HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-31, Page 1{ V010 XXi".1'4 o 39 ZURICH, :THURSDAY pBNI G MARCH 311 1921• Bargains in Boots and Shoes WE , RE TAKINNG• OUR LOSS AND IT WILL BE TO YOUR AD- VANTAGE D-V4NTAGE AS YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY WHAT YOU REQUIRE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALSO SINGER SEWING .MACHINES, BELL PIANOS AND EDISON PHONOGRAPHS. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS, • y .. • limeisselooseeseessoseme•seesee•••seeeeeeoecesosseeeefo••••e•••••••••••••••••: • 'res® • w s . 1 1 st • • • Ne a M.+1b• 16 The spirit of Spring is revealed in the Splendid • • • • showing of all that is New aid Attractive • • i• •n wearing apparel, etc.•• • M Tricotirie Suitings • t •k '^ `f"^'�"�� W l • wing an exceptional range of 5.4 inch, fine quality s • �� y`p 4,00. • �• Spring e are showing , • Rob ;Vele all 'tool Tricotine the popular• cloth for Ladies' Suite for cf;; S 'na at $5 DD per yard, another line not quite so wide at $ is • W,I''. HAVE TlitE„ADOZ!E LINES IN ALL POPULAR SHADES • V I3 R G E S *0 .411 w • 4 ,• y�. • M0. 0 0 2 • •0 0 m 0 ub 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 • • 0 • kik .1• (0 0,. 0 • :• i'� 2 2 y We have a beautiful range Navy,and Brown. Also fine prices. of all -wool serges in Botany Serges at very Black, low BROADCLOTH ES We are- also showing a nice lot of Broadcloths in Suit Ends. These make up a very neat suit. TRIMMINGS :Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming • the go es • • • • s • • 0 • 0 • 0 tm • • • R • above mentioned Cloths in all shades, also sill. •Dress Girdl ? to match, at reasonable prices. New S•pring Voiles a ..We. are showing an. exceptionally line range of printed Voiles • this season these have just arrived and you should loose no 0 time to make your selections, as these Goods are liable to : be scarce later in the season. s 85c Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard =_, •• •. $1,00 Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard ... ..• =•.• ... -. - Serenee, Tissue, etc:, at per yard from; $1.35 to $2.50 od SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • a e Gents' Furnishings SUITS SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Again we are ready to show our New Line of Mens' Suits for old ;and young ranging in sizes from 34 to 48. •So come along you BIG MEN, We feel satisfied we have something here to suit you as well as fit you. "REMEMBER” These Suits are splendid Values ;Smartly Tailored, at greatly Re- duced Prices. '. "No need of paying $50 for a Real up-to-date Suit." "See ours at half that Price." SHIRTS HATS CAPS OUR STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE House Furnishings WALL PAPERS ars showing an eligent range of new Wall Papers. All our new Papers this season ere 22 -in. wide, so you get that extra value yb buying your papers ironz us. We have a splendid range of pYtEarns to choose from and at all Prices 20c. 22ieze. 25e, 30e and 37%cents a Roll. LINOLEUMS nie2 Tot of 4 -yd. wide Linole e'u ;5v at '$1.25 a square yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS ': 'big range of Scrims with Lace silI Insertion and Plain in differ - cent. Shades. Also a nice lot of en•nr, d Marquetts from i e to $1.00-. ,, 'r «ard. • YtUG4 - :e eu0 splendid valuee :in Floor Rugs' - ..r Phone 59. Produce Wanted Mr. R. J. Kalbfleisch of Forest, spent Easter at' his home here. Mr. Herb. Kraft of Kitchener sp- ent the week -end at his borne here Miss Elizabeth Truemner• of De- troit was an Easter visitor here. Mr. Ed. Deiehert of Detroit is v isiting at the home of his mother hers. 1 Mrs. T. L. Wurm and brother, Mr. Nesbitt Woods are visiting in Detroit. Mr 14I. C. Milliken, Principal of Z. P. B. spent the week -end at his. home in Parkhill. Quarterly :Communion services were held. in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning. Misses `Elizabeth Ren�eie and Eva Heyrock are spending a few days in .Loudon this . week. Mr. John Becher, Jr., trustee o. Z. P. S. is attending the Trustees' Convention at Toronto this week. Miss Sarah Beacom of Goder:ch, is visiting at the home of Mr. J. Geseho, and. friends on the 14th eon. r 14liss