HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-01-27, Page 5.1!.«.^."—a.wFr.ynM.W WNY ..... ....... ..... rroud, , i'. Killoran & IIOLMLa. Eurrii Solieitore, i+l,atatze , PVT YOU. O,fi e on tate. Squairs Wants; For Saley Lost, 2nd 'doe •,m Hamilton `it, fled- i'e funds to loan atound9 Otce C. lowest .'tc', � i I j , y iytAdsk1i'• Ward Fear is t•isi!in; sIN THIS COLUMN 110C W, Pro_ oot, I�,C. J. L. Killoran, - L'isto•weli. 1). E. I ohnes. Last Thurs.-lye and Friday we Mr. Holmes trill be in Hensall on experienced a zeal January. Thaw Friday of each week. NOTICE. All 1920 amounts are nail- made- out and parties indebted to me are requested to call :dor sane be.fore Jan. 15th when all accounts not called for will be mailed T. L. Wurm, Zurich Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall on Mr. D. Smith returned last ',Friday of each week, Friday .from a several weeks r is- ... 1M......,. 110.0. . ...0:41m it at Ne'w Hamburg.. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missiouer, Conveyancing, Mr. Gross, of the Ontario Fez til- Fire anti Life Insurance. Agent leer Co., Toronto, called in the vil- Corporation and Canada Trust ,age on Wednesday, Co.kferald Uffdce, Zurich. Mr. Louis Eckstein of Pigeon,. Mirth., is visiting relatives here. Dr.E„ St,.far IP 1 e DE;NTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY ' DASHWOOI) EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR -- HEN° \LL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. - Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me, a trial and I will assure you. satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13.. Zurich Mut MARKET T Fresh and. Salt Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woull I CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungbiut &,i Deichat NOTICE .is I have recently purchased the li' ery business, I wish to inform the public that I atu in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phone 58 ® LIVE. C Og, �U LT,. -t �j� 'yW AI a• E D' Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cast Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs . ;O'Brien Phone 94, Zurieh IMPORTANT NOTICE WINTER DELIVERIES, 1920-21 Owing to the small supply of coal that came through during lite sum- mer months we have beemable to mime only part deliveries of am- ount ordered. Some people have stew obtained coal elsewhere and• some have substituted with wood and coal substitutes other than the regular sizes so that by following Our old ,Summer list it is hard for us to tell just who now requires coal and what quantity is desired. Owing to the above conditions and commencing on Dec. 16th, all previous order lista will be cancel- led and we will open e new order list so th tt it will now be necessary 'for all customers to enter a now order. for any coal they now de- eire for winter delivery. Orders of course, are accepted ;subject to our being able to outain -the supplies. Our tonna are cash. ?hone Office 10j; Residence 1Ow. .'CAL & PRODUCE MERCHANT HENSALL own NOTICE. Public Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have ae- cepted for ,collection, all the our- standing accounts of the butcher firm, of Rube & Johnston, who have dissolved partnership, and request an immediate settlement of same at the fornier's place of bus- iness. WM, S. RUBY.Y, • Zurich. NOTICE A11 parties indebted to us, kindly call and settle for same with cash or note. _A.11 accounts• not sett-• led for by January -15th, 1921, we will take the liberty to make -draft on them through Molsons 13ank. Stade & Weida. NOTICE. All accounts not settled ,by Feb, 15th, see will make drat on through the. bank. Denotny Bros. FOR SALE 1, Waterloo 231 h. p. engine 1, United 2!%, h, p. engine. 1, power Wash machine 1, new Melotte cream separator for $90 cash. Some 2 inch belting. L. A. Prang, Zurieh. ORDERS TAKEN. For any quantity of hard wood beach and maple, nearly dry, cut any length, first class quality wood linin, and also rough wood. L. A. Prang, Zurich 24 Rev. Bruebecher . of St. Jacobs, conducted services in the Menon- onite church over Sunday. Mrs. F. B. Meyer, Mr.. Herb DL- L -ley -and t- tley-and son, were to London 'on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Gingerich of the Bronson Line' attended the funeral of a relative down east this week. i . . - Mr., Nesbitt Woods, teacher of S. S. No. . 3,, Hay, has recently had his ,salary increased to $1,000. This certainly is a credit to the section and eels° to Mr. Woods; as this is his first year at teaching. Are other school sectoins following up this schedule? The local ' W.C'. T. V. eget at the Itoase of Mrs. C. Heyrock, last ,l'eclnesday evening. •Miss Eu' nine: Geiger conducted the devot- ional part of the meeting and Mrs. C. Heyrock explained the `•mean- lag of the wearing of the White Ribbon by the .mem ers, Juvenile delinguency was , discussed and how it might be checked, Misses M. Hoffman and M. Preeter rend ered instrumental solos. Arrangements are far advanced for the process of national stock taking -the decennial census. Ear- ly in the year census comm:ssioners will be appoiinted, one for each el ectoial