HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-30, Page 1Vol. XX I No 26 r RAL • '. • ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1920. Chester L. Smith, Publisher 81.25 a, year In Advance _,.....-... . ...... ,... _.... .... ...-......-. ...........-..-- .,, "Mosopm...vairoalmaneamognoronraravs7o*srormarmagonsmao o our many Customers and friendslwe are extending best wishes for a prosperous EA W. H. PFTLE SHOE MERCHA_NT ZURICH II. 0010 000 0 00600€400. ege900. 0 0000 6000 00001000 ID* 0 0 060 004100000 40000000 00000 00 0000 00 "40 • • • • • 4' 4• • 4' • • 40 0 2 4 • '0 .10 0. is 4' • • • • • STIVIAS ER Buy your Xmas. Gifts Early and buy them at this St.ore where you have the largest selection of useful and inex- pensive merchandise bought with a view of giving . our customers the :Best Value obtainable. Ladies' Silk Crew -de -chine waists A. nice Silk Crepe -De -Chine West makes inii eel Xrnas. gift, you will find a big seleetoin hey, especially bought for pre3ent.9 an 1 at very Pasy p!'e. Ladies' and Children all-woel searfs•ancl seete, mei toque; sets, 'which makes a 'very suitable Xrna gift at a special reduced price. LADIES' VENUS SILK HOSE Attractive hose appeals to most girls anti women. We have the best kinds here, good es- sortment of dependable Venus, silk hose in blec.e. navy, white and dark brown, also the Heather en.411,- mere hose in various colorings. Clothing Department NO NEED OF WAITING FOR LOW PRICES. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR S 'CK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLO- • THING AS WE HAVE MEN"S SUITS AN:D• OVERCOATS AS LOW AS $15, AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT ALL • pRiogs. Caps, Hats, Gloves, Scarfs • • Anyone of these four makke a splendid present for the • young Men. Don't forget we handle the well known "BAS - TERN BRAND", the •brand alone sells the Hat or Cap. See our Stock. .11 Also a choice range of Cloves, Scarfs, Silk Lesle, wool or * cashmere socks, big value at 75c, and 81.00. 20 per cent. Redaction on .;ffiall Overcoats. ...ts, Hats. Caps ;SWEATERS, WOOLEN 'IND:WYE/1R, ALL LINES OF DRESS • GOODS, COATINGS, ANE) L KS VELVETEENS, AND CORD VELVETS • Christmas Fruits Oran ,q(*; ( 11 I a fornia Navels • • . • WE USU. ALL Y.' R E TVP•LIMITED QUANTITY OF FLORIDA.• NAVELS. WIESE, 0 -RANGES RUN TO LARGE SIZ- ES, THIN SKIN:IPA-1, SNVETIE AND JUCY. "DE-LICIOUS" WE'LL SAY 'THEY ARE, NEW LEMONS .TUST .Altr arED ALSO OUR NEW RASINS CURRANTS, PEELS. ET(' AR!? TN, GET YOUR'S ERE IT IS TOO LATE. • L ARGB SUPPLY OF CeNI.T '4T ;','V GRENOBLE WALNUTS, NEW ALMONDS, BR trs AND PEANUTS. 2 2 i 15 -oz. •pkg. seeded ras .' , • Loose IVItscatell • Currants, per lb. .. .. . pee lb. e 14 Sunlight Soap per- See :0 Roasted Rio Ceffee .. 30e I) 'Collet Soap per cake . .. ..., ...a .... .. .. . .. ...... ... lie OP 25c 25c 25c 10c • 0. 0 44 0 Phone 59 0 0 LADIES' XMAS. HANDKER- CHIEFS In large variety, solcl separat- .01V or in boxes, very n'ce. for Xm^s gift. LADIES' GLOVES Gloves are here in all the best makes, choose your glove gift from our stock and, you will be satisfied Special values for Christmas trade Ladies' Hand Purses are here in groat variety, and make useful gifts. RIBBONS Fancy Xmas. ribbons at reduced prices. Other useful presents in Worn - ons' wear. Silk camisoles, .woca sets, ladies' plush coats, towels, dress -goods, white bed spreads,ete CHRISTMAS STATIONERY 'We have the largest stock ei Xmas. Stationery .we have ever shown, Classy Goods in Dainta Boxes. TOYS 'llOYS . We are egain showing a splend id line of Xmas. Toys for the boys and girls, and several lines are alreidy sold out, however having such a large assortment, we are sure -we can still supply your ,neecls, E "BRING THCHILDREN" i Mo4o C.lhine ware in a variety Of designs and peices. Pirex Trans- parenl• Ovenwear And many other ueeful articles. REE 10406e.criv:"144611441i,:v'av ; 0,0 ;',4:A.0.640.6"0,60 a4P, Produce Wanted • 0 0 0 1. 