HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-02-03, Page 5BUSINESS CABS Proudfo r , Killoran & HOLMES. l3arrist .3, Solicitors, Notaries, PuLll:, 1•.. Office on the "Square, end dos • ".:141. Hamilton St. God- 4seic h, e senate funds to lean et lowest rales. ' W. 1'rot2:1ioot, K.C. J. L, Killoran. D. E. Holmes. 21Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. ANDREW F. HES, Notary Publie Com missioner., Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada ' Trust Co, Herald Office, Zurich.. Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST .At n• ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DSHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFIC' - HENceLL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of time County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale, Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 1$-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County. of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13, Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh a-nd Salt Meats Baia dna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wools GASH FOR SKINS & IDLES Tu gbiut SL,J Deichert NOTICE .As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Ain also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for bire. Anything done in the team- ing: line GEO. J. THIEL ''''Phone 53 Zurien. L I VE POU LT R WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not fend fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices ---CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phdne 94. Zurich GO AL IMPORTANT NOTICE WINTER DELIVERIES, 1920-21 Owing to the small supply of coal that came through during hte sum - leer months we have been able to mkae only part deliveries of am- ount ordered. Some people have since obtained coal elsewhere and some have substituted with wood and"`'eoal substitutes other than the regular sizes so that by following our old •Summer list it is hard for us to tell just who now requires Coal and what quantity is desired. Owing to the above conditions and commencing on Dec. 16th, all previous order lists will be cancel- led ;and we will open a new order list so that it will now be necessary for all customers to enter a new order for any coal they now de- .'sire for winter delivery. Orders of course, are aceepted subject to our being able to oLtain the supplies. Our terma are cash. Photic Office 10j; Residence 10w, e .�arIC :te1013., GOAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT MENSAL! ONT. PUT YOUI2 Warms, For. Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLTJIVIN NOTICE. All, 1920 accounts are now made out and parties indebted to me are requested to call for same before Jan. 15th when all accounts not called for will be mailed T. L. Wurm, Zurich 'NOTICE. Public Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have ac- cepted for collection, all the our- sten:ling accounts of the butcher firm., of Ru1.ry & ,Johnston, who have dissolved partnership, and request an immediate settlement of same at the former's .place of bus- iness, WM. S. RUBY, Zurich. HONEY FOR SALE We have a small quantity of Choice Clover Hoeney left. which we will sell .at from 27c to 280' per pound, Also some• No. 2, clover Honey from -22c to 23c a pound. J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. 31 NOTICE. All accosn' s not settled by Feb. 15th, we will make draft on through the bank. Denomy Bros. FOR SALE 1, Waterloo 2% h. p. engine 1, United 21! h. p. engine. 1, power wash machine 1, neat* Melotte cream separator for $00 eash. Some 2. inch belting. L, A. Prang, Zurich. ORDERS TAKEN. For any quantity of hard wood bea^_h and maple, nearly dry, cut any length, first class quality wood linin, and also rough wood. L. A. Prang, Zurich 24 FOR SALE Two only, new hand made sleighs will sell at below present wholesa'te price. L. PRANG. NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joseph Bloeld. S-tf. ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Jacob Rader, late of the Village of Dashwood, County of Huron, deceased. Notice ,is hereby given pursuant to section 56, Chapter 121 of R,S.O. 1914, that all persons having claims against the estate of Jacob Rader who cried on or about September 5tli, 1919, 1, D. at the Village 'of Dashwood, are -..requested to send to the undersigned executors on or before the 12th day of February, 1021, A, D., their names and ad- dresses with full particulars of their ,claims in writing and the nature of the securities [if any', held by them. And further take notice that af- ter 'the said 12th day of February, A.D. 1921, the assets of the said estate .will 'be distributed by the said Executors among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said dis- tribution. • Dated at Zurich this 26t1i day' of January, 1921. 'William Rader; Zurich, Ones; Louis Rader, Dashwood, Ont. Eeriest Rader, Dashwood, Ontario. EXECUTORS. INBURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE 13Y WIND OR. TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees' no special , assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $11ii 400 loss ins the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $1100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. A.ni also agent for several other 'Wind Insurance Companies. Hoitzraan ZURICH, s ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS a LOCAL NEWS `Miss Susie Jacobe is visiting at S9aforth Mrs. F. Turner of Stanley was the• guest of her sister, Mrs. E, ,Weida, the past few days. Mr. Frank Taylor of Crediton, :called in the village last Thurso day. Don"t forget the Home Nurs- ing and First Aid Class beginning Feb. 7th. Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Murray, who recently returned from the• west, visited friends here last week. Messrs. Amos and Simon Geiger of Michigan are visiting their father, Mr. Ab. Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fisher and children of Detroit, 'visited relat- ives and friends here for a few weeks. Mr. Edmund Troyer of the Pam Line is holding an auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., on February 24th. 1Vfr. Jacob Oesch of the Goshen north was taken i11 with append- icitis last week and was taken to ,London Hospital on Saturday by Dr. MacKinnon, where an operat ion wasconsidered necessary. Large throngs of people are daily attending the enormous re- duction sales of our local mercha nts, and additional clerking staffs had to be put on by each of them to meet the large multitudes of hungry buyers. The Zurich Womens" Institute are holding a demonstration of First Aid and Home Nursing, „eonnlflucted by Dr. Mary Rutman, from Febr- uary 7th to Feb. 18th, both dates inclusive at the dinpng rooms of the Commerc;al Hotel, Zur:ch, 'two classes will be held each day, one in the afternseon and the other in the evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Rutman is a woman of very wide experience having spent consider- able time in India. She• is home at present on Furlough and has conducted somevery successful home nursing courses for the inst- itutes. The Secretaries where she has conducted courses write that. they cannot speak too highly of. the instruction she has given and the membership increasede stead- ily from time the course began un- til they were ended. Those wi- slung to join please hand your name go Miss I. Rclutledge or Miss Leila Seibert, the fee being 59 cents, for meeting eXpenses. The following quotations about Women from the words of famous authors were collected by one o; the subscribers of the Herald. More will appear in the next issue. 1 There is scarcely • a single ca- use in which a woman is not en - some way fomenting the suit - Juvenal. 2 In all eras and climes a wom- an of great genius or beauty has dome what she chose-Ouida. 3 The egotism of woMen is al- ways for two -Mme De •Stael. 4 'Woman is seldom merciful to the man who is timid -Edward Bul- war Lytton. 5 A woman"s council brought us first to woe -Dryden. 6 A; woman's tongue is• her sword, that she never lets rust -• Madan. Necker. 7 Few disputes exist w>h:ch have not had their origin in women -Ju- venal. 8 Most women will forgive a liberty, rather than a slight -Col- ton'. . 9 Woman is a maricle of dive ine contradictions-Julis Michlet. LOST " On Zurich. Road between Blind Line and Zurich, on Saturday last, a horse blanket. Finder please leave at Herald Office. FOR SALE I • ani offering for sale my barn in Zurich, size 24x40 and 16 feet high. Apply 'Wm. Siebert Zur- ich. -31 THRESHING 'MACHINE, ETC. FOR SALE Consisting of one Sawyer -Mas- sey Peerless Separator and 20 h. p. S -M. traction engine, tank, belts, Etc. Also a first class bean thresher with re -cleaner; ''one 5 - passenger touring car, in good con- dition, .Sor further particulars apply .to John ,Thirsk, Blake. . P. 0., R. RL 2, Zurich. ,-31 NOTICE Any one concerned who has Made a practice of visiting the Maple Leaf Club Rooms, during the day or es -ening, AND IS NOT A M:EMBBER, will do well if he discontinues this practice, as we do not intend giving further warning Signed; Managing ;Committee, Maple Leaf Club, LOCAL NEWS 1Vlies Dorothy Frit' was a vis- iter to Dashwood over Sunday. Mre Wt . Beaver of Heesall cal- led on friends here one day last 'week A. large number of hockey fans attended the ExetereZurieh v. s, Godericb game last Friday evening The farmers of this section are receiving large shipments of .anth- racite coal through the local le F. 0 Clubs, Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Truernner of Michigan, were visitors at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Con. Tree - Meier, 14th ,Can`., last week: Dr. Rutman has just closed a very successful class at Fordwieh of 76 girls of Home Nursing and First Aid. The Zurich Book Room is going out of business,, for particulars see advertisement elsewhere in this Issue of the Herald. Mr. 