HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-24, Page 41 ice° :J/7?%• •- The Flat Oil Paint For Interior Decoration For the walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most delicate and harmonious effects can be secured by the use of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper and more sanitary than wall paper and will last much longer because it can be washed without injury. It positively will not rub off. NEU-TONE is made in eighteen shades, and by the use of various tints most pleasing combinations may be secured.;I MARTIN -SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES NEU-TONE is easy to apply. It covers well and leaves no brush marks, producing a dull, soft, velvety finish which will lend charm to any room in the house. Any surface may be successfully treated with NEIU-TONE—Plaster,wood, burlap or metal. Call and let us explain the merits of this and other MARTIN-SENOUR finishes. For every purpose For every. surface. Our stock is com- plete and we can give you full information. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. ` The following item, from the last issue of the Christian Guard- ian, refers to a native of Stanley Rod a former _pastor. of ..Seaforth `e't1 res church, and a brother to Messrs. John and Robert Me- Einley. "We are sorry to roeprt that the Rev. Geo. McKinley, pas- tor of Hyatt Ave,, London, has found it necessary ,through ill health, to seek relief from the btrain of the pastorate, He ex- ipects to ask the next Conference to relieve him. He was absent from his pulpit three months last Cummer, hoping that the change might improve his health, but the improvement has not been par- tnent. We are sure that his iretiiern will feel regret that such t.ction is necessary, and we hope that in due time he may be able to return to the active work." HENSALL: Mrs, Walker of Guelph is visiting her sister, Mrs. McKay. Miss Emma Dickson has taken Melick & Braun, Zurich a position with 3. W. Ortwein as saleslady, Mr. and Mrs. Weir Acheson,who have been conducting the Comm- ercial hotel here during the past eight" years ,having disposed of their hotel, left on Wednesday. On Saturday last dere were sit: carloads of live stock shipped from Hensall Sta. The U. P. 0. shipped two of cattle and one of hogs. Hugh McDolald shipped two of cattle and Chris. Eilber a part car of hogs. The engegement is announced. of Miss Lillian L. Porter, of Hen sail, to Mr. Wm. A. Kerr, of Sea- forth. The wedding to take place quietly the latter part of March. 'Most of the spring birds ar- t ived last week and as usual there is considerable amount of jargon= ing until the right of location has beeci. established. The blackbirds seem to be the more aggressive and claim the right to the choice spots. The sparrows, who have had the right of way all winter, resent the intrusion of the new 8=G Reduction Sale All kinds of Groceries Rio Coffee per lb. 25c Ceylon green and blk tea per Ib. 50c Casca'le salmon a tin 25c Orange, lemon and chocolate pie filler per tin 50c Shoes and Rubbers for men, women and children at cost. C .irhart overalls, and smocks 2,75 B ,gas' overalls and men's shirts at a reduced price. Produce taken in exchange 30 forget the date Mar. 19th to 29th J. s, E edrd, Drysdale "100% Pure" Paint For buildings, outside and in. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It wears and wears and wears. "Varnoleum" beautifies and preserves Oil Cloth and Lin- oleum. " Marble-ite " Floor Finish The one perfect floor finish. " Wood -Lac " Stain Improves the new—renews the old. comers, and on their arrival ass- aiieci them warmly. The arrival of spring birds in such large_ nu- mbers so early in the season is i ather AUCTION SAI,E Will be held on the Premises, One Half mile North of Zurich, on SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1921 Commencing at 1,30 o'clock, p. m. the following; T cow 8 yrs. old due in April; 1 cow due in September carrying second calf ; about 100 hens, a quantity of marigolds, some pot- atoes, DeLaval cream separator, root pulper, some boxes, chests, wheelbarrow, about a ton of hay, a quantity of lumber, sewing machine, 2 -section harrows, cult- ivator, scuffler, 40 onion crates, and numerous other articles. Terms of Sale ;—$5 and under cash. Over that amount 6 mon- ths' credit on' approved joint notes. 3 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Oscar Klopp, Peter Koehler, Auctioneer. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, Etc. The under- signed auctioneer has been intru- sted to sell by Public Auction' at DASHWOOD, ox SATURDAY APRIL 2, 1921 Commencing at 1 o'clock, p. m: sharp the following; One driving horse rising 5 yrs.; 1 driving mare rising 8; dray wag- on, buggy nearly new, cutter near- ly new, light set of sleighs, cutter pole, set of whiffletrees, neck yoke ,pair woollen horse blankets, diamond 3 -section harrows, new wheelbarrow, 2 ditching spades, ditching scoop, heavy set harness new, single harness new, fanning mill, hay rake, roller, 10 -•hoe seed drill, cultivator, dozen hens, White sewing machine, cupboard, kitch- en table ,2 parlor chairs, rocker, sink, kitchen stove, 2 wooden bed- steads good as new, bed springs, set light double harness, quantity millet seed, 1 cow due in May. and numerous articles. TERMS OF SALE ;—All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that amount 7 months' credit will be given' on furnishing approved joint notes. 