HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-01-20, Page 8r • Po: Great !WuW in S LE 13 Days Tremendous bargains Commencing Saturday, Jan. 22 i'I ; i t . No need of waiting for lower prices. They are here THE UNUSUAL MILD WEATHER AND THE PUBLIC DEMAND FOR LOWER PRICES FORSE US TO TAKE ;THIS STEP, AND HAV ING ONCE DECIDED THERE WILL BE NO HALF -WAY MEASURE WE ARE GOING TO RUN ONE OF OUR OLD TIME ;SALESj, WHEN WE SAY CLEARING SALE WE MEAN IT. COME HER i. EXPECTING BIG REDUCTION SWE WILL NOT•T)ISS APOINT YOU THIS STORE HAS A RECORD FOR LOW PRICES, AND THE BARGAINS ARE NOW 'ALL THE GREATER, WHEN THOSE PRIC- r ES ARE REDUCED. A SALE HERE IS ALWAYS A REAL SALE TERMS; -CASH OR TRADE ONLY, AT SALE PRICES See Large Bills far full particulars J. G Zurich' Garage Just receiveda large shipment of non- glare auto Head fight Lenses. Thesi- are strictly Registered and passed Government test to clear at $2.5O a Pair IL Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. :1-3.+• +++.o.+++ ++++++++ +++++*.+++++++++4.+ •++++4.+++ + t+4«;. .+1, •. + +• + + 4' 4. 4. .;. � 4. Get your Ford or Chevrolet Cars4.' equipped with McKee Government approved Headlight Lens for the it elimination of head light glare at $275 a pair 4 +i+ 1. +d+ STADE &WEIDO PF ESTE R BLOCK - ZURicH le.td,y-to-1.ti ;.far Clo thing- DENOMY BROS. GENgS FURNI'6"iIING3 Ordered 0.loth:ng We still have a few lines of Men's Overcoats Sweatercoats and Underwear that will goat LE IC S Big Reduction in all Goods .•111101VIT MtOB. Product taken in exchange for Goode LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Eggs, fresh laid .._ Dried apples Potatoes per bag Wheat Barley ... ... Oats -- Buckwheat ... Flour - Bran ... ... 50 { 75 8 1.50 ... a1..2.00 90 50' 1.00 5.50 6:00 45.00 Shorts ............... ... Hogs 14.50 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Don't miss the Carnival to- night, DRYSDALE. Last Tuesday Jan. 11th, Paul Denomy, residing at Willow Grove, Courtright, was shot in teh right shoulder by an unknown man :::1 was taken to Sarnia General Hosp:tal, where an e'fort was made to extract the bullet. Mr. Den- omy was awakened by a knock at his door. On going around one n' the buildings he was attacked by two men, who held him up at the point- of revolvers. He at- tmu•pted to escape, receiving a bullet in his shoulder The men made their escape in a rowboat be- longing to Mr. Denny'aand the last seen of the midnight visitors they were heading for the U. S. side. Mr. Denomy was well known by many on the Sauble Line. - t3I•A_KF Quite a number from this vicin iii' .:t en'eJ anomer ary aeric sat. Hillsgreen last Sunday. Miss Margaret McBride enter- tained a number of her friends to a social evening recently. Mr. E. Finlay and sister return- ed on Saturday after a pleasant visit with friends in and nearKin- cardine. Mr. G. Freckleton spent several ,-lays with friends in Goderihe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carnie and family, accompanied by Miss Mar- guerite Douglas, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .Johnston, town iLne. rTd, and Mrs. Brandon of Bay- field called on Mrs. Clarke in the village. recently. Mr. Wm. Douglas of Brucefield called on friends in they village on Thursday last. iMss Irene Lipphrrdt of Zurich,, spent last week with friends on the Goshen Line. DASHWOOD. Mr. Horner Guenther left on Monday for Forest where he has accepted a position with the Can. Bank ofCommerce. The classes of the Evangelical S. S. sent contributions to the Chin- ese Famine, Fund this week, The Soldiers' of the Cross contributed $75 and the Bethany Sisters $60 making $135. ' In ,Aid of the China Relief Fund a missionary play called "Robert and Mary Missionaries." in Solith Africa, will be given by members of the Y. P. A. of the Evan church on Friday Jan. 28th at 8 p 4xl, Crediton Sunday School Orchestra Miss Lauratta Holtzman reader ai13 Grand Bend Male" civartette ere. expected to ,assist in the program, Admission adults, 25c. Children u'.i- "IrN+++l + +++1++ +.