HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-17, Page 8Spring and unu er Goods We have a fine array of newDress Materials on hand at prices reduced about fifty per cent, from former val- ues. Also new cotton Goods such as; Prints, ginghams, galateas, shirtings, cottonades, etc,, all at lower prices. Borges andVelonrs Fine Dress and Suit serges in various colors, 54 in., wide value at $2.50 a yard. Velours and ot- her wool goods for Spring coats at from $2.25' to $3.75 per yard. New Voiles and Organdies Figured. and Striped Voiles in light and dark shades and new designs, also fine organdies in plain colors. We take pride in our fine. showing of these goods now on hand'. Come and see them. WALL PAPERS Now is the time to order your new Spring Suit or OOvercoat. We have a complete range of samples to choose from, for made -to -measure suits at right prices. , 1 1 1 MEN'S WEAR See our new Wall Papers for Spring. We made a special ef- fort to obtain the very newest designs in Wall paper and have a good variety on hand to show you. Grocery Dept. A new stock of Field and Gar- den seeds now in. Also Gardin- er's Calf Meal, Timothy Seed No: 1 purity at right price, also small lot of Alsike Clover Seed. Get our Prices. A FULL LINE OF FRESH GRO- CERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. J. �ASCHO & SON • ++++++++++• +++ •+++++++fir+.F+ 4e' - -e++++++++++++++++++++4 Feed Flax Seed . $... We have a limited quantity of Flax Seed suitable for feed. pur= '.I poses which we will sell �t.t avery 3r o reasonable price. TT. * F. C. K (&\LT!TLEISCi PHONE 6q ZURICH i 4.++++++++ ++++++++++++++44 a+++++++++++++++++++4.,E�41 *0•+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 •F++++++++++++++++++fig++'l'+++++++++4 4. FROST I'ENOE 4. + , + I Good. News to the Farmer I .... The past Two Seasons we ha.+e been supplying our many iCustomers with Ring Lock Fencing. + +Having Just received a large Car of Frost Fencing, we 4. will be able to supply the Public with a much better fence. A Fence that is heavier Galvanized, Better Lock, More Coil h and will stretch up more evenly than any other fence. We *E+ carry all the leading Styles in Farm, Hog and Poultry Fence, I ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF ,BARB, COIL AND BRACE WIRE .'fit. T. .STAPLES, ETC. 1 CALL AND SEE OUR, FENCE BEFORE BUYING ELSE- INHERE.—OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT:'. .'kt.` 4. + IF THESE GOODS DECLINE IN PRICE BEFORE APRIL 1ST. 1 YOU WILL GET THE REDUCTION. 4. 4, • 4 .1. STA4. E 10 4.* P EtTER BLOCK. - ZURICH 4. ++444.4.14 + + +44444•44++ +4411q++•II++k`II4+++++++++++ ++ + ++i++iia eAdyto-Wear DE OMY BROS, Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Now is the time to think of order- ing your. Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have some very nice samples to choose from. All Garments are made by expert. Tailors, DETOM7 BROS. Produce takes in exchange for Goods LOCAL MARKETS ` M (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 50 Eggs... _.. _.. 32 Dried apples .. 8 Wheat 1,90 Barley ... .. _ 1 90 Oats ... ... 95 Buci.wheat .__ ... ___ 90 Flour, ___ ... _.. .... . 5.00 5.75 Bran _-- ...... '$40.00 shorts 50.00 Potatoes per hag__. _-- .-. 73 Hogs live __,._„.... 13.50 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Canada hass, now a net debt Of$2,302,723,021. ` This is a heavy? load fora young country to. carry Those wire rat -traps are ' fash- ioned after matrimony—an easy way leading in, but none out. There will be four eclipses In 1921, including the annual eclipse of the sun April 8th, invi'sahle. - here, and #a total eclipse of the. sun October, 1st. Also invisable in' this part of the world: A. tot- al eclipse of the moon, visible ;in North and South America, New Zealand and part of Australia,Will occur April 21st and 22nd, and there will be a partial eclipse of ty thousand stingers in the course the moon ,Oct. 16th, the ending' of of a year requires only two col - which