HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-11-18, Page 5B US IN ES R ita S .PROUDIPOOT,1{ILLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solioators, Noearies Public &c. Office, on tite Square, t3ud door frown li•,rniitan lab. ('oalerich. Private funds to loan at hrwe t rates W. Plhounroor, K. 0. J. L. K.LIAWAL, H. a, I) COMM. lr, Co tke will bo in Hewed' oil Friday and Saturday of each week. uNDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. •qY,t 8 yw�r .�n.. E .o S. Hare ar e le DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEI)NF:SDAY DA.SHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICs` UEN°.eLL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char - .gee moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in emy hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0. Phone 18-93 licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License fol the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me, a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. t,T? „r Weber, - Dashwood. a._ `Zurich Beat ItiARK T Fresh and ..Salix Meats Boittna Saufaees, etc Highest Cash Price for Wovl5 9 CASH FOR SKINS & RIF Es; Tu , blut SL,1 Grl,i.c't :� �.� SP+:R NOTICE A.s i have recently purchased the Beery business? I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing , � - ing line tf. GEO.. J. THIEL Phone 58 7,cuicih, alanSysixwo HENSALL G, T. R TRAIN CONNECTION'S MORNING :Stage leave Zurich 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... ... 8.58 a.m. North, No. 163 -_- ..- -..10,33 a.m. AFTERNOON Stage leave -Zurich ... —3.00 p.m. South, No. 161 - 4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ...... LIVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock pan. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH. FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O' ''=.a rien Phone 94. Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK CO L v Also .soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery o,r•price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of. deli eery, Our terms are cash on completion of dchvei'ieS. Ttt'meml:er We purchase only Stan- dard quality. Phone home No. +0, ()Mee flee Y UT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS` COLUMN FOR SALE A hen staled 8x12 for quick sloe apply at herald Office. FOR SALE Two only, new hand made. sleighs will sell at below present 7+,holesa':e price. L. PRANG. LOST In Zurich," about 2 weeks a crank for Grey Dort car. der leave at Herald O2fico. ago Fin - LOS 1C A crank for a C'halmere ear. Finder return to F. al:. hese Garage FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 85 acres of land being Lot pt. 20 and pt. 21, L. R E. Township of Stanley. Also stock and implements thereon. The farm ,is in a good state of cultivation, six acres of fall wheat well fenced, 2 acree of orchard, end buil dings in good repairs. • For further particulars apply to Wrn. Moro, R.R.2, Zurich. t17 FOR SALE. A 6-h.p. United gasoline engine Dua lignition, an trucks, good as new. L. Prang, - Zurich. FOR SALE A. fine young Durham cow 5 -yrs. to freshen in middle of December Apply at Herald Office. 19 All accounts are made out. Will, be pleased to have yott call for same. F. Thiel, Zurich. Vichry iAi 13 NES Mrs. 4.;, Axt, wive has been quite.; ilk the past week, is improving nicely. Mrs. Shearer of Gorrie spent the past week at the Evangelical par- sonage. Rev. and Mrs, Wilson of Exeter called at the home of Mrs. S. Rennie on Monday. Mr. Casper Roerig of the 1.41,1) con., will hold an auction sale on Tuesday, Nov. 30th. Mr, GVm. Meidinr er has moved into tate dwelling property he pur chased from Mr. Herb. Bloch. The auction sale of Mr. Albert Rosa of the Lith con , Hay on Tu- e:;clay was well attended and good prices were realized, Mr, -.Daniel Gascho has sold his dwelling property in Zurich to Mr. Noah Savants seho gets possession on Jan. lst. net. Mr, Wendel Smith of the Goshen