HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-10, Page 8CONTINUED LE At Reduced Prices Our 1.3 day Clearing Sale is now over but we are still offering many lines of goods at Sale Prices. Below are only a few of the many Bargains: FINE DRESS SERGES ALL COLORS, REG. $5.50 NOW ...$3.75 SILK POPLINS TO CLEAR AT PER YARD .J $1.00. CORDED VELVETS, REGULAR PER YARD $1.25 FOR ......75c ENGLISH GINt.AHAMS, RELiULAR 65c. FOR ... ...45c YARN, ALL COLORS AT PER JIB. . $1.90 FLANELETTE BLANKETS REG.,$5.00 FOR REG. $1.00 FOR $2.70 al ALL UNDERWEAR AT 25 PER CENT OF. ALL SWEATERS, SCARFS, TQUES AT 35 PER CENT OFF BULLDOG OVERALLS, REG . $3.75 FOR ... ...... $2.75 NEW GOODS We have opened up a shipment of new Spring Goods such as Serges, Silks,, Fine Voiles of every discription new prints, ginghams, galateas, chintzes, cottons, towelings, etc. All at lower prices than last year. No trouble to show goods. J. GASC 11•••••••••••••••••". •••••momomm••••••••••... & SON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fee. Flax Seed 61 I We have a limited quantity of Flax Seed suitable for feed pur= poses which we will sellt avery reasonable price. CKATI rILEISCH k. * PHONE 69 = ZURICH I * +++++++++4.4.4-1.+++++++4.+++++ .++++++++++++++++++++44+4, 4.• 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, 4. 4. 4. .9. 4. sN++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' + + + + l'ROST FENCE . .f. + + + + Good News to the Farmer The ,past Two Seasons we have been supplying our many Customers with Ring Lock Fencing. Having Just received a large Car of Frost Fencing, we 3; *i* will • be able to supply the Public with a much better fence. + 4. A Fence that is heavier Galvanized, Better Lock, More Coil and" Will stretch up more e vonly than any other fence. We + carry all the leading Styles in Farm, Hog and Poultry Fence. ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF BARB, COIL AND BRACE WIRE STAPLES, ETC. + CALL AND SEE OUR FENCE BEFORE BUYING ELSE- + WHERE. -OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. 1F THESE GOODS DECLINE IN PRICE BEFORE APRIL 1ST. YOU WILL GET THE REDUCTION. STADE & WEIDO PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH Mr. Pitts, which was to have been 3ignikture Of • 4. 4, 4. ".f• 4. 4. 4, 4. 4-, 4, PoiJrady-to-Weae DENOMY BROS. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Now is the time to think of order- ing your Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have some very nice _samples to choose from. All Garments are made by expert Tailors. DENO1VI7 Enos. Produce taken ii=ohms for Goods LOCAL MARKETS MILLINERY (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 50 Eggs Dried apples Wheat, 13arley Oats Buckwheat 90 Flour Bran ... ...r..... ..... $40.00 Shorts 50.00 Potatoes per bag... ... ...1.00 Live Hogs _12.50 36 8 , 1.93j 90 45 5.00 5.75 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The Ontario Government kasja..n, nonnced its intention of spending' immediately $20,0.00,000 on good ro- ads in the Province to be paid in ten years at the rate of $2,000A 000 a year from the licensing of motor vehicles. There will not be much objection from the motor owners if the money is spent on trunk lines and main highways,not always radiating around the big centres. HAY COUNCIL Andrew P. Hess was appointed treasurer of the Township at a salary of $165.00 per annum, ap- portioned as follows; Township $110; Telephone $55. Messrs. J. Haberer and W. R. Dougall were re-aPpointed aud- itors to audit the books of the treasurer from Jan. 1921, to March 16th, 1921. Mr. J. Preeter was authorized by the Council of the Township of Hay to hand over to the auditors duly appointed), all moneys, books, vouchers, property, and all papers held by him! for the said Township and the said auditors to sign for the same. I • Andrew F. Hess, the newly ap- pointed treasurer of the Town- ship of Hay, was authorized to sign all cheques and receipts on behalf of ' business done with the Township funds. The following accounts were passed; J. Haberer balance Auditor's fee $2.00; W. R. 