HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-17, Page 40 •, 3111:411Ur Reduction n .e 411 kinds of ro. cerie Rio Coffee per lb.. 25c Ceylon green and,. blk tea per lb. 50c Cascade salmon a tin 25c Orange, lemon and chocolate pie filler per tin 50c Shoes and kubbers for igen, women and children at cost. Carhart overalls, and smocks 2.75 Boys' overalls and men's shirts at a reduced price. Produce taken in exchange .Don't forget the date Mari 19th to 29th J. 5 Bedard, Drysdale WAYBURN NEWS Our school "hada literary treat to furnish us last Friday evening First on the program.ivas a lively debate on the subjects; Resolved that a carr u u: team and car>siage ]were .mace for the far- mer that the car. The affirmat- Ive was supported Ivy Eddie Turn' - bull, assisted by Ruth Turnbull; 'while the negative was led by Grace Turnbull supported bytes - tie "Turnbull. After a lively de- bate which showed good thought and clear reasoning from every 'One of the speakers, the judges de- cided in fa .-er of the affirmative. ;After the debate a sexier of songs recitations, drills and dialoguea tffere given, We were pleased to see several visitors present and !we hope many more will avail th-. ieinselves of the literary treats given by Wayburn pupils. Next. Friday evening, . Mar. lath the U. F. O. ,put on a notable de- bate at Grand 'Bend; subjects 'Resolved that a womans work sir the farm] is more arduous than thatof the man. The ladies will Support the affirmative, while 6 men will defend the negative. Ev- erybody come along and enjoy a profitable debate. We hope our temperance work - era will get to work, organize and labor forcibly, during the next tour weeks in order to put before the franchise holders their Iran - /Chisel duties in the coming Refere- ndum April lath. DAS}IWOOD Mrs. J. Schaefer and daughter, Susie of Parkhill spent the week- end in town, Mrs. G. Kellerman, is at present. visiting with her son in Walton. Little Reta Hayter and Ruth Kleinstiver are visiting their aunt Mrs. H. .Zimmer inStratford. Inspector Tom of Goderich paid our school an official visit last Thursday. Mr. Wm. Tiernan of Stratford and Messrs. Emma and Solome Tie man of London attendee the furi4 eral of the late 3. Kraft on Satur- day. Mr. Ferd Miller has accepted a position with Mr. .Pedersen at the creamery. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Zimmer of Strat- ford spent' the week -end here. LATE JOHN' L. KRAFT. One of the largest funerals seen here for some time was that of the late John L. Kraft on Saturday The deceased was ill but a few months. All that medical treat- ment and home attendance was done for him. He had reached the age of forty one years, and was up to the time of his illness, ever attendive to his duties in his shoe store. He was a man of integrity honest in his dealings, and above reproach. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and Imported "Booze" Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating ntoxfcating liquor into the province be prohibited? WHILE importation of intoxicating liquors into y provinces dr >: in - ccs was forbidden by war -time Orderin-Council, Ontario's jails were half empty. Since that order was rescinded, imported "Booze" has been filling them up again. Jail Commitments —Before and after the Federal war -time Order - in -Council prohibiting importation of liquor into Ontario was rescinded: Commitments for Drunkenness. 1919 3,415 1920 »....,.....4,511 Net increase, 1,096. Commitments for All Crimes. 1919 13,096 1920 14,756 Net' increase, 1,660. Imported "Booze' is demoralizing social con- ditions, breeding a disregard of law, endanger- ing the home and menacing the youth of -this province. Imported "Booze" is defeating the expressed will of the people. VOW +11111Mrw.u.em Minialuiamoimmilermiimorminewl Vote and Vote, Ye5 Let us shut the door to Imported "Booze" Ontario Referendum. Committee 19 three small children besides' one, brother, three sisters and both parents. Dais last remain were laid to rest in the family plot in the LuiT theran' cemetery, where they were followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The Basket was covered with beautiful ;floral. tributes testifying to the esteem in which he was held. Mull sympathy is. felt for the. bereaved friends in this their time; of sorrow. