HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-09, Page 5OniggarMERM BUSINESS "CARDS PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Fou d, Notice, Etc Ads IN THIS COLUMN iE''£tOuoT cyr,1:;.f LI,Olt,AN, Fe COOTaE, Bartiecers, Sc,licatore, NotarieF o Pablipe . Office, on the Square, 2ntl door 'from YLineitnn St. Uoclerloh, Pt.vate funds bo loon at lowest rates Sri^. FEennI roOT; K. J. L. IS.1L ORA>,, i� Ct,oB '3r. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. • ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missianer, Conveyancing, Vire and Lafe Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust ,Co, Herald Office, Zurich. .Dr.EN S. Hares. ,e DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY t A. .WOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OPrICu -- HEN ALL. OSCAR HLOPP Licensed Auctioneerfor the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- •ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed uaranteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0• Phone 18-93 Licensed hammer I hive taken out Aucnty tioneer's License for the o tion to conduct And am in a p Give kind of Auction Sale. met a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no ocharge AArthur Weber, Phone 31 r 13, Zurich Meet MARKET. , Fresh and Salt Meats ts Bologna Saueages, Highest. Cash Price for Wool] 5 CASH FOR SKINS & 1;11)ES LOCAL Wsl Miss Isla 'Brill 'was a vistoir to London for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. N, A. Cantin of St. Joseph are spending the STRAYED week at Toronto. A yearling Steer with a bole punched in one ear. Finder re- warded by leaving information at er eastern points, has returned to this office or with Roy E. 13atz, her home. Dashwood, R.R.2 Miss ."Lillian Pollock of Grand T _ FOR SALE Bend will render several solos in d. G_ horse power United engine for the Evangelical church on Sun - sale L. A. Prang, Zurich. 22 day evening. Mrs. Wm. l(lopp, who spent some time visiting at Stratford and oth- ____ _ --------- 'Messrs. Denomy Frac. ore 1;o d ng FOR SALE an 9 -day sale, of Gents' furnish'ngs Gilt Edge Peninsular range, near- etc., beginning next Thursday. This ly new, for wood or coal, apply to (will be an opportunity for real. G. Holtzman, Zurich. 23 I bargains. --- i Next Wednesday, Dec. 15th is. FOR SALE Next last sittings of the Hay Council; Two only, new hand made sleighs for 1920. All parties having any will sell at below present wholesa'te business with the township should. price. L. PRANG, I come and adjust same on that -� '� •- ' date. STRAYED From my premises, Bronson Line, a yearling steer with horns, red and some white. Finder please e0 notify John (Eckstein. NOTICE As I have recently purchased the lie ery business, I 'wish to inform the public that I are in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing ting line GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. 613 I-IENSALL G T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS • MORNING Stage 'leave (Zurich 7.00 a.m. .00 am. South, No.• 162 _.. --- a. m. a.m. North, 'No.' 163 ... ... .AFTERNOON Stage leave ,Zurich 3.00 pen. 4.50 p. m. South, No. 161 .-- •-- -- North, No. 165 _.. ... 6.14 p.m. LIVE POU LT WANTED FOR SALE A fine young Durham cow 5 -yrs. to freshen in middle of December. Apply at Herald Office. 19 NOTICE. All accounts are made out. Will be pleased to have you call for same. F. Thiel, Zurich. • 'Taken every day till 3 °clock pan. Do not feed fowl .same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices ._..—CASH FOR -- Cream and- Eggs Mrs. 'Wertz, of Pigeon, Mich.,who had been visiting relatives here for. some tale, returned to her home last Friday. .She was accompan- ied byhermother, Mrs. J. Melick, of Hensall. ; . Mr. • James McBride of Stanley Township has purchased the 150 - acre farm that he has had rented for some years, from the estate of his father,. the late Samuel Mc- Bride. Full possession given next spring. rM. and Mrs. Ed. Wurm, who re- sided the past summer at Cred- N 'ton, have moved to Zurich, and I have a large quantity of good dente of Mr. G. Holtzman. We addition to those inhertied from t building stone for 'sale at the St. welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wurm back the mothers. Nearly- all of the Joseph Blocks. • 'Sett to the village. young men are li ve sportsmen and ALEN. FOSTER, Zurich. Although there was no change make the best of guides as the in the wholesale quotations of sug :mace of lakes and streams is ar, a record low retail price has 'like an open book to them. been set by one store in Ottawa, The following day was the one which is