'Dougall, ditto, 2,00j; G. J. Thiel teaming coal 4.00; Mun icipal World, supplies 21.49; Clerk registering B. D., M. 28.60; C. L. 2Smith printing re Township 110.00 Bell Co. L.D.T. Jan. to Feb, 60.30; C. L. Smith printing re TeL21.80; North. Elec. Co. supplies 4.19; G. J. Thiel livery tel. 2.00; M. G: Deity, labor and material 6.20. The council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, April 2nd, at 1 o'clock, p,m. 1A.. F. HESS, Clerk. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. ----- Misses Annie and Pearl Steph- enson of Goshen and Miss Elva 'Stephenson of Parr Line are vis- iting at their uncle W. IL Steph- enson and other friends at Mar- lette, Mich. Mrs. Margaret Armstrong of Parr Line is spending a couple of weeks with coiisins and friends at Chiselharst, The illustrated lecttk* b • FULL STOCK OF TRIMMED, tiVND UNTRIMMED HATS NOW ION DISPLAY. CALL, AND CHOSE YOUR NEW BONNET EARLY. M. E. RoutIedge, Zurich given in the Goshen Anglican ch- urch, but was postponed, will be given this Friday evening. Mr. Tames 'Workman of Parr !Line, Stanley, passed away qn • Thursday March 3rd, at the ad - I vanced age of 76 years. He had been ill only a few days and his death came unexpected. His wife pre -deceased him a few years _a- go. and leaves a large family of grown up sons and daughters. FARMER'S ATTENTION Do not mise ,this FREE No CHARGE An invitation is extended to you and your friends to be present at a Power Farming Educational Le- cture to be Demonstrated with Moving Pictures. Bring the Boys, to be held in the Town Hall Hensall Ont. on March 15, at 2p.m. Lecture Topics ;-Power farming possibilities in Ontario; Preparing Seed Bed; Applicationof the trac- tor on the Ontario farm; Purehas- asing machinery for cash; Oper- ating 'tractor Implements. Moving Pictures ;-Preparing for the seed Bed; Growing of the corn plant, which shows the act- ual developement and growth in a perfect and an improperly pre- pared 'seed bed; Keeping the bey on the farm; Buying a tract - Or. This information will be of val- ue to you as a successful farmer. The lecturer Mr. George A. Clark is a power farming expert and Graduate of the Ontario Agricult- ural C011ege, who has made a special study of this Power Farm- ing work. Remember the Date -Tuesday, March 15th, at 2 p.m. sharp. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children hi Use For Over 30 Years Always bears le y ev, the lipaaarkumemaiopalaairati_e_ pipo!..-*Isiimaatioiwurrowspagifammo, WaisesompialIZMORIVirailiAargal Any one ,not having taken advant- age of our 7 Day Sale, will always _find good bargains in Hardware and Furniture at our store. Give us a call and be convinced. We are offering Peerless woven wire fence in all styles at below catal- ogue prices. You are protectnd on any decline in price until April lst. Binder Twine We are Booking orders for twine unitl the 1st. of April 650 feet to the pound is the only Brand we will handle. And any one putting in their order will be protected in case they run short in Fall. Ls we iintend carrying only a limited sur- plus. Our prices will be announced as soon as possible and will be as low asany quotation you may receive elsewhere. MELIeN& 1111' RUN PHONE 63 ew Styles! New Cloths! New Prices! Spring and Summ.er The "BROADWAT" Brand Correct Clothing for Men Let us take your measure for an up to date SUIT of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coat with a Guaranteed Fit. Hundreds of Sam - pies to -chose from Produce Wanted. ButerickFashions Ph<meTWUR M 87 '