HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-17, Page 1z • Vol. XX I No 37 ZURICH, THURSDAY MO Cheeter 14 4mth, Publiebee $1.25 a Year In Advance $s so. IN ATM KARR, .11 .131C 4..,HARGEI) , -seseiss. . . - ..,i . ... Mr.: giner DertomY 'made iness trIp to LondOtven Tuescla--:. .... Mr.:Wm, Dougla4 of near Br. - ,, eetiefd ..a.1.1(34 int tlie-Nillage . OA TiVednet.4ilay,, IleyfoCk is spentng • the . Week in Dashwood with her sister, +Mrs. Guenther. Mr J Hey, Jr., 1 his eeeets into the -property re- centlkpurchased froth Mr. F. M. Cat! and hear.: Price $15 ocIerful Stevii* art.Phono ,,ra for quality of priusic Tone and.beatity (-3 eilesessoiesseesoolese;400 „11,esseNte***eeemeGaGeoesseefteeeeeeleaseetteisomPlioiss• Paine and lir a. W ild s 0! • 1 New ,-..',amburg, after visiting ee- lativeb here ,returned to their 11- a honle, on Wednesday morning., JEWELLER- agt: OPTICIAN , PHONE go. 74 e Mrs. C '-'vvegner who .epent the • 1111, • • . • • a ie .7, HCl 4r2 1 Easter fferi The spirit of Spring is revealed in the Splendid showing of all that is New and Attractive in wearing apparel, etc. • Tricotine Suitings We are showing an exceptional range of 51 inch, fine quality All wool Tricotine the popular cloth for Ladies' Suits for Spring at $5,00 per yard. another line not quite so wide at $ 4,00. • • 0 a 1 • 0 e oe 0 These Suits are splendid Values le Smartly Tailored, at greatly Re- duced Prides. . . .t. "No need of paying $50 for a ro 40 Real up-to-date Suit. "See ours at half that Price," ,e.• SHIRTS HATS CAPS 0.1. OUR STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE le *0 Gents' • winteee Menthe wiib. her daughter • Mrs..' j.. W. Ortwein,Ilensall 'has- . , , a returned to her dwelling here Lor IR- the ieenner. • ,• al The Methodist church sheds at • Mitehell are now kept locked and 2 all farmers who have the right to i putiheir horses in the sheds when 2 theY'-'4. eine to town. have keys. is- 1V1.4.. Oscar Klopp, auetioneer, at I • teede the North liurOn Breeders' O A.ssee tion Sale at Wingham last • wears end also ably assisted the • auctio eer Mr. Robt. Ames, of 0 Guelen in disposing of the stock. 0: Ineoeporated in 1835 . W.5 HAVE THE ABOVE LINES IN ALL POPULAR SHADES , exe •• 0 • s ER il E 5 • THE OLSONS s . We have a beautiful range of all -wool serges in Black, • Navy, and Brown. Also find Botany Serges at very low : prices. . • • BROADCLOTH ESa • e • fit TRIMMINGS l . , We are also showing a nite lot of Broadcloths in Suit ee s .Ends. These make up a very neat suit. ; Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming the above • mentioned Cloths in all ehad.es, also silk Dress Girdles to match, at reasonable prices. • • • • ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,0.00,000 Over 130 Branches Buy Canadian Goods -and hep to keep Canadian workmen busy, it will help you. Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit your savings in the Molsons Bank Courteous :service to all. • W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch ei • •• • •• • • • • 1• New. V Spring cm es We are showing an.exceptionally fine range of printed Voiles this season these have just arrived and you should loose no time to make your :selections, as these Goods are liable to be scarce later in the meson. Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard 4 85e Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard ... ...,:...x ..e -. MOO Sarance, Tissue, etc., at per yard from, $1.35 to ...., ..e...... Furnishings SUITS SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Agairs we are ready to show our New Line of Mens' Suits for old and young ranging in sizes froxn al to 48. So come along you BIG MEN, We feel satisfied we have something here to suit yod as well as fit you. „ "REMEMBER" re SEE' OUR WINDOW DISPLAY House Furnishings WALL PAPERS • Wel are, showing an eligent range of new Wall Papers. All our new Papers this