HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-09, Page 6CANADA'S YOUTH
Permanent Residence for Stu-
dents to be Erected as a
War Memorial.
The bond forged between France
and Canada in the dark days of the
war Is to be further strengthened by
the continuone movement to Franco
of Canadian students who will study}
fn Paris after graduating in Caned
Through action taken by the varix
provincial legislatures, Canadia
graduates, who desire to do o, no
have the opportunity of taking pos
graduate courses in France.
The idea was first promulgated,
. about a year ago, by the Hon. Phi1-
lippe Roy, Commissioner for Cana
in France, and met with the approb
tion of the various Canadian province
Since February last, the provinces of
Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia,
A.lbeeta. and Saskatchewan have en.
acted legislation dealing with the pro-
posal which provides for a permanent
annual appropriation of $6,000 to cov-
er five yearly scholarships of 1,200
etch. So far, five students have left
for Paris from tate province of Quebec,
one from Ontario and one from Sas-
katchewan, The courses cover a wid
variety of subjects and are not cone
ed to art or literature but tnclud
forestry and agriculture.
Canadian War Memorial in France,
A. complimentary project, thus far
only projected. brought the Hon. Phil-
ippe Roy to Canada again recently,
This embraces the erectiou in Paris, as
a war memorial to Canadians who fe
in France, of an edifice to be know
as "La Matson des Etudiants Ca
adients. as a permanent residence fo
fifty scholarship students from Can
BalaSuch a residence, It is claimed
epart from its sentimental interest, i
a necessity for the entire success o
the scheme, as the $1,200 allotted t
F:tclt student barely covers the re
quireinents. The project has been re
volved enthusiastically ire Paris an
the Government of France has donate
a suitable site for the building. A
influential committee, to further it
general aims, has been formed, inched
Ing Marshal Foch, Ex -President Poin
rare, the Minister of Education and.
fine Arts, and a host of renowned
iitterateurs and savants. A ladies'
auxiliary of high distinction has also
been cbosen.
Cost Will Be 'Half a Mililon.
This memorial, it. is estimated, wit
cost $500,000 and is the most adequat
kind of monument to the heroism o
those Canadian.; buried in France. 0
the sunt rr.•tttifl• d $0!,000 tae already
Det:n rsisrel by the Canadian colony
M Pens, end the. remainder could no
theibt easily be collected in Canada
from its wealthy men. This ,however
It. is thought, would deprive the pro
lect of its national character, and it
,s intended to secure a large number
of small subscriptions instead of a
comparatively `mall number of large
Through the srhoois of the country
;it is intended to take up small sub-
.aeriptions, thus representing in the
:most effective manner the entire Can-
adian populace. The site having been
do generously donated by the French
Government, the earning out of the
project becomes a debt of honor, even
had incentive and encouragement been
People who live itt rural districts
in Canada have many problems t
face. There is much sympathy to b
felt for the hundreds of famine
yearly who leave the farm and corn
to seek the more congenial, comfort
able life or the city. Country life in
Canada does not: offer many attrac
tions to people of other countries on
account of the shortage of domesti
servants, which makes life on Cana
dian farms a lona• continuous drudg
be prepared, not only for' the family,
o l;ut also for hired Hien working on
the farm. Meanwhile, the children,
e if there are any, have to look after
s themselves as best they can. A rem -
e eery must be found fcr this state of
- affairs if at all possible. The welfare
of the future generation demands -it.
As a beginning there should be a
building expert available whose ad-
o 'dee could be sought by all dwellers
- en farms, in backwoods, lumber
camps etc, Ono of the principal
a. ery for both men and women. -Not-
es only the scarcity of farm and domes -
a tic help is a serious problem, but the
w lack of conveniences in the home
t- makes matters worse, and brings ex-
tra toil to the woman in the house.
In the case of a family where there
are young children, one can readily st
Cana( see what a menace this ate of things
a- is to child welfare, and yet the up -
o• bringing of healthy children is one of
the most important features of fam-
ily life wherever one's lot may be
Of course among the better class
of country and farm houses many
necessary conveniences are now in-
stalled. But in those houses where
the people are of the settler class
and struggling to get their finances
on a firm footing, there are often
e just the bare necessities of life. The
n- homes of these settlers are now scat
e tared all over the country, and since
the war their numbers have increased
rapidly an aro still increasing as
the land settlement schemes of the
Government are getting materialized.
