HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-09, Page 7SUCCE4. OF FISH
Fishermen of the Great Lakes
Are Therefore Able to Pur-
sue Their Calling,.
The conservation of natural re-
sources has always been a prominent
thought in the Dominion mind, and
Canada as• a country eut".eting upon
her youth, has the experiences of old-
er countries from whin to prof,, and
the opportunity to benefit from the
utter de.structiO1 which follows upon
the careless depletion of a nation's
natural_ gifts.
Canada ia alive to the expense of
knowledge by experience; conserva-
tioa is a term that looms large in na-
tional activity, preached by authority,
and driven home by press and liter-
ature. The Dominion realizes the (1
astrous results of depleting her forest
products without replanting, of rutin
• lessly ,slaughtering each year count-
less fur -bearing animals without mak-
ing prevision for artificial propagation,
of depleting her lakes and streams be- '
gond tIleir natural reproduction with-
out replenishing them.
Replenishing the inland Waters.
It was early realized that with the ;?
progress of settlement the lakes and
streams of Canada could net with-
the heavy annual toll of sports- 't
men and commercial fishermen, and to
meet the situation . the Government
inaugurated a system of replenishing
the watercourses and establi .hese. fi: h
hatcheries for the artificial propaga-
tion of fish. From a small beginning,
this work has grown as the necessity
of expansion arose, until at the end
of 1919 there were throughout the Do-
minion, forty-four 1latche is reproduc-
ing ycrung fedi, replenf.•=hing the
streams and lakes of the Various pro-
vinces as well as caring for the man-
,n1ercial fi.shini, fields off both the Can-
adian Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
There are thirty-five main hatcher-
ies, eleven subsidiary hatcheries, and
six salmon retaining ponds in active op-
eration. Those in British Columbia.
Nova Scotia and 3.alew Brunswick have,
in addition to their inland waters, to
superintend the supply of fish off their
coasts, whilst those et the provinces
of the intesioroccupy themselves with
producing fry to restock the inland
lakes, commercial fishing on which is
ever extending, and the. rivers and
smaller streams within their confines...
Mortality Among Fish is Great.
Nature unaided can do but little to
meet the demaud for fish against de-
pletion. Mortality among fish is so
groat that only an infinitesimal per-
centage reaches maturity. Against
this waste in nature, as high as 90 per
cent. of the eggs taken by artificial
methods", under favorable conditions,
have not only been fertilized but hat-
ched and the young fry liberated. The
average hatch in Canadian hatcheries
is from 50 to 85 per cent., depending
on the species and the • conditions
under which the eggs are taken.
In the year 1919, the Dominion
hatcheries distributed 1,880,000 green
eggs, 1,69 7 ,000 eyed eggs, 979,147,249
fry, 1,948,601 advanced fry, 856,888
fingerlings, and 12 yearlings, or plac-
ing back in Canadian waters the
•equivalent of 985,024.250 fish. The
species used in restocking the waters
consisted of Atlantic, steemead, sock-
eye, cohoe, and pink_ salmon; raiubow,
speckled, and salmon trout; whitefish,
U ,;'f A ar' N E t...: RALE E
Their Treatment by Your Local Druggist.
Your own druggist, who has known the people of his locality
for years, has a pretty good. idea of what remedies are giving
satisfaction to his westerners. No number of testimonials from
far -distant persons counts half as much with slim as the results
he gets from sales over his own counter,
That's why hundreds of druggists from Halifax to Victoria
recommend Tempieton's Rheurnntic Capsyles. Noah- of these
hundreds knows of eases in his vicinity where T It C,".'s have
brought amazing relief. Alen and women of all ages find free-
dom from their pain in T.R.C's. Mr. W. A. Hawley, of Campbell -
ford, at the age of 84, was entirely cured, after being helpless
with Itheulnatism for months.