season are 2e -in. wide, so yeu get that extra value yb buying' your papers frbm us. We have a splendid range of patterns to choose frorn and at all Prices 20c. 22%c. 25e, 30e and 373acents a Roll. LINOLEUM'S nice lot of 4 -yd. wide Linole euros at $1.25 a square yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS • A big range of Scrims with Lace and Insertion and Plain in differ- ent Shades, • Also a nice lot of colored IvIarquetts from 25c to $1e0 per yard. RUGS Some splendid values in Floor • Rugs PRE Mr. justice Islington of the Sup- reme Court has ruled that twelve miles an hoer is an excessive and daragerous speed for a motorist to travel on streets where traffic is ordinarily heavy and said the limit in towns and villages is fif- best evidence of it was to be fou - teen miles a.ri hour. In • view of this decision of the nd in the daily slaughter caused by careless and reckless motorists. Supreme Court motorists will need to be careful in their driving notwithstanding that the speed According to Europdan press despatches, Petrograd is now in the hands of the rebels and the Bolshevist leaders have all fled • irons the city. If reports from •,csussia can be believed, there is a series of outbreaks occuring e• ever' ;the country. The Gran.] • Duke Michael, a brother of the • • ltete Czer, is meeting with mirkei secesss in Siberia, while other anei- • • Hblehevist leaders are winning vie - tares in various parts of Russia • 1.11 Europe. 0 The Police Trustees of Zurich • AI '),Iivire received notice from • the • Hydro -Electric Commission of • • Optario that after a careful anal- * ys:s of the operating expenses a id • • revenue of the local hydro system during the year ending Dec. 31st, 1.910, that the surplus for sed per- * ii iorl, shoeld ba rebated to the gen- •eral fund of the Police Village. The • surplus in the operation o the. • street lighting during that perYid amounts to $371.47, and this am- ount will be refunded out of the local hydro beads to the general muniicpal funds of the Villaee,The refuedieg of this athount will grc- atly decrease the cost of our e ingint it down to about $80.0 per] • ,..........:;................4..,....................., , 1 Winter Horse Reiiiiirements t We are offering the following- seasonable Horse frk t ,.I requirements at greatly reduced prices: a, • HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HA.LTERS, SWEAT PADS, HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. : • • SEE OUR EXTRA. FINE ASSORTMENT OF MENS MITTS AT re is * : ....•--. A, BIG R EDUCTION. i .. es, es G.,,,. W ,e also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single 4xe : -•.' ee... ---.---.."-ral.,iiess,"'Ete.---- - --- - REP AIRNG A SPECIALTY FRED ,THIEL - ZURICH .1 :','-'0,44tittro•V•4944.0. • q44.444*„0,0,e44,-.4440.4.41,44,1,4**.4ottA 4. :g 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. We Cannot Shout SALE! SALE! S Lt1 Because we have our Prices down to Rock Bottom. figures every day in th e week. Shop here for a square de al and be convinced. -:- ISN.gIcsOlse + • BUTTER 0 . FRITZ 24-I THE SHOEMAN 4-:-:•++++++++++++++++++++++44444+++++++++++++++++++++++4! 4* 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4 - Reduction of Prices We have reduced our prices on Dry • Goods, Groceries, and all otherlines we carry in Stook, to present mar- ket prices, and will continiaeto drop • our prices as the markets decline. SO THAT OUR CUSTOMERS ,CAN REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE LOOKING AFTER THEIR INTEREST. Fresh Groceries always in Stock • R. N. r:)oueLAs • •• • • Phone 59 ProdUce VVanted set lighting for the year 1919, bi- ting Month, 4. 4404. tlat*,,,f:Zer.i14.,Valt".**M14042'.0V41044,44,f0ZeISM.414-Vitst t irto kto A c • PHONE 11 - 97 , BLAKE • 4.'", i 4,filit, , ..,, ... . ee.