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Zurich Herald, 1920-12-09, Page 4
Incorporated in 1855 K THE MLO AN ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our 'local Manager. Savings Dep- artments at all Branches. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch DASHWOOD. On Monday evening a gathering of young people of the Evangel - Wednesday evening, Dec. 1st. tical S. S. and others assembled at 1 when Miss Ella Desjardine was un- pile home of Mr. an dMrs. J. Mes- ified in marriage to Mr. Chien True- nuer to extend their best wishes � ited marriage Yager True - •l o their daughter who Was lately inneing• The young couple were iat married to Mr. Ben Price. Upon un - arrival they y« �,_.. evening'sattended. Heartiest eongratul- began the program with an open-air concertations are extended. f'ter Whist yratulations were j Mr. ;E. ;'i'elten of 4lifford is in order. They folle-wed a kit- i.visiting at his home here. The following ecddre i ivad; turned home, Dear Mr, and Mrs. Piiee;• S6' e, the Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Stumpf .of Soldiers of the, ;Crass, and Bethany Waterloo visited at vire home of Sisters ichasses of the SabbathMr. Velton a few days last week; School have availed ourselves of this our earliest opportunity of �'AYBUR•N NIiWS meeting you in your home and of extending to you both our un- ited congratulations and best v{ ish- res for a long and happy and pros- perous voyage through life toge- ther. We rejoice to know that you are not to sever your connections with us but. that you will still con- tinue to cheer your classes by your 'regular attendance which We as- sure you are highly prized. We are aware of the fact that when, a new; home is numbered a- mong the injoined homes of earth a great many odds and ends are necessary, so we have acted ac - 'cord ng1y and have brought along a variety of: such articles which we ack ,you to accept ae a rememb- rance from your class associates. Our icosing wish is that you both may continue to be what you have been—A. real Soldier of the Cross, and a devoted Bethany Sister. Signed in be:half of the classes. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Evangelical parsonage on che'ti shove e ' The rest of the tee.. Miss Elizabeth Wolfe of Crediton r. spent in a Variety of is spending a few days with her after which the ladies sere- brother. games td a daintyPunch. I Mr. H. Tyler of Oshawa has re- ;+ p Mr. G. H. Ball, Mrs. G. H. Ball and Mrs. Sarah Ball of near Aub- urn were week -end visitors Here last wee/,.. Mrs. Nichol of 18th con, ereephen died very suddenly last Thursday evening. The remains were int- erred in Grand Bend cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mrs, Nichol was paparently in good health up to the time of her death. Cause supposed to be heart failure. r141. Nichol and his family have the heart -felt sympathy of the .com- munity in this their hour of sor- row, Owing to the illness to the Gov- ernment appointed lecturer on School Consolidateion, the meeting to be held at Grand Bend in the interest of education, on Dec. 6th. has been postponed till a future date. At the last meeting of the U. F. O. at Grand Bend, A committee was appointed to provide literat- ure and social entertainments for the Club during the winter mon- ths. Members of the Com, ; are Messrs. Wm. Turnbull, T. Love, D. Webb. ,%-g."i + .+ .1....';....g.. '... -14-II44..II'.g'.➢..j 4-14+"- i-- i"i"4,34+' ..g..p ++++.j.++ '.i"s'.Q+I.4 .x. t ..,. Lumber Laths Shingles M Everythingi. in ¢ Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Building Material v Custom Work our Specialty4. t. Always in the marl1et for saw logs L 4. C. XLBFLEISOR -+�- ..„,. .;. ,_, T PHONE 69 ZURICI'� F .4 i.."."4."..."..1...,44.++.+4.4.++÷....+÷.2..÷4...÷÷4444.1„.• • mmasommounIMIN .f� 1 We still handle the old reliable ', . T. • !.stable equipments. jDo not be misled by !inferior goods of this kind. All Govern- s s ment Farm stables are equiped with the cel. icbratod D. T. !We have a vast experience in installing these good b. •• • • PIMPS, ETC. 0 We also carry a complete line of Pumps and Piping, and install and keep in repair all our work 0 0 0 • • • • fl ■ v ',. f• •• • -Z.i.ioh[ 0 •. 0 4)0•••®III•••s9®C5f9®®••■®©s:!®e Ibdr®®®to0®■®®®0M■ettre■6►oai00•.9+ f:.:ot: Givi d In other years Father and each of the children, as well as other members of the family, have given Mother individual Christmas presents. These gifts, especially the children's, have probably been small presents, very likely of perishable nature. While Mother has prized them a11, she has had no big, lasting, handsome token of her family's love and esteem. This Christmas let all the family combine to give Mother one, big, splendid pres- ent that will last a lifetime - 1 ig Thinkof Mother's surprise and delight to find a handsome, new Amberola. Phonograph in the parlor on Christmas morning, with a card saying, "To. Mother, from Dad and the children!" Or perhaps Mother and the chid dren will put their gift -money together to surprise Father in this practical, aensihle way/ Just a little. from every member of the family will bring an Amberola Phonograph into your home on Christmas morning, because as a result of Mr. Edison's expressed wish we can offer you this ideal Family Gift on the easiest possible terms/ Remember—you're not giving an ordinary phonograph—but Edison's New Diamond Amberola, the greatest phonograph value in the world! The Amberola has proved its marked superiority over "talking machines" and ordinary phonographs in numerous public tests. It's a gift worthy of Mother or Father, who deserve the best. And a gift the whole family' will enjoy for years and years' You haven't a minute to lose. Come at once, before our Christmas' stock of Arberolas is exhausted. Select your Amberola and Amberol Records and we'll deliver them to your home before Christmas day. .As to terms, - you'll be surprised how easy we'll make it for you to give Mother or Father this wonderful Christmas present. V�6 W. H. PFILE, ZURICH