HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-24, Page 1Vol. XXI No 38 RALD ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCFI24, 192E, \IIIIIIM.MemommOWs...M.......wramosamapsimecommesseemomm.a.mrammostmmemor~werszosmar~ra.....4 Bargains in Boots and Shoes WE ARE TAKINNG OUR LOSS AND IT WILL BE TO YOUR AD- ' VANTAGE AS Y017 WILL BE ABLE TO BUY WHAT YOU REQUIRE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, EDISON te, ALSO SINGER SEWING MACHINES, BELL PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS' ''''. . ' - ''''''.=IMMI••••••011•111111•011M.11.1 ,4110~....msommornomnrommormrensarano 2,•••••...6.6.0000.00•0.0seseelooesee•••680000.06000.9••••0000soese..••••••••••: • • • ea : S eci Easte tiering ,, .,,, : , : . , „„..,,.. • it 4 ,, I-1 i.1 The spirit of Spring is revealed in the Splendid • 4 1 es : 1 • a • 4 • • • showing of all that is New and Attractive • o :• 1 in wearing apparel, etc. .• . •fre fr 0 Ilk *ME" 11•111115 11 1.00.61:1 owiiiimmiapon•mmedomo. 'Mr. Ward Fritz is visiting at Delhi. Miss Eva Williams is visiting at Stratford. Mr. Murray, Post Office Inspect- or of London, called at the local office here on Monday Mr. P. Koehler, who recently sold his dwelling place, on the Goehen north, to Mr. Jacob Kip- fer of Blake is holding an auction sale on Sarday, April 2nd. The 'Zurich Division Court sat in the Town Hall, on Thursday last March 17th There was no case disposed off, as no solicitors co- uld: be present. • re• • s • • Tricotine Suitings We are showing an exceptional range of 54 inch, fine quality • All wool Tricotine the popular cloth for Ladies' Suits for : Spring at $5.00 per yard. another line not quite so wide at $ * 4,00. • WE HAVE. THE ABOVE LINES IN ALL popuLAR SHADES We have a beautiful range of all -wool serges in Black, Navy, and Brown. Also fine Botany Serges at very low prices. BROADCLOTH 135 We are also showing a nite lot of Broadcloths in Snit ts Ends. These make up- a very neat suit. TRIMMINGS Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming the above mentioned Cloths in all shades, also silk Dress Girdles to match, at reasonable prices, New Spring Voiles We' are showing an exceptionally fine range of printed Voiles this season these have just arrived and you should loose no time to make your selections, as these Goods are liable to be scarce later in the season. Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard ... . 85c Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard ... - - a.. Sarance, Tissue, etc., at per yard from, 81.35 to SEE! OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Gents' Furnishings • SUITS SUITS AT G-REATLY REDUCED PRICES Again/ we are ready to show our New Line ot Mens' Suits for old • and young ranging in sizes from • • 34 to 48. So come along you BIG MEN, We feel satisfied we • have something here to suit you • as well as fit you. •1 • "REMEMBER". These Suits are splendid Values •Smartly' Tailored, at greatly Re- duced Prices. • "No need of paying $50 for a Real up-to-date Suit." "See ours at half that Price." SIM TS HATS CAPS OUR STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE 1 House Furnishings WALL PAPERS WE are showing an eligent range of new Wall Papers. All our new Papers this season are 22 -in. wide, so you get that extra value yb buying your papers from us. We have a splendid range of patterns to choose from and at all Prices 20c. 22%c. 25c, 30e. ! and 37yacents a Roll. LINOLEUMS • A nice lot of 4 -yd. wide. Linol-4 emus at $L25 a square yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS A big range of Scrims with Lace and Insertion and Plain in differ- ent Shades. Also a nice let of colored Marquette from 25c to $1.00 per yard. It-UGS Some splendid values in Floor Rugs Phone 59 3,, If, ,,,t'.t600024 jq PRIEETER. Produce Wanted • • • • • March 21st was the first day of, spring according to the alman- ae, A real brand of spring wea- ther arrived alhead of time this year. Rev. F. B. Meyer is assisting Rev W. J. Yager pastor at Dashwood in conducting revival services in the Evangelical church of that place this week. • • 0 0 0 • .9 0 0 00 a 0 • • • ANNUAL MEETING OF • ,, ta) • • • Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a 'Year In Advance $1.50 fl s7 ARRIi1.1 RS, $2 /1.A.Y BE ea -ram -40a Automobile Headlight Lenses . All Sizes $2.50 Upwards Mr. J. W. Horner, of the 14th, con., and who is engaged in mak- ing maple syrup at Varna, .spent tile week -end at his home on the I1th, con. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 • THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches 'There is no safer or sure way, of safeguarding your sur- plus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsens Bank. Why not begin to -day? W. B. COLLES. Manager Zurich Branch t 4**.**** 414..0.0400004.4.04.4> 4 4.+4**0.4.44i4.44 4.4.4Pf: Winter Horse Requirements We are offering the following seasonable Horse t requirements at greatly reduced prices: HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, 2 HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC, • Mrs. F. M. Hess and daughter, Margaret, left for London on Wed- nesday morning, where the latter intends to undergo an operation for removal of the tonsils. 1 'Owing to pressing advertising, fair reading matter space is con- %Iiderably reduced, but we hope te overcome this somewhat' in matter of a few weeks, as .111,1:wri A thee son slijnes: . .In last week's local news items we mentioned of Mrssrs. E. Wurm and J. Bloch, being in Parkhill on business. This was not correct, as it should have read Messrs. E. Wurm and W. S, Ruby, and we understand these two gentlemen had the intentions of buying a butcher business. But owing to no ice being available in Parkhill they decided not to make the venture. Make no engagements for Eas- ter Monday evening March 28th. One of the best programs ever given in this vicinity will be put on' in the Town Hall that evening. The program includes several good and comic plays, such as "The Country Drug Store," "The Milliner Shop" and other; also novel and artistic drills, as well as the touching Pantomime "Rock of Ages". Watch for advertise- ment, bills and price of admission. ZURICH ATHELETIC ASS. The annual meeting of the Zur- ich Atheletic Association was held • on Monday evening, A large • number of baseball fans were • • present and the outlook for a big : season's sport are very bright. • It is expected that our baseball team. will be greatly strengthened • • this year and a better class of ball played than in former years. • The election of officerresult- ed as follows; Hon, Pres. -Wm. 0 O'Brien. ill F. Klopp, 3. Decher : Jr., 0. Klopp. • Pres., J. Preeter; Vice -Pres, C. 411' Fritz; Manager, W. B. Colles; • • Captain, L. W Hoffman; Board of Managers, -Dr. P. 3, O'Dwyer, * T. L. Wurm, C, A. Hoffman, W.F. el. .Braun; Sec.-Treas, A. F Hess; • ' Auditors, Routledge and W. H Hoffman. • The above Mentioned officers to : act alan in the same sapacity in cennection with the skating rink. 1, The finances of the Association 411 :are in good shape. Only a small amount of the debt on the skating link is unpaid. • SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS A T A BIG R EDUCTION, die carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single A harness, Etc. • We also • REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ft4 FRED THIEL - ZURICH I. • 41, *****0.44,04.44.0404:14 „.. a • . * e! • ' 0 0 ; • • • • t • t . 44:0';'0419i404100011011101001.000•00.0101004100110400.14sP*',6.$00Pet,0•044 CASTOR IA For bloats -and Children :n VSOFOk Over 30 Years Always lboars "Iglu:raw, of 12teg 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. We Cannot Shout tee 47. LEI SALE! sFel I ,•, Because we have our Prices down to Rock Bottom figures every day I inth e week. Shop here for a square de al I and be convinced. EGGS WANTED C FRITZ SATISFACTIONBUTTER AND 244 ieeeetee+4-1•44++4•4.4•44+•44++++++++++++++++++4.4.44+ii THE SHOEMAN 4. Reduction of Prices We have reduced our prices on Dry Goods, Groceries, and all otherlines we carry in Stock, to present mar- ket prices, and will continueto drop our prices as the markets decline. SO THAT OUR CUSTOMERS CAN REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE LOOKING AF PER THEIR INTEREST.. Fresh Groceries always in Stock R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 Pi 97 !SLAKE