Scores of druggists write of the satisfaction given by
T.R.C's. Here are the statements of three from Ontario:
Ross the Druggist, 4Titiland, cant.: G F. Vicars. Fenelon
"Every tale of 1'ernpletmt Rhea- '"T,R t .'s is tine Iuost sai18fa/ tOr•Y
matte Capsules has meant a sales of any lino or rheumatic remedy a
fled custntr.c,' I have yet to hear have over hal.dled."
of a [,arson not receiving ueyo:,d
what they had hoped in results 11. J. Cock, St. Thomas: "We
front their use. In ,.:any eases the have never had a preparation has
have Suffererstell wonderful thei`r sold flit el "1' R C' 's. The and : sale is twon-
:hese c
Rh Won -
friends. Y bare mann ct"llsever tethers agood.ej 7rifit uretna our
natisfl <1
hesitate t <.ecom ee: t I n.
hesitate to recommend :.hem." easterner Is the 'hast alie•ei'tlsenlent.,,
Sounds too good to be true? The explanation log that Teen leto
Rheumatic C:apsule,y aet directly on the Poisons in tho system
that in
some persons cause rheumatism, in others lumbago, sciatica, neuritis
or neuralgia. Their composition is the result of thirty years of patient
study rill experiment, long years of experience in the treatment of
Get a free trial package of T.'(<.C's.. or Raz -blah for Asthma from
your druggist or from Ternpletons Limited, 56 Colborne St.. E., Toronto
and prove these statements for yourself. These remedies are ab-
solutely harmless, or our druggist -agents wouldn't advise the usa
of them. When your own d1'u„gist recommends a remedy he is sure
to receive your thanks or condemnation. He won't risk the loss of a
good customer by recommending a remedy in which he has no confi-
The undermentioned druggists and hundreds of others back
T.R.C's and Raz -Mag.
Ailsa- t'raig, J. A. Smith.
Alliste:, 1:. 13. tSeteil.
Minister:, P. A. Mn17terniid & Son
Arthur. A. W. Busehlca
Atwocr., 7 Coughlin
Barrie, Wm, t7ro:sslanll
foe tvet•ton J. S. Frt,leigh
Blenheim, C rookshank Bres.
I3ot"aygeen, E. J. Woollard
7 ourmanviile, Jur & Lovell
Bradford, W. L. ('antpbeil
13r idgeburz, R. A. Loud
Brik:1cn. P. S. Sanger,
Bruce ,lines. A. D. Jachson
Itruss1ls. Jas. Fox
Camphellford, J. 11 Birks
C'tiesleY, S. R- Davey
Clinton, J. E. Hovey
Colborne, W. F. Griffis
Raz -Blah is unrivalled in the treatment of Asthma. Raz -Mall
restores normal 'breathing, stops p,ncus.gatherings in the bronchial
tubes, and gives long nights of quiet sleep, And if Raz -ilial, does not
give relief, your druggist has' positive instructions from Templetans
Limited to give you your money back. Fair enough, don't you think?
Cookslow"n, Wm. Atesiav
T)e..;er'nutO, W. J. 1%talleY
Dresden. 11. R. Tustin
Dunnville. E. .1' McKee
T)ur•ltanl. 5.
Elora, F. .7. Caped
'Exeter. S. 11. Sadler
Fenelon Vans, G. F. Vicars
Florence, L. 1.. Miller
Glencoe. _(T. I. Johnwon
clorrie, H. V. Armstrong
l4urr•izct” n. bIc•11iI,i)Un & Co.
Hastings, '1'. A. Coughlan
Havelock, A. 1). 1Itnike
Kincardine, 7 f . Va.udr•iek
liingsyslle, R. N. Picard
T.akefieid, Tanner Drug Co.
Luean, Rexall Pharmacy
Lueknow, J. G. Armstrong
Surnames and . Their Origin
Variations—O'Keevan,• li.eevan, I e -
vin, Kevens, Kevencys Coen, Cohen,
Cohan, Cowan, Cnan, C•avanna, Me-
Racial Origin ---Irish.
Source—A given name.
"Pape's Diapepsii" Corrects
"Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest,
Bluest relief for Indigestion, (lases,
Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer-
mentation or Stomach Distress caused
by acidity. A few tablets give almost,
immediate stomach relief and shortly
the stomach is corrected so you can
eat favorite foods without fear. Large
case costs only 60 cents at drug store.
A.beolutely harmless and pleasant.
Millions helped annually. Largest sell-
ing stomach corrector In world.—Adv.
Setter Teeth.
Eminent Ringlish dentists have
found -that Jewish children have bet- Chalk exposed to the air :frequently
ter teeth titan Gentile children, at- becomes harder than many songs of
trihuting the cause to the use of oil stone.
by the Jew instead of sugar.