Lina south, moved last week into the residence property he recent- ly. purchased from.. Mr. H. Well. - On Sunday evening Mrs. C. Bile bee was stricken unconscious with a paralytic stroke of the right side. But recent reports were, we are pleased to state, she is inn - proving favorably. Mr. Ben Pfile has sold his 125 - acre farm o.t the 14th, con, Hay, to Messrs. Leon J. Laporte and Bernard J. Schliehte, both of De- troit, for $12,000. Possession will be given next March. Mr. and Me. J. J. Barry left on Wednesday last for their new home in Danville. They, made • the trip in their car, and have the best ; the humane task of relieving the wishes of. their many frieucls of sufferings of millions who are stricken Zurich in their new honkie. • by famine and disease. Part of the i�Ir.'"ivlilton Heyrock of Detoit, i -fund will be used for purchasing in formerly of Zurich, has been sue- Canada suitable supplies and thus the ceseeul in passing his second ex-; Red Cross will furnish the bridge ,amination on the advanced course t across which some of our surplus in Commercial and .Banking Law; i milk will reach the enfeebled ch%1- and is now a student of the Un -f who asci tacken willt of only areas havehose the iversity of Detroit taking up a satisfaction of having contributed to three year's course in Commerce 1 relive the sufferings of others less and Finance We wish Milton con-, fortunate but by helping others will tinned success. thereby indirectly help themselves. ,rmA• RED CF.teael BRUME,BRUME, 0d Plentiful In Canada, Scarce In Europe— Needs of the Children. The development of the dairy In- dustry of Canada during the past two decades has been surprisingly rapid, Quick to realize the profits to be de- rived from milk production and the great value of dairying in conserving the fertility of the soil, the Canadian farmer has not hesitated to increase his investments in dairy cattle. The industry expanded during the flee years of world war. Canada,' being distant from the theatres of war, although handicapped by the drafting into military service of half a mil- lion of her most vigorous manhood, ;was able to continua the development of many of her important industries, particularly agriculture. It was not so in Europe. There the fiery blast of war, which left profits in some parts of the world, almost extinguished not only industry but national life itself in other. The drain upon manhood was so great that now in hundreds of thousanes of families na adult males remain. Europe more- over is failed with orphan children whose prospect of life is marred by the lack of all that is necessary to bodily and mental growth. In most cases the earning power and. conse- quently the purchasing power of their families is utterly destroyed. Turning again to Canada we find there a surplus production of the commodities that are so badly needed in Europe. Condensed milk for in- stance is a commodity that is a prime necessity for the children of the poor communities of Europe but the na- tions'to which they belong have no means of purchasing it for them. The Canadian Red Cross is going to endeavor to supply part of their needs by means of a general appeal for con- tributions to be made during Armis- tice week on behalf of the British Empire Fund, which is to be used in THE SEEING EYE FROM GENEVA. alss Ca os puce ono Principal Reyncrltls of the O}ht- i IFr I pi p 4ti are) Agricultural College thus de- Organizer for League of Red Cross livers hie elf-.ih. the Agricultural I Societies Tells ^of Need of Gtze.te c+ Canada; i Europe's Orphans. - Zurich Ths t a ho_• who hoeee to take a i'ig:zt plaeu in the lire of "While we at home are intent on Market prices. A.. F. HESS, NOTICE T have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joeeph Banca,, S-tf. ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. B 0 RN Smith—At Kippen on Oct. 31st, to Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Snaith, a Daughter, (Olive Jean). INSURE tate sadetsteial expansion and a place M1..