HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-24, Page 8Spriv: an ummer Goods We have a fine array of newDress Materials on hard at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val- ues. Also new cotton Goods such as; Prints, ginghams, galateas, shirtiugs, cottonades, etc., all at lower prices. Serges andVelours Fine Dress and Suit serges in various colors, 54 in., wide value at $2.50 a yard. Velours and ot- her wool goods for Spring coats at from $2.25' to $3,75 per yard. New Voiles and Organdies Figured and Striped Voiles in light and dark shades and new designs, also fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride in our fine showing of these goods now on, hand. Come and see them. WALL PAPERS Now is the time to order your new Spring Suit or OOvercoat. We have a complete range of samples to choose from, for made -to -measure suits at right prices. MEN'S WEAR See our new Wall Papers for Spring. We made a special ef- fort to obtain the very newest designs in Wall paper and have a good variety on hand to show you. Grocery Dept. A new stock of Field and Gar- den seeds now in. Also Gardin- er's Calf Meal, Timothy Seed No: 1 purity at right price, also small lot of Alsike Clover Seed. ' Get our Prices. A FULL LINE OF FRESH GRO- CERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. J. GASCHO SON Ready -to -Wear Clothing DEN•OMX BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Now is the time to think of order. ing your Spring Suit or overcoat. We 'have some very nice samples to chi ., 'prom,. All Garments are made by expert Tailors. DENQM7 EPOB. Produce taken is exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Weelnesday) Butter 50 Eggs_ ._, Dried apples Wheat .-. _. Barley _ Oats -_ Bues.wheat .._ _._ _-•-•-•-•--.....:. 90 Flour ... ... ... .... 5.00 5.75 Bran ... ... ... ... .... $40.00 Shorts ...... 40.00 Potatoes per bag___ ...• -__ _-_ ..- 75 Live Hogs _.. ._._._... 14.25 30' 0' Friday. He was playing with the 1.75 dog when the animal attacked him in the face, tearing it quite badly 45 necessitating several stitches to close the wound. The County House of Refuge committee met in Clinton recently to attend to the quarterly burin- ess. Mr. Reynolds, the keeper, notified the committe ethat he was going to place his ,resignatio`h with the board, as he was going, farming Mr. and Mrs. 'Reynolds have , proved very capable offic- ials i r charge of the county home. Mr,_ Reynolds has rented the Fair farm near Clinton from Mr. A. E. Durnin, for a peroid of three years and will take possession at the end of the month. Mr. Reyn- olds will leave his duties at the' County House in June. COUNTY NEWS Murray, the young son of Mr. Murray Scott of Stephen, met with an unfortunate accident last, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The U. F. O. Clubs of this vie- inity received a carload of flour ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e•'-;-- e++++++++++++++++++++4 +++3.'e++++++'4 last week. bf • Fee: lax Seed 4. + 4. We have a limited quantity of Rax Seed s .'table for feed pur= 1 poses which we will sell '.t avery I + reasonable price. 4. ;? 1, F 0 C • K L Fl L E I S C 1-- i wi, lit, _Lo) + Don't forget the Easter Con- + cert in the Town Hall, on Monday. + evening, March 28th. To miss it .1, is to regret it. PHONE 69 Q ZURICH Considering the poor road con- ditions, a remarkable •large am- ount of hogs and cattle were ship ped at Hensall last Saturday. .A.s farmers are expecting to see low- er prices, hence the disposal of said. EVANGELICAL CHURCH NOTES On Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock there willbe preparatory servic- es in charge of Rev. S. M. Hauch, Crediton. On Sunday morning at 9.45, re- ception of members, followed by Holy Communion. * On Sunday evening the Choir .4f4.+++++++++++++++++++++4' '$ ++++++++4.++++++ ++4a+++++. FROST FENCE Good News to the Farmer +1. The past Two Seasons we haee been supplying our many 4.4+ Customers with Ring Lock Fencing. Having Just received a large Car of Frost Fencing, we will be able to supply the Public with a much better fence. d+ A Fence that is heavier Galvanized, ,Better Lock, More Coil and will stretch up more evenly than any other fence. We carry, all the. leading Styles in Farm, Hog and Poultry Fence. + ALSO A PULL SUPPLY OF BARB, COIL AND BRACE WIRE + WHERE.—OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. + 1F THESE GOODS DECLINE IN PRICE BEFORE APRIL 1ST. YOU WILL GET THE REDUCTION. NT STAPLES, ETC. + + + H + + + + + + + + 4. + + + CALL AND SEE OUR FENCE BEFORE BUYING ELSE- + + + + + + + + + + + + + E WElDO PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH r++++++++++++++++++++++++1444.4.4.