HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1921-01-13, Page 8WE WISH TO THANK. ALL OTJR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS FOR THEIR LIBERAL PATRON- AGE DURING THE PAST YEAR AND WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR n�iiil7ri:u J. GASCHO & SON anbich's Garage We are now ready to commence .,Overhauling. ANY PARTIES WISHING TO HAVE THEIR CARS OVERHAULED WILL DO WELL TO BRING THEM TO US NOW AND HAVE THEM REPAIRED. BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO THOROUGHLY OVERHAUL YOUR ' FORD MOTOR. AND CAN MAKE IT RUN LIKE NEW. NOTHING BUT GENUINE FORD PARTS USED IN OUR WORK WE ALSO REPAIR (AND MAKE OF CAR) Satisfaction Guaranteed BATTEEIES STORED AND CARED FOR WINTER FOR $2.50• H. Mousseau PHONE No. 103. Zurich 25.++4.+++++++++++++++++++++4 *"1+ +++4.+++++++++++++++++. ; Get your Ford or Chevrolet Cars equipped. with 1VIeKee Government approved Headlight Lens for the t elimination of head light glare at 2.75 a pair Mfr • STADE & PREETER BLOCK ... U R 1 H 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .,. 4. 4. heady-to-We4r DENOMY BROS. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing We still have a few lines .of M en's OvercoatsiSweatercoats and LJnderwear that will goat SALE ICES Big Reduction in all Goods DEOMT 13nosm Produce taken in exchange for Goods A DCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ... .-- ... Eggs, fresh laid Dried apples Potatoes per bag •- Wheat ... ... Barley ... ... Oats 1.-.r F Buckwheat ... ... ... Flour ... -.. Bran ... ... ... Shorts ... _.. Hogs... ...( ... 50 ( 15 1.50 1.50 90 .....40 1.00 I 550 6.00, 45.00 50.00 14.50 ORDERS TAKEN, For any quantity of hard wood beach and maple, nearly dry, cut any length, first class quality wood linm, and also rough wood. L. A. Prang, Zurich 24 BLAKE. KEYS—LOVE A quiet wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Love, Hills Green, on Wednesday Dec. 29th, when their eldest daughter, Anna M., was united in marriage to Mr. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST MacFarlane of Bayfield performed Albert E. Keys of Blake. Rev. A. Miss Cora Truemner of near Dash the werernony. The bride who wood spent the week -end at the was unattended was becomingly at home of Hy. Truemner. . tired in nigger brown n'ttin • with iniliroidered trimming. ,kfter the Last Friday 4vening at 8 p. m. wedding dinner the happy couple the ,choir of the Zurich: Evangel- deft on a trip to Toronto and Hani- ical church sat down to a sumpt- iltore nous fowl supper at a single long Motorists using their cq rs should table in W. 11. Pfile's store which obtain their new lieenges at once couldn't have been more suitable as. there is no time allowance ai- for the occasion. The men furn-,;ter the, first of the year in which fished the geese and the ladies did the old numbers are allowed to be the rest and did it well. After mused. Fees are graded according the dishes and tables were clear- , to horsepower the lowest being ed away, all took part in the; songs $13 and the 'highest $40. and games that followed, so it 1 would be needless to say that ev- erybody had enjoyed the repast. Before leaving a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Pfile for the use of his store. ' FARM HELP 'IS.'ti°+44+4+C'Y'++i8"Y'+°Y'7f'"�•++T7'++40••W+4++7f1P+'Y°+'Y'+++4•4'•Y ++++++++4K Awing to unemployment in cen- tres of population there are many men now available for farm work. A large number of these men have had farm experience and their services are now available at mod- erate wages with board. Farm- ers who can usefully employ one or two of these mmep at this tmime will be rendered a service to the community as well as to themsel- ves. M .'