HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-02-03, Page 7BRITISH COLUMBIA PULP AND PAPER GROWTH OF THE PAST TEN YEARS. Province Possesses the Largest ReUlin.ing Stands of Pulp- wood in the World. Thebirth and development of the pulp and paper industry iii British Columbia has boon phenomenal. A de- cade ago not a single ton of pulpwood, mechanical or chemical, was manu- factured in the Pacific Coast province; In 1919 the total value of the products of tbis industry amo mtefl to $12,554,- 267. 12,554;267. 7'o -day British Columbia stands third among the provinces of the Do- minion in the amount of capital in- vested in tlao industry. The surpris- ing rate at which illi, has grown in the .last; few years and i8 continuing to grow, is indicated in tlr : jump effected between 1917 and 1920 of from $22,- 584,652 and $60,000,000 in 1920: This is a remarkable hist my of de- velopment of what will doubtless be- come one of the most important indus- tries of the Pacific Coast, but ,t is more than probable that the next ole-• cade will exhibit still more rapid ex- pansion. Great Britain and the United States are drawing the greater part 'of their paper supplies from Canada, and eyes are turned en British Columbia, possessing as it does the largest re- training stands of timber in the world suitable for the production of pulp and paper. The province's annual ex- port xport to Australia already amounts to more than 20,000 tons, whilst the de- mand for Pulp from the far east far exceeds available supply, .. Nearly Three Hundred Million Cords. Of the 370,370,000 cords of pulpwood estimated to exist in Western Canada, British Columbia is credited with 285,- 370,000 cards, consisting of spruce, Western hemlock, and balsam, whilst for the coarser grades of pulp a cer- tain 'amount of Douglas lir is used. It 'should also be observed here that Bri- tish Coluinbia is highest among the provinces of the Dominion in the aver- age production of pulp per cord of wood, the mechanical process giving an average of 2,485 pounds. To -day there are only seven plants in British Columbia producing pulp— groundwood and chemical—and news- print, . No other industry offers such boundleass opportunities of develop- ment. Li addition to the enormous areas of suitable timber are the tre- niendous unharnessed 'water powers awaiting utilization, which are esti- mated at 3,000,000 horse power. . The temperate climate of the Pacific Coast gives assurance of open harbors the year round, whilst- apart from the de- mand ha the.United States, there is an unlimited market for the product of the mills' immediately across the ocean. No Export Embargo on Raw Product. This may he instanced from the fact that the entire pulp product of one of the ,largest mills on the coast goes to Japan for manufacture there into newsprint. Up to the present time the Provincial Government has placed ilo embargo on the export of the raw product. British Columbia is producing suf- ficient newsprint to supply the whole of Canada, takng the most recent es- timates of the annual consumption of 120,000 tons. Figures of the province's output of pulp and paper of all kinds for 1919 were as follows:—sulphite, 80,047 tons; sulphate, 9,473 tons; ground wood, 99,769 tons; paper: newsprint, 123,607 tons; wrapping; 7,202 tons, In newsprint production British Columbia already stands third among the Canadian provinces. From the sttandpoint of timber re- sources, waterpowers, climate, ship- ping, a bright future awaits British Columbia in the pulp and paper indus- • try, and the coming decade will see it placed high among the paper proctnc- • fug sections of the American Conti- nent, Prince George is a Mid- shipman. Xing George's fourth son and name- sake, Prince George, who recently celebrated his eighteenth birthday and completed his training as a. navel ca- det, has become a full-fledged mid- shipman and been appointed as such to the Iron Duke, which was the flag- - ship of Adrnir'al of the Fleet Lord Jellicoe in the battle of Jutland, and now is flagship of. Admiral Sir John do Robeck, commander-in-chief of the. British naval forces in the Mediter- ra.uean. The prince has just joined, and will spend the greater part of the next two years in the Mediterranean, with headquarters at Malta. Eskimos Once Lived south. Fossil remains have, e1iown, the like Iiheod of the early existent* of Bald - taros as far stti'th afa New Jersey, will do the same work taiinout blistering. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES $7.00 a tube THE LEEM'NG MILES CO., LTD. MONTREAL Ayents for Dr, Jules nensud RELIEVES PAIN N. , b :;'VT.!.uk r,, M1,t Y '.IW TA, Boy Scout Notes. Patrol Leader Frank B. Johnston, of the 64th Toronto Troop, Boy Scouts, has just been awarded the bronze med- al of the Carnegie Hero Fund for sav- ing Miss Daisy A. Hooper from drown- ing in Lake' Scugog. Scout Johnston was awarded the highest award The l3oy Scouts Association could give him --its Bronze Cross for Gallantry— some time ago.' *< * Le Comite American pour -los Re- giones Devastees de la France, which conducted a large Boy Scout Training Camp at Compiegne; France, last sum- mer, will next summer conduct five Similar camps for French boys. Last year The Boy Scouts Association, the Boy Scouts of America, the two Bel- gian Scont organizations and the several Boy Scout Associations in France co-operated in this work and some 275 older boys and young men from the devastated regions of France graduated from this "Camp-ecole," as it was called. Mr. Frank C. Irwin, the Executive Secretary of the Boy Scouts Association for Ontario, represented Canada on the staff of the 1920 camp. •* Charters permitting organizations to form Boy Scout troops are granted by the Provincial Council ter Ontario" Headquarters, Sherbourne and Bloor Sts., Toronto. The conditions upon which charters are granted are, first, that the organization—it may be a church, a school, a community club, a parents' association or any other group of citizens --will guarantee for one year adequate leacIerehip and facilities; second, that it will endeav- or to provide an opportunity forthe members of tho troop to spend a week or more in a summer camp; and third, that It will ooruluct the troop,through a Troop Committee appointed by it, in accordance with tb ` rule;.; and re- gulations of the Association. There are now nearly 250 registered Boy .Scout Troops in Ontario. New Kignd. of Lifebuoy. The newest life-saving apparatus is. a Danish invention. It is a large life- buoy, designed to contain a number of persons, the buoy -shaped body being provided with a collapsible framework of ribs covered by a water -tight fabric. The inner edge of the buoy forms a circular bench for people to sit on, and in the middle of the bottom is fixed a box with receptacles for water and provisions. The box serves inci- dentally as a table and lamp support. In such a buoy a • dozen persons might spend many days in safety and relative cc.Infort. When out of use the water -tight cover, which is supported by hinged steel rods, is collapsed. and closed. Thus the apparatus, stowed on a ship, takes up very little room. WINTER ItAR,D ON BAI}A The winter season is a hard one on the baby. He is more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches ' colds which rack his little system; his stomach and bowels get out of or- der and he becomes peevish and cross. To guard against this the mother should keep a box of 13aby's Own Tab- lets in the house. They regulate the stomach and bowels and break up colds. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A twelve -cylinder auto is nice, but a one -cylinder sleigh, with a hot brick to warm the feet and a heavy fur robe over the lap, goes up the lane to the altar much quicker. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. Surnames and Their Origin FRASER Variations -Frazer, Frasier, Frazier. Racial Origin—Norman-French. , Source—A locality. This is another- of the few Highland clan names which, though borne by Celtic families, trace back to an origin in Normandy. All of these clan names were formed in the same way, ,by knights and nobles from the army of William the Conqueror, or the sans of such fol- lowers, who, either to strengthen the foreign relations of the conqueror, or because -they were not satisfied with the spoils of war which fell to their lot in conquered England, sought their fortunes in the north at the court of the Scottish king. They were, as might be expected, men with reputations as mighty fight- ers, and as they were independent of blood relationship with the factions around the throne, they were, of course, welcome additions always to the royal Scottish organization. But the Frasers, like the others, quickly formed alliances by marriage, and adapting themselves to the cus- toms of the Gaels Upon receiving grants of hand in the Higlilancis, rapid- ly assumed leadership of existing clans and gathered around then clan organizations which they strove to make more powerful. The Frasers are found first settled in Tweedale during the reign of Mal- colin III. They got their foothold in the Highlands through marriages into families of the Orkneys and Caithness chieftains. The original Norman form of the name was "de Frisell" or "Frasell," and simply denoted overlordship of a place of that name in Normandy, be- ing a family name only in the sense that it was hereditary because the feu- dal power was hereditary and des- criptive. COC hi RAN Variations—Corcoran, Coghrane. Racial Origin—Irish. Source a -A given name. The family name of Cwhrau holds a high place in the annals of ancient Ireland, prior to the Anglo-Norman in- vasion, in which it appears a 'aO'Cor- crain." - The name traces back through the O'Carrol, or the "O'Oearbail" clan to Owen More ("Eoghan Mor" being closer to the old Irish spelling) or "Corcra," meaning "red;" . hence the family name of "O'Corcrain," meaning "the descendant of the Red One." In the year 1040 there was an O'Corcrain who was abbot of Iniscal- tra, renowned as the most celebrated ecclesiastic of western Europe, both for his religion and his learning.. But being among the most bitter and relentless autagonists the Anglo- Norman invaders of the Middle Ages had to meet, the clan of .O'Corcrain suffered bitterly at their hands; and es the Norman sway extended the clan sank into a politicalinsignia- cance that it was never able to over- come. Cochran, Corcoran and Gobhrane, with or Without the prefixes "0" or "Mac," are merely anglicized versions of this family name, once powerful in the ancient Irish kingdom. STURDY FOOD VALUES ,, of wheat, and malted barley are 'combined, in. as in no other prepared'cereal Food xt rich,rzut~like flavor attracts and its rl.oatriang (,,zl alitiew are-stattrich. Unlike most pre- pared. cereals, Grape=Nuts needs no added. sweetening . SOW BYC.ROCERS EVERYWHERE E HOW TO BE HEALTHY DURING THE WINTER Many Troubles May be Avoided if the Blood is Kept Pure. DQ not let your blood get thin this Winter, Per people 'who have a ten- •dency towards anaemia, or bloodless- ness, winter is e trying reason. Lack of exercise, lack of fresh air, and a more restricted diet are among the things that combine to lower the tone of the body and weaken the blood. As soon as you netice the tired feeling, lack of appetite and shortness of breath that are warning symptoms of thin blood, take a short course of treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Do not wait until the color has entirety deft your cheeks, until your lips are white and your eyes are dull. It is so much easier to correct thin- ning of the blood in the earlier stages than later. This is well illustrated in the case of Mr. 13 M. Day, Newcastle Bridge, N.B., wlio says: "From my own experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I can most heartily recom- mend them. Some time ago I was badly run down and my blood seemed thin and watery, accompanied by the usual symptoms of this condition. A friend- recommeneded Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking several boxes I felt like a new man." You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any, dealer in medicine or they will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Skipper's Only Fib. The deep-sea fisherman often has a sharp tongue and is not likely to get the worse of a verbal duel. But George, the skipper of a Ya.l►nouth trawler, who figures in North Sea Fishers and Fighters, by Mr. Walter Wood, certainly met with his match. Owe whether he knew it or not. "There's land people who come and bother you with foolish questions," he complained in recounting the hard- ships of a skipper's life. "I try to put 'em off, but can't allus do it. There was an old lady who worried me past endurance with her questions, askin' if the herrin's were caught in barrels, as she'd sometimes seen 'em that way in shops. I told her no, and then she aggravated me to that extent that I told the only fib I ever spoke in my life. " 'How do you kill 'em when you've caught 'em?' she asked. " 'We bite off their heads,' I answer- ed. "She Iooked at the catch of herrin's we had. 'My! . laly!' she murmured, welkin' away. 'How tired your poor jaws must be!' " • One of the best known guides in Nova Scotia gives this testimonial of MIN- Ai3D'S LINII\1ENT— - Have used MINARD'R LINIMENT in my home, hunting and lumber camps for years and consider it the best white lini- ment on the market. I find that it gives' quick relief to minor ailments, such as Sprains, Bruises and all kinds of wounds. Also it is a great remedy for coughs, colds, etc., which one is liable to catch when log driving and cruising clawing the winter and spring months. I would not be without MINARIY---LINI- l\IIINT and cannot recommend it too highly, , (Signed) Ellison Gray. East Hemptvllle, MS. Noted Woman Hunter. Few big game banters in the Yukon are a•0,. well known as Mrs. W. W. Dickenson, a middle-aged woman who has hunted moose, caribou, deer, mountain goats and bears for many years in immense stretches or terri- tory which are still marked unex- plored on recent maps of the far North. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Peanuts in Baby's Bath. 'When a new baby arrives in China it is the custom of the mother's par- ents to supply it with several outfits of clothing. If the baby's maternal grandparents are wealthy it is not un- usual for them to furnish all Rs cloths until is is five or ten years old. •Though customs vary in different provinces, just as dialects do, it is a common thing when the child is three days old for the parents to present boiled eggs, dyed red, to relatives; friends and neighbors, thereby signify- ing that they hope that their children will be as numerous as the eggs. tire, quently the .number of eggs given away totals 2000 or more. For a baby's bash, two tubs of water are made ready, one for its body and one for its head. Dragon's eggs and peanuts are' thrown into the water in both tubs, this being supposed to in- sure long life and success in all under- takings of the child's. adult life. It is enstomary for relatives to drop' money liberally into the water.