HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-30, Page 3Winter Caro of Tires. 1., Wash the thee carefully en out- side to remove oil and grease. 2.Remove thea • from the wheels and wren tbeni up in paper or .cloth. 3, Store; in a cool, dry place, away. ft(.iu daylight. . 4; If teles are left on the ear, jack up the cal, deflate the tires and wrap them ilii covers. 5. Don't let the car stand on the tires all winter. To do this means a new seat o' tires in the spring. Practical Paragraphs. • in Drilling. -Kerosene should 'be uae;i in drilling, reaming o'T turning malleable iron or aluminum. On the other hand turbentine should be used instead of the oil for drilling hard steel, as it will enable rapid drilling of the metal. Locking Nut.—It is easy to lock a nut securely by having the holt a lit- tle longer than is needed and then rivet the projecting end a little after the nut is screwed in place. When the nut is to be removed it is neces- sary to file out the riveted part. Cleaning the Muffler—In cleaning the muffler, after the part has been disassembled and the parts cleaned with kerosene, it is well to go over all the holes designed tobreak up the gas with a sharp.punch or fine taper reamer to make sure that these holes have not been reduced in size by ac- eumulations or burned oil or carbon. Use of Taps.—A. tap should never be used in a cored or rough hole. A heavy flat arm should be run through to take out the scale, nand or projec- tions. Plenty of good lard should be used in cutting the threads with a die. Very often a die tap is ruffled when it as first used, simply because there is no oil on the work. Taps should never be used,without plenty of good oil. Taps will frequently Wear off threads unless -well oiled. AUTO SPARE PATS for most makes and Models of care, Your old, broken or worn-out parts replaced, (Write or wire us describ- ing what you want. We carry the largest .and linnet complete stook in Canada of slightly used or new parte and 0.0,1:), anywhere equipment. We Satiips- factory or ,refund in full our motto. $b:aWas Auto Salvage X'art Supply, 923-93), I3nffe3+n St., Toronto, Ont, Your Day's Work. What a satisfaction there is when yo leave•• your work at night, in looking bads ober the day's work as a superb accomplishment. How you en- joy your unquestioned approval at the end of a perfect day. You can go home with a light heart and say to yourself, "Ah, now I can play. I have done my best to -day. I have left noth- ing undone or half finished. I have 9733-9675Emreetere made the most of everything. I n,. M haven't been mean, I haven't been un- No. 9733—Ladies' Waist. Price, 30 kind, I haven't lost my temper, 1 cents. Back and side accordion pleat - haven't shirked niy job. I have tried ed or plain; two styles of sleeve. In to put efficiency into everything 17 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36, have done to -day."• with accordion -pleated sections,' 3'/..c This is a day's record which it is yds. 36 ins. wide, or 3. yds. 40 ins. a delight to look over, of which to be wide; with plain 'sections, 1% yds, 36 blood su necessary to perfect health, proud. But when you go home at ins. wide, or 1% yds. 40 ins. wide. and that ie through tale use of Dr. night feeling mean and contemptible No. 9675 ---Ladies' Camisole Skirt. { Williams' Pink Pili t. These pills Price, 30 cents. To be worn with overdress; 37 or 35 inch length from waistline. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36 requires, 37 -inch length,! cheerful and strong. If you are aii- 21/.l, yds. 36 or 40 ins, wide; 35 -inch} ing, easily tired or depressed, it is length, 2% yds. 36. or 40 ins. wide. a duty you owe yourself: and your Width, 111, yds. family to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills These patterns may be obtained' a fair trial. What this medicine has from your local McCall dealer, or done for others it will surely do for from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St„ you. Toronto, Dept. W. - You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine • CHILDHOOD AILMENTS ' or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes A STYLISH COSTUME. A MOTHER'S TRIALS Cure Of Hoene and Children Often Causos ti. Breal. c 0Wifi. 