Most of these families are of good
sturdy British stock and the very
11 kind of settlers this country needs.
n It is the duty of the Government to
n- do everything in their power to main -
✓ tain the health and efficiency of these
- pioneers, and the most efrectii e way
, seems to be through the Maternal and
s Child Welfare Clinics that are being
f demonstrated all over the province.
o These clinics will be in charge of
- trained nurses working in conjunction
- with doctors who will endeavor to
d rectify many of the physical defects
d of childhood that without this super-
n • vision would likely become more
s marked, and result in the child be-
- corning physically defective all
- through life. With the aid of a big
motor truck fitted up With all the re-
qu irenlents of a clinic room, a special-
ist in children's diseases, assisted by
a nurse, will vie t every part of the
In another article I will describe in
1 more detail the work that this travel-
s. ling clinic will do, and how important
f it is in the great efforts now being
f ' made in the interests of Child Wel-
-1 1 fare. In tate meantime, however,
I seine means must be suggested to re -
i lieve the mother from the drudgery
of housework, and allow her time to
. ! look after the health of her children
and their physical development.. Even
, infant feeding—the most important
!thing to be attended to in the first
few months of life—is not carried
prat scientifically in the case of bottle-
fed babies. The mothers often do not
know how to feed the child, and when
I they have some scientific knowledge,
i there is little time to put it into .prac-
tice on ac:cunt of the round of duties
from dawn till dusk. Some women
even start the early morning work by
t bringing in the cows and milking
' them, after which breakfast has to
duties of this official would be to
advise and supervise as regards the
arrangement of the kitchen, pantry,
etc. At present there is a lack of
method in the arrangement of the
cooking stove, kitchen table, sink,
pantry, cupboards, etc. Itt her daily
round of work the woman of the house
could be saved a lot of useless walk-
ing about if the various features of
the kitchen were arranged in such
juxtaposition that, for instance, she
could get ,from the baking table to
the stove with the fewest number of
steps, and that the pantry where the
baking materials are kept is conveni-
ent to the table, and that the sink is
so situated that the dishes can be ,con-
veniently got to it from the table
when the meal is finished. Moreover,
the height of the table and sink should
be carefully adjusted. A working
surface that is too low or too high
eauses unnecessary fatigue. In the
baking of such a comparatively sim-
ple thing as a pie, a methodical ar-
rangement of the kitchen furniture
can cut in half the number of steps
the woman has ordinarily to take for
the task. Having shelves .near the
stove, for instance, is even more con-
venient than having a large-sized
pantry. One would hardly believe
;offhand that the contrast in t'wo
kitchens should be so marked, and
yet I have ,seen one arranged hodge-
podge and the other methodically.
The lessened amount of work that
has to be done in the latter case is
The question of electric power is as
important to rural Canada as sun-
shine is to growing flowers. The cant-
fort and convenience of an electric
supply to farm houses in the country,
in mining camps, etc., cannot be over-
estimated. Could such a boon be
brought about it would revo3utioni
country life all over this great Do-
minion. If a competent League of
Nations can be formulated to take
care of intexnationaa affairs and al-
low nations to utilize the enormous
grants formerly used for offensive
and defensive purposes, in bringing
the products of science and civiliza-
tion within reach of the people of this
and other cottiitries, the war will not
have been fought in vain. An oil
engine and dynamo supplied at cost
by the Government and installed to
every outlying settlement would be
an incalculable boon. The money
necessary for this engine and dyna-
mo could be advanced to settlers on
terms similar to those an which the
grants for clearing the land, farm
implements, etc., are now advanced.
In any case the serious problems
that confront the dwellers in the
country roust be tackled scientifical-
ly, or the rural population will con-
tinue flocking to our already over-
crowded cities. No greater or more
important task confronts the Govern-.
ment to -day.
lacking. What could be more desir.
able or consoling to the Canadian pea {� NOT'WITHOUT
Q ji
Isle than a memorial to their dead in j 91 i R,�„,,fl,
e land . fought aud d they
f gh died for.
Spilling the Salt.
No one can explain just why the
*pilling of salt should be so terrible a
calamity exceptthat, in the most an-
alent times, the Greeks and Romans
lased salt as one of the principal in-
redients in their propitiatory offer -
jugs to the gods. Its particular power
y in averting their anger. From that
t grew into a symbol of good will
,nr of friendship.
