HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-02-17, Page 5UUSINESS CARDS I'roudfo Killoran & •HOLMESi, Barris!. 'l's, Solicitors, .Nlolarie:e, PuLli , i.e.Office on the Squeie, 2nd do Hamilton St. God- erich, ,private funds to loan at lowest rales. e• 'W. Proudfoot, KC, 3. L, Killoran D. E. Holmes. Mr. Rolmee will bein week. i Hksall on E'riday of ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporationle aldri Office.d ad a Trust Co,Zurich. Dr.E. S. Haraie DENTIST At ZURICH. EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted In any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0, Phone 18-93 ,PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads Two flocks of wild ducks were seen flying north at Bayfield last week, • Mr. S. B. -Strothers, Agricultural Representative of Huron County was in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. E. Oesch and mother Mrs. Genttner spent the week -end at London. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oesch, (bridal, couple), left for Biggar, Saskl;, on Monday, where .they will re- side. Mr. Gordon Fowler, of Detroit, who spent a few wtee'.rs on the 1tt) eon. with relatives, has returned to the city;. Mrs. F. B. Meyer and family, re- turned from Gorrie on Friday, where they spent a time visiting with the former's mother, Mrs, Hooey, who is ill. The U. F. 0. Club of Grand Bend .are holding an Oyster Supper, on Friday evening, at Brenner's Hall, Mr. Black, a Government Repres- entative and others will address the audience on the 'live eeebjects of the day. Good music is also provided, • You are requested to attend the community meeting in the 'Town Hall this Friday evening, when a unusal merited program will be given. Dr. Rutman will speak on "Community Health", and some We have a small quantity of of our prominent business and pro-, Choice Clover Hoeney left. which fessional deliver of sesaddjillAe s wer ill we will sell •at from 27c to 28e per pound. Also some No. 2, clover collection at the door will be taken Honey from 22c to 23c a pound. to defray expenses. Come, and J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. 31tak e some good points this an unusual event, with - - - Messrs. Melick & Braun last week completed a dust collector equipment for the Blyth Flax Co. at Blyth. This will be a great convenience tee the scutchers of that mill, and also a credit to Mr. W. F. Braun, who was the chief j L1 ars e�nud tu er 0! 1veasmertock re - M mhanie. e e ;present at a special meeting Mr. Robert Boal, a teacher hav-'�" p ing many year's xperience, and called tby Mri. S. B. Strothers, Hur- onSCounty Representative of Act SRL NEWS IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE THRESHIN,:i MACHINE, ETC. Consisting of one Sawy as- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S. -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc, Also a first class bean thresher with re -cleaner; one 5 - passenger touring car, in good con- dition. For further particulars apply to John Thirsk, Blake, -31 P.0., R. Rs 2, Zurich. WANTED AGENTS -Man or Woman to re- present us 90 days; earnings gu- aranteed; good chance to make $500. Spare time may be used. Experience unnecessary. Particu - lars on application. Winston Co. Dept. A.Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer I have taken • out Auctioneer'seon License for the County positof ion conduct And am in a p Give any kind of Auction Sale. me, a trial and I will assure you Satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh alclsSalt g Meats Boacl,r. Highest Cash Price for Woof a CASH FOR SKINS & • elDES Ttang131 eichern FOR SALE A choicly bred Registered Short- horn bull, 15 months old, dark red in color, Scotch Topped. This is an exceptional good one. Apply. J. P. RAU, Zurich. 33 `3 Phone 12-96 - HONEYmFOR SALE LOOAI NEWS. The iron work of the big bridge at ('Grand liencl in completed. M. J. Swan, of Brucef:eld, was in the village last Friday in inter- est, of the Gould Shaply Co.. A large number of hockey fans attended the Kithcener vs. Exeter game at Exeter last Saturday ev- ening. i'. Mr.J. W. Horner of the 14th .owl. is holding an ouetion sale of farm stock and Implements on Tues- day, February 22nd. Dr. Mary Rutman delivered a very interesting address on the Missionary Conditions of Ceylon, at the Sabbath School in the Evan gelical church on Sunday morning. Messrs' O. Fritz and Jos. Meid- inger received their new 1921 Fords last week and certainly look '"all spruced up." FOR SALE I am offering for sale my balm in Zurich, size 24x40 and 16 feet high. •Apply Win. Siebert Zur- ich. ich. NOTICE. All the accounts of the late butcher firm of Ruby & Johnston, recommended, had accept- have been placed by me, the un highly Zurich. The ed the principalship o£ the Zurich ri e Wolper Hous�e�y afternoon Miss Lila 'Melick, who has tak- en a •Commercial