'l'1lr' woman at home, deep In house- hold duti's and the cares of mother- hood, octads occasional' help to keep her fu good health. • The demands upon u mother's health are many and her rhii"Iren's welfare exact heavy toile, while buried. mettle, broken rest and lilac:!! indoor living tend to weaken her cuustitutiou, No 'wosder that the woman at lame is often indisposed through weakness, headaches, hack- ai'ltcs. and nervcnt:nee.5. 'l'oo Many women have grown to accept these visitations as a part of the lot of motherhood. 13ut inane and varied as her heeltb, troubles aro, the cause is simple and relief at hand, When well, it is the woman's good. blood that keeps her well; when • i11 she must male her bicad rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any ether Woman in the world needs rib blood and plenty of it. There is olio way to get this good bemuse of a poor day's work, and of failures in ail directions that you could have prevented, how different your sensations! Sums people drift into the habit of being half satisfied with a poor day's work. But you can't afford to do this, niy friend. The habit of leaving your work at night without having done your best, of turning out., day after day, work that does not meet with your approval, is demoralizing to your character and fatal to your chances of advancement. Don't be satisfied with anything patios, indigestion, colic, colds, etc.-- less than your hest. Make it a rule can be ,quickly banished through the that you will have reason to be proud use of Baby's Own Tablets They are of your day's work •bectiuse you have a mild but thorough laxative which put your best into it, the highest of instantly regulate the bowels and which you are capable. Don't leiv'e sweeten the stomach. They are guar - it with flaws; don't compel yourself anteed to contain no harmful drugs and can be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety. Concerning taei's Mrs. Alcide Lepage Ste. Beatrix, Que., writes: --"Baby's Own Tablets were of great help to my•bahy. They regulated her bowels and_ stomach and made her plump and well." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine . Co., Brockville, Ont. . Nearly all Australian railways are State, or Government, owned. snake new blood, and through their WO thousands of weal:, ailing wives and mother's have been'made bright, for $2.50 from Tho Dr, Williams' The ailments of childhood—const:- Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Origin of Gun Salute. Sharpening Files.—Worn files may to go home at night resetting' a poor be sharpened by placing them in a day's work, a botched job. 'You can't solution of sulphuric add and water, afford it; it will haunt 'you so that made in proportions of one part acid you ctuinot enjoy* your home or your to two of water. The files May be left recreation. overnight, after which they should be rinsed in clear water. The acid should There have been rumors of pion be put in an earthen vessel. who.have died from overwork; but Tope.—Mohair tops should be clean- [many eases of death from overeating ed frequently by dusting off and brush- are very well authenticated. ing briskly with a stiff brush. On the The wood box in the kitchen yawns other hand pantasote tops are best cleaned with a soft brush dipped in water in which is a little ammonia, after which the top should be rubbed e ^-- dry. Pantasote curtains may be treat- r cd in the same way,. Do not use gaso- line or kerosene to clean the tops. Headlight Glasses: Many of the light diffusing devices now popular are -designed to operate when in a ter- - ser MIDDLETON taBY DR. in fixed position. Vibration mayJ. J. loosen the glasses in their rims so that the whole lens creeps around and the (liil'using properties are 'lost. Some of these glasses have a means of anchoring them firmly in place, hut others have not, and it as up to the car owner to see that they are pro- perly in place. 