'Robert Turner, of Stanley has a White Leghorn hen that recently laid an egg that measured Si inch- es by 611 inches in circumference, A dozen of these would certainly be good value at present market puce. The British Empire and the Un- ited ,Stites Republic are rivals in trade, they mmy be rivals for mar- itime su;nremtcy, and they are both stro ng w:llei and aggressive but a cea-lict between them is simply unthinkable, and the time Seems not so far distant when their great resources shall be leagued in compact to snake another world ever impossible. When the plumber makes a mis- take he charges twice for it. When a lawyer makes a mistake he has 'a chance to try the case again:. When the carpenter makes a mis- take, pit"s just what he expected! When a doctor snakes a mistake,l he buries it. When a judge mak- es a mistake, it becomes the law of the land. When a preacher makes a mistake nobody knows the difference, but when a printer makes a mistake, then Good -Night COMPOSITION "WASTE NOT, WANT NOT" Mrs. Jones was a landlady of a small hotel` in a village. •She was a good cook but not always as saving as she might be. • 1z€'e had roasted some - beet -for. dinner and as' she took it. out of the • oven she thought "I believe I will put it on a platter adn have Jim carve and serve it at the table."' There would only be her few boarders for dinner that day as it was stormy and she thought they )would like to have a real dinner like they used to have at home. She cut some pieces off the sides t n make it noun d and the, put parsley around the edge of the 'platter. • '. "What shall I do with these big ;pieces I cut off?"' She thought, "They might come in handy for meat pie tomorrow, -No, i guess I" will, throw them out. I want pork ehop7 for. d'nner tomorrow" So she threw the nice big pieces out for-th' cat and took her lov- ely roast lista the dining room, for g - it was almost twelve o"clock. When all was ready she •i'7tn?' the dinner bell and, much to her surprise, four strangers came in for dinner, besides the regular boarders. Hadn"t her husband told her about the. strangers? Yes he he i, but she was so busy that she paid no attention to what he was saying. Would there be en- ough meat? She could not roast any more now. "If only, I had done it as usual and served it in the kitchen," She thought site could have given a little less to each. one. Would. Jim notice that there was. not much and serve ac- cordingly? Jin was her favorite boarder and he was serving. Ile did notice and was 'very careful: He gave that 'grouchy old boarder an extra amount for fear he would scold, but kept none for himself. In the meantime Mrs. Jones was in the kitchen worrying about ?i:he treat. The strangers would. ,,think she was an awful landlady'. If only I had saved those good pieces instead of giving thein to the cat. There were to least three Pieces that could have been used. She looked out the door and saws the cat carrying the last piece to the barn. She went to the eine Mg room and found then all through with potatoes and meat. So she served the pre.. N,Srhen` dinner was over Jim came into the kitchen and saw. Mr. and Mrs, Jones eating potatoes with - nut meat. • Mrs. `Jones tol hint ]tow • she had planned to have .a - nice dinner and ,also about the wasted meat. Kind-hearted Jim 'tried to help 'by saying that everyonehad had, plenty to eat and that he tho- ught the strangers too had enjoy - 'd that kind of a meal. "Tint," he added, "remember the old say- ing' 'Waste Not, Want Not.'.' 4, Children C or Fletcherr's Fletcher':. Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's meticine' is even more essential for Ruby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common. ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and, no claim ha$ been made for it that its use for over 30 yrs has not proven. .P.l hat C STIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Cyrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, llorphino ncr other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. -For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrho2; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a•.d:' by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mothers Friend. GE .t STO Bears the Signature of 'ALWAYIt In Lse For ver 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY �.,y # �ly, ,M i .. a.••a) ;:F r rY Y �1 V `Sii��"�'i..'IST-, r waters I have received a large shipment of the celebrated Premier Cfeam. Separ- ator whcih I will sell at pre-aclvai ce Y prices f ort time. Special prices for Farmer's Clubs Agent for Massey -Harris Im- plements and Repairs Fairbanks cCz Morse Fare Engines Give us ,a call Before purchasing elsewhere J, E, DRUAR, t, -- Zurich HESS & CO. OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION overdan .. Cars! overland Cars Vict 0 ominion of Canada L onds At . Market Price and accrued interest. Yield nearly 7 per cent. • An absolutely safe investment and a guaranteed interest pay- ment every six months. At present low prices the, yield is good.. BUY NOW WHILE TII+ PRICES ARE LOW ORDERS TAKEN BY Andrew Fe Hess, - Zurich