HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-02, Page 8• Fall and Winter Goods pr Pk . see our display of Fall goods. Our `:'.'1',774.310119=1 Stocks are,,now almost complete:in all Lines Ladies' Wear A 3plendid rariga of Ladiel CO- atinp on hiura in Velours, fine Chinchilla Cloth, Etc. New Silks, Fine Botany Serges, All -wool Plaid Skirtings, Velvets and Velveteens, :Underwear, Swe- ater coats in Newest Styles. A few Ladies' Coats left which we offering at greatly reduced prices. Come in and see them. illun's Wear • WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL VALUES TO OFFER IN MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, FOR PALL WEAR. NEW HATS AND CAPS, MITTS GLOVES, ETC. ETC. are urich's Garage WE iRE AGENTS FOR Pres b0T - (Itorage attery A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR NO BETTER BATTERY ON THE MARKET WE ALSO STOCK TIRES, TUBES, ACCESSORIES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTIONAND ALSO BATTERY CHARG- ING. FIRST CLASS AUTO REP AIRING.A.NY 'TAKE OF CAR A SPECIALTY IL Flou.sseau PHONE No. 103. Zurich hr I have received a large shipment of' the celebrated Premier Cream Separ- ator which 1 will sell at pre -advance prices for a. short time. Special prices for Farmer's Clubs Agent for Massey -Harris Im- plements and. Repairs 1 used 9-h.p. Loudon Gas Engine at a Snap. Fairbanks & Morse Farm Engines Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J1 B. IRUAR, - Zurich 7,T.,8!-:.-- itt crArStiffiCjo 4(21.4„..:--r_ • AN , „s,,,,-7,-..:, •=11,4, 4-fis:., ,i__: -0 -----act of fasnione --......." CHRIrivikiSlax. ,P. OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS HAVE ARRIVED. WE HAVE A BETTER AND BIGGER ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM THAN EVER BEFORE, AND AT -PRICES THAT ARE WONDERFULLY LOW. , BELOW ARE LISTED A FEW LINES OF THE MANY FROM WHICH YO UCAN MAKE YOUR CHOICE,. DOLLS Little Dolls, Big Dolls, Baby „ Dolls, Prize Dolls, Rubber Dolls, Celluloid Dolls, Etc., ranging in price from 10. cents to $1.25. Also Doll outfits, such as Wash Boards, Clothes Lines, Nursing •Sets', Chairs, Etc. 3 * -,,2 r 4. • '41-. 1N'arrn '''. our tome ,... ;... ÷ IF YOU ENJOY A NICE WARM HOME, TALK THE MATTER ;4. + aa OVE WITH US. • WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE 1.'„ 1., • BEST LINE OP HEATEi S, I'ANGES FOR COAL OR WOOD, 4. .z.i. OIL HEATERS, ETC. . + * * + A• , _ ... i'l''.$"-'r.,...,fflr41,,,,,,,;I÷ i* ;4* WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF 4. ÷ 4, al. THE +CELEBRATED PENIN- + 4. 1 'a -7,s SULAR COOK STOVES TO . + 'fiv,,,7.,,,' -7.4.:.g" i •:.:.A , ?!..i.",) ,,,//).7-- CHOOSE FROM. ALSO SRN"- 4. + 4. .....-. + - + ---1 • a.. ,i , e,A,;:i *:2; '-oi-Zenr!rf z tt 4 1g ',T,' i4# * 4,1* 4 * * * * * * * * + 4 + '4* 4. PREETER BLOCK 4. + TOYS Tea Sets, Drums, Building Blocks, Trumpets, Horse Carts, Guns, Balls, Rattles, Mechanical Toys,Trains Autos, Windmills, Sandy Dicks dr:. ST TONERY Pretty boxes filled with high grade linen paper, plain hwite and colored. Exceptional values at 25. cents to $2.50. Stationery for ordinary and particular rezuire- ments. Give HER a box of our Multi -colored stationery. Ason.,,,v,,,,...,,,,,tozotirmstawymmanancemmozonntptUttrztit, Special AI111011TICernent We are pleased to annouuce that we have added to our line the 'WHITE SEWING MACHINE BOTH WITH ROTARY AND VIBRATING SHUTTLE, WHICH' WE CAN SHOW, YOU IN FIVE BEA.UTIPUL MODELS ON OUR FLOOR. "WHITE' Rotaries don't wear out, they sew faster, run easier, and are absolutely NOISLESS Machinesare marked at one price, to all, which will be Strictly adhered ta. BUT AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO ANY ONE WHO NEEDS A MACHINE, WE ARE GOING TO OPFER THE FIRST FIVE MACHINES AT A HANDSOME REDUCTION OF $10 ON STRICTLY CASE SALE. Don't wait you may be one o.f the Five Lucky ones; as there will absolutely be not more than five sold at this reduction. We will alsosell sewing Machines on weekly payments. WE CARRY IN STOCK ALL STYLES OF NEEDLES, BELTS. THIS ADD. MUST BE PRODUCED TO RECEIVE CASH A -L, LOWANCE OP $10, ON SEWING MACHINES. HONE 63 1/41artattsonest=amossaTsmyarsemmosataarsiosentsess ocactsotstmattruosamasnarmesanammrstannewmosocrmaaamommesone (11717.J Tree Ornaments, Tinsel, Candles, Post Cards, Folders, Books, Seals, Ribbonzene, Crepe Paper, Tissue Paper, Etc. Ete. 0:14 •• OPEN EVENINGS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A speaker from the Educational Department, Toronto, will be present at Grand Bend on Decem- ber 6th, in the evening, to explain the policy of the Government, with regard to consolidated scho- ols and educational problems that are of interest to the public. Tea- chers of the surrounding commun- ity should make special efforts to attend this meeting. There passed away at Norwich on November 20th, Henry Makins it the age of 88 years 40 months and six clays. Deceased had been lsick only a short time and was staying with his son George. The late Mr. Makins was well known in these parts having lin- ea a few years ago with his clan.- ' ERAL OTHER WELL KNOWN 1 MAKES. . . Let Us put in that FURNACE •,T. You have longed for. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. '77•WI-c++? • it* •?'i4:41.,,?*, Pal/HSI/ GA R ANYTHING IN PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, FURNACE RE- PAIRING, .ETC, Also a full line of Robes, Blankets, Halters, Mitts, Gloves, etc. Our Supply of Shelf Ilardwre is always complete. 4 il ZURICH ghter Mrs. John J. Smith. The remains were laid to rest in the Exeter Cemetery. His wife pre- deceased him 16 years ago, and el- se one son, he is survived by 5.;x• on5; Joseph of •Detroit, Ed- mond and John of Powassan, Geo- rg.) o Norwieh, Ben of Exeterf, and 1,evi of Seaforth; and three' daughters; Mrs. Thomas Johns of 1 E'IC.,t97', Mrs. Norman Patterson of Taralon and Mrs. John J. Smith of thii village, basides 43 grand and 13 great grandchildren. The. Winter of trouble is past, The -storm of affliction is o'er. His struggle is ended at last, An rro w and death are no more. THE STRENNGTH OF THE FARMER Recent events have clearly de-* monstrated the power of organiz- ed agritulture. Are tyfou doing vour hit? Are you reading The Farmers' Sun, the Organ of the Ontario farmers? No other pith- lieation fights the farmerscause with the same vigor. No other paper offers its readers as great i value individually or as business farmers. Its market reports are worth many fircIPS VbScription • 1, SHOP E4aRLY price. The twice -a -week serv- ice of The Farmer& -Sun costs mare than twice the subscription price of $1.50, Are' you doing your bit to strengthen the movement? he. Tmost effective way to do this is by reading The Farmers' Sim and by getting your neighbors to sub- scribe. The greater the Sun's air- ulcation the greater the growth of the movement. The strength of the movement is what you make it. Let all help and the proper time is -now. Send your subscrip- tion, only $1.50, tWice-a-week, one, lyear. The Farmers' Sun Tor - ante.. fflG REDUCTION ML,LINERY As I am closing thee shop after 5 Ourday, December 4.th,+ I will giJe a large reduction on all Lad- ies' Hats, Ete., in stock. Do not miss these few days of good bargains. • Ail outstanding accounts must be., paid by the above mentioned date, 'Dec. 4th. 14,B. ROUTLEDGE, ztRica For Women THERE IS BUT ONE KIND OP DRESS GOODS TO BUY AND THAT IS THE BEST. Plain Pure Wool Novelty Skirt- ing' at per yard $6.50 AU wool Serges 51 inches wide in colors of Navy, Rust, Taupe, 13rown, Sand, at per yard $4.50 Velour Coating 51 inches wide Navy, Burgandy, Taupe and Green at per yard $5.00 EXTRA. SILK VALUES Silk Hose per pair $1.50 This is our regular $2 silk article. Raincoats for Women in tweeds, for $10.00 and upwards. For Ilen TWEED HATS ARE POPULAR THIS FALL They come in light shade tweeds that will hold their shape at $4.00 New Fall Caps. In patterns to suit the most discriminating dres- ser, SHIRTS Great tiriantities of them in neat Patterns and Stripes. RaITICO for Men in tweeds, for $10.00 and upwards. Fresh Groceries and Fruits ingeason. Butterick Patterns For S.1e fr Phone 87 L. .444,0,1 R. ,