'Screws niay be used for fastening them and a lock washer should be inserted under each of them. Sticking Bushings. ---Blocking of the Board of Health's Exhibit, noticed bushings that surround the push rods the windows rai ed in one of the sub- frequelatly causes trouble. This maysections where, child -welfare va*as be- be caused by the oil becoming• gummy ing demonstrated. "Now, that would or by valve grinding grit {'flat has got just cause a draught," she exclaimed down into the interior. If the aperture to a friend, "and it is the way one is •closed with, o. oloth before the valves catehes colds." But fresh air is abso- are groulid. this latter trouble will be 'lately necessary to good health, and obviated• even in the coldest weather draughts can be avoided while admitting fresh • 3ieme-made Anti -freeze. air. This may be done by having One may mix hit Mil anti -freezing double windows, or one or mora preparations if desired. They are double panes, and providing an open - chiefly made 'of alcohol, glycerine or ing at the bottom of the outer, and -calcium chloride. Thirty per cent, al- at the top of the inner one, so as to oohol Will protect the • cooling sys- admit fresh air in an upright current. tem to 5 degrees below zero. It takes Another method is to place a board a 54 per cent. solution of glycerine beneath. the 'lower 'sash, propping it effort to completely stamp out this and water to do the same thing. Al- up and 'filling in the space below great scourge from our -midst. We coohol evaporates, however, and it is while providing a way for an upward see, too, how much educational work necessary to keep addling it at; the rate indraught between the two sashes, there is still to be done in telling the of about a quart a week, so that the 1 was recently in a house where public of the dangers of tuberculosis, expense will deter many from. doing there were several children as well as and how it is spread. Although meet - this. Many make a • combination of the father and mother, and on earning cipalities now generally put up anti- alcohol and gly dole, half and half, in from the fresh air to the kitchen, spitting notices, some people still in. using one-third df a gallon -to each where the greater part of the time dulge in this objectionable, habit. ,gallon 'of water. The glycerine (lnos was spent, it felt like an oven. Double have. watched men spit on the floor of not evaporate. windows were used, but they were a street cal althou li' nb.ove their bead In using calcium chloride, which both tightly closed and. no fresh air a sign hung telling of the penalty does -not evapotate, on.e must be very was being admitted. A sick baby was that would he•iliiposed .,on .any,Eiocty - careful to have the chemically pure in a cradle beside the kitchen stove, caught spitting. People careless off• article, as the • ordinary conilnercialrand wrapped up in blankets lane an their own health and their neigh1ior s -caleittxu chloride is likely to have acid in it Which will corrode the radiator, Fear poultds of calcium chloride to a gallon of water will protect the car to a teinperattue of 17 degrees below aero, The expense and trouble of llandl'ing these things and of renewing Prompt -et ane to recommend the use of one of the anti -freezing solutions to be had at a supply :louse,` These do not evaporate ,and it is only necessary to add water Occasionally to the raclli- aitor. The elan who ; 'sits around ishing he had a million dellars is not •likely to get more than a dollar of at. to be filled these nights; let it not yawn in vain. t4tlnard's Liniment Relieves Distemper HEALTH EDUCATION It is really hard to believe how recently visited a home - where the little some people know about the father of the family was lying ill in bed with tuberculosis and he got fits most elemental matters of health, and of coughing at intervals. Not once about ordinary' precautions that should did he cover his mouth when cough - be taken in maintaining health and ing, although children were playing preventing the spread of disease. about in the room Were he lay. In At the Toronto Exhibition this amazement the nurse asked him if he fall, a woman visiting the Provincial had never realized how desperately important it was to cover his mouth with a handkerchief when coughing, but the man didn't know. He said he had never been told' about the dan- gers of promiscuous coughing in a room where ethers were, and particu- larly where children were. This pa- tient was able at times to sit up and hold the baby in his arms while his wife was busy with the housework or otherwise engaged. Sometimes, he said, he' get a fit of coughing while holding the baby, but he always laid it down somewhere if the coughing fit was at all severe. Although this may be an isolated ease, one can read- ily realize how hard it is for organized Camel flesh was 1'eceutly on .Sale in Paris. Arctic explorer. The baby was, per- do still exist in great ntunbers, but spiring freely, but the mother thought site must