HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-12-02, Page 5BUSINES`S''PCARDS PBOUDF'(1OT, KILLOPAN,.& COOKE, Barristers, SoIfeitors, Notariee Public &c, Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St, Goderich, Private funds bo loan at lowest rates W. FROUDrr0OT, K. C. KIereateN, H. J. 1). Coote. Mr. Cooke d illbe ofeach week. tFriday ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. F1era1d Office, Zurich., Dr.E. S. Haara,.ie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DA,SHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR - HEN° ALL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensedto of Huron, Salesconducted in any Co- . linty y part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0. Phone 18-93 licensed Auctioneer I .have taken out Auctioneer's on License for the County to conduct And am in a P Give any kind of Auction Sale. me a trial and I will assure you aatistaetion or make no Dashwood. ge. Arthur Weber, Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET FYesh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc 'Highest Cash Price for Woolf CASH FOR SKINS & HOES Deiohert NOTICE PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN STRAYED A yearling steer with a hole punched in one ear.. Finder re- warded by leaving information at this office or with Roy E. Rata, Dashwood, R.R.2 FOR SALE 414 horse power United engine for ;sale. L. A. Prang, Zurich. 22 For Sale -Pure bred Holstein hei- fer calf for sale, one, week old. Apply to J. Preeter, Zurich. . FOR SALE I have 8 small pigs for sale. Hy. Clausius, Zurich. FOR SALE Two only, new hand made sleighs will sell at below present wholesa'ie price. - L. PRANG. STRAYED From my premises, Bronson Line, a yearling steer with horns, red and some white. Finder please 0 notify John Eckstein. As I have recently purchased the lir ery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all also ire nlicensed ta- long long this line,auto for chauffeur and have an hire. Anything done in the team- ing ing line GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phcne 58 FOR SALE A. fine young Durham cow 5 -yrs. to freshen in middle of December. Apply at Herald Office. 19 r HENSALL G. T, R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING 7.00 a.m. Stage leave Zurieh South, No. 162 ... ... ... 8.58 a.m. North, N o. 163 ... ... -10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON 3 DO p.m. Stage leave 'Zurich ....•.. South, No. 161 ............4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 - ......6.14 p.m. L1VE Y POULT R WANTED NOTICE. • All accounts are made out. Will be pleased to have you call for same. F. Thiel, NOTICE I have a large quantity of good n b 'wid't.. stone for sale at the .St. LOCAL NEWS Ray Counile meets on Saturday December 4th. Miss Alice Pfaff of Dashwood visited friends here over Sunday. Mr. C. Fritz is shipping a car- load of Potatoes to Windsor this week, Mr. Irvin Eckstein of Michigan visited relatives and friends in this vicinity this week. Mr4. 'F. Guettner of Dashwood is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Oeseh. Mr. Frank MeCutcheon of Lon- don was a visitor at the home of eters. S. Rennie, over the week -end. Rev. F. B. Meyer :treated . a number of his friends to a fine treat of venison, of which was of the "very best." Rev. 73ruebecher' of St. Jacobs, conducted devine services in the Mennonite church last Sunday. A joint-stock Auction Sale con- ducted by Mr. Oscar Klopp Will be held at Walper's Hotel, Zurich, at an undeidcd date. Parties hav- ry, le do ale lir. ing any live stock, farm machine household effects, or any erne they wish to dispose of, will well in putting same at this s nad make arrangements with • Klopp, the auctioneer. At the West Huron Teahcers' Convention, Zurich ' was chosen as one of the Teachers' Library cen- tres. Teachers in the vicinity may obtain books at any time from Mr. N. E. Dahms. Some of the books on hand are; Craftsman= ship in Teaching, The Learning Pr- ocess, The Way of the Heart to the pupil, Sex Education, Etc, GREETINGS' Dear Mr. Editor:- o : Kindly permit me a small Joseph BIoc1E. < •8-tf. 'space in your valuable paper as ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. ,mous make myny friends sfutu a home ked me when STRAYED 11 eft Zurich on the 5th of Novem- Unto my premises Lot 16, can ber, 1920. 7, Hay; about the middle of Sep- Well, I arrived all O.K. ie the tember, a light roan heifer, yearl-'piny ofl Detroit, and y family well,asedepti to o ing. Owner apply to W. C: Pearce, phone 2-83. 20 my daughter Nettie, was still 'in the Harper Hospital where she FOUND underwent two serious operations An auto tire chain near Blake, but we are pleased to say that she cis'.now home with her sister, Mrs. on the .Town Line. Owner avn'Wagner the lastt hree weeks and have same 'at Herald Office b}' paZifshas improved beyond expeetat- ing for this adv. ions, and soon will the in her normal FOR SALE condition of health again. I have met with a goodly n Some young fresh cows. As I tber of old Canadian friends si overstocked with cattle, Ihave I am here. Well, Detroit is c decided to sell these choice cows fainly a hustle and bustle e for immediate isaiA.