• se ese if \...,... • • , Bargains sin Boots and Shoes WE'XRE TAkINNG OUR LOSS AND IT WILL BB TO YOUR AD- ., VeeNTAGE AS YOU -WILL BE ABL,E TO BTJY WHAT YOU REQIJIRE ' '4 .:''16. c I? ,.,;', _41 ' AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. • ALSO SINGER SEWING MACHINES, BELL PIANOS AND EDISON k • . PII0140GRAPHS. 1 , W. H. PFILE ZURICH SHOE MERCHANT AND REPAIRS' . . . _ . . ILBSYcaliwilral .. Cheeter 14 4mth, Publiebee $1.25 a Year In Advance $s so. IN ATM KARR, .11 .131C 4..,HARGEI) , -seseiss. . . - ..,i . ... Mr.: giner DertomY 'made iness trIp to LondOtven Tuescla--:. .... Mr.:Wm, Dougla4 of near Br. - ,, eetiefd ..a.1.1(34 int tlie-Nillage . OA TiVednet.4ilay,, IleyfoCk is spentng • the . Week in Dashwood with her sister, +Mrs. Guenther. Mr J Hey, Jr., 1 his eeeets into the -property re- centlkpurchased froth Mr. F. M. Cat! and hear.: Price $15 ocIerful Stevii* art.Phono ,,ra for quality of priusic Tone and.beatity (-3 eilesessoiesseesoolese;400 „11,esseNte***eeemeGaGeoesseefteeeeeeleaseetteisomPlioiss• Paine and lir a. W ild s 0! • 1 New ,-..',amburg, after visiting ee- lativeb here ,returned to their 11- a honle, on Wednesday morning., JEWELLER- agt: OPTICIAN , PHONE go. 74 e Mrs. C '-'vvegner who .epent the • 1111, • • . • • a ie .7, HCl 4r2 1 Easter fferi The spirit of Spring is revealed in the Splendid showing of all that is New and Attractive in wearing apparel, etc. • Tricotine Suitings We are showing an exceptional range of 51 inch, fine quality All wool Tricotine the popular cloth for Ladies' Suits for Spring at $5,00 per yard. another line not quite so wide at $ 4,00. • • 0 a 1 • 0 e oe 0 These Suits are splendid Values le Smartly Tailored, at greatly Re- duced Prides. . . .t. "No need of paying $50 for a ro 40 Real up-to-date Suit. "See ours at half that Price," ,e.• SHIRTS HATS CAPS 0.1. OUR STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE le *0 Gents' • winteee Menthe wiib. her daughter • Mrs..' j.. W. Ortwein,Ilensall 'has- . , , a returned to her dwelling here Lor IR- the ieenner. • ,• al The Methodist church sheds at • Mitehell are now kept locked and 2 all farmers who have the right to i putiheir horses in the sheds when 2 theY'-'4. eine to town. have keys. is- 1V1.4.. Oscar Klopp, auetioneer, at I • teede the North liurOn Breeders' O A.ssee tion Sale at Wingham last • wears end also ably assisted the • auctio eer Mr. Robt. Ames, of 0 Guelen in disposing of the stock. 0: Ineoeporated in 1835 . W.5 HAVE THE ABOVE LINES IN ALL POPULAR SHADES , exe •• 0 • s ER il E 5 • THE OLSONS s . We have a beautiful range of all -wool serges in Black, • Navy, and Brown. Also find Botany Serges at very low : prices. . • • BROADCLOTH ESa • e • fit TRIMMINGS l . , We are also showing a nite lot of Broadcloths in Suit ee s .Ends. These make up a very neat suit. ; Also have the newest in Braids suitable for trimming the above • mentioned Cloths in all ehad.es, also silk Dress Girdles to match, at reasonable prices. • • • • ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,0.00,000 Over 130 Branches Buy Canadian Goods -and hep to keep Canadian workmen busy, it will help you. Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit your savings in the Molsons Bank Courteous :service to all. • W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch ei • •• • •• • • • • 1• New. V Spring cm es We are showing an.exceptionally fine range of printed Voiles this season these have just arrived and you should loose no time to make your :selections, as these Goods are liable to be scarce later in the meson. Fashionable Printed Voiles at per yard 4 85e Colonial Chiffon Voiles, at per yard ... ...,:...x ..e -. MOO Sarance, Tissue, etc., at per yard from, $1.35 to ...., ..e...... Furnishings SUITS SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Agairs we are ready to show our New Line of Mens' Suits for old and young ranging in sizes froxn al to 48. So come along you BIG MEN, We feel satisfied we have something here to suit yod