HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-10, Page 4• DRYSDALE, itaev. Father gondott Vas to tendon last Tuesday on barainess. and Mrs, GelinaS returma to their home in Fielding, Sask., last :Week. M. and Mra. Alex. Denomy of CaUrtright are visiting their par- ents at present. Mr. Edward Laport of St. Was a week -end visitor at his home here. Mr. Paul Durand returned to his home out west, after 'spending part or the winter with his par- ents. ,Pareseau and Mr. Johnston et Detroit are visiting here for Sa few weeks with frineds and re- latives. Mr. Isadore Denomy of Detroit is, here for a few weeks. Mr. Peter Baker was a business Visitor in this neighborhood one. day last week, We are sorry to report Mr. Joseph. Rau as very ill at pres- ent. HENSALL Mrs. T. Belb of Calgary has been visiting her mother Mrs. Dick, . Mr. and Mrs, J. Zuefle after a pleasant visit with their daughter Mrs. P.B. Buchanan of Toronto, lave returned. Fred. Smallacombe of Bindscarth Kan., h1Vo were here attending the funeral, of his mother. Councillor Higgins has received It communication from Mr. mW. liollingworth of the Hamilton Paiiimg, Co. who put the pavement down in Exeter, ;stating that he is willing to come to Hensall to meet the ratepayers to talk over and discuss questions with the paving of. Hensall main street. ; On Sunday last death removed One of Hensall's respected pion- eers in the a a•son of Thomas W. reart, aged 71 years. Deceased 8111111111111.1imer tasszenamoszawaszeas• was born in ClarkCounty, and came with his parents to the 10th of Hibbert where they settled on la farm. Mr. and Mrs, John Wood, who DASHWOOD About 35 years ago he a0a-ed to Hensall where he resided have spent the past aix months _Mr. Chas. Hartleib of 'Windsor Inntil the time of his death. Be in Vancouver, B, C., returned to visited with his parents over Sun - Exeter. •: I I , , ides his sorrowing wife, two dau- Mr, Geo. Cudmore, Huron - St., day. Ada Fassold left on Mon- hteld and two sons,and one .when about to leave the home of day for Hensall where he has ac- laro;arar survive, The funeral took Mrs. Thos. Snell on Monday last canted a position as milliner. place last Thursday, interment in the Staffa cemetery. • slipped on the back step to the Rev. and Mrs. Gaaupner were t pavemenbelow, with the result. called to Monroe, Mich. on Friday EXETER. that his hip was badly fractured. owing to the illness of Mrs. Gra- Mr. C. B. Snell has dIspose.d ofupner's father. • • • - M. Geo. Lewis, of Arpin, Wis., , the brick dwelling on Andrew St. Mrs. Finkbeiner and daughter, Iiti, yisiting his aunt, Mrs. S. Handy occupied' by Mr. E. J. Weathy, Pr- ord. ,Cathern' have returned from a incipal of the High School, to Mr. tvisit. in Sarnia. flumps havo been very prevala Alex. Dow of town. ' Miss Brownlee of Wyoming, mil- entin the community and several The Flax mill at the north end liner for Reid, Edighoffer & Son, eases of scarlet fever are reported of the village, has been out of coni- has arrived rerington left on mission for •several days owing to )'he wee r.a zerViees- in the „ .. . . Fred Tuesday for Vancouver with , a the smolaestaokdraalaw-la'",s,Jaird"="r•tintheran Church on Sunday, ow - load of ieaary, ,h.oraasuraa..-a- - - acaaar.r-- - .• ' f 1 ing to the absence of the pastor. he Law as amended Nov. 10, 1919 alm,..rainnamemmommaimi. THIS Referenharri on April 18 is to ratify a new federal law, namely, the Canada Temperance Act, as recently amended by Doratleinn Parliament. If a majority of ,the people of Ontario vote in favor of the Canada-Tempecance Act as amended, then, in the exact words of the law, it iallows: 1, "NO person Shall import, send, take or transport • into such province any intoxicating liquor. 