HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-03, Page 860 At limed Prices Our 13 day Cearing Sak is now •over but we are stili odering many lines of goods at Sale Prices. Below are only a fever of the many Bargains: FINE DRESS SERGES ALL COLORS, REG. $5.50 NOW ...$3.75 SILK POPLINS TO CLEAR AT PER YARD et $1.00 CORDED VELVETS, REGULAR PER YARD $1.25 FOR ......75c ENGLISH GINelLAMS, REuULAB, 65e. FOR .—.. ...45c YARN, ALL COLORS AT PER 'IeB. . ..... $1.90 FLANELETTE BLANKETS REG. $5.00 FOB$3.5O 1) REG. $4.00 FOR $2.70 ALL UNDERWEAR AT 25 PER CENT OM ALL SWEATERS, SCARFS, TQUES AT 35 PER CENT OPE BULLDOG OVERALLS, REG . $3.75 FOR $2.75 NEW GOODS We have opened up a shipment of new Cowls such as Sege, Silks, Fine Voiles of every disciciption, new prints. 9:iughams, galateas, chintzes, cottous, towclings, etc. at lower prices than list year. No trouble to show goods. rct Just R6ceiVed. a shipment ofDom- inion, Dunlop, Ames & Holden Tires and Tubes. CALL AND INSPECT QUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHER WE ARE ALSO AGENT FOR PREST-O-LITE STORAGEBATTERY AUTO REPAIRING, STORAGE BATTERY AfTTENTION. ALSO BATTERY CHARGING, ETC. IL Mousseau PHONE No. 103. Zurich 4 4 + 4 + 4 FROST 'FENCE ÷ + + + . • . + . F 4. 4. 4. 0 , - 4. 4. 4. • ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF BARB, COIL AND BRACE WIRE The past Two Seasons we haee been supplying our many Customers with Ring Lock Fencing, Having Just r rived a large Car of Frost Fencing, we will be able to supply the Public with a much better fence. A Fence that is heavier Galvanized, Better Lock, More Coil and will stretch up more evenly than any other fence. We * carry all the leading Styles in Farm, Hog and Poultry Feece. 4. STAPLES ETC. + CALL AND SEE OUR FENCE BEFORE BUYING DLSE- + 4. 1 WHERE.—OTT1-1 PleICES ARE RIGHT. , + + + IF THESF(40.07eS DECLINE. IN PRICE BEFORE APRIL 1ST. 44 ee 4 YO'U WILL Glill. THE REDUCTION. 4 + , ÷ + 4. .1. .1. + 4. ..,..1A1, -.,,,E & ,,,, EiDo I. PREETER BLOCK - ZURiCH + 144,444.•444. -eee------e-ereoeeerreeetereeerreteereeeeeereeteretreere Reedy -to -Wear. Clething : G-Wee'l3 FUeeNISIIING3 DENOM 13ROS. Ordered Clothing Now is the time to think of order- ing your Spring Suit or Overcoat. We have some very nice sampies to choose from. All thrments are made by expert Tailors. 13 Produce Wuxi, in exchange fo2 Goo RKETSought that perhaps with the ine - crease in price that has taken Wednesday) 'place recently greater production _.45 may be looked for. It is estim- ated that the value of the yearly 8 manufacture of sugar and syrup Lee., is $2,000,000, and that 50,00u people •Lem. . ... .. 90; are employed. in the industry ail eeeeee,,,3 ee the height of the season, whiceei ...... eee_. 90 of very short duration, extending overt only five or six weeks at th9 -5.50 00456..00 ,most. Stringent laws against the 5N(adulteration of the product have, ............ 0) been passed, especially in Quebec, .... .. where schools of instruction heve ;been established and the Pure • LOCAL MA (Corrected every Butter Eggs.. Dried apples Wheat 13arley ....... Oats ee, Buchwheat Flour ... Bran Shorts ... ..... Potatoes per bag._ Live Hogs ... 'Maple Sugar and Syrup Co-Oper- ITEMS OF LOCAL !NMI _been, organized. ative Agricultural Association has Miss. Maggie McBr-ide of Hay' Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Township is visiting with her; grandmother, Mrs. S. McBricl4sr.1 ROM I. Fine sleighing has been enjoyed For February, Marks based on the past week, and the motor bps attendance, efficiency and conduct. Sr. Pt, II e -Earl Thiel 70, Wil - the sleigh, but owing to the r-ee to Hensel hed been replaced by fred Dueharme 69, Laurene Schw- alm 68, Floyd Kropf 56, Erwin Di- enent thaws, the car was ag'aleitak- etrich 53, Rose Leibold 20: on Wednesday. Jr. Pt. II;—Beulah Surerus 83, Thirty-seven lives were smashed Greta Koehler 75, Ruth Zettel 68. to death on Monday, when a fast Sr. I;—Ctecil Uttley 94, Leland M. C. R. train pulled over their Willert 94, Nelda Schwalm 90, Ruth tracks at Porter, Ind., run into an Meyer 75, Grace -Zettel 73, Alice oped derail, and was then struck Koelher 71, Melverna. Geiger 70, by another naseenger train arid 'Helen Thiel 68, Nap. Beadrd 60, hurled to destruction. Among the Carl Haberer 52. dead are some of London. Jr. I;—Anna Druar 81, Earl CANADA'S MAPLE i ungblut 77, Mary Kocheras 73, Byron Ducharme 69, Adeline Flei- schauer 61, Olin Foster 58, Clarence PRODUCTS Smith. 