.iy farmers have repairs and: other odd jobs which have be- en put off for years on account of the high cost of • labor. This might be a good time to get ca- ught up with work of this nature harmers desiring help please communicate with your local Rep- resentative and state the nature, of the work and wages you arewil ling to pay. S. B. Strothers, Agricultural Representative County of Huron. Hon. Man. W. Docherty, Minister of Agriculture W. C. T. U. NOTES ((By Press Correspondent) FIFTY THOUSAND GIRLS YEARLY TRAPPED TO SHAME SPORTS EXETER STARTS OFF WELL' (Exeter Advocate The way Exeter -Zurich Hockey team put it over Terry's Team of the London Manufacturers League team 3-0 on Thursday night last, in an exhibition game on the local icer speaks well for what the peo- ple of this district are to enjoy in the league games this winter. Ter- ry's ,team was strengthened by three \of last year's London inter- mediates, McKay, Arthurs, and Ifynds, but it was of no use, they could not score on the ExetereZure ich bunch. Exeter -Zurich scroed one in• the first period and two in the second,, while the last period they kept the London goal keep- er busy stopping long-distance sh- ots, but he was there with the go ods and not one got through. The tallies were all made on combinat- ion work. ,Considernig the lack of practice, either individually, or in the team work the locals kept up the pace pretty well all through the game, and worked in a good deal of combination, considering the fact that it was the first time they had been on the ice together. We have the making of an Al team R'a' ville, Jan. 9—The white i and are looking for real success in sla e e i ' _ 'fie awl itl sister evils of the League teams. Dicky Harn- the dance, were the subjects die- ess in goal was wide awake and cussed by Mrs. (,Dr.)' A. T. Robin- stopped some well pointed shots,1 son + meeting of the women of but he wasn't kept as busy as the II, Walkerle held to -day in theLin-4 London goal keeper. Hindmarsh coin Methodist Church. the Hoffman boys, Robinson and The -alter stated that more Bertram played in good form, they than fifty thousand young women are all capable of going •a faster t in Amor ,a are gvien over to a I Pace than was necessary Thnrs'iay life of shame each year, these gi- � night th h e am was clean ean throu ris coming from some of the best : being y homes in the country, and beingthree penalties. Goldie Cochran innoceut :• trapped into a life of I handled 'th bell in a strictly im- r1egr a 1 i rms. Robinson war- I partial rnannpr ned the young girls not to pick 1 The home line-up ;0 up with strangers on the street, Harness. goal; vl-ndmareh, r ,d,; and to .'u' the purity of their I Heffman, L Def; C. Hoffman cee , soul ani body above everything , Bertram left; Robin,on right, $'n- inr, Seabrook, Cafes and O'iar.. els_, 1",en, Snares, 1 1 x...,m.w. s .-toiamaaammbamersonsine ,,1144" Special Announoement We are pleased to announce that we have added to our line the WHITE SEWING MACHINE BOTH WITH ROTARY AND VIBRATING SHUTTLE, WHICH WE CAN SHOW_ YOU IN FIVE BEAUTIFUL MODELS ON OUR FLOOR. "WHITE" Rotaries don't wear out, they sew faster, run easier) and are absolutely NOISLE sS Machines are marked at one price, to all, which will be Strictly adhered to. BUT AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO ANY ONE WHO' NEEDS A MACHINE, WE ARE GOING TO OFFER THE FIRST FIVE MACHINES AT A HANDSOME REDUCTION OF $10 ON STRICTLY CASH SALE. Don't -wait you may be one of the Five Lucky ones, as there will absolutely be not more than five sold at this reduction. We will also sell sewing Machines on weekly payments. WE CARRY IN STOCK ALL STYLES OF NEEDLES, 'BELTS, THIS ADD. MUST BE PRODUCED TO RECEIVE CASH A -L LOWANCE OF $10 ON SEWING MACHINES. , MI3LICK& BRMIN PHONE 63. We have made arrangements lo offer to the public a Great Reduction. Sale begin- ning January '22nd, and will ask our many Patrons and Friends: th watch for further particulars and this space. 87 Next Week L VVTJRM