course in the Clinton. Business College, was successful' in, passing her exams, and has completed her term. ' Mr. Derlum of Wingham, of the Aero -auto tube Company of that place, spent e. few days in the village -fast week appointing an agent for their manufactured pro- ducts: The program given by Dr. Rut - learn at. the Commercial Hotel, as arranged,'ifas considered the con, venience, of those ladies living at a distance, in the arranging of the three :special afternoon meetings 'which summarize the work of the evening classes. It is to be hoped that 'lhe ladies from the country will take, advantage of this arran- gement and come in large num- bers� i ersigned, in the Molsons Bank for colelction. All parties indebted 1 to the said firm are; requested to act at once to save further exp- I ense. NOTICE IAs I have recently purchased the litiery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Art also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the te4am- ing line GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone 58 . LIVE Y POU LT RY i W. S:' RUBY. FOR SALE '250 - bushels of choice 6 -rowed seed barley for sale. Apply to Elmer Thiel, R.R.2 Zurich 33-3 NOTICE Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position-offor treasurer for Hay Township 1921. All applications must be in the hands of the Clerk or the reeve on or before 1 o'clock, Sate urday, March. 5th, 1921. E. P. Klopp, Reeve. A. F. Hess, 'Clerk. Dated February 15th, 1921. Taken every day till 3 °clock p•m• Do not feed fowl same, morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phdne 94. C Zurich IMPORTANT NOTICE , WINTER DELIVERIES, 1920--21 Owing to the small supply of coal that came through during hte sure - mer months p we have deliveries et of 1e to am -1 YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST GIl BY WIND OR TORN IAD°. Public School to succeed Mr. N, the + ,p c` iHayl was organize. E. Dahms, but on learning that , Toevieshi•p one accountt ofetheer had resigned sa salary question, I are out ,ve for Stock improvement, he requested the trustees of the to ex 'exterminate te is he committee scrub bulap- sehool to release him from his 1 pointe51; Prep.; J. Laporte; Vice. -Pres., T. ,F. Turnbull; Sec. H. Smith. , Colateittee;-Barry . Soldan, Ar- chie Rowcliffe, .W C. Pearce, Ben Elder, Chas. Aldsworth, Ed. Hab- erer, Wm. McAllister, Wm. Pfaff, Jno. Pfaff, J. R. Rowell, J. Dech- er, Jr. FOR SALE A. good well -framed barn 26x40 for sale. Apply to Jacob Dei - chert, + 33-t engagement,. Programme. of Meeting 16, e.30 p.m. Regular meeting of .W -'C, T. U Subj;_ Temperance work in 'Ceylon, Dr. Rutnam. 16th, 7.30, p.m. Nursing Lecture, Subj; Accidents and emergen- cies. • 17th, 2.30 p.m. Review of Nursing Lectures for women unable to attend evening classe.s 17th, 7'.30, p.ml. Nursing Lecturej. Subj; Baby Hygiene and ban- daging. 18th, x.00 p.ni. Community meeting in Town Hall. -HYMENIAL- An interesting matrimonal event took place at the Lutheran' pars- onage on Saturday enening, when trhe Rev. Mi H. Susie O she, daughter mar- riage, of Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch, Gosh en iLne, north', -and Mr. Aaron Desch, son of Mr. Joe. Oesch coupfle Biggar, Sask. The young will reside in the west and have the best wishes and congratulat- ions of a large circle of friendei: The Herald also joins in best•wvishes ACCO- ; iTIN COST C.P.A. EXECUTIVE The Beat Paid Profession_ Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for ad- vancement to qualify as accountant. Home study training, not interfering with your present occupa- tion. Booklet free. We have trained more Certi- fied Public Accountants than has any otherinstitu- tion. We have helped hundreds of others secure good paying positions. We can help you. +tt err- tio•ls A ;count. nth Goc'Ph' aor3F2TProute NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joseph Block. a-tf. ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. INSIIRE imam jumesainatsgaznannmemsiammasenamii, Children Cry for Fletcher''s n it�.M1 4 � , SMV. Y •1;'K'.9 i•�Nt Croy mkae one Some people DAMA eo le have i ount ordered eine obtainwood some have substituted with and coal substitutes other -thaw the regular sizes so that. by ng our old Summer list it is hardo r us to tell just who now requres coal and what quantity is coal elsewhere and Owing to the aboveo idi16ttio asl s and commencing on prevlons order lists ll a �ee worder cancel- led and we will open list so that it will now be necessary for all customers to enter a new order for any coal they now de- .eire for winter delivery. Orders of course, are accepted subject to- out being able to oetain the supplies. Our terma are cash. Phon e Office 1101;Residence 10w, esidence10w, syDseeefm- !awVoo COAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT HEN$ALL ONT.) Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential fcr Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was tie need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, an , no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 y ars has not proven. /hat. i . sA ° FHA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Cyrups. It is pleasant. It contains - neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a,.d by regulating tie Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST Fl IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of f n Use For THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY BRONSON LINE. Mr. John Bechar of Pigeon,Mich. is visitingi relatives and friends on the Bronson Line for a few weeks', Mr. and rMs. Joel Bechler, of Usborne, who have been spend- ing the last week in this vicinity, returned to their home on Tues- day'. • '� Mr. and Mrs. Mose Eeb, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Schwartzentruber visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stephenson, Goshen Line, Stanley, on Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. Chris. Erb. spent Tuesday at the home of the let- ters' parents, near Exeter. A successful quilting bee was held at the hone yf Mr1 rep Elmoreort Klopp, on splendid titre(, "Frogmore Farm" Hay Town:- ehip was the scene of a very pre- tty wedding on February 2nd when Vietta Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Green, Parr Line, became the bride. of Mi ( James Ira Moir, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir of Usborne The ceremony being performed at 5 o'clock by Rev. James Foote of Caven church Exeter. Thby here bride was given in marriag e father entering the parlor to the straing of the wedding March pia-, yed on the Brenswicl: by Mr. Rob- ert J. Green, brother of the bride. The bride looked charming in her pretty little gown of white silk crepe dei chine and satin and glist- ening white beards and wore a veil of Tulle and Lily of the Valley and carrying a bouquet of Ophelia Roses'. • • Little Miss Marjorie Cavell St- ewart, niece of the Bride dressed in white Organdy and pink lash, acted as Ring bearer. The Groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch and to the ring bearer, a gold neck lace. set with opals. The house was beautifully de - orated the wedding taking place beneath an arch of wedding bells and roses. After the ceremony and congrat- ulations the guests numbering a- bout- 50 sat down to a sump wedding supper. The presents were numerour and costly include '^he young THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property withoift Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FAR1VMERS' W EATAER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $11s 400 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per 000 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER. IN LIGHTNING RODS WAYBURN NEWS Masse -Harris Farm Maohinery We are Sole Agents for this district for the celebrated and well-known Massey -Harris Farm Implements and Farm Engines ai1d-Tractors,, can supply your wants for the corn- ing season. They Have Stood The Test' They Have Es'ablished a Reputation Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRU AR, - Zurioh — v erland 4 Mrs. Wm. Turnbull was the guest of Mrs. J; S. Delgaty, last Thurs- days 1 Mr. Wm. Bauman spent the ek-end at the home of Mr. 'Turnbull, Parklhill. Mr. A. Patterson is sitting on the jury this week at Goderich. Mr, Geo. Schroeder of Pittsburg Fa., who ,1s visiting his cousin Mr. J. Schroeder, spent an evening last week with our teachers. Rev. Carier of Grand Bend vis- ited Wayburn school on Monday of .last week, and gave a well -worded address to the pupils. Mr.lCar!- rier who is an admirer of good:sch- ools, and good education, urged the boys and girls to aim at get- ting a good public school educat- ion, and expressed himself well - pleased with the' work he sbaw in our School,. The U. F. 0. of Grand Bend and Wayburn are having a public gat- hering at 'the Grnad Bend in Erne- ner's Hall on Friday night lethl Two addresses will be given, one by Mr. Bail, appointed by the .Department, . to speak on consol- idated schools,. the other, Mr. Black o,f Seaforth,. will address the far- mers A splendid musical pro- gramme is being prepared for tl�e occasion: Oysters and lunch we - M, ing several checks. couple will reside on the Groom's will be served -before the addres- fine farm., "Pleasant View" on the hes are given, 0 Colne and enjoy Thames road. a treat, 0 0 F. M. HESS&CO. OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars Dominion of Canada Victory Loan At Al.arket Price and accrued interest. Yield nearly 7 per cent. An absolutely safe investmentndent alguaranteed. iices the infield nterest ment every six months. At 1n is BUY NOW WHILE TIIE PRICES ARE LOW ORDERS TAKEN BY Andrew F Hess, - Zurich good.