2 "No person shafl, either directly or indirectly, mastu- ° facture or sell, (or contract or agree to rnanufactune or sell, any intoxicating liquor to be unlawfully importe4 sent, taken or transported into such province. •-P"The carriage or iimportation of intoxicating liquor • through such province shall only be by means of a common carrier by water or by railway and not other- wise, and during' the time any intoxicating liquor is be- ing so transported or (carried no person shall open or break or allow to be opened or broken, any package or vessel cont*ing such intoxicating liquor, or drink, or use or alloo be drunk or used any intoxicating liquor therefrom." VOTE. -This law does not prohibit importation of liquors to be used for sacramental, medicinal, manufacturing or corn- mercial purposes, or the importation of such liquors as are permitted to be sold by the laws of the Province. "Shall the importation and the bringino- of intoxicating liquors into the Province be forbidden?" Vote and Vote, "Yes" Close the door to imported "booze" ntario Referendum Committee 11111111111.1161161111W221521321111rannairigErrinEESI MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH If your floors are hardwood, Use Marble - Ite The Floor Enish with a money -back guarantee. It wears and wears and wears. It will not mar nor scratch white and is not af- fected by water. Feet That Never Touch the Floor A worn floor spoils the look of your home and is impossible to repair, but if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let the paint wear but save the wood. Save the Surface and you Save all, SENOUR'S Floor Paint is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and will with- stand a great amount of hard wear. No skill is required in using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it. The result will greatly enhance the beauty of your home and, much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to keep clean. Come in and let us give you full particulars. We have a full range of shades in this and every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product. There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or Varnish for every need. We will be glad to advise you. Melick & Braun, Zurich Ziff.'at r. A , THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN' Tani BUY al. TRACTOR, BE SURE THAI' IT HAS ALL THE FEATURES ESSENTIAL TO •.ALL-ROUND SERVE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY OP OPERATI07. - FOR INSTAXCE .L OVRIC FOR-- paseible cost, • ' • A .kerosg sene engin. e o that you can use cheap fuel, thereby doing your aroak at the lowest • 4 throtle governor tics regtilate the fuel 'to the load Variations, insuring • --uniform speed at boat tractor and driven mach. bre ;in addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when. migregfd inr belt' Work. HURON • erancTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE, ORDER. MORE L H. C. 'TRACTORS IN IT, WIIIHAlc ALL 'OTHERS 'COMBINED. • , . L - . A . collANG1 AGENT 'ZURICH . ..--. 7O„ 'cis ear lesAftlecAe. as cyze ACM? CUSI-IION INNER TIRCn RUBBER CoMPANymm IMOINIMiume WJNOCJAM. ONTARIO. EMEramminammes I have been appointed Agent for this district for the above Celebrated Inner CLIshion Tires. And will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and be convinced. John Hey Jr. -I Zurich Mr. and Mrs. E. Voelker of Flint could be accomodated, so it Was I eon, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Ball on Saturday. Miss Dora Kraft of London is visiting at her home here owing to the illness of her brother. Mich., and Mr. W. Schwalm of Pieitepme atoend tohne Saturday Mrs. C. W. Gage of Detroit who attended the funeral of her mother the late Mrs. Ball on Saturday and is spending a few days with her brother Mr. H: jioffmarr. Mr. Andrew Musser of London, spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. S. Sweet and Mrs. Davis of Exeter attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Ball on Saturday. DEATH OF MRS. BALL' Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Anna Ball at Tav- istock. on March 1st. Deceased was born near New Hamburg sp- ending her life time in this com- munity. About a year ago she went to Tavistock to make her home with her son John Hoffman and there -while visiting other fr- iends contacted a cold which 'de- veloped into pneumonia, - frain which she • never rvoecered, being sick only two days. After a short funeral service - Tavistock, the remains Were brought to the home .of her son,. Mr. Henry Hof- fman' in Dashwood. She was •3 life long faithful me- mber, of thd.,Evangelical 'church, re aching the #ge , of 67 years, 3 mon- ths and 20' days. She is survived by two son's, and one dAghter, John Hoffman, Tavistock, :Henry Hoffman, Dash- wood ; Mrs. C. W. Gage, Detroit, and on:_". sister Mrs. G. Hess of Zurich, also six grand children be- sides many friends. ' • Interment took place to the Goshen Line'. 'cemetery, Saturday afternoon. Rev. 'Yager and Rev. Rauch of Crediton, officiating. (Inteuded 'tor last week.) The concert given by the school on Priclaylast was a decided stic- cess• great was the rush' for adinlaan'in:it-:i' abotit half night. Each tleiJb r. 83I, VE, . Same nSthuberjec7t8s, ;-MF. . Ti ara programme was wile ison 78, A. RaPr Qr. •as- "-- rendered• Mr, P.Fassold is at present con - lined to bed with erysipelas. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Olivia Welton is visiting with relatives in Kitchener and Waterloo. The regular meeting of the ev- angelical Y.P.A. on Friday evening', March 4th, will be a union meet- ing of Crediton, Zurich and Dash- wood. The principal speaker of the evening will be the conference branch President, Rev. Dengis. The ministers and Presidents of the Zurich and Crediton Y.P. A. will also give some interesting ad- dresses. Rev. Dnegis will also give some interesting address on. "The Heart of the Y.P.A. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark of Ana: herstburg, spent last week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen, Mr. J. Kellerman attended the convention of delegates at Lond- on to discuss electrifying the la, H. & B. railway. Mrs. D. McCormick returned to her home in :Bridgrburg last week after visiting her father, Mr. F. Baker ,who has been quite sick. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morenz, of Detroit, are visiting relatives in town. Miss D. Balkwill, of Exeter, vis - ted with the Misses Pfaff. Miss Alice Hoffman was confined to the house with illness last week. Mr, Earl Guenther made a bus- iness trip to Windsor last week. Mr. and Mrs. -Herman Zimmer, of -Stratford, -spent last Sun- day in town. DASHWOOD. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the February report of our school. It is bag - ed on weekly tests and daily inarks. Sr. V ;-Gram, Art, Hist, Alg; E. froward 79% M, Tieirtan 74.; C, Steinhagen" 60. . , 05, r. Guent er 6a, I. Ravelle 53*. Sr: I;V Gram, Art, Hist., Arith; -L. Tiernan 91, L. Eveland 75, A. Rader 61, C. Snell 60, L. Willert Jr. IV s Same subjects ;-L. Reid 91,, V. Birk 90, V. Baker 81, E. Zim- mer 75, L. Baker 69, E. Graupner 68 A. Kellerman 40*'31. Rinker 36. G. S. Howard, Teacher. ROOM II. Sr. III; Total marks 700 ;-•-• H. Kellerman 553, C. Fisher 491, L, Witmer 488, H. Hartleib 419. Jr. III; Total marks 700 ;--4 Tiernan 621, Eugene Tiernan 607, EL Hoffman 515, xKenneth Wein 468, G. Guenther 458, F. Kleinstiver 447, A. Steinhagen 416, A. Miller 37% xA. Willert 294, xE. Wilds 219. Sr. II; Total Marks 525 ;-Ethel Hartleib 388, M. White 370, E. Mer- ner 370, EC. Burmeister 360, A, Restemeyer 353, E. Hamacher 352, Jr. II;' Total 470 ;-T. Hayter 460, G. Bender 369, I. Lipperd 367, F. Guenther 353, L. Bender 326, Burmeister 311, Marg. Merner, 301; L. Zimmer 250. Those names marked missed on or more exams.. C. Edmeston, Teacher, R yr?Jr. IT; -M, Graupner 575; a Na Passold 506, F. Wein 471; W. Evea. land 451, E. Witmer 439, P. Bender 433, S. Genttner 352, L. Statibus 304, Adam Stire 294. Sr. Pt. II; -E. Kraft 631, H. Nadi., iger 624, E. Rinker '558, W. Wein, WI Irvin Guenther 476, M. Pt. 1I; -G. White 398, Kraft 363, R. Statton 353, A. Mora enz 328, R. Vincent 29:5, A. Masora 291, 0. Staubus 285, P. Schade 236. Jr. Pt. II; -Ruth Kleinstiver B. Edighoffer 506 ,Z, Nadiger 4S1. V. 13manedster 435. • Pt. la -E. Pislier 447," S. St' 4sla V. Kraft 381, E. Held 376, 31 mop 319, M. Resterneyer 292, H., Miller 202, H. O'Connor. 171. Class A. -M, White. 240, unit 200, 1. Genttner 180, IL Bina, key 150.* 'Pearl Tiernan, Teacher., ••• 11 10 1.9 .01 fan led list for or air( 0 sub the Ph(