40, Roland Grenier 40, Erw- in Fleischauer 20. 4 r • al. A. Lamont, Teacher. The manufacture of sugar and ROM II. syrup from. the sap of the sugar. For the months of January and maple is an important far•na ind- Februare, based on Arithmetic, ustry in the Eastern provinces of. Spelling, Literature and Geogr- Canada, and particularly in Que- bee. Long before the white man aljliJYr.. II;—Helen Foster 78%, Mer - settled. the country, maple syrup vyn, Schwalm 71, Vict. Deichert 69, was known to the aborignes and liartha Heideman 65, Alvin Gascho apart from Wild honey was the Gladye Mellick 55, Agnes Dietr- only intensely sweet product at ich 50, Hazel Bedard 49, France' their command. The methods of D ietrich 38, Roseline Surerus 36, procuring it were naturally of a Marcella Farwell 32. very crude description.Modern Sr. IT e-Elzar Mousseau 79, methods have greatly IMProved p°othy Zettel 76, Vera lealbr el - the product and have led to an seu,•!. 114 eella Callfas 72, Clarence ever increasing deamnd. Quebec Farwa ;-'11a081 Laurence liowald 63, province is the centrey of the in - Norman' :Pleischauer 62, Russel Du- dustry. Of the 20,000,000 pounds charm' b;), Edward Brenner 62, or thereabouts, Produced annually' wime Neeb 48, Alice Dietz Goleie Uttiey 37. 43, in Canada, mor;.4 than two-thirds have to be credited to Quebec. • Jr. Il;—KathlW Ontario is officially reported to een urre 73; Dentis Bedard 72 ,Floyd Frer be respousible for five million po- 0 Frateee Kochems 88, 0) 'el. unds, arid the Maritime Provinces 7 l(7, 're Mellick 60. BruK ce oehler ee We - for half a mifIlionpoun ds only. I tie', 'el 53, Harold Fatie- 55, The other provinces of Canada 13.6se Albrecht 50, Grace Koehler 45, do not figure in the calculations. Milfred Uttley (absent'. These facts are gathered from a O. M. O'Brien, Tencher. timely ParrAPIet just issued by the ROOM III. nennetrnent of Agriculture at I For the month of Februne • Ottawa, of which. J. B. 'Spericerf: TV;—Lizeie Leiboil Director of Publicity. is the author Jr, ,, , I Lilyunn -Pose. 75, Edwin (lee, ee 71 I From his well illustrated and tech- •Dehert 73, Idella Fe eeed -laically detailed pablicaiton it is Fda ei 66, Lylyan lieler 65, May 8-ewa1ea I also learned that the production 3 14Jobe Kochems 62 Iver Vueer-; of maple sugar, and its equivalent --, ' Mut 61, Aust,e Seliwa‘m 60 5 Lien; r in syrups, of 'al e years has shOwn Albrecht 60, Gordon Schwalm 59,1 a tendency to decrease. ' From 1 Garnet '4eealper ' 49, Ride Calleee 34, I Gilbert Dncharree 29. 41 8g5e1 ythe altly81. pwreodartreetiotr.wtahse aabv'oeuri Sr. Ill T—Irene Deeher 7e tv. 13,500,000 poundern from' 1861 to 18711 17.5000ma 00 pomade, from 1971 to 1881, ; 13'1 'Ise' 85Le ;elite Dueharme 69, EthneolZepeeran67g, 19,000,000 po.trnds and from 1e81 to 1413"1".1 . . 63 ,Dorothy Brenner 62, Mild-oed 1891, 22,500,000 pounds. The let- d the next ,, „ , Kenneth Koehler 5,, ter was the pinnacle of annual 9) Luella '''• nee e ' , ecade' CLuella Reiheert 50, Austin Fey 48 in oduction, for eitele Mvidinger 47, WeJ ele,, Cal- 1 t ' ervrhag b.eee, littllessuane Ifas 40, Leonard Wagner ef' , I 87 then n 20,000,000 pouds. It is th- 0'. M. Xalbleisch, Teacher.; 4,10=0-4W.402%,44.4u.emz4r.r.tgq.aatmezver.---,garuhc,r-autglammzuravaggWenll te ee r itrAN Any one not having taken dvant- age of our 7 Day Sale, will d-ivays find good bargains in Hardware and Furniture at our store. Give us a call and be convinced'. We are offering Peerlesswoven wire fence in all styles at below catal- ogue prices. You are protectnd on any decline in price until April ist. Binder Twine. • We are Booking orders for twine unitl the lat. of April 650 feet to the pound is the only Brand we will handle. And any one putting in their order wilt be protected in case they run short in Fall. As we ntend Carrying only a limited sure plus. Our prices will be announced as Moll as possible and will be as low as any quotation you may receive elsewhere,. MELI PHOL%E, 63 1/4 .4%111'74Mf.41111119119111111111•11.111filmmomr=1,21.',...A',"="111/31199211111101111E1 New Styles! NiVe. Meths! titm Prices! Spring and Sumrner The "BROADWAY' -LTA Correct Clothing for Men Produce Wanted. '., Let us toke your measure fi.:1r an up,. to date S JI T of Clothes, Or a Stylish Over Coco with a Guararflted Fit. Hundreds of Sam.. pies to chose from ButerickFashions L. VV