Even to -day the Hebrews observe
lthe custom of dripping the bread
'which they break in token of friend-
ship into the salt -cellar, because the
custom has come down from the days
iof Israel. The origin of our belief in
the evil omen is described by some as
Paving been Leonardo da Vinci's paint -
Ong of. the Last Supi 3r, where Judas•
Is'eariot fa portrayed overturning the
alt cellar, but as a Matter of fact,
l evidence points to the common ob-
aervance of the superstition at the
wince the painting was made.
There is no explanation to be found
}Xor breaking the spell by throwing a.
inch over the left shoulder, as one
oio.:Y see done at aay dinner party.
old folk lore desoribes this custom as
"throwing salt in the face of the
Vevii," It did not beeome current until
e evil of skilled salt had become an
belief, and seems to have been
' dine theti just at a hazard.
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her IittIe ones she would
not be without them. They are the
ideal hone remedy for the baby; being
guaranteed to be absolutely free from
opiates or other harmful drugs, They
are a gentle but thorough laxative and
have been proved of the greatest aid
in cases or constipation, indigestion,
colic, colds and simple fevers, Con-
cerning them Mrs, Ernest Gagne,
Beausejaur, Qtte., writes: "1 have used
Baby's Own Tablets for constipation
and colic and have found them so sue-
cessful that I would not he without
them. I would strongly recommend
every mother to keep a box in the
house." Tho Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Laughter and song
A friend and a smile or two,
Then lonely and long
ilard pull fol' a mile or two.
Danger and fear
The despair and the doubt of it,
Then the skies clear
And the- glad coming out of it!
Meet what you must
As a man, as a friend.
Be strong and. be just
Joy shall come in the end.
How a Zealous Student of
Scientific Farming Won For-
tune in Saskatchewan.
Just how profitable careful, system-
atic farming can be made in Western
Canada is instanced in the sueeess of
a disciple of Seager Wheeler, the
wheat wizard of world renown, who
has carefully followed in the footsteps
of his model until, as a result of thio
year's crop, he finds himself in a po-
sition to retire, make a world tour, and
settle with his family at Nice, South.
errs, France.
Conning from across the line, Wil-
liam Hopkins eominenced farming at
Kinhop, an elevator siding in Saskat-
chewan, on the Goose Lake line, in
1906, and, in the course of his opera.
tions, acquired 1,760 acres aviiich he
cultivated, summer fallowing 500 acres
eacb. summer, It speaks well for the
country that in all these years he
never experienced a crop failure, and
in the only poor year recorded, that
of 1910, the yield of the •form cleared
411 -
ll exitenses.•
The Prem ler Producing Seed,
'Three years ago Mr. 7lopkiris, a
zealous student of selentidc farming
and a stern advocate of selective seed, -
purchased Iced Boas seed from Seager,
Wheeler, paying $82,50 per bushel for
It, A year later be bought a supply
of the Kitchener strain from the same
source at $10 per bushel. Mr. Wheel-
er's wheat, it niay be stated, is the
Premier producing sped of the world,
having secured from his farm at Ros-
t.hern, Sask., several international
world's prizes and achieving a world's
record yield of 82 bushels per acre.
Results in BIT. Hopkins' case cer-
tainly justified the expenditure, and'
the fine typo of crops 'produced pre-
viously were considerably enhanced
by the plump heavy fiends which
weighed over 65 pounds to the bushel.
This year, the crop consisted of 50
acres of Red 13ohs whicb yielded 45
bushels to the acre and 430 acres of
Kitchener which returned 40. bushels
from every acre. In contrast, 480 acres
seeded to Marquis, which owing to
circumstances it was found necessary
to stuble in,, gave a yield of 15 bushels
to the acre.
Now Independent for Life.
This year, after threshing, having
operated his land for fifteen years, Mr.
Hopkins sold out to George Leonard,
who had managed it for him for a
number of year. The price of exchange
was $80 per acre, or a total of $140,800.
His fifteen years' work has given him
independence as well es a profitable
income yearly. Toil for him and his
family is over. This fall Mr. Hopkins
and his family started out on a tour
of Canada and the 'United States, the
Mediterranean and other lands, and
then, will settle at the beautiful gar-
den of the Riviera.
Tell the Story of Watery Blood—
How to Regain a Good Color
and Health.