„ country school district' must • ctn- . si the sun, Europe in its war -weakened Icivate the sone!; eye and the un-' condition is fighting for its very derstandt tg heart for persons and existence," said Donald W. Brown, things rural. The usual, popular. director of the department of organi- inelodranit, comic supplement, nation in the League of Red Cross moving picture conception of the Societies of the World, which has its farrier and 1af country people must headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland. bo forgotten. •It is essentially and He visited Toronto to learn the peace perniciously false. The farmer is program of the Canadian Red Cross something of a humorist; and ta- Society and,* establish closer contact kes delight in deceiving the simple between it :and the league. minded by a somewhat unfinished; •lefil1iojis of War Orphans. exterio. The city -bred person Having just arrived from Europe, makes the fatal mistake of judging Mr. I !'own avas able to give the Cana - by out.aide appearances. To the dian Red Cross some first hand in- formatione t t..ain ad rye there are two clan-' concerning the people of s^, o its:tn t, one (veering aver- Europe. He called attention particu- ails esel the other wearing white laxly to the condition of the children, YOUR PIIOPE'RTY AGAINST collars. Th; former class workso many of whom are now orphans. DAMAGE 13Y WIND OR TORN- with their hands, The latter class, While the .enact number who have with their brains. That is the war one or both parents during the ADO. superficial %lod ement. which. ia`n- war cannot be determined, the most 1 g conservative estimate planes the nnnt- THE HOME INSURANCE CO. ores the fact that there is a very ber at over ten millions. This num- insures your Property without g'rh.tt deal of clear, hard thinking ber seems quite consistent with -the , Premium Note, and guarantees no overall~. At any rate, the farm - special assessment. ee belongs to both classes. The THE WESTERN FARMERS' more he uuderttnds of those dis- coveries, which it is the business done to. -day by the men we uin;; heavy war casualties among so many nations. Dependent Upon Charity. The condition of these children is in most cases very pitiable. Many of WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. of the agricultural college to make, ,them have no homes and they are paid $114 e00 loss in the November the tnt,,rt+ the absorbs the •teaching' dependent upon whoever iaay be 1919 wind storm. Amount of 7179. which it is the business of the col- charitable and kind enough to help lege to spread abroad, the bete them. But there are few who are in force $25,000,000. Ratetor farmer will he be. able to give such help for the mass cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prom- Reading of ,the inuny crimes and of the people of Russia, Poland, marts iunh note 2 per cent. : robbers now so nuinerous in so of Roumania, Czechs -Slovakia and Ate also' agent for several other many of our cities, coupled tv tlt other countries are so poor that they high cost of living, should make have not necessaries for themselves. Wind Insurance Companies. the t � �and those of iutai Consequently in the great area be - districts thankful for village and Adriatic Seas, there are millions of country We comparatively free as children who face the next few years, ZURICH, - ONT. • it is from such conditions that and particularly the coming winter, ANYTITING IN FIRE INSURANCE make life in the cities anything but without hope of proper care unless 1,'eirble. outside assistance is given them. G. Holtzman our twee n the Baltic, the Black and the DEALER IN LT(IFITNING RODS .Jnna ase,no"sdee..--.__,- M•nt:JC16 MCL',}w Dominion of Canada ict.ry 1 ani ionds YOUR CHOICE OF FIVE MATURITIES. Due Price and Yield Interest 1922.......__. 98 6.54 1923 . 08 6.24 1927 97 6.00 1033 -96.50 5.88 1937 - 98 . -. 