not let any fresh _air into the house lest the child should catch cold. Some people seem to have 'a deep-rooted objection to fresh a,{r, one 'of the Most powerful agents' in exist- ! ence for maintaining health , and re- storing the sick when they .fall ill. Tuberculosis is unfortunately a common disease, world-wide in it•s. prevalence, and One which has diroet- ly or indirectly brought sickness and bereavement to many homes. Yet how often do we Cod instances evell in this enlightened/ laird of Canada Where the danger of allowing it to spread is not understood or appre- ciated, One of .the Provilleiel llea.lbh nurses it is through lack of knowledge rather than any desire to wilfully spread dis- ease that this laxity occur!. There is not a pian, woman or child suii.'erlhg. from tuberculosis who would care to' see anybody else contract the disease,. and yet through: lack of knowledge the disease is often spread. Muth,educational Tonal work is being done of present lie the campaign against tuberculosis, and in teaching'. such simple essentials as destroying. by fire or purifying by antiseptics all handkerchiefs or cloths soiled with; tuberculous disoharges, (it all branches of Public Health. work there is still a great Ileal oi' educative Wolk to be done before the results aimed at canbe reached IMN FRONI HE` E A Matter of Taste. "Don't you wish you was a bird, Jimmy, and could fly way up in the sky?" mused little Jean dreamily. "Naw" scorned Jimmy. "I'd rather be a elephant and squirt water through my nose, The custom of firing artillery conies to us from the time when guns were first used. It was then consid- ered polite and courteous to any great personage who happened to arrive at your castle to load all your guns with shotted rounds—not blank—and to. fire them off as he arrived at your threshold. The reason for doing this was to show you trusted your guest by emptying all the guns just before he came into their range. This prac- tice was not kept up long. Blank rounds were soon fired instead of real ones. They were not so dangerous! One of the best known guides in Nova Scotia gives this testimonial of MINARD'S LINIMENT— Have used MINARD'S. LINIMENT in my home, hunting and lumber camps for years and consider it the best white diniment on the market. I find that it gives quick relief to minor accidents, such as Sprains, Bruises and all kinds of wounds. Also it is a great remedy for coughs, colds, etc., which one is liable to catch when log driv s and cruising during the winter sue ,.ln'Ing months. I would not be without MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and cannot recom- mend it too highly. (sighed) Ellison Gray Iieinptv1i1e, N,S., Feb. 24, 1920. East Angels Got Tired. The '(v boli)' had Droved itself the possessor of extraordinai•.y lung .pow- era .One day baby's brother, little J nil any, ;avid to his mother:;. eafaa,baby came trap Heave -1,,• didn't he?'' "Yes, Lear," answer -e_ Ilii `mother. Jolizlniy= was &lent for a Minute and then bd event (in: -"T saye ultti!" "What is it; Johnny?" - --- "I don't bIiuiu the angels for chug ing-him out, do you?" • Murdering Wagner. 'Exeuese'•me," said the detective, as 11e ,presented himself at the doer of the music academy, on C'hristinas Eve, "hut 1 hope you'll give nae what in- formation you have, and .not make auy fuss." "What do you mean?" was the in- dignant inquiry. "Why, that little affair, you know." "Iadon't understand." "Why, you see, we got a tip from the house next door that somebody was murdering Wagner and the (thief sent me down bora to work on the case." The Lesson of the Rabbit. Talk about output! Listen to this little tale of mass production. Fifty years ago, there were no rab- bits in Australia. Then tnree rabbits were sent out from London. Forty years later 25,000,000 frozen rabbits and 96,000,000 rabbit skins were shipped to Europe from Aus- tralia. MONEY ORDERS, When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order., A Very 1111 Lorca Halsbury's ninety-seventh birthday reminds me that he is still sturdy, and can walk into the House of Lords without any assistance other than a stick. To himself, however, his Health is not very marvellous. A friend who met liim one day con_ gratulated him ou the wonderful way in which lie was preserving his strength and on never being I11. don't know so much about it," said Lord •Halsbury, abakieg his head sagely; "I had a bad attack of hic- 'coughs last weak," o Economy is in itself a source of great 'revenue. Coughs and colas sneezes and sniffles quickly yield to A IN BENGUE The relief is most gratifying and so refreshing. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES 0.00 a ru'e. tliE LEEMINO MILES 00., LTO. MONTPtcai- Agents for Dr. Jules Bonged RELIEVES PAM Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. USE SLOAN'S WARD OFF PAIN You can just tell by its healthy; stimulating odor, that it is going to do you good F I only had some Sloan's Lini- ment!" flow often you've said that! And then when the rheu- matic twinge subsided—after hours of: suffering—you forgot it! Don't do it again—get a bottle to- dayand keep it handy for possible use tonight! A sudden attack may conie on -sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and 'aches resulting from expos- ure. You'll soon find warmth and re- lief in Sloan's, the liniment that pene- trates without rubbing. Clean, econom- ical. Three sizes -35c, 70c, $1.4() A special lot of used guns in good condition at very low pieces fiend for List. THE D. PIKE CO .T LIMITED 123 King St, E., Toronto. Welcome Worcis, ",'ones Is the finest alter-cl!n :el' speaker l ever heard." "Indeed:" "Yes; he always says, 'Waiter, gave that bill to me.'" Classified Advertise.rnentS. �GETt4ts WANT1D. A:;ANTS WANTED: BLISS NATIV11 herbs is a remedy for the retlrrf of constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, 'Rheumatism, Kidney '!roubles. It is well-known, Having been extensively ad- vertised, since it'wa:s first manufactured in 1588, by distribution of Ia*"e quanti- ties of Almanacs, Coux Banks, Health Books, etc., which are furnished to agents fres of charge. The remelt are, sold at'a price that allows agents to double their money. Write Alen..., t). Bliss Medical Co., 124 St. Paul St. ilast. Montreal. Mention this paper. FARM HELP FA.EtiiTERy needing men ---married or single— should apply at on04e, stat- ing wages and other details•!.. goud mei! available. No fees. Ontario Govern- ment )0mployment Bureau (T•n:ploynient .Service of Canada), 45 Icing St West, Main 85tH, 'Toronto. Early Old Age The celebrated Dr. Michael/off, an autho.ity on early old age, • scyo that it is "caused by poisons generated in the intextine. When yourstomaca digests food al, properly it is absorbed without A forming poisonous matter. Poi- sons bring on early old age and prematuredeatb. 15 to 30 drops 413 of "Selgel's Syrup" after meals 0 makes your digestion sound. ro i ��0�� ����e�®^�•�^+� tai+ plonecr Dog Remedies Book on DOG. DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. C1o. 18 West 91st 1oCStro., eet New York, U.S,A. 30 ,uITOPS -' L !glia:!! ! MOVIE No. 6 Yt'•?^W �µ vf�'�w• Send for laws of inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been minds from simple ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Conc .sptiou" sing request. HAROLD C. S.F16PMAN 81 CO. • PATENT ATTORNEYS 2D 514IPMAM CHAHB0R0 • • OTTAWA. CANADA Is so soothing and cooling for baby's tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap. Soev25c. Ointeent25anctaOc. Talcucn2se. Sold throughouttheDominic,n. Canadiar.Depot: Lyman', Limited 344 St. Peel St.. 18'.. i tostraal. f51 ''Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. 'NLY TABLETS MMARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin At, a 11 without the "Bayer Cross" Por Colds, Pain, Headache, 'Neural- package whish contains complete di- gia, Toothache, Earache, and for reotions. Then you are getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Oeu- Asppirin•--the genuine Aspirin pre- ritis, take • Aspirin marked:with$$ 21. scribed by`Irhgsicians for over nine- name "Bayer" .or, youare not tati1Cil►g teen years. Now matte in Catunta. Aspirin at all., Handy tin. boxes containing 1.'3 tab Accept only, `Bayer'' Ta9)11t0 ,,9f lets cost but a few cents. Druggist:v Aspirin' fir;.,.Ali: embegleea "13iiyer1s also sell larger '73ayer" packager. 'A hew°, es ort136 esu; AsPhinmeSayeloltou must stay "Bayer" Aspirin le the trade mark (registered In Canada) eft Haver Manufacture of Mons« acetivaeldeater of Salloyttceeld, While it lo welt known that Aspirin mea.ss DrOol Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, tho -Tablets of darer (":oiisl.u=ir will be stamped with their general trade mark, the 'Bayer Cross." Ly „