Zurich Herald, 1921-01-06, Page 10• WE WISH TO THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS FOR THEIR LIBERAL PATRON- AGE DURING- THE PAST YEAR AND WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY, AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR elt111pt;11C GASCHO SON l ie:ldy-to-Wear 1 Clothing Zurich's Garage W e are now ready to commence „overhauling. ANY PARTIES WISHING TO HAVE THEIR CARS OVERHAULED WILL DO WELL TO BRING THEM TO US NOW AND HAVE THEM REPAIRED BEFORE THE SP):tING RUSH. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO THOROUGHLY OVERHAUL YOUR FORD MO ':OR AND CAN MAKE IT RUN LIKE NEW. NOTHING BUT GENUINE FORD PARTS USED IN OUR WORK WE ALSO REPAIR (AND MAKE OF :CAR) Satisfaction Guaranteed BATTERIES STORED AND CARED FOR WINTER FOR $2.50 H. Mouseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. ",+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++4••t 4.4.•h•3••t•++SII+++3s'++444.4•. +N 4. -1+ +1+ �1+ 4. 4. 4. +i. 4: 4. To our many Customers and A .appy and Pr:s'erous is our most sincer<<p d+ +p s &of TAD V PREETER BLOCK ;g d+++4+++'rye++3++II+++i. +, .1++1..1+•l.,l.+g,.1+. +3++ +++ ;,+1++IIi+ ++ °++1++c+.1+.1..;+.or i++i++++w+ +++++1+•t+++ ii Friends les 0 U'P'! ! C H DENO141Y 'BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Qrcicr.cJ.. C,othing We still have a few lines of Men's Ov ercoats)Sweatercoats and Underwear that will goat SALE .': RICES Big Rduction in all Goods i' BROS. Prodnoe taken in_ ezchai+ge for Goods LOCAL MARKETS 1 HOWARD—WESELOH (Corrected every Wednesday) 1 A quiet, but pretty wedding was 50 solemnized in St. Peter's Lutheran Butter •-• .._.........-"' 45 church Zurich, on Wednesday the Eggs fre,sh g 29th, December, at high noon,when Dried apples .......... Potatoes per bag Wheat _-. •-- ••- Barley -............................. Oats ..... < 1 The ceremony was performed __....._ 1.00 Y Buckwheat •-- -•• 5.50 6.00 {'by Rev. H. Rembe in the presence Flour ... --a •-- of only the immediate relatives of Bran ... ... 45:00 50.00 the contracting parties. To the Shorts .-. 15 00 strains of the, wedding March of "' •�--•--�• Live Hogs -.. -•- Lohengrin played by Mies Celia Hess, the bridal party entered the 1.50 ,Miss Veda C. Weseloh, the second 1,5a 1 eldest daughter of. Mr. and•Mrs. H. 90 Weseloh, was united in marriage to 40 Mr. R. C. Howard of Windsor. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST church, the bride leaning on the u• ,1 of her father ,who gave her Mr. Leonard Hudson of Seaforth lwa.y. She wore a gown of white spent the past week with his fri- 3 Ain, a beautiful wreath of pearls end Whitney Brokenshio.A vis land arranged a wit oielicate wl white tun.. urn- Miss Pearl. Schade of Dashwot• spent a few days last week tri,''h- ,a -ions and, fQrns caught with a ! i,:��v of duchesee ribLon was car - her aunt Mrs. C. L. Smith. rigid• - THE FAMILY HERALD AND I the bride was attended by her WEEKLY STAR' -'sister Miss Selma, who wore a gown i 1 co- French f pale blue satin', trimmed with The Family Herald and Weekly French lace, with taupe pictu.r,, Shat after tar of Montreal ambers 31st, 1920, the hat, and wearing a corsage of ros- subacription price of that great 1 es caught with' a bow of blue du - will be $2.00 per year in chesse ribbon. The groom was weekly ably supported by Mr. W. Schroed Canada, England, Ireland or Scot- ;ter of Dashwood. The bridal gar- land, and $2.50 to the United States• ty left the church ' to hte sweet The recent heavy increase in the 1 strains of Mendelssohn's wedding cost of white paper make the sli- t march. After receiving congrat- ght advance necessary, in fact it ulations, the party repaired to is only a small portion of the in- creased cost over pro -war pricthe home of the bride's parents es where a sumptuous wedding din - of production. All renewals and ner was served. Mr. and Mrs. subscriptions, the publishers say, Howard left in the afternoon for mailed before December 31st, 1920, London, Toronto and other east - will be accepted at the old rate, ern