• t23 I 'heard a speaker who trave over the whole world saying t he had his eyes and ears open w was 4oing on in the world, but if you only come to Detroit, in the centre of the city, you soon learn to have your eyes open or you would get in an accident,they are so common. every day two or 'three killed and others badly in - exited. But there are streets where dwelling is as quiet to live as in Zurich. We have decided my son Arthu•• and Myself to go to Claif- ornia, and if well and all good we will leave Detroit on Saturday morning December 4th. and stop over at South Bend, Ind, and Cbicaeo, and leeave Chicago ern Mondry, 'Dec. 6th at 7 p.m. on the Union Pacific R. R. for Los Angles Cil , and intend to stop over at Silt Lake City. This short letter is addressed to all my friends in Zurich and rural district. H. WELL. t ZURICH HERALD $1.50 •✓E✓• After January let, 1921,- the X Herald will be advanced to +$1,50 per year to Subscribers in ,; *Canada, and $2 in the IJ. S. ✓✓ • While the other County we -t, eklies have long adopted the a. >a $2 rate, we'have tried our ut-,•;• •most to exist at the $1.25 rate, ✓. +thinking that all things that go'` to ;make up a good live le weekly would return to normal.f. prices, but, sorry to say, al -4o • most every week price quot- ; ; ations are higher. • Therefore, we plead to our + 4. many subscribers to stay with ee us, Renewals will be tkaen to ee J. 1st next, at the $L25 rate. j' After Jan. 1st, all arrears will t be charged the full rate of'` e:$1.50. So it will be a good ' investment to pay your sub-✓ 'l' scription ' in advance at once..` LOCAL NEWS Mr. J. K. Ehlers of Dashwood was in the village on Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Rennie is assist- ing 'Miss Morton, Evangelist, in conducting evangelistic meetings at Gait at present. Mr. Edward Kalbfleisch held a veery successful sehnitzing-bee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deiehert on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hudson of Sea - forth and Mrs. S. Merrier' of Hen - sail were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Melick. Mr. 'Wm. Klopp of the Village, was the happy receiver of a fine quarter of venison that was sent to hint by his son, Dr. Hubert Klopp, of Kimond, Ont. A. number from the village at- tended the auction sale of Mr. Casper Roerig on Tuesday, which was a decided success as good pr- ices were realised and owing to the fine weather, a large crowd was present. The Evangelical Sabbath School is again going to celebrate a Chri- stmas entertainment this year. A. 'special program off the highest or- der is being' prepared, and a very interesting 'event is sure to take place, ' i 1 The shipment of clothes, etc., ' Bent to the poor in Germany by um- the members of Zurich Lutheran nee Church, last year, reached its des- er- tivation in good order. Miss Lylan ity.1 Weseloh enclosed in a pocket of lied a coat, a slip of paper containing hat her name and address, and requ- hat estingt he receiver of same to kindly write her as to the condition that. ''the article reached the re- ceivet. Last week she received h letter from a boy at Hamburg, Germany, stating that he receiv- ed this coat in good condition, and was indeed appreciated. This should be proof enough to some Optimistic people who entertain the idea that missionary givings are useless, as the articles never reach people who are in need. Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.tn. Do not teed fowl same morning when brought in. - Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 04. Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACKWANA COAL Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price ;We will do our best to fill alt or- ders, and prices will be charged in priceruling on day of delivery. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries. Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality DE L Oantelon COAL FOR SALE Part car of first-class hard coal suitable for furnace or heater. Apply at once to Carlin Bros. Hensall. • - �- COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Htr'on will meet in the council Chambers, Goder- erich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, tthe 7th day of Decem- ber 1920. All aceounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceeding the meeting of Council. GEO. W.,OLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, Nov: 15th, 1920 bNSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIN]) OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. Parte house No, 10, Office No. 10. HENSALL ONT, , THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $11t 000 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH; ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS W. C. T: U. NOTES (41TTICIN IN TOUCH \VITH THFa BEST Edward Everett Hale used to co- unsel young people to converse ev- lery day with som eon eolder, bet ,ter and Wieser than himself. We cannot all do that, but we can do th enext best thinn; we' can get itt touch with them through the printed pages and enjoy the fruits of their wisdom, and experience: Probably no publication contains so much from the writings of men and women distunguished in many ways as the Youth's Companion. A constant reader of the pape rsi a liberal education sof mind and heart. The Companion has no age lim- it. Professional men, business men and bury women, pri?.e ti. as highly as the youngi folks. The 52 issues of 1921 will be cro- wded with serial stories, short sto- ries, editorials, poetery and fun. Subscribe now .and receive; • 1. The Youth's companion -- 52 ,[By Press Correspondent) issues in ,1921. 