`:- ... `ect Galvanitin
Hardware Dea
ilede Gy p Full Weight Ro1J,
2e Canadian Steel '`--,,, Full Length Ro11�
and W.,,,e Comparr,2szerrse;e'ea'�.. Le.sts IN
Harnilion,ant. Winnipecq,Maxt. 1 retivrne
omen! Use "Diarnond
Dye OId Skirts, Dresses, liraists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies,
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains easy directions for dyeing
any article Of wool, silk, cotton, linen,
or mixed goods. Beware! Poor dye
streaks, spots, fades, and ruins: pia•
terial by givingit a "dyed -look." Buy
"Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has
Color Card,
DMACOI,T 3 T' -QS --Tho handl-•
hig of these skins is our spe-
cialty. It will pay you to ship
to us if you have three or more
skins, but on a less number the np
freight charges are too heavy, . r^
Bulk Carrots
Cak e
One ton of metal will furnish ten
thousand gross of pen -nibs.
Minard'a Liniment Relieves .:olds, eta
skin_ -so soft, so fresh
and so fragrant after the bath
with "Baby's Own Soap"
Dad to use Baby's ' rt s
s Own Soap
hiarlsel f Mother
—of course—has
always used it. .
tender that it
not be the
better far a
wall with
2, S, and
10 -ib.
ives a wonderfully fresh flavor to every kind
of cake, pie and pudding—the last morsel is
as moist and digestible as the first. It does
lower the cost of baking..
., By far the most popular table syrup, for
cooking, baking and candy -;Waking.
row rand
Cee Great Sweetener
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends.
34 Yearn of Success
whole Family Insurance at Cost.
Government Standard Rates.
Total funds on Band at. 3Ist Dooember, 1920—,$1,205,357,77.
TORN L. DAVIDSON, Grand Councillor, 540 Euclid Ave., Toronto, Ontario
WM. V, MONTAG: D, Grand Recorder and ActingGr
Hamilton, Ontario,. and Treasurer,
For information
as to cost
W. F. CAMPl3ELL, Grand Ogapnizer, to,
At Your Service
Wherever You Live.
The woman to town, or country, has
the =no £advsastage as her ,nester in
expertthe city advice from the
hest-km:mu firm of Cleaners and
Dyem fn Canada.
Remote from the country sent 1» -or mail
express ok same fewrdeIiveraoxscareful
Gleaning and Dyeing
age! Cloth rig or Biouseittokl Fabrics.
Par years, tree name of "P'arkerls"• has
signified, perfection in i=bis 'work of
aaiciing old things' took; like new,
Whether personal garments of even
the most fragile material, or house-
hold curtains, draperies, rugs,. etc,:
Write to us for further particulars or
same yaw parcels direct to
1791 Yorive St,.
One of the Many Roads to In.
dependent. Wealth in West-
ern Canada.
The paths of fortune in Western
Canada are many and diversified. One
pian goesin for cattle, another spe'
cializes in sheep, another grows only
grain, and still another distributes' his
eggs and indulges simultaneously in
all three. The results appear to be.
the same, and if the follower of one
line is richer than another it, is in
that superfluity of wealth beyond hu
man needs. The story that follows
might truthfully he called a sheep ro-
John T. Beninger is a large sheep
owner in Southern Alberta, and .on
his three large ranches, known as the
Coulee Ranch, King's Lake Ranch, and
Hay Lake Ranch, located southeast of
Lethbridge, he has clearly demon-
strated what can be dome by personal
application and assiduity coupled with
Alberta climate and fodder, Mr. Id'en-
inger made a most insignificant be-
ginning, the early chapters of his life
history having imich in common with
the modest commencements which.
have developed into ranching for-
tunes in the west. But sheep have a
way of increasing, and the size of the
herd, which at the present time
ranges the hills and coulees of the
three ranches_ may be estimated from
the fact that last spring it was in-
creased by the additio:i of seven
thousand lambs, and that the wool
clip harvested amounted to about
138,0.00 pounds.
The Blighty Wagon.
x3,11 sheep breeders and farmers
know that there is a tremendous mor-
tality among lambs in the first few
hours of their existence, and this
rancher's motto has been, "Save the
lambs and the sheep will take care of
themselves," Upon this policy he has
built up the herd he now owns. A
visitor to the ranches in the spring
time might be somewhat startled to
see an ambulance's mad antics as it
pursues a rough and furious way over
hill and down coulee. .4ir ambulance
in the undiluted "wild and woolly" !S'
a somewhat unusual spectacle,' but
this same "blighty wagon," as soldiers
were wont to call it, has saved the
ives of hundreds of lambs each sea -
The ambulance , is mounted on a
Ford truck, and the interior is fitted
ut with ten pens, live on each side.
It rambles over the countryside at
ambing time and, picking- up the
wes with new-born lambs, journeys
ith them in the snug little pens to
re sheltering fold. Here the couples
re placed in other comfortable pens,
ie ewe fed on oats and hay, and the
mb, if found to be cold, placed be-
tiveen blanket's, Then,when the sun
nies out and the lamb has recuper•
ed a little strength, the ewe and its
oplly offspring are turned out to
aze upon the fresh green grass of
e adjacent pastures. When lambs
e being borer too quickly to be all
coinmodated by the motor imbue-
ce; horeeirawn ranch vehicles are
eased into service. .Iust what value
s system of ensuring the life of the
tub is to the rancher may be judged
m the fact that in Stormy springs,
en other sheep ranchers have had.
e.avy toll of their newly born lambs,
Heniuger claims to Have come
ough without the loss of a single
al. -
The ranch (muses are in .tune with
progressive modernity of the
ell methods, all buildings, both for
rancher's family and his helpers,
g electrically heated and supplied
running water furnished by a
age cistern, Wealth is to be found
g many roads in Western Canada,
Mr, IIeninger has found the sheep
nxfinals Doctor Themselves.
imais are their own medical ad,
s and surgeons, fer the most hart,
some wonderful cures have bees
on record. Cats olf color alien
, as do dogs; but thele latter re
a certain .kind, commonly knows
dog -grass." It is thicken: and
er than the usual variety.
eep and cows seek out a certain
ltheunraism-sufferers stay •out
e sun's glare .a. wounded apt
hes the flow of blood byY''`dress,
he injury with leaves .and grass.
ting of a viper seldom bills ons
e Pour -footed tribe; they lcriow
o deal wi.,a, this danger.
t wontler"tl of all is the ant..
ambulance and lrospi:tal. Nuin,
of these marvellow; little cr•ea.
are a1]ocaed flrst•a.ld duties, and
healing restoratives to their
eel comrades in the form of a
arent 3Iuid which they secrete
r mouths.
as "
of th
ing t
The s
of til
how t
]n then