HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-03-03, Page 4THE HERALD Issued Wednesday 11o0111 from the XHE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Effective after Jars. 1st. 1320 Subscription Tereus; $1.25 per year Is advance; $2,00 maybe charged. If not so paid. tr. $. oubscripti- ons $1.75 strictly in advance. No paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. (The date to which every subscription is paid 4e denoted on the label. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known Ohn application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2 for first month, $1 or each sub- sequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not Mote than five lines, For ,t'lale,To Rent, or Wasted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25o. 'Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, - ONT. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Miss Alberta Finlay who has been .:visiting friends at Varna for the past two weeks, has returned to her home at Blake. Miss Anna McDonald spent the 'week -end at the home of Mr. R. W. Douglas, Blake. Elmer Keys who is taking a. course at the Agricultural College Guelph, spent Sunday at his home on the Babylon. On Friday afternoon last, the `neighbors of Mr. Robert McKinley came with resir saws and axes, and cut for rini a good pile of Wood. Mr. McKinley on account of illness, is unable to be out, so kis neighbors tool: this.opportiun- ity of helping hint. Mr. Geral:] Snyder of the Bauble entertained a number of his fri- end5 to ice cream one evening last ;twee'*. The. man- friends of Mr. Elmer 'keys, who eras been sick in Gulpeh hospital, will be pleased to know he is nearly recovered. • 141iss Mary Reid. _ :rho underwent.. an operation in Detroit recently, has returned to her home. BL'A. - Mrs. Albrecht and daughter Rose of Zurich visited at the home of Mrs. Clarke recently. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Weido of Zur- nch spent last week with friends in, this vicinity'. Miss Alberta Finlay, who was vis- iiting friends at Varna returned Thome on Tuesday last. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton. Miss Annabel McDonald and Miss Marguerite Douglas spent the `week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. Mrs. Roy Consist and little son of Tuckersmith., spent a few days last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. C. Zapfe. Mr. Sam Hey, spent Sunday with friends in Dashwood. The coming Referendum Vote and Vote "Yes!" on April 18 THE Ontario Temperance Act as a war- time measure was an unqualified success. On October 25, 1919, the people of Ontario voted by an overwhelming majority in favor of the permanent continuance of the Ontario Tem- perance Act, prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beverages. The. "Bootlegger" Must Go On December 31, 1920, came the repeal of the Federal Order-in-Council—which was also a war -time measure—prohibiting importation, manufacture and export of intoxicating beverages. Thus it became possible for individuals in prohibi- tion provinces to import liquors for consumption in the home; thus the "bootlegger" is able to offer the same for sale contrary to law, and thus the expressed will of the people in this province is being defeated. Importation Must Cease Everything that applied in the last vote against the sale of intoxicating beverages within this province applies equally to the Use of them, and their Importa- tion for beverage purposes should also be prohibited. Terence arose necessity for further legislation and another Referendum. Shall the Importation and the Y bringing of intoxicating Liquors • 17 into the Province be Prohibited ? Ontario Referendum Committee senemomMENINIESElla Pe A splendid treat to orchestra music was given in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder one evening last week. A literary society has been or- ganized in Wayburn school and a literary program will be given in the school e very Friday from 3 to 4 p. m. : On Friday evening Mar. 4th, .a debate will be given at Grand Bend by the.:mmbers. of the U. F. 0. Club; e•;Sublets; Resolved that the rural telephone is a gre- ater benefit to a' community than the rural mail. On the same evening and in the same hall an illustrated address will be given by the Dpeartment of Agricultural, on the necessity of eliminating the scrub animals from farm stock, in order to en- sure a better class of cattl.e Miss Elfrieda Schroeder succed- ed in taking 100% in her exams. in Theory at the London Conserv- atory Exams. Miss Schroeder is to be congratulated on her success This is also a high recomend to her teacher, Miss Coats of Exeter. COUNTY NEWS EXETER Mr. Ben Makins has purchased the fifty -acre farm of Marry Bier - ling on the Lake Road, Mr. Bier - ling has purchased the residence of Hy. Rumohr, Exeter North, and 'will hold a sale of his stock and implements March 9th. A young farmer from