HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-11-25, Page 1LURE H 4,1616.16.1.4 sAtolw XXI No 21 44 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920. Chester L. Smith, Publisher 4 • $1.25 a Year In Advance , •••111.mmetocr.• keisaaalexiMaliansolInmaiMMISONstMaisolow.10...sualle• AIN NOUNCEMENT I have recently been app ointed Agent for the well established BELL Piuno, and will be pleased to give any information in this line Also Agent for SINGER Sewing Machine; the Reliable make that have stood the test and have proven their Superiority over all other Machines. SHOE REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. W. H. PF1LE SHOE MERCHANT, 71.11110H 1 amonglenvaclazoznamwdarvamoor,...r. .r.zossetraudusgoonsmocoasisma wami owertFunrtunIstompous...zemomesos.arramancramenfrovmum. " asaaaaaaeasseassaa astsmeso0Saca eaesseateeSeaeSsaaata 0 0s4000000:*,00000 - h8Ve a 3031111 • IR w©r appal • • 0 PURE WOOL SERGES Our etock of wool Serges is now 411' complete. We have all the •-0 good colors; Navy, Blue, Brown, 0- Grey and Black, in different widths ae suitable. for Dresses or Suits, .-0 • • prices ranging ,froni $2.75 to $6.50 2 •‘, a : -* Also a nice range of all -wool • • plaid skirt lengths, 54 inches wide eq* at very reasonable prices. • • • • • '0 0 .0 • 0 SILKS A. beautiful display of silks . in all the leading shades, 36 -inches wide, from $2.50 to $4.00 per. yard. LADIES' SILK CREPE DE • CHINE WAISTS 0 A splendisl, range of ladies' silk 0 • waists in all the newest colors and 4.0 Styles. • 0' 0' •• • • • • • so • • • • 0' • 0' 0' FELT The Latteat for RIC sososeceoes • • • • • 0' a a fah ad Miter Wes VELVETEENS ,& big showing of Velveteens ' \all the new shades and colors. in THE NEW FALL SWEATERS And -Pullover.; _are., most attract- ive in their beautiful coloringsin many new styles. They are priced from $6 to $14 each. LADIES' WOOL SCARFS We have just received a ship- ment of Ladies' pure -wool scarfs in enticing new colors. We are also supplied with a Cull range of colors in SportFloss, put up in 2 -oz. Balls, the correct thing for knitting sweaters and Scarfs. 1.11 and Fhade Come in and see our fine assort- ment, as we have everything new in the line of Fall and Tweed Hats NO SHADE, WE HAVEN'T GOT. NO HEAD WE CANNOT FIT. CA.PS Never was a larger rnage of caps shown in this store, and you know what that means. MEN'S CLOTHING Our Clothing Department is always at your service and with our new styles for Fall, we have a line of suits and overcoats that •we feel proud off. Don't worry about Mixt-try Tax, as we have a pslendiel assortment from $25 to $45. Also a large stock of men's and boy's Sweater coats and Pullovers to chose from. SOMEHOW WE ALWAYS THINK OF THE BOYS, NO MATTER WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING THAT Il'A.KES TVEIR EYE, XUST A LITI'LE BETTER THANHE ' TAVERAG1. PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $20.00. SIZES PROM Fresh Groceries always on hand WHEN OR AND OUR 22 TO 32 0' a • • 0' 41. 0' a a 0' • 0 0 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 45 4$ 0' 0' HOW THEY COME, NEAT SUITS ARE • • 0' Produce tak• en m exch0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' ange Alt Phone 59 . co .• . a6M6in.b*.66611. Produce Wanted es'Stwr ,t,e'essis,alksaisaa4a1600414• tz, 0 'Save money by renewing you newspapers at the Herald Chiice. Mr. and Mrs. X. Preeter and family spent Sunday at Ds wood. Mrs, W. C. Wagner was on a business trip to London a few days this week. Mr. E. Holtzman of Toronto, vis ited at the, home of his father, eIr G. Holtzman, a few days last week. Mr. Meyer, brother of Rev. P. B. .Meyer, of J3ritish Columbia., vas a visitor at the Evangelical pers- onage lastw eek., Mr. Albert Rose, who recently sold his farm on the 14th con. te Mr. Paul Badour, moved in his residence in the west end of the village on Wednesday last. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be recei..ed by the undersigned to 12 o'c.eek noon, Nov. 20th, ;.or caretakee the skating rink or season 1521)- 1921, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. P. Sec. Zurich 'Atli.. Assoc. MEETING OP HURON MOTHERS' ALL 0 WANCES The County Mothers' Allowanee Boaed met during the past weekt' atl,',ust claims unclek the act. Same fifteen in all were dealt with, and meet of these had to be returned El:the makers of them, as • thsy Y.r.',:st(e IV•6,01;;EOP.FeatTirtiolleitIU-7,TIT ledin, improperly certified as • to signature, or certificates ac'ecl. for not supplied. This is very 1.....:Cor- pnate, as it causes a great i'ee-J-See++++++++Se+0.-"ieeiseie-telee4.4.4-1-I-e-eieeistee+Seelseieeesei-eie:ee+.1.-Se of unnecessary trouble and delay, Our Supply of Toe Skates has Just Arrived Pick out 'your's while our Stock is complete 19 F 0 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR PUTTING ON SHOES ,,Mt..11212EMIN257:7I1X=51.11334112115-25.120EIZEIZOBEZNit F. M. HESS & CO. OVERLAND SALES AN 1) SERVICE Overlland.Carst- 0 CD te% ZURICH L' STATION Overlaid Cars .4, 11. I 1 'and eould be easily avoided, if the ± 4. forms were carefully; read and its WA provisions complied with. The following points should Le. NV, observed by those making api4 c- i ation. , If it is W81113. li'eet you enjoy this Fall and Winter, IVe can fit you up at a reasonable price. t -1. Certificates asked for must be ' sent in as required.. It. will not .24 to say you can furnish them if wanted or that somebody has seen .1. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FELT SHOES, FELT BOOTS, OVERSHOES AND EVERYTHING THAT GO TO MAKE YOUR FEET WARM AND COMFORTABLE, LT US' FIT YOUR SHOES WITH A PAIR OF RUBBERS. FO'l TIM WET AND SLUSH, ALSO RUBBER BOOTSFROM TIM SMALLEST SIZES UP TO MEN'S SIZE. WE HAVE AT PRESENT THE FINEST SHOWING OF LAD- IES' SPATS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN SIIONV.N IN THIS STORE. WE SOLICIT A PORTION OF YOUR BUSINESS. them. These certificates mus: be obtained, except original mar- riages certificates ,from the Reg- istrar General, Toronto, for which ja chargO,of 25 cents each is made Municipal clerk's certificates wid .not do, neither will copies taker iron, church registers, by m'n's ers. Medical certificates of incapaeit- ation or insanity must also be in- '- eluded. 2. Get your municipal clerk or some one, used to filling legal doc- uments to do the writing and have A T. P. if possible take your declar- ation. Don't ,get some relative 1 or interested person to do either the filling ,or the witnessing or' taking your declaration. 3. Only a widow or a mother , ise.ei-S44-1-e-leeieleleteeee-eseteeeee-Jeeeeeeeiee++.1-eossessee++++++4,++++,ze whose husband is permanently in-, capacitated_ or an inmate of th:' asylu n for insane and who has at 'least two children under 14 year.; of age, and who wishes to make a home for thorn, should apply. 4. Applications .must be made in duplitate„ one for the localboard and one for the general board at Toronto. Both must be sent with all the certificates or documents to either Rev. E. R. Garrett .secretars- nensall, or Geo. W. Holman, chair man, Goderich. 5. All statements made will bl verified by a government inspect or, who will Visit the home of the applicant to confirm the facts as. recorded in the application by a personal investigation. 6, The members of the local hos 'l- ard receive no pay for services re. nderadl and rely upon those mak- ing application to do all in the:r power to m.ake. their duties al pleasant as possible by furnishing then with all the facts and docu- ments required. 1- • BUTTER ANDS TTF ACTION EGOS WANTED O. FRITZ OUR MOTTO THE SHOEMAN 4. 4 4 4 4 4.; 4. 1,0 Mk. ST*RA :For Infants and Children UseForrover30Years Always .bears the ^Po?" of • Virt'' TER DS We are prepared to meet your wants and requirements in these lines of G-oods; HEAVY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN SWEATERS, 11EVY WOOL Top SHIRTS, HEAVY FLAN- NELETTE BLANKETS, YARNS, STOCKINGS, SOCKS MITTS, GLOVES, ET.0. ALSO A GOOD SCAPLE LINE 01? SHOES AND RUBBERS, If We ,havL, not the .Article in stock that you want, we will try and get it f'w you. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD BRIGHT, WELL DRIED APPLES. Fresh Groceries always in Stock • Fe-,, N. DOUGLAS PHONE11 97 BLAKE -4.....-eare-e„,aseesee=seseesereeeesseeeezeseesasesee---