offering sugar at 13 pou toward which we had been looking 1 - unds for a dollar ,or less than Se ,as our real holiday of the trip. a pound. This is the lowest that Two young men kindly volunteer this commodity has reached for ed to act as guides and it was. more than two years. It is but still quite early when the first one an isolated case, however, the :was on the scene, getting ready a preiarling price in the grocery st- canoe and making it water tight ores being 13c and 14c. ;for part of the outing party which consisted of see, including the two FOR SALE guidee and the spiritual shepherd of the settlement. With a party FOR SALE Debentures amounting to $461.20 like this we never even thought of•. Some young fresh cows. As I of the Hay Municipal Telephone danger or mishaps. We got out em overstocked with cattle, I have System, covering a period of ten our -fishing tackle but were offer - decided to sell these choice cows years.and bearing interest at 534 ;e_1 much heavier lines and large for immediate !sale. t23 ; per cent. per annum. For perttc trolls and were. told that it, was ' " J. Hey,'"jr. Zurich. • e t • •ulars apply -to J. preeter, Zurich, rislcin` thea oss of our entire tack- le if one of the finny monsters fan- cied to swallow our bait. We in- quired about streams and lakes noted for trout and were informed that trout were the only fish their waters did not contaili. In this part of Ontario where can cent 'n can travel scores of miles on the series of lakes, rivers and creeks in various. directions, row - 'boats are too cumbersome to be in common use on account of a number of partages and rapids. where the canoe must be carried. Poterboro's canoes, so famous all over - Canada, are the favourite ()nee. They are very easily han- dle; by the experitenced paddler and just as easily upset by the novice \Shia must, at first, keep' OTICE are occupying rooms in the resi- P • �+ A Te, t � 4t'd [1 e Highlands of Ontario Sunday was spent :quiet,/ in at- tending church ser\„lees and re- sponding to a 'welcome invitatoin from the superintendant of the Sunday ,School to spend the aft- ernoon at his,,home, The services much resembled the I wars accos tomed to, because the pastor, who delivered' the messages was one of our party. It was a singular ex- perience to heareyour own pastor behind the pulpit, hundreds of miles .from home, amid entirely new surroundings. A. part of the not far distant primeval forest almost peeped through the win- dows, and I could'nt help think- ing of St. John, the Baptist, who style dhimself, "a voice in the wil- deeness.' ' But there were no Pharisees among the worshipers if appearances are ever to be trus- ted. r; Arnstein Settlement, inclduing Arnstein proper whihc boasts of two general stores and perhaps a dozen houses, consists of about twenty-five families. Between services we had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with some of the people. It is doubtful whe- ther %another settlement similar to this one can be found in Canada. With a few exceptions, the male heads of the settlers families are pure-blooded ;Italians ,while their wives • are German. The good women must have had their own way for all can speak the mother tongue and the younger generat- ion outgrew the short and stocky build of their fathers, but retained the good qualities of the Italian n STRAYED Unto my premises Lot 16, can 7, Hay; about the middle of Sep- tember, a light roan heifer, yearl- ing. Owner apply to W. C. Pearce, phone 2-82. 20 FOUND • An auto 'tire chain near Blake, on the Town Line. Owner can have\ same at Herald Office by pay, frig for 'this adv. {odfii geek COAL FOR SALE Part car of first-class hard coal suitable for furnace or heater. Apply at %once to Carlin Bros. Hensall. W. O'Brien Thane 94. Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK'A Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the. uncertain and un •settles: condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able' to guarantee deli very or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of delivery. Olir terms are cash on• completion of deliveries. Remember We purchase only Stan -4ard quality. -Us n r !� I n ?1Bone house No. 10, Orrice No, 10. HENSALL ONT, INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- . ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE' CO. Insures your Property without premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid Wet e00 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHrNTNG RODS Treasurer of Hay Township. WHAT SHALL I GIVE?. Why give something perishable for a Christmas present, that can last at most but an hour or a day or a week, when the imperishable is under your hand? And 11, a- mong these imperishables, you chose the Youth's Companion, your gift has this special quality the nevine-is of the gift, its fresh- ness. is not at once exhausted. A jewel, a picture, or a piece of at- tire affords no surprises after ;Isse first inspection, but The Youth's Companion brings unsuspected de- lights and untested sources of pl- easure and happiness with every suc e. d ng weeicl a n'imber. And every\ one in the family, of his weight well at the bottom or every age will see to it that the he'll soon see himself, without war- ning, many feet away from the canoe. , They are -the bucking bronchos of the water anxious to get rid of a green rider'. Built upon the most approved of Indian style of birch bark canoe, they are just as light and much stronger As we intended to visit several lakes, the whole day was to be spent •in fishing and canoeing. The hostess prepared a lunch of such huge dimensions that we couldn't help objecting but she insisted and said that it would look small eno ugh later in the day. When we finally pushed off in the canoes the sun shone bright and promised a warm clay. In viewing the pro- spects for good fishing, the guides shook their heeds, saying "Not -a good day for fishing but people never fish here without getting some," To go. as light as possible on account of the portage to be made, we left our coats behind. Half an hour later I became a- ware that with my coat I left part of my tackle, a favorite bass - fly and some minnows for bait. jt felt as it I was doomed to be the unlucky fisherman for the day and would have felt much more sat isi' eel et the time if the lunch had remained there Instead. (To be continued)' good things are shared. 1. The Youth's ;Companion -- 52 issues in .1921. 2. All the remaining issues of 1920 3. The Companion Honie Calend- ar for 1921. 0 All the above for $2.50. •l. McCall's Magazine for 1921. The monthly- authority on fashions, $L75 a year. Both publications only $3.75. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. a & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at the Herald Office. is first lesson HEN the colt is first tied he tests his strength against that of the Halter. Our Special rt th colt halter will hold him. He will be tied to stay and learn no bad. habits. These halters are made of the choicest materials throughout and may be adjusted readily to take care of growth. It will be a pleasi'e to have you look over our tholes stock of halters and harness. Zikt The "Classic Colt" and Ghe "sturdy' are fas'orites > Batter*. a both F. T1IEL Zurich E. NADIGER r Dashwood COST C.PA EXECUTiVa The Beat Pitid Profession Boot: -keepers wanted Olt," 0,18(` wishing for ad. vant•rntent to qualify a tat. 11a'rne study training, not tnterf •Tin present oct ttpa- th,n 'Booklet free \ Oiled T erti- 5 i 'n,1ie. 1e anntant•; , n,,other ,n t \\ 1t 1- otters sorure o,,,ie i Prruw. Fletcher's Castoria is st:•ictly a remedy for infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared fcr babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups fare not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 yam has not proven. What is CAS Castori a is a harmless subotitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine ncr other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. Fcr more ti- as thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief cf Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a,,, -d by regulating t'2.c Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE STC) A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of hi Use For t r ver 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY a-NimEEEGa:zms.tL,- 77, "cr'reeP MEN 'OM prars I have received a large sllipnel)t of the- celebrated Premier Greamam Separ- ator which 1 will sc�il at pre -advance prices for a short tithe. Special prices for Farmer's `Clubs Agent for Massey -- :orris Im- plements and Repairs 1 used 9-h.p. Loudon Gas Engine at a Snap. I� airbanks & Morse Farm Engines Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere L DRU AB„ CAD 0 Zurich .w ijvr1and F. M. HESS & CO. CD iz+ ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars liatantinffittlrenraMitentetWierralalegaVAIMESISOISMISIIMIESIONNIIIIIIIIIIMIMMOMMINVIM951 Dominion of Cantic.a w Viet s=ry .n ^;. At Market Price and accrued interest, Yield nearly 7 per cent. An absolutely stie investment end a guarauteed interest pay- ment every six months. At present low prices the yield is good. BUY NOW WHILE THE PRICES ARE LOW ORDERS TAKEN BY Andrew F. Zurich ch 41