++++$4++++++++++++++4,44 +++ + "+f++t ++++#++ ++++F+1M^i++>N+lei'+t++i+"t444 ++[F+IF+t++i+ 4++i..II++II• + ++II++li`+h+i++F+>l•+k+>H'l+ s and members of the S. School will give an appropriate Easter Pro gram. Beginning with the first Sun- day in April the evening service will begin . at 7.30 o'clock. • Everybody is Welcome. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley, Famous in this specialty, Called to Stratford. F. II. Seeley of Chicago and Philadelphia, the noted truss ex- pert, will personally be at the Win- dsor Hotel and will remain in St- ratford on Monday only March '28. Mr, Seeler says; "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any ease of rupture perfectly, but con tracts the opeeeing in 10 days on the average case. Being a vast advancement over all former me- thods—exemplifying instantaneous effects immeniatele appreciable and without any strain or poicion,This instrument received the• only :a- ward in England and in ,Spain pr- oducing results without surgery, injections, medical treatment or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United Stat- es Gov. Washington D. C., for inspection. All charity cases without charge, of if any interest- ed call, he will be glad to show same without charge to fit them if desired. Business demands pr- event stopping at any other place in this section P.S. Every state- ment in this notice has been Veri- tied before the Federal anclSt ate Courts.—F. 11, Seeley. Home Office 117 North Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. • W.4YBURN NEWS 'JTh debate at Grand Bend held under the auspices of the U. F. 0 !net Friday night was a de- cided success. Over 300 people assembled in Brenner's Hall to listen t1 the discussion of the zubjecis; Resolved that Woman's work on the farm is more arduous than that of man." The n'ffirmative won. It is ne- edless to say the ladies defende1 the -affirmative to the entire sat- isfaction of all present. The Ju- dges were Miss Guenther, and Mr., M. Turnbull and T. Webb. A splendid program was furni- shed by the musical talent of Gr- and, Bend and Wayburn. Reve • Mr. Carrier gave a. short approp riate address following the de- bate. School closes here Thursday, 24, for the Easter vacation. Mr. J. Schroeder goes to Toron- to next week to attend the trus- tees Provincial Association. EXETER Win. Kier bike, after some mon- th's wisit in Exter and vicinity., left for his hone at Weyburn;. Sas. Richard Welsh, last weeksold his residence on Andrew St. to John Morgan of Usborne, who will move in about .June 1st. Wilbur Cudmore arrived from Stettler, Alta., last Saturday ow- ing to, the illness of his father, George Cudmore, who ..recently fell and fractured his hip, and is now confined to bed, improving slow- ly. The local Pub. Utilities Commis- sign,;, which controls the hydro and waterworks,, has made a rebate o'ie the street lighting for 1919,to hte ;Deter Council of $769.11. The town gets street lighting at cost, but 4 fixed rate is first charged' and then when the 'cost is found .a rebate is made. The rebate ,for 1918 was in the neighborhood of $700. • The problem of securng suit- able living quarters in Exeter is a matter of concern to not a fewr famalies desiring of locating here. At present there are about fifteen neri•los who are looking for houses Most of• them' are wanting to rent, while. a few• would like to pure chase. Several new houses will be erected this year, the work on Wm-' h'!.Yin3 already started, Any one not having taken advant- age of dvant-ageof our 7 Day Sale, will always find good bargains in. Hardware and Furniture at our store. Give us a call and be convinced. We are offering Peerless woven wire 1 fence in all styles at below catal- ogue prices. You are protectnd on any decline in price until April 1st. Binder Twine We are Booking orders for twine unitl the 1st. of April '650 feet to the pound is the only Brand we will handle. And any one putting in their order will be protected in case they run short in Fall. AAs we: intend carrying only a limited sur- plus. Our prices will be announced as soon as -possible and will be as low as any quotation you may 'receive elsewhere. MELICK& BRA[JN 1 PHONE 63 i New Styles! New Cloths! New Prices! Spring and Bummer The "BROADWAY" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your measure for an up to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sam - pies -to chose from Produce Wanted. Buterickrashions Phon e 87