2, All the remaining issues of 1920 Dr. Murray, an English member 3. The Companion Home Calend- of Parliament, speaking On the ar for 1921. 0 second reading of the Dangerous All the above for $2.50, Drugs Bill, last June, said;' "There 4. MeCall's Magazineon rf1021, The s nothing that produces wine-drin- monthly authority king among women more than me- $1.75 a year. Both publications rnou- nt ea o 4. Ire a y ,Which tiV ci wines ' 'este, dt, AN I lIS C 0 MP tinged method of introducing drink THE POUT Ave. a 4� St. habits," t s' .Commonwealth Less narcotic drugs are being St., Boston, Mass. sold since proltibitoni came' -New e?w ,"tiubscriptionn Received PI ar•noceuticai Journal, t.T, 5, the Herald al l OtVe'9,, Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOMY BROS. GENTS FURNISHING•S Watch This Ad. NEXT WEEK Ordered Clothing DE1OM7 EROS. Produce takes in exchange for Goods L) 4u p F. M. HESS & CO. New Overland 4 2.1 ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars BLAKE Quite a number from this vic- inity attended anniversary serv- ices at Xippen last Sunday. Mis3 Helen Tough spent Saturday with friends in the village. Mr. Jake Kipfer is wearing a smiling face, a little boy has come to brighted their home. Miss Anna McDonald and Marguerite Douglas spent weeken-d at the home of and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. Mr. Geo. Sparks of Seaforth and Mr. Wm. Douglas of Brucefield and Mr. Geo. Douglas of Hensel' lcaled on friends in the village re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt and little son of Tuckersmith spent Friday at thee home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe. ` Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido of Zur- ich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. ., Meyers and little daughter of London are vis- iting friends in the village. Miss the Mr. Dominion of Canada Victory Loan Bonds Due 1922 1923 1927 1933 1937... YOUR CHOICE OF FIVE MATURITIES. Price and Yield 6.54 6.24 Int ere&t 98 ......... 98 07 .............. 96.50 95 ... ..... ...................... 5.68 TAXABLE ISSUES 1921 97 6.35 1934 ..... 93 6.25 Bonds delivered to your Bank free of alt delivery or brokerage charges An absolutely safe investment and a guaranteed interest pay- ment every six months. At present low prices the yield is good. BUY NOW WHILE THE PRICES ARE LOW ORDERS TAKEN BY 6.00 5.88 DASHWOOD. Will the party who removed a number of bags from the road- side at the corner of the 14th con. and the ToYvn Line between Hay and Stephen, kindly return same at once, as the party is known, and should act at once to avoid further action. The bags were enitialed •J. C. r A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday 24th, at the home of Mr. J. Messner when their dau- ghter Lillie, was united in mar- riage to Mr. -Ben Price, The bride was attended by her sister 'Emma, 'while Mr. E. Eckstein of Pigeon, 'Mich., supported thegro- om. The young couple left on a honeymoon trip next morning to ON Pigeon n and other Michigan chi a n cities, F . Pahl Mrs. Nl:el�slac left lastwe.ck for London where she intends spend - at ing the. Winter with her daughter, In 1 et es, Aenextr e , e b n t lea. Co, Miss Clara Graupner of Vayno is visiting with her Andrew F. Hess, Zurich s p t i +• the postman Cltlis c1.1. tunes a i atYC.homes The Youth's Companion Americas Home and Family Weekly. Its field of service is covered by no other publication in America. Its purpose and power are different. Its diversity and quality and quantity of reading appeal to solid, home - and -nation -loving people. its weekly coming makes every story, every article and all its information doubly valuable and acceptable. Serials, Short Stories, Editorials, Articles, Poetry, Nature and Science, Current Events, "Hwoto-Make" Pores, Games, Sports, Suggestions for Ro�me Efficiency and Economy, Receipts, etc. -and still . 2.+ 17 a year COT 1. 1FTEIli i SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE See Beat Offer* Below Check your choice and read the coupon with your remittonxto the MISUSERS OF THIS PAPER • Special Clubbing rates with the Herald Mr. L. Kleinstiver jr. made a usiness trip to London on Sat- rdtty'» Mr. R. Willett has moved into he house owned by the Ontario Fort per kite COST C.PA: EXECUTIVE Tho Bost Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those :wishing for ad - tntto qualifyas accountant. name study rains g,oat interfering ah yourrtrsrnt occupa- tion. Booklet Fr, We have trained more a,rti- %e:l T}•h tasty than has any other Istttu- 1weuto !Oyu t,a$ttth i,uo <,uua. u ` 1' °� "• Znteruttso•ta'Accaantente fiocet‘r• So::t92Ti'roma