as well as fit you. „ "REMEMBER" re SEE' OUR WINDOW DISPLAY House Furnishings WALL PAPERS • Wel are, showing an eligent range of new Wall Papers. All our new Papers this season are 2e -in. wide, so yeu get that extra value yb buying' your papers frbm us. We have a splendid range of patterns to choose frorn and at all Prices 20c. 22%c. 25e, 30e and 373acents a Roll. LINOLEUM'S nice lot of 4 -yd. wide Linole euros at $1.25 a square yard. CURTAIN SCRIMS • A big range of Scrims with Lace and Insertion and Plain in differ- ent Shades, • Also a nice lot of colored IvIarquetts from 25c to $1e0 per yard. RUGS Some splendid values in Floor • Rugs PRE Mr. justice Islington of the Sup- reme Court has ruled that twelve miles an hoer is an excessive and daragerous speed for a motorist to travel on streets where traffic is ordinarily heavy and said the limit in towns and villages is fif- best evidence of it was to be fou - teen miles a.ri hour. In • view of this decision of the nd in the daily slaughter caused by careless and reckless motorists. Supreme Court motorists will need to be careful in their driving notwithstanding that the speed According to Europdan press despatches, Petrograd is now in the hands of the rebels and the Bolshevist leaders have all fled • irons the city. If reports from •,csussia can be believed, there is a series of outbreaks occuring e• ever' ;the country. The Gran.] • Duke Michael, a brother of the • • ltete Czer, is meeting with mirkei secesss in Siberia, while other anei- • • Hblehevist leaders are winning vie - tares in various parts of Russia • 1.11 Europe. 0 The Police Trustees of Zurich • AI '),Iivire received notice from • the • Hydro -Electric Commission of • • Optario that after a careful anal- * ys:s of the operating expenses a id • • revenue of the local hydro system during the year ending Dec. 31st, 1.910, that the surplus for sed per- * ii iorl, shoeld ba rebated to the gen- •eral fund of the Police Village. The • surplus in the operation o the. • street lighting during that perYid amounts to $371.47, and this am- ount will be refunded out of the local hydro beads to the general muniicpal funds of the Villaee,The refuedieg of this athount will grc- atly decrease the cost of our e ingint it down to about $80.0 per] • ,..........:;................4..,....................., , 1 Winter Horse Reiiiiirements t We are offering the following- seasonable Horse frk t ,.I requirements at greatly reduced prices: a, • HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HA.LTERS, SWEAT PADS, HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. : • • SEE OUR EXTRA. FINE ASSORTMENT OF MENS MITTS AT re is * : ....•--. A, BIG R EDUCTION. i .. es, es G.,,,. W ,e also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single 4xe : -•.' ee... ---.---.."-ral.,iiess,"'Ete.---- - --- - REP AIRNG A SPECIALTY FRED ,THIEL - ZURICH .1 :','-'0,44tittro•V•4944.0. • q44.444*„0,0,e44,-.4440.4.41,44,1,4**.4ottA 4. :g 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. We Cannot Shout SALE! SALE! S Lt1 Because we have our Prices down to Rock Bottom. figures every day in th e week. Shop here for a square de al and be convinced. -:- ISN.gIcsOlse + • BUTTER 0 . FRITZ 24-I THE SHOEMAN 4-:-:•++++++++++++++++++++++44444+++++++++++++++++++++++4! 4* 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4 - Reduction of Prices We have reduced our prices on Dry • Goods, Groceries, and all otherlines we carry in Stook, to present mar- ket prices, and will continiaeto drop • our prices as the markets decline. SO THAT OUR CUSTOMERS ,CAN REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE LOOKING AFTER THEIR INTEREST. Fresh Groceries always in Stock • R. N. r:)oueLAs • •• • • Phone 59 ProdUce VVanted set lighting for the year 1919, bi- ting Month, 4. 4404. tlat*,,,f:Zer.i14.,Valt".**M14042'.0V41044,44,f0ZeISM.414-Vitst t irto kto A c • PHONE 11 - 97 , BLAKE •