3 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Chickens cash. Arthur Weber, Jacob Fisher, Auctioneer. 'Proprietor. AUCTION SALE . THINGS TO LOOK FOR 'WHEN YOU .BUY A TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT I'1' HAS ALL THE FEATURES ES.SI:N3'IA'D., TO ALL-ROUND SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY OF OPERATION. FOR INSTANCE LOOK FOR--- A. kerosene engine so that you can use cheap fuel, thereby doing your work at the Iowest possible cost. A throne governor to regulate the fuel to the load variations, insuring uniform speed of both'• tractor and driven machine in addition to fuel economy end saving one man's time when engaged! in belt work. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDEE. MORE•' I. H. C. TRACTORS IN USE THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED. L. A. PRANG, AGENT, ZURICH �I+Iliillnlnliiwn�liw•nil•u+wil•-a.,u;Iruullullw�uw�lwuiinr�.x�uuyliiliidluJ.l�wlllwuuwn des easy t """ DClubiesile as air ./ w, ;: " 077 Iasi s AER2 CUSHION INNER TIRE Li V" RUBBER COMPANyoJTED Ressommompan GINGHAM. ONTARIO. I r I have been appointed Agent for this district for the above Celebrated Inner Cushions Tires. And will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and be convinced. John Hey, Jr. - Zurich HORSES; -1 good brood mare in foal to R. Murdoch's horse; 1. grey P'r:heron ge;d'ng, 6 yrs, old; 2 Percheron geldings rising 3 yrs. 1 Percheron gelding rising 2; 1, good reliable driver 9 yrs. old. .CATTLE; -1 cow fresh 10 yrs.; 1 cow fresh 4 yrs. old ; 1 cow 6 yrs. old due at time of sale; 1 cow 4 yrs. old supposed in calf; 1 cow, 4 yrs old just bred; 1 fat cow; 3 steers rising 3; 4 heifers rising 3; 2 heifers rising 2; good milk strain; 7 heifers rising 1; 1 grade bull 9 months old; 2 young calves; about 50 hens; 2 ducks. IMPLEMENTS ;—M. -IL binder 6 ft. cut, M. -H. "mower 6 -ft. cut; Deering 13 -hoe drill nearly new; International roller, spring tooth cultivator, bean cultivator with harvester; hay rake; riding plow, walking plow, 2 furrow plow; 4 - section harrows; wagon, bob sleigh family buggy, top bugy, • cutter, hay rack, gravel box, fanning mill cutting box, root pulper, post hole auger, wheel barrow, cream separator; light wagon and pole, pony pole, set team harness, set plow harness, set single harness, 7 horse collars, new set sling ropes 19 rods pig wire 9 wires high, - a- bout 300 lbs. bare wire, about 60•, cedar posts, some seed oats, barley inillet,l seed corn on cob, some po- tatoes, a quantity of hay, 3 log- ging chains, cow chains, forks, shovels, whiffletrees, neckyokes, and numerous other articles. Im- plements are all nearly new. FURNITURE ;-1 five -piece par- for suit, 5 kitchen chairs, sideboard kitcehn table, sink, about a bar- rel of vinegar, McLagan gramaph- one,. TERMS;;—All sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 6 months credit will be given on furnishing' approved joint notes. A discount of ' 4% straight will be'giv en for cash on credit amounts. nay, grain', seed corn and pot- atoes cash, No outside stock allowed to be sold at this sale. Samuel •Hohner, Proprietor. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Wm., S. Johnston, Clerk, Of Farm Stock and Implements, Mr. Oscar Klopp, has been in- structed to sell by public auction on lot 15 con. 12, Stanley, 3% miles north of Blake oe • TUESDAY, MACH 29th, at I O'clock p, m, sharp; FOR SALE I am offering for sale my barn in Zurich, size 24x40 and 16 feet high. ,Apply Wm. Siebert Zur- ich. —31 NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St, Joseph Blockl. 8 tf4 ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. Wh im It M, Concern THE Parliament of Cd;= has recently passed a bill regulatin•.. ,.lee taking of the vote on the Referendum in Ontario on April 18. The points to remember arc as follows: Every British subject le r,ic tit or naturalization, 4.1' man or woman, resident it :it•- Dominion of Canada one year previous to Feb, . e 1, 1921, and resident in the Province of Ontarr two months previous to same date, is entitled vote, unless otherwise disqualified. Voters' Lists used in the I r provincial referendum are the lists to be used in this Referendum, subject to revision. Every voter in -.n urban polling divi- sion must be on the fist, .:d will presumably be on the list only in the division in which he resides. In incorporated cities and towns of 1,000 popula- tion or over, arrangements a;ill be made for receiv- ing applications from any who are not now on the list on March 29 to April 4 inclusive—except Sun- day—When for six clear days officers',will sit to receive such applications. 4. In rural polling divisions the voter must be either on the list or be put upon it as a resident and be vouched for as such by another resident. Both affirmative and negative sides have the right to select scrutineers. Womexr have the right to vote. 2. 3. 5. 6. y OTE -and vote Ontario Referendum C mm tte ., •