near Dashwood appeared before Mag- istrate Andrews of Clinton, in ]Exeter, on Monday last, charged lender the 0. T. A. with having liq- Iiior in other than a private resi- dence. The case had been ad- lourned twice, He was fined $200 .and costs which amounted to $247 Crown Attorney Seager prosecuted and Mr. McDermid of. Lucan acted for the defendant. The remains of the late Rev. 1EI, D. Tyler, a prominent Meth- odist clergyman of the Hamilton. Conference, were brought to Ex- eter and the funeral was held from the hone of his brother] -in -claw,„ Mr. Henry Rumohr, of Exeter no eth on Tuesday last. The decea- sed passed away at his homey at Cargill on February 18th, follow- ing a brief illness, at the age of 65 Dr. Lindsay of Yorkton, Sask., after a visit with A. Dow and fa- mily left for England to take a post graduate course. • W AYBURN NEWS Traffic on the Town Line last rturday was almost entirely cut Off owing to the blizzard from the Vast which continued all day. Our only a, few months, Besides her, email Courier, however brave 1 the husband she is survived by her, storm and Mad e hie regular round. father and mother, and a number G. J. Sutherland, as agent of the exeuctors of the Dent Estate has sold the 50 -acre farm in the Township of Hay to Mr. Nathan Warrener, of Hensall. Mr. Milton Russell has purchas- ed the 100 -acre pasture farm on the Blind Line, Hay., from Mr. Frank Wood. The marriage of Blois Adel Ham - to Elmer Ilton, of Grand Bend, 1 Beverly Van Drfsen, of Chatham Township, was solemnised at St. Andrew's manse, Chatham, on Thursday, February 17th. Brinsley is to have a handsome new Methodist church erected next summer. The building will be brick and will be square with, the main door in the left hand corner and the pulpit and organ loft in the corner facing the door. The auditorum 'will be seated in circul- ar fashion. The estimated cost is about $15,000. CREDITON Mrs. Hy. Steinacher we are sor- ry to report is quite ill. Anniversary services were in the Evangelical church on day last. Rev. Neergarth, Cleveland, preacheing both morn- ing and evening. An unexpected death of Mrs. John Ryan, who passed away on Friday last at her homee„on the South Boundary of Stephen. The deceased had beech ill only a short time from an attack of influene and an abscess in the throat. She was 28 years' old and was formerly Theresa Tiler, being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Ziler of Dashwood. She had been married held Sun - of GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Brenner who have been visiting in Detroit, ar- rived home last week. Mrs. Paraso has bought the late Mr. Thos. Mollard's residence,the, consideration being $1,900. Mrs. P. Baker was called to ue. can last week, owing to theilin of her daughter, Mrs. Sam Grate, ton. Mr. Ed. Walper of the B. Line was operated on for appendieitis HENSALL. Rev. J. F. Knight of Milverton a former pastor of the Methodist church here, has received a call to the Wesley church, Calgary. Jas. Hagen last week purchased a matched team, of grey files frehn Donald Burns. Mrs. Katie Bell, who spent some months with her sister,Mrs. Hummeston in Pennsylvania ret- urned home. Miss Nora McEwen who hag been in Toronto for the past few weeks has returned home. Mr. W. T. Reynolds left' on Wednesday' for Tilsonburg where he has secured a position. After a few week illness Eliza Jane Taylor, relict of the late Robert Newell passed away at her home on Sunday at the age of 80 years and 6 months Dee - eased was one of the pioneers' of this district, having lived at Chis- elhurst for over 35 years. Mrs. Newell was born in Ireland com- ing with her parents to this co- untry, settling near Port Hope and later moved to a farm in Hibbert. The Hensall and Zurich U.F.Q. have purchased the warehouse •3of the Simmons estate, just west of the track. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Thr- eshing machinery, Household Ef- fects, Etc. on WEDNESDAY MARCH, 16th On Lot 25, N. B. Hay;, half mile West OT Blake. . Commencing at 12 o'clock, p, m. sharp, the following; HORSES; -1 brown' horse 7 -yrs. old;. 1 brown horse 8 yrs. old; 1 driver 11 yrs. old, useful as third horse; 1 gelding driving coast coin ing 3 yrs. by Silver McKinney:, CATTLE; -1 fresh cow 7 yrs. old, 2 cows in calf 8 yrs old; 1, 2 yr. old heifer; 1, 2 yr. old steer; 1 yearling heifer, 2 calves coming 1 yr.; 1 calf 6 weeks old., . Pigs; 1 sow with litter, 4 store. pigs, a- bout 17.5 ,.lbs. each,. ' Same chick- ! ens. THRESHING MACHINERY . -- 1 Sawyer ,t' Massey outfit, 36'iehe Mr. awl Mr9, Turnbull were gue- of 'brothers and sisters. • 'tier laird a:. our te teller's home t last vermins v,; ere interred e.:1 in the Mo- .