Classified Advertisements,
31onoerrD rute(rrp
t,five feat in inches;aa y: first
•teat' V,410, next two year,, $$i,03e: after
third year• $1,S0(1 subject to ' par cent.
deduetlorr for benefit Toad and peinssion;
eight hours: one day Off weekly; 14 days
annual lya e; tltrFe-111rarler-pay' *Peen
:til+lt; urtil,crrns supplied. Apply Orderly
Room. 'Police Headquarters, 1'urcnte.
pl ta ira,.a Marra.
\1:1It7I .ALITY CERTAIN—Sweiletr-
bor•g 5 great w ort ort 1leaven anti
hell, acid a rens world bed. (Iver 400
p.+des, only 25e lin. tPait1. If, I3. haw,
4k0 Euclid Ave.. Toronto:
NV-1.NT1;D---Proteose and Poultry of
ail kinds. Write for print=s. Cr0 s,
473 Tto::ton Road, Toronto.
Rural ral Route
if 1111 L 4
3Tascoucht, (2u/rLe. , Oct 1..1, 1910.
The Millard's Liniment 1 o,.k•,
Sire, ----1 fuel that I should 1,e doing a
if 1 neglected to write you. I
have had fear• tumors, growing on my G.
( wrong mgt•
heats for yec+r . I had then, cut „t. by L -iris! Save If our Hair 4,
,•urFeott abota fifteen *cora won, buts
9740 tht�'t rFca Tin tits aa,out three tot rrthsi Make It Abun
No. 9i• 0-7alisses' Dress. rice, ayU 7 :td one till,
re t Le is
lengths my stair .h )ul t l t
P 35
cents. Two style of sleeve; two- a lair tllinihl. ) .h V!;'''1134,1*1t1: t : n t, t n i
• , r ,, parted,
and it was
piece shot in Lao egg 13 - Rttitrg-h: +n:.t
lining; with or without two-piece rt wt -' :t l.;t..,., tt .tuirY t" ort r`,Z. •
Lohse. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 year.. iia rot t ise t ate, 7 get a bottle t your
s t gots, .r i u3 pus r;' ton
Size 10, with tunic, ,tee yds. 40 Mei the i1.iD•"+1 D ,• ..1 lc1 tLL3t:U3� �� eves I tvried i
+r cx rc.tl two months,
-milt tunic, ?73 yds. "10 ins. wide, Oi mot. d -all leve-,, 01 let , tt ,
2' yds. I:4 ins. wide. -"idth, 1 y it n )t t i tt otic. 1:+,t been cu ` irtte••n l
aFo no nut !,, wtruld br felt. !
ytl; I start not been risked for this testimonial
and .1..°u can us')it uti you coq tit
This pattern limy etc, obtained from(Signed) lit 1, c 1 lit>I t' �.
your local McCall dealer, or from the r.s.--1 •int a Porges, .nal intetia t >irta•
McCa11 Co., 79 Bond St., Toronto. iii :+linard's i.inirnent ,.0 m� mare fcm a
Dept. W. strained tendon, and ani laming for sante
resales. FILED C. P.
wide, or 3:1;$ yds. 54 ins. wide; with- ;� iii esti l esnit ti :r a Itt h t .. enol el t
Irish name are properly pronounced
with the accent on t Ie second syllable;
not "COW -an" and "Co -hag," but
cow -AN" and "co-HAN," though
common usage is rapidly changing
and making the former correct.
Virtually all Irish family names ' •
Variations—Macaulay, MacAulay,
Lallei their origin in given names, deMacAuliff, MeAwley, AlacGawley, Ma-
cepin cases where -overlords, under r pauly, McCawley, McCaulay, Wythe,
English rule., have adopted as their ,lZ
fancily names the names of the plaees
over, which they held hereditary
swag; but even here the names trace
back ultimately to given names in
most cases, for even the Irish geo-
graphical names trace back in almost
overwhelming; number's to the names
of persons.
In this the nomenclature of Ire -
i e au ea.
Racial Origin Irish, also Scottish.
Source—A given name.
As a rule the variations Macaulay,
RTtteAulay and MacAutiff trace tack
to Scottish sources, and the rest., for
the most part, are Irish. As a matter
of fact, there is little difference be-
tween the speech of the Irish, par-
ticularly in the north of Ireland, and
Salida Tea Reduced 15 Cents the sootdeposit
a Pound
•cverse of nearly i - Gaels
land is virtually the t . the Highland Scots. Both are c
all other stations. races. The peoples now constituting
But in the translation of the Kava- the Highland clans for the most part
nabs group of family names ,into lie crossed over to "Alba," as Scotland
English tongue and spelling a m then was called, from Ireland, about
unusual number of variations has de- the second century, A.D.