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Toweilship of Stephen convened ' ni the , Town Hall, Credtion, on Monday .,March 7th at. 1 p.m. Ahll .anembers we- re present, • The minutes of the previous meeting .were read and adopted, By-laws 275 'and 276 hav'iiag be- en read thre etimes were passed and signed by the Reeves and Clerk, The audito'r's . report cv ac- cepted and they : be paid Vor'their services. • , The tender of the Clinton News Record for printing was accepted. Said tender being the lowest re- ceived. Thr Clerk was instruced to writ. the Crown .Attorney re; J. P. fines. W. R. Elliott, appointed, by th Township council to represent th municipality as arbitrator. in th matter of withdrawing .the n lot 21. and, lots 22 and 23,, con. 1, o the Township of Usborne from th Exeter S'chool secti'bn, reported that the meeting had been held and it was agreed by all parties in terested that the said lots shoul remain in the Exeter school sect but for school purposes only, the land was t'b be assessed fo 60 per cent. The council being satisfied with the arrangements requested the clerk to write . Mr Tom, Inspector to that effect. Instructions were also given the Clerk to arrange for a joint me etiagto he held in Mount Carme to adjust business between the Townships of Stephen and Mc- Gillivray. 4 The following orders were pas- sed;-. t .` Toronto Stamp & Stencil. works, Tags 26.02; Bursar; Woodstock Hospital 're Williams 19.50; S. Bro- kenshire Comm'r 3rd S. Rd. 5.00; Insurance on Hall 17.25; C. 'Zwic- ker auditor 8.00; Thos. Treyethick ditto 8.00; W. R. Elliott, School Arbitrator 5.00; Nelson Baker ref. cow -tags 4:00; Treas Exete agr. Society Grant 15.00; :Mi niy�.Wo- rl supplies 38.40; Treas. Tjs Hay bal. N.B..acct 84.57; Advocate Pr- inting account 170.01; C. Roeszler. sawing wood 1.75; . A. Mueser tile for drain 9.70; Ed. Sweitzer wood 36.00; Mun. World supplies "11.48; Meredith & Fisher Servoces 5.00; M. E. Ratz, acct. .50; H. Hamilton ,rent of yard. 5.00; F. Gerareette Rep. gravel pit 22.50; J. Kessell Comm. 9.00; Council adjourned to meet ag- ain the 4th day of April 1921 in the Town Hall, Crediton at 1 p.m; Henry Eilber, Clerk. e e e e 3i f e a a • r CREDITON We are pleased to see • Harry Hoist around again after his sev- ere 'attack of mumps. Mrs. Caroline Steinacker, wife of Henry Steinacker, who passed to the Great Beyond on Monday last, at the age of 71 years. Deceased was ill abo'irt three weeks, and in spite of the best of care 'ryas un- able to throw off the ravages of the disease from which she was suffering. Her remains were in- terred in the Evangelical cemetery on Wednesday. Rev. Hauch, offic- 1leaves r offic- iated. She to mourn her loss, her husband, one son John Kuntz of Elmwood, two brothers; Wm. adn John of this place, and, two sisters, Mrs. Wind of. Detr- oit and Mrs. Finkbeiner of Milver- ton. Mrs. Chris. Zwicker, Sr,, who died in London on March 3rd, at the age - of 85 years, after a brief illness. Her remains were inter- red in the Exeter cemetery. On Saturday last. Deceased . was. born in Cornwall, Eng. and emig- rated to this country when • 12 yrs. old. She and. her husband lived here till .20 years ago, whne they moved to London. She leaves to mourn her loss ,a husband, wh- ose present age is 96, five sons; Charles of Crediton, Chris. on Lon- don, Geo. of Windsor, Albert and Arthur of Edmonton and tiro da lighters at home. EENSALL. John' Zuefle has completed his green house and is in a position to supply gardeners. At a meeting on last monday d afternoon of the School Boar, Prin. McKay and Inspector T"om, arrangements were made for the establishment of a continuation Blass. Wan. .Peart of Dun Centre N. Dok. attended the funeral of his father, the late Thos, Peas t, 1 THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN YOU BUY A. TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT IT HAS ALL THE FEATURES ESSENTrAL TO ,ALL-ROUND SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONO�I Y OF OPERATION FOR INSTANCE LOOK FOR-- { A kerosene engine• so' that you can use cheap fuei,,.thereby doing your ',work at the. lowest 'possible cost: .A. throtle governor to regulate. the fuel to the load variations, insuring uniform speed of both tractor and driven machine in, addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when engaged in belt work, HURON CONTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDER. MORE I. H. C. TRACTORS IN USE THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED. L. A. PRANG, AGENT, ZURICH % nes ea -3' � � ii i �� �Dozibleskileo e as alt ;.� .on Ces'insks eAER� CSS!-�I��! ��� ER FIRE CCJJ f RU BB R CofiAPAN YY, �rrR .WINGHAM. ONTARIO.. 