Pearl Wurtz who has a position' at Ward's Jewellery, Lon- don, spent the Easter holidays at her home here. Mr..azld Mrs. Jack Routledge of Centralia were week -end visitors at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge. The Joint Auction Sale held at Walper's Hotel on Saturday, drew a.;. large crowd of people and as a consequence a good day's busi ss is ;reported. .lir irs. john Erb +; g, the Bronson Line and Mr. Pete.:; Brei;-: nerman of Blake, left on Sate day morning to attend the funeral of re relative at Wellesley. They will •also visit..at Baden, Hamburg, ;ind. Tavistock. Chester L. Smith, Publisher. $1.25 a Year In Advanee 51.50 IN A.RTMARS„ 52 MAY eI. i:NARG?♦ Automobile Headlight Lenses All Sizes $2.50 Upwards W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,eo Over 13Q Branches There is no - safer or surer swag of safeguarding yiour sux� flue money than placing it. in 41 savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. EOLLES Manager Zurich. Branch The Easter concert given in the Town 'Hall on Monday evening wit* exceptionally well attended, the numbers • and •selections of the program were excellent and a good musical and entertaining tr- eat was enjoyed by all. Another new business has op- ened up in Zurich for repairing bicycles,• namely, O'Brien & Wolper Their place of business is in the building just south of the Walper House, and the firm consists- of Mesers. Lennie O'Brien and Gord- on Walper. ` We wish much suc- cess • to the , boys in their under- taking. 1.®• **4: Jai^.T4s'� 044000000040* •G44**44.4"40..4* *******44' 4r A 0 • We are offering the following seasonable Horse t • requirements at greatly reduced prices: • HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, t, HORSE WHIPS, ETC; ETC.• SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT ♦a • A BIG R EDUCTION. S• We also carry in stock afull Line of Heavy Harness, Single a harness, Etc. - Winter Horse Requirements REPAIRING A SPEC!AL.TY 4k w. 4M . FRED THIEL - ZURICH dee• 440.4 4,044.04404, x040@444440.4 r0OtP,Gf+49t9• *A®04044.14041re4 .,'+ 4,04.4.wL ti4.4 r3+ ++44++ 4• e i•'I'1" +++ +'h -+++++a2 Vele i We Calot Shout4. .,. .fix.•S W,'KK; , 4 �, i ...i.,. .. 4. M Because we have our Prices down 4 1X0;. M to Rock Bottom figures every day It I in the week. 4 4 Shop here fora square deali Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT '� 'allt econvinced. ROOM IV. -* ` BUTTER AND C. SATISFACTION 4* Sr. V;-Euloine Geiger , Hilda e. EG -GS S WANTED �,J . F r I T Z OUR MOTTO -et Neusehvvangex, Gq�,don SVaIper, ee Rennie Weber, Whitney Broken- e. THE S H 0 E M A N shire absent. '' •-e- 3? .4.3333333333333• •4d••4'^4.•. ++++++ 44+•4••4•+++++•4 ++.11t+4 .lr. V; -Greta Forrest, honors;; -Dorothy Fritz, Muriel Howald, Ly-' 'yen Mart'n, Thelma Oswald, Veo'.a w Prang, Winnie Ortwein and Mabee • Pr.eeter absent. •• Sr: IV; -Newell Geiger , Ortha Meiick,- Edmund Bedard: honors. Madeline Meidinger, Theo. Deich-. acert, Ethel Deitrich, Milton Hey, Marguerite Prang, Eleanor Du - w eharnie absent. 0 M. C. Milliken, Teacher. • SCfOLO REPORT ' Report of S.S. No, 5, Stanley for o March. The names are in order M of merit. - O Sr. IV; -Frank McLinchey, ?ir McBride, Clara Stephenson, elize McLinchey, Garnet McLi ezh 0 • Jr,- TII;,Margaret McKinley, • Walter McBride, Wesley, Hayter, • Trrne McLinhcey, Edgar Smith. • ,Tr. lI;- •Elgin Hayter, Helen •„,•.,fuelt, Emma McBride. • Pt. II; -Edgar McLinehev, • o PriMin! A.; -Elmore Stephen -on 0 ;'$1.,,garet Robinson. • Anna MacDonald, Teacher. 0 • .• i For Infants and Children - ” 151. lc a Fog' Over 31!: Years A a`YYRIA t - ivc-. y o bents • ?be • if;i� ,...tYre of fit• Pre 41 "leduction of :Prices � �' e have reduced our prices on Dry Goods, Groceries, and all otherlines we carry in Stock, to present mar- ket prices, and will continueto drop our prices as the, markets decline. SO THAT OUR CUSTOMERS CAN REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE LOOKING AFTER THEIR INTEREST. Fresh Groceries always in Stock RR N. . DOUG/ riwn S PHONE 11 —97 E3LAK " x.rr+rw-.r.n-rw..•� �ir'r.Y.rwwi:w+.'.Vn:'iM.. .•w.r.� 4 4:-44........,.._..:..,........_....., ••,wrist 14; ,",17.,..:4,'W+7. •r+tiwAN•i•e..,�aP�...�M•... .w.w.M+