• - A •ma'n's intone depends lamely on his wife's output. A E1ird o1' a Landing. Teacher—"Where did the Pilgripis land?" Johnny --"I don't know whether it. was on a Plymouth Rock or a Rhode Island Red." A Bible Lesson. Sunday -school Teacher --"Now, Har- ry, what do you learn from the parable of the prodigal son?" Harry—"'That it Is better to be a prodigal son than a fatted calf," Routed. "I haven't come in here, to tell you how to run your paper," said the visi- tor. "No?" replied the editor of the Toad- vine Clarion, "But I must say that if I were run- ning this sheet I'd make a better job of it than you, are doing." "I haven't the slightest doubt of it," said the editor. "The price of the Clarion is $7,500 cash, or half down and the rest secured by notes, for which 1 agree to turn over to you type, press, subscription lists, all advertis- ing contracts, good will and the office cat. We can close up the deal lu thirty minutes, sir." But the visitor had silently faded away. It's easier to provide for the inner man than for the outer woman. E S" BREAKUPACOLD TABLETS TRY r,�1E.t PRICE 25" Americas Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. mt. Clay Grover Co., Ino. 118 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A. "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair;: Make It Abundant! Classified Advertisements. ri 1HI'1 `TORONTO FREE IIOSKi'AL .e neer Weston, Ontario, in affiliation ttith'Believue and Allied lIospitala., Nerw York, offers to yourlg women' dealrous of becoming qualified nurses a three. yeju' Course of general training; attrec. tine residence; single zooms. I'`or salary and other information apply body Sup- erintencaent, Toronto e ice .Hospital,. Weston, Ontario. GEtlinfirlaiDS Pour into Japan. Geruran residents in this country are steadily increasing In number, says a Tokio despatch, As compared with pre-war daya the number has already. been practically doubled, .it is 'said. Most of. the newcomers are employ ed by Japanese firms as engineers or technicians. According to the same authority, toys, ehemicais and dye- stuffs worth more than 10,000,000 yon have been imported from Germany since the peace. Minard's Llniment Relieves Distemper Improved Monoplane. A monoplane has been developed at Prague with the wings attached to the lower part of the body, thus increas- ing the flying surface. A Quick Relief for Headache A bradache is frequently caused by badly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom are absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and causes painful symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mather Seigel's Syrup will correct faulty digestion and afford relief. 8 ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on. tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu- matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Made - in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer-, Manufacture of Manoaceticacidester of Salheylicacid. Immediately 'after a 'llanderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, color- less, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu- lating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright- ness and abundant thickness.—All druggists! CIJflCIJRA HEALED PIMPLESON FACE Also itchy Scalp, Hair Fell Out, Face Disfigured. "My head began to itch and there were scales on my scalp. My hair came out badly when combed and it became very dry and thin. I also had pimples and blackheads all over my face. The pimples ware hard, large, and red, and caused me to scratch and Irritate them, and my face was disfigured. "This trouble lasted about two months and I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After I had used two cakes of Soap and two boxes of Ointment I was complete. ly healed," (Signed) Miss Zona Jackson, R. 3, Goldendale, Wash: Improve your skin by daily use of Cutieazra Soap, Ointment and Teicum. They are ideal, - Soto 25c. Cliatment25 sed i8c. Weans 25c. Sold throoghouttheDominion. CanadianDerzott Lrosko, Limited, 344 St. Punl St., W., idoatrcai. fir 'Cuticura Soap dteves without mug, motaressowo Sp IL ITIC:B, warming. soothing, eomlerting relict follows an application of Sloan Liniment. Just alar it on the strained. otertrorkedznueelc. Good for rheumatism, too. Penca',efes without rubbing. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Aecept "California" Syrup of rig* only--loalc for the name 'California on the package, then you are sure your child i s having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach; liver and bowels. Childen Iove rte, fruity taste. Pull directions on each bottle. You intik say "California." ISSUE No. 5—'21. 1 1 -1