1 have been appointed Agent for this district r g� for theabove._Celebrated 1Npn�x.CushlYa Tires. And will pleased to give a demonstration at any ' be convinced. time: Call and John .. Hey, Jr. urjch On Friday last the` U.F.WEO, banquet held in the town hall, tne- dered by the ladies of the organ- ization, was largely attended some 500 being served at the tables wh- ich literally groaned with the ab- undant of good things to eat, including a liberal dish of well cooked oysters. The passing away of Miiss Dor- een Murdock youngest daughter of Mr. Alex. Murdock, on Monday last cast a gloom of sadness in the hearts of her many friends. She was in her young girlhood at the age of eighteen, full of bright hope for the future. Miss Doreen had been in failing health for some time, and for the past few weeks eonfined to her room. Some 3, years ago she sustained an injury to her knee, having fallen from her bicycle,,this afterwards caus- ed her serious trouble, when an - operation was then performed, following this Sarcona set in and it was found necessary to ampu-, tate the limb' above the knee. During all these months of suff- ering the little patient bore all her affliction with bravery • and, cheerfulness never giving up the thought but that she would. at last win' out. EXETER Mrs. Will Rennie of Zurich is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Broderick. i i . r Mr. James Scott has sold his house and property in Exeter 'to Mr. Geo. ' Coward, of Usborne.. Mrs, M. Powell, •who has been spending the winter with her son in Brandon, and in Winnipeg, re- turned home. Mr.S James Wanless of Duluth arrived here to spend a short One with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy. S. J. V. Cann as purchased the old power house building across from the Metropolitan Hotel from Claris.. Zuefle, and ': will occupy it as .a turning factory and eider, mill Prof. Anderton, of Ireland, the new organist for James St. Meth- odist church, expects to sail from Ireland on March 19th, and to take charge, of the organ the first Sun- day in April. While •playing hockey last Fri- day evening, Mr. Gordon Wells was struck in the eye with the puck. The .sight was not imp- ared but it took a stitch to close the flesh wound.o JOINT AUCTION SALE At Walper's Hotel, Zurich on ,SATURDAY, MARCH, 26rh, 1921 Commencing at 2 . o'clock sharp the following; 1918 Ford. Touring Car; driving horse rising 4; Carriage horse, broke single and double, heavy horse rising 7; cow rising 6 yrs., due in May; yearling heifer. M. ' H. cultivator, Deering disc, new; buggy, light wagon; cuttin,; box, double plow; single iron bedstead, springs and mattress; 9 chairs; quarter cut oak rocker, 1 iron' bedstead 4.6in. wide and mat- tress; Velour covered couch; 25 bushels Green ;Mountain seed pot- atoes; ..lawn mower; quantity of Irish Cobbler; Early_ Ohio; and Sir Walter Raleigh Seed potatoes. Some Alsike and .Sweet clover, bag apples, rakes, forks, shovels and mmnerous articles. TERMS ;—All articles under $10 cash, over that amount 12 months credit will be given by furnishing approved ,joint notes. A, discount of 5 per. cent per annum for mill on credit amounts. Oscar Klopp, W.S. Johnston Auctioneer. ` Clerk AUCTION SALE 01 Farm Stock and Implements. Mr. • Oscar Xlopp, has been in- structed n- s zr 1 to 1 to sell by public auction on9. con. 12, Stanley, 3,,i miles north of Blake on TUESDAY, MARCH 29th, at 1 O'clock ;p. an. sharp; HORSES; -1 good brood mare in foal to R. Murdoch's horse; 1. gr -`y P r.h?ro_i ge:d ng, 6' yrs. old;. 2 Percheron 'geldings rising 3 yrs.. 1 Percheron gelding rising 2;' 1,. good reliable driver 9 yrs. old.. C.A.TTLE;-1 cow fresh 10 yrs.;_ 1 cow fresh 4 yrs. old; 1 cow 6 yrs. old clue at time of sale; 1 cow 4 yrs. old $_upposed in call 1 cow, 4 yrs old just bred; 1 fat cow; 3 steers rising 3; 4 heifers rising 3; 2 heifers rising 2; good milk strain; 7 heifers rising 1; 1 grade bull 9 months old; 2 young calves; about 50 hens; 2 clucks. IMPLEMENTS;—M.-II. binder 6 ft. cut, ,M. -Ht. avower 6-1 t. cut; 'Deering 13 -hoe drill nearly new; International roller, spring tooth cultivator, bean cultivator with harvester; hay rake;' riding plow, walking plow, 2 furrow plow; 4. section harrows; wagon, bobsleigh family buggy, top, bugy, cutter., hay rack, gravel box, fanning mill cutting box, root pulper, post hole auger, wheel barrow, cream separator; light wagon and pole, pony pole, set team harness, set. p1ow harness, set single harness, 7 horse collars, new set sling ropes 19 roils pig wire 9 wires high, a-. bout 300 lbs. bar, wire, about ..60 cedar posts, some seed oats, barley millet? seed corn on cob, some po- tatoes, a quantity of hay, 3 log- ging chains, pow chains, forks, shovels, wbiffletrees, neckyokes, and numerous other articles. Ird..• pieanents are all nearly new. FURNITURE; -1 five -piece par-, for suit, 5 kitelien chairs, sideboard kitcehn table, sink, about a bar- rel of vinegar, McLagan gramaph'a one,. TEEMS;—All. sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 6 inonths credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes.' A. discount of 4% straight will begiv en for cash on credit amounts, Ilay, grain seed corn and atoes cash. No •outside stock' allowed t i be soldat this sale. Samuel Hohner, Proprietor. Osear Klopp, Auctioneer. Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk.