HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-03, Page 5ksUSINESS CARDS I'roudfo ` Killoran & HOLMES. Banat : s, Solicitors, Notaries, Pu'i,li.a ate. Office on the Square, 2nd. dc, Hamilton St. God- Yr:ieh. al'ivate funds to loan at lowest rites, W. Proudfoot, K,C. J. L. Killoran D. E. Holmes, Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office. Zurich. Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE -- HENci ALL, OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted• in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind. of Auction . Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. 1 Zurich Meat MARKET .rte Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest -Cash Price for Wool!' GASH FOR SKINS & H1DES T rngbiutSzo Doicaert NOTICE ifs I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone 59 LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien • Phdne 94. Zurich COAL IMPORTANT NOTICE WINTER DELIVERIES, 1920-21 Owing to the small supply of coal that came through during hte sum- mer months , we have been able to mkae only part deliveries of am- ount ordered. Some people have since obtained eoaI elsewhere and some have substituted with wood and coal substitutes other than the regular sizeS so that by following our old Summer list it is hard for us to tell just who now requires coal and what quantity is desired. Owing to ,the above conditions and commencing on Dec. 16th, all previous order lists will be cancel- led and we Will open a new .order list so that it will now be necessary for all customers to enter a new order for any coal they now de- sire for winter delivery. Orders of course, are accepted subject to our being able to aLtain the supplies. Our terma are cash. Phone Office 10 j;; Residence 10w. /u, Mtelcp cola; & PRODUCE MERCHANT I-IENSALL ONT. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLUMN NOTICE As before mentioned, we are now able to quote you prices on woven wire Fence at a very sub- stantial discount of 1714. Cus- tomers, who have bought, will please call and receive their re- bate. Pro portionate reductions on Coiled, Barb, Wire and .Stap- les. .Call and ask for new pric- es. They are Rock Bottom. MELICK 8e BRAUN FOR SALE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- a y Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc. Also' a first class bean thresher with re -cleaner; one 5 - passenger touring car,•in good con- dition. For further particulars apply to John Thirsk, Blake. P. 0., R. RL 2, Zurich. -31 TENDERS WANTED. Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of treasurer for Hay Township for 192.1 All applications must be in the hands of the Clerk or the Reeve, on or before 1 o'clock Sat- urday, March 5th, 1921. E. F. Klopp, Reeve. •A. F. Hess, Clerk. Dated February 15th, 1921.. FOR SALE A choicly bred Registered Short- horn bull, 15 months old, dark red in color, Scotch Topped. This is an exceptional good one. Apply. J. P. RAU, Zurich. Phone 12-96 33-3 FOR SALE I am offering, for sale my in Zurich, size 24x40 and 16 high. Apply Wm. Siebert Z ich. LOCAL NEWS March came in like a lamb on Tins day. Mr. S. E. Faust was at London a few days last week. • The Zurich Womens' Institute have decided to hold no meeting during this month. Miss Mary Gascho was a visitor with her ,friend Miss Myrtle Hor- ner, 14th con., last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. E, Dahms left on Wednesday for Mildmay, where they intend to stay for somd time. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Murray of, near Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jacobe on Monday. Mr. Carl Bloomenstein of Drum - bo, paper hanger and painter, will arrive' in Zuri th next week as d in- tends to be ready for work shor- tly. 4. Messrs. Clayton and Clarence Hoffman assisted the Ailsa', Craig. hockey team against the St. Marys team at the former place, which resulted in a win for the home team. A rather interesting operation took place in Zurich one day last week, wherLMr. Chas. Laporte of .the Sauble Line arrived in the vii - leg?, with his young daughter, who had in some. way filled , its ear a an wads of paper. When arriving here here, Mr. Laporte dii overed that both doctors Mac- Kinnon and O'Dwyer were out in the country attending patients, when to his delight, and to the ccmlort of the suffering child, the Barber, "Dr. Desch," by executing with' a pair of tweezers and other such instruements as -were a'.'ail- ab;e, removed the obstacles from the suffering ear, and also dressed end took all necessary steps and p •ecaution to insure sanitation and disenfe:'Cion. Mr. Oesch assures barn us that unfortunately he did not feet attend the lectures given recently ui- by Dr. Rutnam on "First Aid and •-31 Home Nursin7" but advises us FOR SALE 250 bushels of choice 6 -rowed seed barley for sale. Apply to Elmer Thiel, R.R.2 Zurich. 33-3 A good for sale. chert, that this enlightenment comes :en ticely to him' by instinct. CONSIGNMENT SALE -� By special request I will hold another consignment sale about FOR SALE I the end of March. Will accept anything for* sale frons a salt •• t•ieula ,4d•much :interest was shown well-framedyto Jacob baDei- shaker to a threshing machine, or in this good cause.. The illustr- Appl3it , in live stock from a singing can- ating pictures or lantern slides, ary to an elephant ae y HM k our were also of vital interest, as it LOCA. NI, WS Mrs. E, Weilo speit Wednesday visiting near Hensall.Mr, W. C. Ci:llfas was i i Lon:lon on Tuesday en business, Mr. C. Fritz left on Tuesday for London and other points. Mr, Peter Woolley of Hensall, was in the village on Tuesday. Miss Bessie Snyder of Kitchener visited with her brothers at Sauble Line, Stanley, last 'week. f Rev. D. Leboid of. Welles'jeyl conducted services in the Bronson Mennonite church on Sunday. He was accompanied by Mr.. Kennel. Germany's Indemnity offer to the Allies is $7,500,000,000. This, however, does not look good en- ough to accept. Mr. Hy. Deters of New Ham- burg, formerly of Zurich, has rec- ently purchased the dwelling pro- perty of