points to spend the honeymoon of $1.50. Even at the advanced The bride's travelling costume was price of $2.00 a year. The Family of navy blue tricotine with sailor regarded is regarded as the best hat to match. The groom's value `e the Continent. It is [gift to the bride was a handsome acknowledged to be absolutely with vin of pearls, to the bride's= out a rival, hence its enormous civ g eulation. All "luxury taxes" imposed at the last session of Parliament have been abolished with the exception of those on spirituous and alchol- is liquors, medicated wnies, patent and proprietary preparations con- taining alchol, lime and fruit juices fortified spirits and strong waters, maid a lavalier set with pearls, end to the groom's -man' a gold tie pin. The Herald joins with a Target circle of friends in extending best congratulations ORDERS'TAKEN. - For any quantity of hard wood beach and maple, nearly dry, cut any `length, first class quality wood perfumery and to let preparat'ons, linm, and also rough wood, playing ',cards and confectionery. L. A. Prang, Zurich 24 On 'and after Dec, 20 last no luxury — taxes have been collected on goods other than those mention -ed. Miss Maud Howard of Windsor attended the Howard-Weseloh nup tials last week. START( THE NEW YEAR RIGHT There his a time to do the right; thing, and the man who does the right thing is always conscoius of !having done ,his dulE3t ` Vewl• Year's is a good time to start,,• sib before yo'u renew your subscrip-. tion yto any paper, think' a mom- ent of The Farmers' Sun and what1 it means to yourself and the farm. ers ' f this Province. The paper 1 is -owned by the farmers, and pul41- liched solely in their interest. No , other paper donates its energy to 1 ;the farmers' cause, When sending in your subscription, get your nel- �, ghhor go subscrit-e, then you will 1 both ba doing the right thing at . the right time. Think of the, price. 101 issues for only $1,50. There ,is no other paper just like. The ,Sun. The Farmers' iSudt, To:•o'nt,0• "The' Bloomin' old Ra4 overhead I ASMI 1LL Vnion Jack rippled amid the tree. tops. There seemed something valiant about it, a gay, won't-ho-dN►nhearted spirit, when you heats Its history.. A doctor at the Muskoka Free Hos- pital fair Consumptives was talk- ing. "The sad thine is. it's young people eager, hard-working boys and tesla. T.B. attacks usually— those who make the best Cana - Mane, hesause they're ambitious. See that Aat' The filer's to that pavillon were determed t have a t1 • flag. p��eontributthe little he could.ha�x got the I , but, poor chaps, therm disappointed -4r so tiny." • i Tae, tiny up amonthe towering pines. but 'defiantlyproclaiming "What w+ have well hold.". And in the cot" beneath, lads weak and 111, but battling for: health, lads whose precious pennies bought "the reg overhead," are echoing its dauntless spirit—"9V'hat life we have well hold." Lads worth saves gut surely! 'Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto.er to Geo. A. Bd, Trees - Ores', 112Bed, College Street. Toronto. Special Announcement We are pleased to announce that we have added to our line the WHITE SEWING MACHINE BOTH WITH ROTARY AND VIBRATING SHUTTLE, WHICH WE CAN SHOW YOU IN FIVE BEAUTIFUL MODELS ON OUR, FLOOR, "WHITE" Rotaries don't wear out, they sew faster, run easier, and are absolutely NOISLESS Machines are marked at one price, to all, which will be Strictly adhered to. .r BUT AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO ANY ONE WHO NEEDS A MACHINE, WE ARE GOING TO OFFER THE FIRST .FIVE MACHINES AT A HANDSOME REDUCTION OF $10 ON STRICTLY CASH SALE. Don't wait you may be one of the Five Lucky ones, as there will absolutely be not more than five sold at this reduction. We will also sell sewing Machines on weekly payments. WE CARRY IN STOCK ALL STYLES OF NEEDLES, BELTS. THIS ADD. MUST BE PRODUCED TO RECEIVE CASH A -L LOWANCE OF $10 ON SEWING MACHINES. . MELIK& BRJUJN PHONE 63 To our many : '`us- Comers and Friends we wish a Happy, fright and Pros er- hone 87 oUIS 21 WURM