77, 2011 Happy New Year. Mr. E. Bossenberry spent Xmas. day is Stephen. Miss Pearl Wurtz of London P.p- ht 'the hiliday at her home here. Miss Margaret Lamont of Lon- lon spent the holiday at her home. here. Mr. Wm. Prank of Kitchener wa.3 a visitor at the home of Mr. C. Either over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Klopp, •who spent the. Last few weeks at Stratford, has returned to her, home here . Mr: Roy Appel of Kitchener is visiting frienels and acquaintances here for a few days this week. • 1VIrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchen- : er is spending- the holiday with 00 0 Brier 0 4' A Bright, Happy - ineor;;;:ted in /855 THE and Prosperous MOLSONS BANK 1 21 !sour mostsincere wishes to our cus- tomersaiidfriends WG. HESS ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,000,00a Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. %airings Dep- artrnents at all Branches. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch her pa.rants, Mr. and Mrs. Tho winter II 4,4)4100(,.>404.000+C.4-00410....$44.40 . johnson. oise Requirements ,Miss Verna Melike, a student llriiversity for the BlindWe are offering the following seasonable Horse at Wu- t , nipeg, is visiting -at the homes• r) Mr. WM. O'Brien, and Mr. A. Me:- requirements at greatly reduced prides: .4> id:, for the week. :; HORSE BLANKETS, RUG'S, ROBES, HALTERS, SWEAT PADS * 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter enter- a HORSE WHIPS, ETC. ETC. . 0- Alined the members of the Zurich taf eball Club on Tneel•lay eveningi• SEE OUR EXTRA FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S MITTS AT It 1 -at their home to a sumptuous baa- 7; quet, All the beys were pre3eet A BIG 11 EDUCTION. 4). We also carry ix. stock a full Line of Heavy Harness, Single 0 ' eluding Mr. and .Mra. Kekoa 0 0. of London, and a very pleasant cv- 'e harness, Etc. o. • l 11 A. he •,, enig was spent a y a . a. t -- sr * vote, ofthanks wastendered the e; REPAIRING 1,,,,ao.t and hostess for the splerejel. taTiper and their kind hospital;. •t7 0 0 0 0 00 0a a 0 0 0 'et0 a 0 0 a°055 POLICE TRUSTEE -NOMINATIONS The nominations for Police Tres - tees for Zurich held Monday e'. in resulbei as follows; - Mr. Wm. Lamont Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch Mr. H. Howald Mr. H, Trucenner Mr. Jacob Weiclo Mr. Chas. Fritz. Mr. Moses Geiger. All resigned except Messrs. Lamont, F. Halbileisch,.. and H %my Truemner hwo will compose ti Board .for 1921. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS a The nomie iiion held in the Town ° Hall, Zurich, on Monday afteraoea 0 0 created coeselerable interest aid the Hall was crowded with rate - o payers. Various municipal met - 42 tars were discussed but most in- terest centred on the Countygood Following were nominated fro re.eare;-• 0 Mr. John Laporte 0 Mr. Elirnora F. Klopp 0 Mr. H. H. Neeb Mr. W. E. Turnbull 0 0 Mr. William Consit 3 For Councillors Mr. John Campbell c,s Mt'. L. H. Rader . a Mr. Samuel Deitz Mr. W. E. Turnbull 0 Mr. Casper Walper Mr. Oscar Klopp p Messrs J. Laporte, H. 1T. Neeb 0 and W. E. Turnbull resigned al •reendidatea -,e‘r the reeveship and the contest is between Mr. Kopp and Mr. Consit for that office. ° Messrs. C. Walper and 0. Klopn o rnsigned as ,candidates for council- lor and the remaining men were elected by aeclamation, viz; Mr. J. ° Cempbell, Mr, L. H. Rader, Mr. S. 0 Deitz and W.R. Turnbull. STANLEY TP. NOMINATION Plirr.RMee.vBel3liOtt o 1V.tr. Jos. Hood For Couricillors • Mr. Geo,. Hanley Mr. Wm. Douglas Mr. Sam Thompson Mr, Sohn Manson ' Mr, john Etne., 0 4' 411 0.0 in Ilse For Over 30 Ye.ars A SPECIALTY FRED THIEL - "ZURICH >oo4,-o4o41.4.13-0444,;:p0+.0.4..o. r++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++14+41 roads system. STOP! Ivor Infants and. Children. Alwars:btars The -clreehare el' 64,440004041.* 4 • • eimmu...rgro4 tteeee A Ilandsome Gift 1,171IAT IS A MORE HANDSOME GIFT T'021 XMAS. TII:kN A FINE PAIR OF HOUSE SLIPPERS, OR A PAIR OF COMPORTAI3LE HOC - KEY' SHOES. 11/111111.11 ...... 4114111 I • if WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE.TO SUIT THE MOST REMOTE TASTE. iBUTTER ANDSA.TISFACTION + EGGS WANTED O.-FRITZ OUR MOTTO •:- + THE SHOEIVIAN 4. 3 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4%1. We thank ottr ni-iny Customers 11 and. friends ff, st .1.trou age and extend our bet- Bright and 5.Serl Fresh GroL4,0, R. PHONEly 11. V". St ock PLAICE' • 4 4