division, acid they in turn will appoint thriteen thousand en - FOR SALE uinerators. Their numbers in each county 'will range from fifty Two only, new hand made sleighs to two hundred. In the rural dis- will sell at below present wholesale trtcts the census will include ag- fprice. L. PRANG, ricultural statistics as 'well as the I NOTICE .6 usual information as to populat- ion. The overhead cost of tak- ing population alone ois about 7 1)tave a large quantity of good cents par head, while for 13- cents building stone for sale at the SL'. a head about 30 different "schedu- Joseph Slocic{, Gestles can be tilled out. The total, ALES. FOSTER, Zurich. appropriation- will be $1,70040o7:.' The -census will be taken in June and a redistribution hill' Lrought in during the 1922 session of par- liament. If the principal of re - representation by population be en:orced many of the rural const- ituencies `will be 'wiped out as sep- arate iridings. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the :estate of Jacob -Rader, late of the Village of Dashwood, County of Ruron, deceased,• Notice . is hereby given pursuant to section 56, Chapter 121 of R S.O. 191.4, th•tt all persons having claims against the estate of Jacob Rader :rhe died on' or about September 5th, 1919 A. D. at the Village of Dashwood...are requested to send to the undersigned executors on or before the 12th :las- of February, 1921, A, D., their names anti - ad- -irt sees ,with full particulars of their ,cleims in writing end the nature of the securities lif•' any1, held by thein. And further take notice that af- ter the said 12th day of February. A,D. 1921., the assets of the said estate ,will be distributed 1.;;r* the e i 1 Executors nmong the nasties untitled the-'eto havine- regerd only to elaime of which they shalithen have notice and the estate will not b^ ,liable for an; claims not filed at the time of the said dis- tribution;. Dete•-1 at Zurich this 26th 'day 62 January, 1921. William Rader, Zurieh, 0nffi.; Louis Roder. Dashwood; Ont. Ernest Rader, Dashwood. Ontario. J EXECUTORS. INSURE YOIIR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE' BY WIND OR TORN- , ADO. THL HQME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment, THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTIYAD Co. paid $..tuj e00 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. 'Amount of Ins, in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 ,per cent. Am also, agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT, ANYTITTNG IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS The Zurich Wotnens' Institute are Hording a demonstration of First Aid and Home nursing, conducted by Dr, Mary Putman, from Febru Dary 7th .to February 18th, both dates inclusive. 0 Dr. Rutman is a woman of very wide experience having spent considerable time in India. She is home at present -on -Furlough and has conducted some very successful home nursing co- urses for us. The secretaries 'wh- ere she has conducted courses write that they cannot speak too highly of •the instruetion she has given and the membership increas- ed steadily •from time the course began until they were ended, Those wishing to join please hand your name to miss I. Rout- le_]ge or miss Leila Seibert, -the fee being 50 cents, for meeting ex- penses. The ,;place of the dem- onstration will be announeed next week. r i NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Samuel Reichert, late of the Village of Zurieh, Co- unty of Huron, deceased. Notice is hereby. given pursuant to, section 56, chapter 121 of R,S.0 1014, that all persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Rei- chert who died on or about Feb- ruary 7th, 1919, A.D. at the Village of Zurich, are requested to send to the undersigned executors on or before the 29th day of January,A. D. 1021, their names and addres- ses with full particulars of their claims in writing and the nature of the securities (if any)held by them. And further take notice that af- ter the said 29th day of January, A,.D. 1021, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the said Executors among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which they shell then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distr-. ibution', Dated at Zurieh this lith day of January, 1921... Edward Reichert and Mrs. d'.M. Richardson, Zurich, O1tt. EXECUTORS. LOOAL Al s Ada l outiedge sp,..' t o fere lays sthis week at 1Loielen. Mr, Faust yf J3ay -City, Mich,, is visiting relatives here. Mr, C. Frit was at London on business last 'week; Mr. A. Klein of Aylmer, is 'visit ing at -the home of Mr. Thomas Johnson, Mr. J. Hey Jr. has purchased the dwelling property from Mr. Feed Hess, possession given on March 1st, • Mr. E. r, Klapp, Reeve of Hay, is attending the first gifting of the new County Council at God- erich this week, commencing on Tuesday. A very considerate boarder po- litely intimated to the landlady that he would prefer to have the apple sauce, the F:hirt buttons and the e-tt hairs served on separate plates, and mix them to suit him- self. Masten' 'Lloyd Makins and sist- er Flossie were visiting with their Uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. ,T. Smith, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, Parr Line, for the last few wekes. The local merchants of the Vii large wh-) commenced holding their t.'ictdi.t sal '1 of merchandise, E•_xp.n. iia iceI a, tremendous tra 1) as their places business are daily jammed full of hungry buy- ers hwo are looking for bargains, and are most certainly getting them, On Saturday Mr. J. Pre- eter's$ O 0110 stock Reducing Sale Starts, and we are looking for even greater crowds. Buy at hone at these redted prices, Over forty of those working un- der the Ontario Provincial Govern- ment have been supe^a-nuated un- der the new act passed last session Many of them are license inspect ors and among the names we notice that of John Torra.nce, late license inspector for South Huron. W. T. Pellow of Goderich has been appointed by the Ontario Government, license inspector for Huron, his duties commenced Jan. 1st. Mr. Fellow was recommend - ted a few weeks ago by Huron Co. Temperance • Association of which h' h•ts been special offieer fro five years. Formerly there were bee inspectors, .Tphn Torrance .for South Huron and John Mitchell roe North Huron. These- have be- en superannuated, and will likely receive at annual allowance of a- bout half their former salary. The entire expense oi' the enforcement, of the Act will now be- borne by the Proseztcial Government as pro-# vided by the Ontario Temperance Act. - The hiccough epedemic has ap • peered ;i n many places. It is said .het one -Half teaspoonful of mustard in a cup of lake warm water has stopped severe cases of hiccoughs. The first cli•iztk usu- ally brings relief, but in some e lees it acts tis an emertic and the hiccough retttyns, .but if mustard water is continued. however, relief w111 follow. The Hall Dent .Co, Ltd. glove factory ill,the village closed down on Wednesday of this week, We are indeed sorry to see this ind- itstry clove, as the employees were just getting useful and making good money and in general ,was a good industry for' Zurich as it gave employment to many who will -have to go out of town now for work, We have no authority as to whether this factory will re- open again in future, but great hole es are entertained that such will be the case. As Mr.; Dundel, manager of the London and Zurich branches advises us that owing to decreased volume of business, this step was necessary. The Grand :Carnival held at the oral rink last Thursday evening was a grand success, although the; i, e was rather soft owing to thee, mild weather, the attendance was great, and the costumes could not have been better represented, as every character could be termed as a prize winner. The scheduled hockey match between Blake and Zurich was cancelled for some fut- Zure date on account of the poor ice. - The following is a list of the prize winners; , t L,3idies' Best fancy ,Miss F. Kalb fleiPph; Ladies' Best Comic Nesbit Weeds; Gents. Best fattoy, Clay. Holtman; Gents. Best comic, E. Koehler; (Charlie :Chapman, I. Iialbfleisch; School Girls Best fan- cy Ortha Wick; School Girls best Comic, Helen Foster; Slteool bars "best Coznic, Earl Yung -Hut;; Dar - key, W. ?file; Trainy, Ere. ?file, Jumbo, Clar Hoffman ani Sam Gasoho.; Mutt and Jeff, W. Bron- enihire and L. Prang. Ju.lges ; W. G, Tress, N. 11. 'palms; W. 0713rien, 7 Mev, ^... rmmuc, Hp°��"«�'isa��ES.'!uismoz Children ren Cry, for Retch, ch ` �lr Fletcher's Castoria is stricily a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine, is even more essential fcr Daby. Rernedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, an4 no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 y ars has not proven.. r .. ATO F "R Castoria is a •harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops arld Soothing Cyrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Critt a, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. Pcr nacre tan thirty. years it has been in constant tans for the relief Of yonstipaticz?, Flatulency, Wind. 'Colic -and Diarrhoea; �i11ay+Y,g Feverishness arising therefrom, a,, d by regulating file Stomach and Bowels, aids. • the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and r_atural sleep. The Children's Corn; ort—The T otheris Friend. CAST IA ALWAYS Bear the Signature �i e 4.i — 4 In Use For. Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY r mi n r Cream war tor have received a large shipment of the celebrated Premier Cream Separ- ator ; hcili 1 will sell at pre -advance . prices for E.. sho r•t ime.......,. _ ... Special prices for Farmer's Clubs Agent for Massey -Harris Im- plements and Repairs FairbauksA Morse Farm Engines Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J, E, DRTJARJ - Zurich . c�-.r::;xa�y.,t•,»-, 14.• . M. HESS &CO. OVEIMAND SALES AN D - SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars Dominion of Canada Victory lroa,, 11 � `4 At., Market Price and accrued interest. yield nearly 7 per cent. An absolutely safe investment and it guaranteed interest pay- ment every six months. At present low prices the yield is good. BUY NOW WHILE THE PRTCES ARE LOW, . ORDERS TAKEN BY a r''rr n 11 t�` 6 c