+++1E++ ++++++b++ +.Irl4,++++>t'++t4^ii"P+++i++++++>r+1'."b+l"F+i"M+> 6, der 12, 10c. ORDERS TAKEN. For any quantity of hard wood beach and maple, nearly dry, cut any length, first class quality wood 1inm, and also rough wood. L. A. Prang, Zurich 24 SPO'.TS Last Thursday evening the peo ple of Zurich were treated to see a real game of hockey on the loc- al 'rink, hwen the Exeter boys came over and played a friendly game. The game throughout was good, although the home team showed superiority, especially in the score, [not published!. Come again Boys! EXETER -ZURICH 9-GODERICH 1 In the first game of O.H.A. hoc- key` of the season at Exeter, on Tuesday evening the home team Exeter-Zurihc defeated Goderich by the score of 9-3. 3 scores we- re made in each period. The game throughout was fast and an extremely large crowd attended. The line-up for the home team was as fol;ows; t '•• Goal, Harness; I. d. Clay. Hoff- man.; r. d. Heinmarsh; r. w. Rob- inson; 1. tv. Betram; c. Clai•.fHo- fman. Subs, L.W. Hoffman, A'. Siebert. i• W. C. T. U. NOTES (PBy Press Correspondent) USE SLUMPS IN PROHIBITION Dr. S A. Braun, head of th- Federal Anti -Narcotic Squad in thr Chicago district, for three years, announcd on September 27th tha there are fewer drug addicts and less illegal tra.ffic in drugs in Chic- ago than at any other time since his appointment. Word Picture of Muskoka Hospital A WONDERLAND of invigorating Din. -scented air. daa:ling sun - blue water freshly green ound. trees, song of birds! Set on an elevation --the advsltokl. Free Hospital for Cononfmpttves consisting of an infirmary fey ben patients, with verandahs overlook, trig vert k- ing the lake, and many long, low. open-air pavilions, surrounding, wide, green lawns. Here, td+ hos pital cots, are the patients. all wonderfully • happy. White -clad allta011 find doctors gas- o and fie. 1Peace an nd cantentri01st reJ� CRp: .,....e.... beak oh .ul$tly Iarrr it Ile in'shaded hasamookkq ire on down through everworst. worry under -nourishment they ham nothing 1,o do but get well. ,•It's God's o1Pn apet," declared oho young man reverently. Proper care, resit, .puro•'air said Rood food had 'sa+ved hie lite, the Samarlti►,'pi Club .providing for a bed -ridden father during the Son's absence.; "God's own spot'. --,'here a hoziAnis. hand stretches out to :these lade" ,. their grip •bf life! Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 11(4' Spadlns. A'etitte. Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid. Trout-, urer, 223 College Street, •Toronto. Special Announcement We are pleased to .' announce that we have added to our line the WHITE SEWING MACHINE BOTH WITH ROTARY AND •VIBRATING SHUTTLE, WHICH WE CAN SHOW, YOU IN FIVE BEAUTIFUL MODELS ON OUR FLO OR. "WHITE" Rotaries don't wear out, they sew faster, run easier, and are absolutely NOISLESS Machines are • marked at one price, to all, which will be Strictly adhered to. BUT AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO ANY ONE WHO NEEDS A MACHINE, WE ARE GOING TO OFFER THE FIRST FIVE MACHINES ATA HANDSOME REDUCTION OF e 10 ON STRICTLY CASH SALE. Don't wait you may be one of the Five Lucky ones, as there will absolutely be not more than five sold at this reduction. We will also sell sewing Machines on weekly payments. WE CARRY IN STOCK ALL STYLES OF NEEDLES, BELTS. THIS ADD. MUST BE PRODUCED TO RECEIVE CASH A -L LOWANCE OF $10 ON SEWING MACHINES. MELIeK& 13RIUJN PHONE 63 SIG SLAU- Beginning Saturday Jan. 22 Ending Saturday Feby. 5111 Having to raise $5000.00 by Febm ruary 1st. We have decided to put oh Sale our entire stock of Dry Goods ank Groceries at prices away below the present wholesale prices. 50 be on tirne and reap the benifit Vie have bargains galore and will ask You lo look for fig Bels for tut ther particulars TERMS: -Cash or °+hoduce,noclredit on Sale Prices . L. WTJi 4.