Mrs. Wilker on Huron street of that town. number, of good fat steers brought as high as $10.50 per cwt. at Toronto Live Stock Yards on Monday. The price of the good :stuff is still very popular and is also •in good demand. John Barleycorn's fate will be decided in seven weeks, when on Monday, April 18th the RefeReferen- dumwill b� taken to prevent liq- uor from being shipped• into the province of Ontario. The sale of Farm Stock, Impl- ements, etc. of Mr. J. W. Horner '14th con., held last Tuesday, Feb. 22nd was in every was a decided success, The total. receipts am- ounting to over $2,200, which was several hundred dollars above Mr. Horner's expectation -4, and also speaks well for Mr. 0. Klopp, the auctioneer. The public meeting held in the Town Hall last Wednesday evening for the benefit of the live' stock breeders of Hay Tri .v•n ••tato, •2s indeed well attended and a sec, cess in every way. Mr. ZF. Turnbull acted as chairman, and very inspiring and instructive ad- dresses were given by Messrs. p, G. Farrow and M. McKenzie both of .near Oakville. These lectures were listened to with great atten- NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St Joseph Block(. 6-tf. ALEX, FOSTER, Zurich. BORN Thiel -At Zurich, on Sunday, Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geol. Thiel, a son. INSIIRE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. peid,$i10 400 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cente per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium mote 2 per . cent. Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS • entries not later than March it to showed time and again the sup - either W. S. Johnston, Clerk, or Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. NOTICE. selling. Fresh barrel of Columbia, best No. 6, Batteries just arrived at $1 per pair. We run the risk of breakages in putting a pair of auto Lenses on your Car at $1.25 to $2.751a pair. Wire fencing has taken a drop in price, be sure to get our prices on Frost Fencing. STADE & WEIDO, Zurich, NOTICE. The Zurich Book Room has closed its. doors. However, for the convenience of Church Mem- bers and for the general public, we shall be willing to take orders for Bibles, Testaments, Hymn and Prayer Books and other ecclesias- tical requirements. Prices may be had on application. REV. H. REMBE FERTILIZER As I cannot find time to call on my many customers for orders for theor supply of Fertilizer for the coming season, I am taking the liberty to quote the following pric- es viz; - 16'% for April $38.33 a ton. 1-8-1 for April $42.10. 1-10-1 for April $44.25 2-82' for April $50.25; Orders will be accepted for the above at once. J. Hey, Jr., Zurich -35 4.444,444444444+1444.44404444+4 $50 to $5,000 A YEAR FOR LIFE A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT -No better life investment available -No better security obtainable -Cannot be Seized or levied upon For any cause -Will be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed -Not affected by trade depression --Free from Dominion Income Tax -No medical examination required Anyone, over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada may purchase. Any two persons may purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees --school boards for +S their teachers -congregations for their ministers, Apply to your postmaster; or wfite, postage free, to S Is. Bastedo S,iper• intendant of Aiaruuties, Ottawa, for new booklet and other inform.ition d>awecd Scats sax axd age last birtful y. eriority of the well bred animals over the poorly bred scrub cat- tle. The Stamp Of Edison's Genius is clear and unmistakable. It places Edison's Amber- ola so far above "talking machines" and ordinary phonographs that there is no comparison. You don't have to be a musical expert to realize that the Amber-' ola is the world's greatest phonograph value. Any one who likes music cannot fail to note the tremendous difference. EDISON'S NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA has such a pure, musical tone, that once. you've heard it, no metallic sounding phonograph or shrill "talk- ing machine" will ever please you again. The genuine Diamond hint Reprsducer does away with needles. The practically indestructible Am- 6erol Records outlast ordinary fragile records by many years! Name your own terms and learn how surprisingly easy it is to own an Amberola, thanks to Mr. Edison. NOW—can you refuse to visit our store and listen to the Amberola? Come right sway--dOA't forget -� please. W. IT, ?FILE, DEALER .L:i]i'iCll r+ Ont. IligmarifillthoMilainamussioninutantiorgillaMI ThePropriefa yorPatenaMeaicine, , AVedelablePripar t forAsr :simifatingtfleFoodbyRe$ula• I. 1tingtheStomachs andBisels a1 • IN1 tN:TS aCiitlni1E) TherebyPtomotintIhieSRon; Chcerfulness•andllestbe 'n° 4neither fi iurn,Iferphinenor r' Mineral. NOTA C0TIq 4 P ,Red toi'O1dlI�SitafraPIKIIR' Pumpkin Send Senna nxAeue.ralss dnlseSa peelC�atada Mrn! Sad 67an/W.O Alielpfu1Hemedyfor ,Constipation and'Diarrhoea and Feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP TCacsignature For Infants arid Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of li�esattingrherdfro f f�' Exact Copy of Wrapper. in Use For Over Thirty Years CAST 1 TMC CE,YTAUFl COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Massey -Harris Farm Maohinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and Wil: -known Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm Engines andTractors,land. can supply your wants for the com= i ng _season, They Have Stood The Test They Have Es}ablished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRTJAR, - Zurich New Iverland 4 Overland Cars! F. M. HESS & CO. c "t 127 ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION OverlandaCars!! I[Ovet lard Cars Dominion of Canada Victory.. Loan Bonds At+ pMarket Price and accrued interest. Yield nearly 7 per cent. Ali absolutely safe investment and a guaranteed interest pay- ment every six months. At present low prices the yield is good. BUY NOW WH,ILE THE PRICES. ARE LOW ORDERS TAKEN BY Andrew F. Hess, Zurich