?eloped from the original form, which The correct Irish form of the lam-
year oil osiers .' e 13 �..�
per square mile in Lomion was 100 Immediately after a ' il.nderine"
massage, your hair takes 011 n e, eife,
lustre and wondrous beauty. ap_iear
ing twice as heavy end plentiful, be-
cause tach Hair seems to fluff and:
thicken. Don't let your hair stay life-
less, colorless, plaid or scraggly. You;.
to.), want 10in of long, Sts "3L ', biasses+
ful hair.
25 . cnt bottle of delightful Dan-
(Refir.e freshens your scala ,l _eks
dandruff and falling hair. This utility
lating "beauty `c iC" g,:ve: to thin,
dull, fading beir that youthfee bright•
ness and abundant thicl;i:e:,t—AU
Every effort le being made to supply tons.
the retail dealers with Brown Label
"SALADA" at the reduced price of
55 cents per pound. However, it will -
take 50111e little tilil•' before all have
it in stock, in seite of e, eeey exertion
on the part of the Coml,any, as they
have tens of thou Inds of c ut Olsen.
throughout t 1111 Li ,cogs the Atlauti.•
t0 the Pacific.
and pickerel. was "0'Caomhain," 71110 "ill'' in this
The Value of Restocking. instance, as is often the case in Irish,
The surce: e of fish culture in Can- lhaviug a "v" sound as the result of
ada speaks for itself. Fishermen of
the Great Lakes admit that but for
the Government's restocking activities,
• many of them would have had to
abandon their calling. The increased
value of leases of salmon streams in
New I3runswicik and other provinces
are other silent witnesses.
The manner in which. the British
Columbia salmon fisheries withstand
their heavy annual toll is still further
testimony. Amongst the latest ex-
amples of the success of these opera-
' tions are the Petitcodiac river in New
Brunswick and Hicks lake in British
Columbia. The Petitcodiac river was
practically depleted of salmon. It has
been stocked with fry each year since
1913. As a result, this year;-fssllere
men state that the river appeared to
be full of salmon. Hicks lake was
stocked. with whitefish in 1913, the
species not being previously found in
the province. At a test, towards the
end of 1919, with a small piece of net,,
eighteen fine whitefish, varying from
18 to 21 inches in length, and weigh-
ing from 2 to 4% pounds, were taken.
Her Own Way.
Eleanor, aged eight, was enjoying
a good cry, when her aunt came in,
"I wouldn't cry like that," said the
aunt to her, "if I were you."
"Well, auntie," said Eleanor, be-
tween sobs, "'ou can cry any wily yotl
like, but this is lay way." -
the inflections peculiar to that lan-
The given name from which it is
developed by the use of "o," meaning
"descendants of" is "Caonlhan,"
which means "a noble one."
Under certain inflectional influ-
ences the "h" predominated, which
explains such forms of the name as
Cowan, which, if analyzed, would
have sa pronunciation something like
"kah•o-han," easily shortened into
"Cow -an" and Collan., Cohen, Cuan
and Coen, which most not be confused
with the Jewish family barge Cohen.
All of these two -syllable forms of the
Soothes tired nerves.
For restful sleep at
night apply
on the forehead and back of neck,
$1.60 ar tube.
eserrAgentg or Dr. Jules 11on2u4
ily name from which this rather long
list of variations has developed is
"MacAmhailaoibb," but the Irish pro- each bottle. You most say "Cali
nunciation of that is Much closer to iornia."
' iMcCawiey" than one would suppose. -
The given name from which "Mac-
A.mhaila:oibh" Its derived is "Amhail
gadh," compounded by two words,
"anlllai]" and "gad," meaning "like a
wythe" (that is, a form of twisted
osier"), which explains wily the name
is spnletimes met with Anglicized
,into Wythe.
There are English authorities who
suggest that the Scottish forin, Mac-
Auliff, is a development of the 'Scan-
dinavian name "Olaf." It is possible,
but not likely. It would be probable
if the name were English. But Gaelic
names are more likely to trace back
to single than to many sources, and
Mlle final "bh" of `l MacAluleailaoibh'•'
muig^lit easily, and naturally become it
"if" on translation into English.
