HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-02-10, Page 1ZURI ERALD 1101. XX I No 32 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 192I, For a short peroid of time we have decided to put on Sale our -entire .--Anscamgcm.=:=0,:ausseniffewszseemoosim Stock of _Hockey Shoes ata Big Re- duction. W. H. PFILE, SHOE ivrERcHANT, ZURICH II _ 410••••••06sesetwoosessese•eso••••••••••oti000sootoo••••••••••••••oost0000to•••••• .1( • • • to • o 1 • 0 • • lb ;: 1 ta 1 a s ...1400111.111MNPINIIMIO, ,1101111111101•10 Mr. D. Gotschalk of Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting relatives here. Mr. Wm—Roerig and rater, Miss' Louisa ,are visiting at Kitchener Mr. G. Holtzman', is attending the Annual Meeting of the Western Mu tual Weather Insurance Company at Woodstock, this Thursday. Messrs. Melick & Braun are h,olding a seven day Sale of furn- iture and hardware, beginning on Saturday, Feb. 12th. Watch. for bills for further announcements. Miss Katie Oesch and two bro- hers left for their home in lVfil- • verton, last week, after spending • several weeks with relatives and ifriends in this vizinitv • .' in a by-election in W. Peter - on Monday, the Liberal ean- e didate M. G. Gordon won by over *VAN majority. The riding wa:.; • contested by five candidates. O'Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gelinas, (BEd- 41,,•alf, Couple), of Fielding Sask., are :iting relatives and friends in 0.• this viienityli it • • A.pidly becoming in the wa.y of I' Oarmers making dairy butter are '10 : using printed wrappers, These, , _. • ue very small in octs and make lo a- big improvemeni. I -:-.-1-, •‘, • tii -for Gorie, on Saturday.to visit her 2 Mrs. F. B. Meyer and family left 0 e Where his daughter, Mary Evelyn aturda ...s confined to the bed with an at- tack, of Pneunaonia. -t= 8 ---,,,t-..-.'. 8, ghnue it, Sale until ,oid out. Our sip advertisement will be changed ev-i 3• • kg, tAs 4b in order to make, the last two days of the most • • .• • • • I. successful Sale ever conducted in this communi y, we. • • • ..., • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • o • • I will give the following special Prices along with our regular Sale Price on Friday and Saturday Feb, and I 2th: SEEDLESS RAISINS PCK. 25c SALMON, LB. TIN .... ...18c RICE, 4 LB. FOR ... 25c SYRUP 5-1b. TINS ...45c COFFEE 3 LB. TUNS 50c FSOAPS, SUNLIGHT, LIPE- BUOY 1G CAKE id FOR ...$1 • RINSO 5 PACKAGES FoR 25c CORN -1. PEAS, 'TOMATOES • 2 TINS FOR 25c LUX PER BOX ... ......10c JELLY POWDERD 2 FOR 125c 1 lth 35 -in. STRIPED FLET1T YD. ...20c 35 -in. PLAIN WHITE ... 25c FINE GREY 4 PLY FINGERING YARN ... ...... 45c ALL SHADES SAXON YARN ... 35 FINE QUALITY GREY CAN- ADIAN YARN 35c PRINTS, LIGHT AND DARK 25c TOWELING YD. ' 10c LADIES' AND CHILDREN FINE RIBBED HOSE, BROWN AND BLACK PR. 25e It is Impossible for us to mention all the Prices of our Goods here but these are only a few of the bargains we are offering and would ask you to call during this Sale and be convinced that we are saving you money. Phone 59. • MVOS t 4...1AVIOV4 •107,10 PREETER, 1,0*. ut• to, Produce Wanted Cheater L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance $1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAX 14.11: CHARGED Government Approved Lenses Legalite McKee ALL SIZES W. G. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated in 1835 THE MOLSONS BANK ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Dep- artments at all Branches. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch 4. Urn' equirenients • We are offering the following seasonable Horse t O 2 t requirements at greatly reduced prices: . HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, 2 e e HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. • * .0, OUR EXTRA. FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S 'MITTS AT I SEE 4. A BIG R EDUCTION. t • We also carry in stock a full' Line of Heavy Harness, Single 44 harness, Etc. • -t-FR-ED THIEL: - ZURICH • >4*400..004,4004.00,144.40...6•0....4.4441•••••••••••••4•4.41441...4 ery week,, it will pay you t) reda REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 2 it. See last page of The 11.:rald....11.74.,+++++-:.++++++3'•++44+4-4444.44÷14++++++++++++++++÷.:44-1t "It cost me $1.80 to purchase, enough yarn to maker a pair of stockings for my child." Declared a Tororkto woman a few days ago. At preAnt wool prices the 4)6 oun- kes she purchased brought the farmer betwieeinn: 2 and 3 centa. There is too'much of a spread Le-! tween producer and consumer. The •prograna given by Dr. Rut - nam at the Commercial Hotel, as arranged, has considered the cos. venience, of those ladies living at a distance, in the arranging of the three special afternoon meetings which summarize the work of the xrening classes. It is to 'be hoped kit i(he ladies from the country Id take advantage of this arran, tunent and come in large num- • '` •ra • • b, oth , •eat favorite foods without fear. Large • sca“) costs only GO cents at drug store. *Absolutely harmless and pleasant,. .Millions4/helped annually. Largest *selling stomach corrector in world.— wAdv. Ilett Waterproof Shoes. • •: The United States :Bureau of Chem- Oistry has worked oul a method by *which anybody can make his shoes •erwatepAraeoffonfiloplsvintghotows. ar- rived a tthe Zurich Public Library. FICTION— Tarzan, the Untrained, Dead Man's Gold, Johnstone of the Border. The Stranger, The Way of the Strong., The Trail of the Axe, The Gaunt 'Grey Wolf, The Mornin Glory Girl, hTe Workers, The Viking- Blood, The School Master of Hessville, Bloom of Cactus, Pi- rate's Gold, The Top of the World, The Passion for Life, The Mesa Trail, Mountain Madness, Su -Her- ing Husbands, Guarding the Key- stone Sack, NON-FICTION • 1 The Wild North Land, Across the Sulaarsetics, The Great Lone • 1:117413.bIdessaeh popular authors as these ,twenty new bo- ,, Zane Gray, Gene Stratton Porter, Oppenheim and others were do- nated by the Womens' Institutd ope to • • • o, • 0 0• • • 0 • • 0 0 0 • 0 • to CASTOR 1 For Infants and Children in Use iror Over 30 Years Always bears the •klignacure of ,* ;41;4'4440i •,I.,:*,;,*%.4:17..*:4,7*,z;to./ 44404% • ik.17/24 We Cannot Shout i SALE! SALE' SALE 40 I Because we have our Prices down 4,. to Rock Bottom figures every day *: rt. in the week. 4. .1. Shop here for a square anddeal 1 4e convinced. ; bced. .:. .4* 4. 3: BUTTER AND SATISFACTION 0•FRITZ OUR MOTTO 4* iEGGS WANTED • THE SHOEMAN Reduction of Prices We have reduced our prices on Dry Goods, Groceries, and all otherlines we carry in Stock, to present mar- ket prices, and will continueto drop + our prices as the markets decline. SO THAT OUR CUSTOMERS CAN REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE LOOKING AFTER THEIR INTEREST. 4 Fresh Groceries always in Stock. R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE11'97 BLAKE 4.