will he visible here. onies of bees, and is worth' as. Morethan 20,000,000 pounds` of much as the honey from fifty col tobacco raised in Essex County�last onies The stings are bought by manufacturing.. year is still in the hands.of far-�druggists for ` the niers, according to officials of the fG_ nic acid they contain. Empire Tobacco Co. The crop was not purchased by the tobacco companies because of over -prod uction. The farmers, it is did; are holding out for 10 cents a'' lb. This price cannot be paid, it 16'. stated, and unless producers are Ni tiling to take 8 to 9 cents the, tobacco may remain in the barns. Land that for the past 10 years, has ben used for growing tob usual in olden times for aced will this Year be cropped barbers mers say to take upon themselves ,some of with corn and wheat, far This will lead to greater hog.pro the duties of asurgeon?•-Clinton duction in (t,he border county. News -Record. Dr. A. S. Grant, Secretary of the The, sad news was received last Referendum Committee, visited Friday of the death of Mrs. W. E.A Rpron County last week and in Pilcher, (nee Emelia Hess), da?xgh- ;company with the 'President and ILL!NERY FULL STOCK OF' TRIMMED, AND UNTRIMMED HATS NOW ON DISPLAY. CALL, AND CHOSE YOUR NEW BONNET EARLY. M. E. Routledge, Zurich An Eastern woman has found profitable the raising of bees for their stings. A sale of s erne fif- ter of the late P. Hess, Sr. She died in a hospital in Detroit, where she underwent a serious op- eration a few days before her death, -The remains were taken to South Bend, Ind., and the;f an- eral was held from the home,,, of her sister, Mrs. Q. N. Taggart, on Monday, tier husband and one daughter, Adelaide, besides ' her sisters and . brothers, sure*ive.. Much sympathy is being erten- ded to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, of the Parr. Line, Hay, at the loss of their only child, Lloyd Wood- row, who passed away on Sunday morning at the age of 2 years and 2 months. The little felloW had been sick for only a few days when he contracted a cold , and pneumonia set in, and everything. clone for him was of no avail. The funeral is beiing held this. Wednes- day at 2 o'clock to the Exeter cemetery, officiated by Rev,' Lin - day of Ixippen nad Rev. P. B. Meyer of Zurich,, where the, `,last' remains are laid to rest. Field Secretary of the Huron Tem perance Assoc. vicited several cen- tres and found that the workers are enthusiastically taking hold of the campaign in preparation for the vote onr April 18th. ' The voters' lists are to be re- vised e-vised in Goderich, Wingham, S?a- forth, Clinton and Exeter, betw- een March 29th and April. 9th. Those who attend the Movies will have the opportunity some time during the coming weeks to see the film entitled "The Bar and The Ballot,” hwich has been spec- ially prepared by the film comp- anies for the Referendum cam- paign, • ASkro R IA For Infants and Children as Use Fog' Over 30 Years Always bears the �¢��� 3ighatn�re of ��G C it!/ Any one not having taken advant- age dvant-age of our 7 Day Sale, will always find good• bargains in Hardware and Furniture at our store. Give us a,call and be convinced. We are offering Peerless woven wire fence in all styles at below catal- ogue prices. You are protectnd on any decline in price until April 1st. Binder . Twine 1 We are Booking orders for twine unit! the 1st. of April 650 feet to the pound is the only Brand we will handle. And any one putting in their order will be protected in case they run short in Fall. As, we intend carrying only a Limited sur- plus. Our prices will be announced as soon as possible and will be as low as any quotation you may receive elsewhere. MELICK& BRAUN PHONE 63 1 New Styles! New Cloths! New Prices! Spring and Summer The "BROADWAY' Brand •j Correct Clothing for Men • Let us take your measure for an up to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sam- ples to chose from Produce Wanted. Buteric Fashions WIJR Phco: , fir..' •