To be run down in health and to
lose their attractiveness is the double
Misfortune of many young girls. Their
pallid cheeks and dull eyes tell every-
one that they are doomed to days of
wretched headaches and are victims
of breathlessness and bloodlessness.
The •anaemicgirl, if she neglects her
health, may be a sufferer all her life;
for an`active Happy woman cannot be
developed out of a bloodless, consump-
tive looking girl, without the help of
new, rich, red blood.
Pale, weak girls should take heed,
Bloodlessness must not be neglected.
Plenty of good air, a nourishing diet
and rest will help you, but the cure
you need most promptly is new blood.
Good new blood in abundance, such
as makes all the difference between.
sound health and poor health to girls
and women, is supplied by Dr. Wil-
liams Pink Pills. Their one mission
is to make new blood which reaches
every orgau and every nerve in the
body, bringing to anaemic girls and
women new color, bright eyes, an
elastic step and a feeling of joy in
living. The value of Dr, Williams
Pink Pills to young girls is shown by
the cure of Miss Bessie Clarke, R.R.
No. 1, Stevensville, Ont., who says:
"Two, -,years ago, while studying for
the entrance examination, my health
broke down and I fell away to a mere
shadow of my former self. When the
day for the examinations carie, I
should have been in bed instead of
trying them, but I went on with the
'work and when through was almost
on the verge of collapse. I thought
then that a rest would help me, but I
did not regain my strength. Then
my mother was advised to have me
try Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after
taking them for about a month I found
myself restored to health, with good
color and a change for the better,
which people who knew me readily
noticecl. I am very thankful for what
Dr. Williams Pink Pills did for me,
and hope my experience will benefit
some other weak girl."
'You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mats, postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or
six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr,
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
Robin Redbreast.
Sheila had just gone downto the
country with her mother,
it was the first time in iter life she
had been, out of dull, drab, dreary
Directly after breakfast she climb-
ed down from her chair, and ran out
into the garden.
Presently she cafne flying back
again, bubbling all over with excite -
"Olt inunimy—mummy!" she cried.
"'Do come and look!"
"What is it, in dear?" asked mo-
"Oh, mummy, there's a birdie out-
side, and it's got red cheeks right
downs to its knees!"
ANEW BOOK, entitled "Canadian Farm Poultry," has just been
tai published by Macdonald College, Que. The book is well bound,
neatly printed, replete with practical information and is well lilus-
trated. it is the first Canadian Poultry Book to be offereii to the
public, the nominal c hux'ge of 50c being made merely to cover cost
of printing and mailing.
All phases of chicken -raising are discussed, emphasis being laid
upon the development of winteraaying straine of the more popular
commercial breeds. The book should be of timely service to all who
keep chickens, and should in.fluextce the development of the Canadian
poultry industry, which has aseumel a remarkable growth within the
past few years. A copy may be obtained by sending 50c in stamps
or postal note to •..
Magic Carpet of the hive.
Craft which have extraordinary pos-
sibilities as vehicles, in which travel-
lers may journey anywhere and every-
where, on land, on sea, or in the air,
eating and sleeping in their machines,
and being independent of other means
of transport are taking part in the
later stages of the British Air Min-
istry tests at Fctlisstowe.
One such craft experts have called
"the yacht with wheels and wings."
It runs about on land. It navigates
like a yacht on the rurrace of the
water. It rises from land or water and
flies through the air, and it will alight:
again either on land or sea—floating
in from the water and ascending a
beach with all the appearance of some
living thing. This land, sea, and air
craft has a hull of metal alloy, cov-
ered by an outer sheath of mahogany.
Above the hull are the wings which
sustain the. machine when it is in
flight and can be folded hack when not
in use. Below the hull, dropping into
position by the movement of a lever,
is the wheeled chassis on which the
machine manoeuvres when 'it is on
The motors in the engine room, op-
erating two big alr-screws which move
the machine across land or water, and
also when in the air, are in charge of
Future of Peace River Valley.
Agnes C. Laut, known as an author
of books dealing with the pioneer his-
tory and development of. western Can-
anada, has returned from an extended
trip in .the Peace River Valley.