In Ireland this name is most corn -
Mon in Munster, Cork and in what
was the. aneient. royal province of
Meath. •
Aids to Travellers.
an the back of a hair bra h intend-
ed for travellera is a mDirrpt', which
can be removed fur nst while a comb
slides into a re t ss.; bon calif the
tdlnard's Liniment i?elieves Distemper
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Stop that pain!
Q�•<,7ITICIC, warming, soothing cornfortinz
' relief follows an application of Sloan's
Liniment. Juat slap the strained.
overworked muscle. Gooi forrheumatism,
too. Penetrates without ruibrns,. -
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
canis—,look for the name California on
tho package, then you aro sure your
child Is having tips best and most
harmless physic for the little stow•
ach, liver and bowels. Children love'
its fruity taste. : nil directions on
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
During the epidemic of 1918 ten
persons died of influenza in the United
States for every 1ti'fo the American
Expeditionary Force lost in battle in
1l11nnrd'a Liniment. scot, Dandruff.
AELI:'rSTRY 771 474
PRICE 25;'
A Quick belief
for Headache
A headache is frequently causer!
by badly digested food; the gases
and acids resulting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turd irritates the nerves and
caueeet painful symptoms called
LtI:teadache. neuralgia, rheuma-
iszn, ere. 15 to 30 drops of
Mother Seigel's Syrup will correct
digestion anti afford ;relief.
,annz+a.'GillfaRMIL ICKLuwuneratbalt HtfrW„O,aSm'
SiNCE 1870'
0 -,143
1881.E No, 49—'20.
'They Work wilio you Sleep'
"M1 Shot to pieces"? You are soil-
lious, constipated! You feel ht Ddiic!1y,
full of cold dizzy. unstrung. g. 'l nr
ltst'ais don't fit - breath is bad. 't'
sallow. Tale (a :.';trots to -night for
your liver and bowels and wake up
clear, energetic and cheerful. No
griping.—no inconvenience. Children
love Casco rets too. 10, 2,, 90 cents.ONLY TABLETS
On Body and Faeo. Red and Itchy,
Cried For Hours. Lasted aYears
"A rash started all over my tittle
girl's body, and she had some en her
face. It started in a pimple
-•t that was full of water, and
it got red and itchy. She
41 cried lex hours. This trouble
J`'?1 lasted a year.
e-• "Thea 1 etertedwith afree
^�" eampie. ei Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I bought mere, and
1 used foot cakes of soap and three
bones of Olin -mem which healed her."
(Signed) Mrs. Dora Lengly, 1032
Gertrude St., Verdun, Que., August
11, 1918.
The Ctuticura Toilet Trio
Consisting of Soap. Ointment and
Talcum is an indispensable adjunct
of the daily toilet in maintaining
skin purity and skin health.
Soap 25c, O'.atment 25 and SCc. 5'.4d
throughoutthel.'a:tti:sann. Caoadi-eDepot:
I f mos_(; s, Limited. St. fans Si., Montraai,
gait uticura Secp tkaves r;;@baste mcol.
A.roe..: 's Piareer Dob IL:medics
Book en
n r i
ro3NV to ,. eed
.Haled •Leto tiny:a-
dress ay tri Author.
77. Clay fY=or Cc,. Inc.
1 4 w rest l'netsT.: S.SStreet
A C 'i QED
"Bra" ARE ASPIRiii
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cress
••"'t l�yir. V•1,)
Headache. Neural-cka;e which contains complete die
,lop' Colds, Pain,youytt
gut, Toothache, Earache, and T4or`rections. Tiion"re genuine
Asoiring re l
lltheuutatislu, Lumbago, Sciatica, lieu f Aspirin the r, p
ritis, take Aspirin markets evitlr the' eeribell by physicians for over nine.
tame "Bayer" or you are not taking te.eBll,Qryears.
dy tin Nowoxes sad iningCnada.
Aspirin at all. �ccept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost belt a few cents, l:7ruggiate
Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger `Bayer"packages.
There is only one Aspirin.• -' ay01 "-"You. must say "Bayer
Aspirin to the trade mark <registeroli
' Canada)
en )*flealrManufacture f Mono...scetterande of FanCt1fl,flt Ito means Bayer
manufoeture, to as1at he put1+e
t+6-ttuA futitntions, the Tablets of 33034r [Urplyanl+
sill be stamped with their seut+101 iratle uuarlc, tete 1130Ter 'Cross*"