5.68 TAXABLE . ISSUES - :m Disease Prevalent. In addition to the unhappy con- dition of the children the adult popu- lations are in the direst of misery on account of disease. Suffering has been accentuated by lack of food and clothing, nursing and medical atten- tion, and tuberculosis, satallpox, typhus and dysentery are continuing unchecked. Typhus which has so often prayed a"scourge and menace to the human race 'is again prevalent, .and unless checked will most likely extend its ravages to an alarming degree. British Empire Appeal. For these urgent reasons, Mr. Brown said, tltes' League of Red Cro;as 192 1,1934 97 6.35 • Societies has made an •e tr;1est appeal to the people of the I,tiiislt Empire t93t .....-....... 93 6.25 and he was glad to hear (.batt the Bonds delivered to your Bank tree of all delivery or tn`c>lrerage elle cause of the suffering t•hilclren was An ai°,soluteiy snue inviistncectt :.Ina a t ti trent:etti interest pay- being taken up in Canada: He had 'meat every .sit months. At present low prices the yield is good. learned that an appeal on behalf of the British Empire rand would be made In Canada by the Canadian WI Cross during Ar.,ti;-ilee tt•eche a11:1 \.1.. q` > V1111 wished for ii; tt y Fittl e �.. ii 1'4 NOW WTtTl',1; 'TTI, PRICES ARE LOW • fii.a)'a",R$ TAKEN, BY f9 1~ ili0 Ready-to-\'iT ear Clothing . DI:NOM t' BROS. GENTS FU;NI SHI'NGS Jo DENOL Ordered Clothing Shirts, Underwear,. Sweaters, etc. FOse WELL, DRI S;1sD M;IiN, a HEY ARE DIM FERE%N l'' FROM ORDIN- ARY LINES, THEY ARE, IN' A CLASS 13Y THEMSELVES. MAY WE S CCI O S Ps THAT YOU LOOK OVER OUR PRICES AND AND MAKE A NOTE OP WHAT YOU NEED IN THESE LINES. R' e:.xa" ZTELLIgiAlki r, y� coAT�r riade t�G 0.5., a ago of goods f r—se— .—.•— . -r- .—i—`r—•i--:•^i-2--3—#—moo— « YOUR HARNESS NEEDS \V ill be promptly attended to hers. See us about DOI bLE. TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE 1IA11;!ESS, 3"th1'AIll1Nt.0 013' ALL BINDS • lugs, Blankets, Bells 1'l.�lZ gill(! of ti' hi p,;, ;Sweet mads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited fses f� 4' I 4' I I e 4 I 4 1" i d'--§ —�—� — +--�'--�`•— r—�•— I—II» — 3+— fi•—�r-4-- — —d —•i —+— T somas tpeso Ma 9e Tie Phonogyaph for YOU! The genius of Edison has made the Atnberola superior to r(linary phonographs and "talking machines' in every way. Its marvelous torte—its genuine Diamond Point Reproducer cer (no needles to P.., change)—its practically indestructible, everlast- ing Amberol Records—its surprisingly moderate Thomas A. Ediseac prwc, oVerw11,-!1i1 '.i'he .Ambeeola is the phonograph you want—it is a ,!..t.7ogrAt,}a that every fancily in this broad land can ;(jird. It brings the world's Lest music and greatest artists into Cour horde and furnishes a lifetime of 'i:1,•rtainineut and needful relaxation. If you ran conveniently visit our store, :sew do so at the earliest opportunity—please.. • Otherwise send us a post -card fed ry—and r^„, leave the rest to us, W. II. PFTLF.. D1: .I,RR 7vr:c!t - Ont. P t:rswtc �^a szcsvr t� .�,.?�lt y4 , c i'.;•3n viir '.:r ?� r. '•� li ,1 i� if il 4 '� i e a•""I I t i t , 1 l a t 1 3 1d s eSft JI. i.cuy+,'�3 to r• , nc:' �es' The Youth's Companion America's Horne and Family Weekly. It3 field of service is covered by no other publictition in America. Its purpose and power are different. Its diversiy and quality and quantity of reading appeal to solid, home- and-nation-loviaw•people. Ito weekly cnniing makes every story, every article and all its information doubly valuable and acceptable. . Ssr,els, Shure Stare.:.:, Er;itordnis. Arficks, Paetr 3b r� and S c Car rt;.-412,t/Glatt "r otu•to»irla?aa k'a� as Q . t.?orts, So- s :ors jr.N. adoneE;saat. Ya,.d,•cola.,n r,r e e w° a" i (NOT CV i+ v r i i t ,A,1 rniz) 4b' t o i£:..'�d1'•?',�. 'XGR'..:.i.,,.4 "L.. .7 ..., a_.W....,. -... •,. -. .. ,. 1 .. ..,x. .,w.,..7?t.Wtct1? SUlwa9iCRi °di1 1::',S rk .:...ff 1ildhEY,C w 1"sc'ik Of�'�: few.,,, t..tl, yon SCra ...,,t 9. th. Pt+S,. 1!...";..,f. 15113 teem."( Chea y wr