"This north country," said Miss
Laut, "will some day be one of the
garden spots of 'Canada. It is settling
slowly. That is due to the home -
seekers' dread of cold. But it is a
delightful place to live. In summer
its lush wild meadows and riotous
abundance of wild flowers suggest the
tropics. In winter its climate is
tempered by- chinook winds. Wheat
yields thirty and forty bushels to the
acre. Its vegetables are wonderful.
a mechanist who fs idle to carry out
any minor udjustxnento wbich may be-
come necessary while the machine is
io trtn,.it. From the pilot's cabin
above the engine room there is a sig-
nalling system which enables him to
control the running of the engines.
For passengers there are two cabins,
one forward and the other aft. The
former can be used as an observation
car, from which the panorama of earth,
shy, and sea may be viewed in cam -
fort. - The aft cabin is luxuriously
equipped as a living room, and can
be converted into sleeping quarters,
Further aft there is sleeping- a.ccommo.
dation for the small crew of the "am-
phibian". -as such erect are known,
technically. -
Tho owner of one of these wonder
ful machines may Imo it, stty, r an
urgent business trip from L.oneionfoto
Glasgow. It move's through the air
faster than ail express train. CIe might
embark on a pleasure trip to the
Channel Islands, passing with tmpun.
ity over the sea, and. actually alight
lug and manoeuvring on the water; at
he might make a long flight some
where overland in order to reach and
explore an inland lake or sea.
Here at last, we have the "magic
carpet" in the guise of an as,temblam
of wings, wheels, and motor.;.
Live stock pasture outdoors all winter,
"It is 000 miles loug by 200 wide,
an .area equat to that of Texas, Kan.
sas, Iowa and Missouri combined,
which support a- population larger
than that of all Canada. The Cauadian
Pacific Railway recently took over the
line that is the market outlet of the
country end will .have it rehabilitated
Say next Summer. 'Then this riot 'agri-
cultural and live stock region, I pre-
diet, will eater upon an era of rapid
and remarkable development."
Ireland is more than twice the size
of Denmark and Switzerland together,
and almost. a third larger than Hol-
land and Belgium combined.
The Profitable Skunk.
The advantages of the artificial praotically omnivorous, devouring
raising of the fox, beaver, and mask- large quantities of insects including
rat, specifically, have been often point- grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and
ed out, and here it is proposed to de- caterpillars. In captivity, its feeding
vote a few words to that much abused.
animal, the skunk, The fact that the
animal is to be found in practically
every part of the American oontinent.
is very economical, tate diet consisting
of meat, fish, cooked cereals, vege.
tables andntilk. The food problem is
most easily solved whore the ranch 's
and that the pelt has sold as high as established within reach of a heti .
ten dollars, is sufficient to attract the. The eontents of the daily garbage can
attention of fur fanners and induce a will feed a considerable cumber.
study into l.he feasibility and advan- The skunk multiplies rapidly with
tagee of the industry. litters of from six to twelve, the per -
Many years ago Ernest Thompson sod of . gestation being . eight weeks.
Seton, the well known nature writer Desceuting may be performed when
auct naturalist to the Manitoba Govern- the animals are flvo weeks old and all
meat, advocated a more extensive arti- possibility 01 future nuisance may be
ficial propagation of the skunk, and eliminated, but in domestic raising
himself operated a most successful this is net really necessary, contrary
ranch of this kind, Because, largely to general belief, as the animals be-
ef a prejudice against the little animal conte remarkably tame and friendly
and its method of defence, skunk with those handling them and novel'
fanning has never been firmly estab- bring into play the powerful weapon
lisheel in Canada as .ail industry, al- nature has given them except when
though the advantages and possibill- badly frightened by saane intruder.
ties are obviously ,so great. Success• Skunk ranching could be succesa-
on other parts of the -American con- fully carrion on in practically everytinent and elsewhere have demonalrat- section of Canada, for the animal i�'
ed the feasibility of establishing the indigenous to every part anti mill'
find his natural conditions wherever
e farm a -as located, In wire enclosed;
The Skunk is widely found over the peas of suitable land the animals will
Canadian Dominion in every corner make their own burrows and dens and
and nook where it can find food suited need little attention beyond feeding.
to Its needs; and notwithstanding the The demand for pelts is steady and
fact that it is persistently hunted, gemerai, and the nigh prices prevailing
trapped and worried by dogs, it con- daring the past few years snake skunk
Unites to thrive and multiply in close ranches very profitable concerns and
proximity to settlements. The mantel augur a successful future far any de-
is neither timid nor vicious and is velopnnent along these lines.
industry firmly and' profitably in the