HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-01-20, Page 14. ; 48k Vol. XXI No 29 ZURICH, TH UHSDAY MORNING, JAN UARY 20, 1921. 1•11.111.• Med10011111111•11010/11M11.1•111•0491.11.1=1122MINS. NOON To our many Customers and friends we are extending best wishes for a prosperous W. H. PFILE, SHOE MERCHANT, ZURICH if annemem..alosnaraisesounswasx 111111•11111.10.01•1•111. ......................••••••0•0.c.•••••••0•0•••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • 0 a 8 8 a a • • 0- 0 .0 • 0 • a a Are wee a 0 • -0 • a •0 • e a 0 0 0 0 , • • In order to reduce our large stock of Goods • m • • we intend putting on a ten day sale and in j order to move our stock quicklywe are going • • to give you prices unheard of in the history • of the Mercantile business of Zurich and • • • surroundings. • • • • • We expect to open up this Sale on Sat- • • • urday, January 29th if possible. We intend • • to begin a week earlier but find we will not • : • be able to go through the entire stock and • re -price s-arne and get ready for the big Sale • • • before the 29th so watch for the big Bills • : • which will be rnailed to ymil and i ti. ready • for one of the biggest bargain Soles ever • e held in this cornmunit3, • i p• ,‘• ry Goods, Groceries and eady ade Clotiting to be Sold Regardless of Cost Phone -59_ . leteeleaat0.088148ree?"mev 'likies!eleleetafteaaelee ER Produce Wanted a 0. at ea, 411.1101•1•••••••••=WW11. X-9 • .krtt 7-7 Don't miss the Carnival to- night. Tlae Ontario Legislature will me- - et onJanuray 25th. Mts. Alex. Sparks of ,Seafor..11 • WAS ,the guest of Mrs. T. L. Wurm last week.. .• Miels Mekba of Clinton was the guest of Miss Lila Melick over the weak -end. :Mi.!, Chas. F. Hey of Bad Axe, Mich',. is visiting friends and re- atives la'ere for a few weeks. in. 1919 there were 253 plants in Canada preserving, canning and evapotating fruits and vegets.1.1.3s. Oe'fifteen papers. in Lambton co- untY, five years ago., there are but six; left. The high cost of paper and, other necessaries has begin hard. on the publishing 'business. The Zurich Atheletic Society are holding a carnival at their rin'; on Thhtaday eve, to -night, special fel iartgements have been made t 'make this an unusual event. Hn-a degree prizes will be awarded, and if the weather man is good, a large crowd is anticipated. cite 0 7 a a a 0 • 0 0 a • a • • 0 • • • a • 0 a a • • o • • • 0 0 0• o • • • • • • • • 0 0• • • • • • • • • • • • • 4,0.0**.e. foofc'tei0600.00,000.006,emma .Two of our local m.erchants, nem .ely, T. L. Wurm and J. Gascho & Sep, are holding merchandise e9:es. Same exceptionally good barga.- Wret are being offered and th p Iic should take advantave and buy your supply beo2e it s gone. Remember the date, Sn4trday, Jan. 22nel. 1 incorporated in 1.80 THE Wi SONS BANK ASSISTS' FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his mcmey tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Dep- artments at all Branches. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch Many factories in Canada ar3 discharging numbers of their em- ployees, or shutting down temp- orarily. In our opinion this is an effort to reduce the costs both of wages and material* . *Following the lead set by Hendry Ford in reducing the price of his car, and later taken up by the Franklin Co., several other car manufacturers such as the Willys- Overland, Studetaker, Hudson an 1 Essex 'Companies have made re- duetions. A. world's record fot. continuous pi -ii play:ng has ben establ shei recently at London by Alfred Kemp, a former Univerity of Ch- . ,cago student., who played with- out stopping for 100 hours. The 'was record was 105 hours. It was held. in New -Zealand. A.V.11; laid fish comprized his diet dur- 'ng ;the stunt. He used some araelling -salts frequently. Wher net eating or drinking, he chewed Be did not take any irugq. His hands were swollen to twice their natural size when he finished, They had lost the lense of feeling. The keyboard ef the piano was frequently spr- inkled with methylated spirits to prevent his fingers from cracking C/STORg rhildrela 4'W ". er 30 \rears 'br-t311:. 1;7 aetAC: ‘,4$ 11 e „ N • . Chester L. Smith, Publisher , $1.25 a 'Year In Advance $1..A IN' A RItt4 ARS. gt9 hi A V BM CI4 OBJI. Automobile Skates At Special Reduced Prices While They Last Auto Model C. Regular Auto Model B. Regular Ladies' Auto Regular Cycle Pleasure Regular Yukon Regular Price $7. Sale Price ..J $5.65 t price $6.00. Sale P -rice 4.75 price $4.00. Sale price ............3.2() price $3.00. Sale price ... $2.45 Price, $2.00 Sale Price 81.65 G. HESS PHONE No. 74 JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN '""•11 '1.6.404...****3 .0440***4 4 ***,"0.4.00040.4 .`,',..0•0.******40414. Winter Horse Requirements We are offering the following seasonable Horse ,k •Ss, requirements at greatly reduced prices: HORSE BLANKETS, RUGS, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS, HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT A BIG R EDUCTION. We also carry in stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single harness, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4 4> • FRED THIEL - ZURICH. •f'ti t‘,4' Cold Weather Footwear WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF FOOTWEAR .1. TO PREVENT COLD FEET IN THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR IA. LARGE RANGE OF FELT SHOES IN MANY SIZES AND STYLES 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 3: Let us fit your Shoes with a pair of real Storm Rubbers Cloth Lined, or a pair of comfortable Overshoes. . Mens' Heavy Rubbers in both High Tops and the -ordin- ary low style. fALSO A PULL LINE OF STAPLE LEATHER FOOTWEAR IN STOCK TO FIT ANY FOOT. BUTTER AND SATISFACTION C. FRITZ OUR MOTTO EGGS WANTED THE SHOEMAN _ We thank our many and friends for imst p4tr extend our best wishc, and prospemits osLonierf-, and oh, Fresh G-rceri aivit °eh PHONE 11 97 ,,r •• BLAKE 1 • 4, 4 4, 4, 4, 4, -/* 4**4,4, 4,