• • 'tint C.ar.n:�*t c;mete,ry. THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN YOU 'BUY A. TRACTOR, BE SURE THAT I'1` HAS ALL THE FeheTURES ESSENTIAL,. TO .ALL-ROUND SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY OF O.PERATIO:;. FOR INSTANCE LOOK FOR -- A kerosene engine so that you can use cheap fuel, thereby possible cost. A throtle governor to regulate the' fuel to the load variations, insuring uniform speed of both tractor and driven machine in addition to fuel economy and saving one man's time when engaged in belt work. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL PURCHASED FIVE TITANS IN ONE ORDER. MORE I. H. C: TRACTORS IN USE THAN ALL OTHERS , COMBINED. doing your work at the lowest L. A. PRANG,AGENT, ZURICH -des ea �� :,mss": Zou�lesktleay{e as air' ✓. _ k m, _ on Casrhs s ACR2 CUSI-HON INNER TIRE V Ec RUBBER Co/r'\1-ANY�IMITED ossimemonsixassmar WINGHAM. ONTARio.nseseammosmeme I have been appointed Agent.for this district for the above Celebrated Inner Cushion Tires. And will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time. Call and' be convinced. John Hey, Jr. - Zurich .Separator, rear cut, with 20 h. p. Sawyer Traction Engine complete with all belts, etc. Also water tank on wagon, all in good work ing order; also one Bedwell Bean Thresher in good order, and one pony Separator, good to run wtih galolene engine; one 9 h. p. Lis- ter gas engine, best made on truck one Jolliette grinder 10 in burr, 1 circular saw outfit, grindstone, a 5 -passenger Reo touring car in good running order. IMPLEMENTS, ETC;— M. H. binder, 6 -ft. cut; M. -H. mower, 5 cut; Mann cultivator', M. -H. 11 hoe drill; one horse rake, cutting box, fanning mill, wagon 3 -in tire, light wagon, one top buggy, wheelevar- row, .Fleury plow, pulper, single, and double harness, large copper kettle, Lai'ge apple dried, apple peeler, iron kettles, washing ma- chine, long and short ladders, do- ubletrees, neck yokes, e' hams, forks, shovels, hoes„ a quantity of mixed , hay ,and numerous arti-c les. Also a quantity of Furnit- ure, bedsteads, sideboards, bureas, hanging lamp, extension table, other tables, hcairs, rockers, Wil- liams sewing machine good . as new, cook stove for coal or wood, coal heater, wood heater, crockery 2 lounges, Etc. TERMS;—$10 and under cash. Over that .amount : 8 months cred- it will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Chiekens and Hay cash. John Thirsk, Proprietor. Fralrlt Taslor, and Oscar Klopp, Auctioneers. AUCTION - SALE Of Farm Stock, :Iinplernents ,and Household Effect* The undersigned auctioneer` has been instructed to sell by public auction On Lot 17, Goshen Line, Ralf mime south of Zurich on TUESDAY, MARCH 8th. Commencing at 1200 o'clock, p.m. sharp, the following;. HORSES -Team carriage ge:drug • e-er+++++4.4-1-Hele'r'f444++++++++ S- r : ta- ++++fig$+3eisieeeel II'++'II! . . I Feed Flax Seed. t We have a, l united quantity oft 4. Flax Seed suitable for feed pui•_ 't .i... 1 poses which we will sellt a"veryt. 4^ . reasonaele price. it Fo a !CAL PHONE 69. FLEISC..• ,f... ZURICHt: •h++X++- ^F4^^e-1.4. 94•+++++++++^l ++ 4-++++++4.4.+++4" - i^++++'II^+++..` .+ black, 6 and 7 yrs. old, weight 2700 pounds; 1 Reg. Clyde mate 4 -yrs. old; 1 Clyde mare 12 yrs. old; 1 10 -yr. old Clyde mare; 1, 10 -yr. old Roadster mare; 1 8 -yr. old roadster, 1 2 -yr. old roadster; 1 yearling grey Percheron; 1 yearl- ing Percheron black, LIVE STOCK -1 cow 3-yrs;,i old with calf at foot; 1 cow, 6 -yrs. old with calf at foot; 1 cow 6 -yrs., due in April; 1 cow 4 -yrs. due in March; 3 cows 3 -yr. old due in March; 1 cow 9 -yrs, due in May; 1 11 -yr. old cow duel in June; 2 -yr. old heifer due October; Shorthorn Reg. Durham bull 3 -yr. old; 4, 2 -yr,. old steers; 2, 2 -yr. old heifers; 11 yearling calves; 2 brood sows due in March; 1 sow due in April; 4 dozen Rock hens; pure bred. Col- lie dog. IhV1PLEN ,ENTS, ETC ;—M. •-H.. binder 6 -ft, cut; Deering Mower; M.H. rake, Steel roller; Frost & Wood. disc, ,Wilkinsdn manure srp- ead' r, Prost & Wood cultivator,. Deering cultivator, 2 set diamond harrows, M. -H. fertilizer disc drill, 11.T.. -II. corn and Lean scuffler, muf- fler, turnip drill, root pulper, doe- ble wagon box, 16 -ft. hay raclt'e.. combination hay rack, carriage, 01... inton fanning mill, oat roller, 1200 pound weigh scale; truck waggon. 3 -in. tire, wagon 2% inch tire;, farm bob sleigh, light sleigh, rub-•• leer tired wire wheal buggy, 2 cutters, 2 carts, 3 Fleury walk- ing plows, Farmers' Friend walk ing plow, good. set of brass moun- ted heavy harness, set of light wagon harness, set of farm harme ess, set of light buggy harness, 2 set single harness, 200 cedar poste', Premier cream •separator, wash' machine, Lighter Day cook stovee nearly new; Bell parlor stove, 5 octave organ, barrels, pails, chains, neckyokes,, wh'f.letrees,'froks,hoes. about 10 ton of good mixed hay;. 100 bushels of choice seed oats,. Gr'ainry' Filler, and numerous other. articles,. • TERMS;—$10 and under Over that amount 8 months' •. edit will lie given on furnishing a. o-:. ved joint notes. 4% off for e..wl' on credit amounts. Hay and Chickens cash. Frank Taylor, John Hey Jr., Aeetionecr, Proprietor.