Zurich Herald, 1920-11-18, Page 4""",":"."rr',..""r''t.'""-',':",.'"‘".:"."' ..'''''''.9r."4"*"!''' 't.:"."'"'"".".* ''''''''..*!.."*"."' 1..t."................. ' .--".",...*"..tr.:...r,........nuo ,414.47.omr.svrtome,....o.,........m, .0,o,..............*...,..nrow....,................4..,,
STRAYED Our re., 1 croseed leeebe --ak6 TliCee nodulee can e rezeliiy ftdt ,()) j000t
a beautir.ul piee eof water, eight on each side of the ee eterlor as
n YVarling steer with horns, toe miles long and its shores partly of the. large bone, a fee, inches above
Fro mine" promises ,1?mo n eon Line
and white. panan pinta nota.`t roc:Ideated and partly stretches or the fetlock.
John Eckstein. et sandy be ech. That day, a cool A splint consists in a bony n nion
' bre, eee ',vas driving wavelete, 0- betienynettelienntleoloaii;gios }.1,ii.d,p,,,n,1:111.11snbitoisilyerlim,
DASHWOOD. gainet .large boulders in the lake
and up the little sandy beaches. concussion during travelling, espe-
cially on bard roads. As a result of
o-iiiii. el:,
issued Wednesday noon from the!
Effeetive after Tan. 1920
Subscription Terms; $1.25 per year
advaInce $2.-00 may be charged
if not so paid. IJ. S. wobscrioti-
one $1,75 strictly en redvance.No
paper discontinued xentil all ar-
tears .are paid unless at the option
Of the publisher. Vie date to
Which every subscription is paid
is denoted oil .the label.
Display Advertising -Made known
'Os application.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50e
three insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
ie for first month, $1 or each sub-
sequent insertion.
lifiscellaneous articles of not
enore than five lines, For Sale, To
Rent, or Wanted. Lost. Found, etc.,
each insertion 25.
Local and Legal advertising not -
lees, reading matter, 10c ci; line for
first insertion and 5c per line for
:each subsequent insertion.
Card of Thanks, In Memoriame50c.
Professional Cards not exceeding
1 inCh, $5 per year.
Auction Sales, $1 be for one in-
eertion, $2 for two insertions, if not
over 5 inches in length.
Address all communications to
Mrs, Sarah Jackson, tried for
the. murder ol he: hutban .1 at Swale
River, has been sentenced to hang
by as Edmonton Jury. She is
the first wo en in the Province of
Alberta to h e found euilty of mur-
der and sentenced hang.
It is interesting to watch the
big sugar refineries, now in com-
Tetition, slash their prices. The
cause or most of it appears to be
that the Dominion Sugar Refinery,
'wh' 'e deals in beet sugar is under-
'sele eg the cane sugar refineries.
When th eig interests are in
competitie.3 the consumer is sure
be fit
Mr. B, Gassman of Detroit spent
last week with his brother here.
Mise Rose Rader is improving af-
ter her recent illness.
Mr. P. MeIsaac held a very suc-
cessful furniture sale 00 Saturday.
A young son arrived at the
home of Mr. J. Kraft on Nov. 12.
Anniversary services were con-
ducted in the Evaegelical church
on Sunday. Bishop. Spre.ng of
Naperville. Ills , being the princip-
al speaker. The Bishop also gave
a lecture 00 Saturday night.
A Trip to The
HigMands of Ontario
Tee> or three fanailies in summer
cottages had .t hie gem among- the
woods almost wholly to themsel-
T Midway between its northe
this inflammation an exudate le
thrown out, and the ligamentous at-
tachment is destroyed. The exudate
is, of course, soft at first, but soon
ern and southern ends its narrows become converted into bone and
surileiently to be bridged. - The unites the large and email bones by
people with. whom we had dinner bony union. An ealargement of
had told us how their pastor bad greater or less size can usually be
caught a ten -pound latae trout seen, which, in most cases, gradu-
disappears, by absorption until
from that bridge, the week be -„ ally
fore. Considering the day, We nothing can he noticed, and in many
eases cannot be detected even by
aid not expect to meet with leach
manipulation; at the seine time the
succeee, but as we had • a peetor bones is permanent: Hence a horse
quarter of an hour, view the seen- that once has a 'splint will always
cry tie God had made( it in all its have it, although ail eisIble ey ep-
primitive glory and fish at the toms may have disepeetieed.
ant time. The pastor soon -had We often hoar peoele say that eA
a EA.rike. It was a large speckled horse over seven years old never has
trent. bu tit was only lightly hook- sPlinte.” This eriees from. the fact
et- that the visible eniai gement LOS us -
int end returned to its native
ateee.a, aany disappeared, hie: the union of
tee elent before it could be
e, the bones remains.- Phis absorption
rt. jasii.., without
hboorly brig it: .ne lite aeAsefsst.se, r
I truYshel.gel a
Trout were ' splints in horses of any age. In some
common. to observe well merited
does not always mfr.s. It is not un -
We were now in the section 0: levee.) and plentiful; but, being 10 cases the splint is double—that is,
conversation upon the merite of
a ..iii)oli ,:huans gungnioaodeittliineoyrecaha. bsendt ttnli! :
side of the limb. In mese cases there
the prov an enlargement is neticable on each
ince Nvhere we intended
to spend several clays. After
reed away when it vas offered to i is usually a bony leeosit extending
that part or the country with the the ne One, less cautious, fierely, across the posterior surface 0? the
PeoPle Wit,bi, whom we had dinner, struek thee minnow and. was hook , large bone, frem one splint to the
m'e decided to take a walk lo loos- ed. Its weight almost doubled my , other. This often causes auirritation
to th esuspensory ligament (whieh
crossed 0 .piece of lowland which r:)e. as Dieted it onto the bridge.i
iregistered eleven. cause persistent or permanent lame -
permanent. lameness. Splints seldom
on our ilimbs after having them
cramped up fcm se veral days. W e When brought under the measur- passes clown this surtace) eed causes
ins so that we did not leave the eee. • •
ine stick It bare e
eymptoras.—In many cases no
was still soggy from the recent ra- An An excited fisherman wo- ness.
ling streamlet flowed through a • nsisted on fifteen. What . -
road. Coming to where a trick -
culvert, there .was a depth of abo-
ut a foot of water. As I had my
rod with me I thought the spot
worth a striae The fly had no
sooner touched the surface than
an eight inch trout with the speed
of a torpedo struck at the lure
and missed. After a few more
misses he -was hooked and gasped
out his little lifq on the roadside, we boys i.
return with a choice two-year .old, often noticed before there is any vis -
soon to be joined by his unfortun, e lostBelt 1 ible enlargement. The lameness is
or down the water was more than
much time - getting . stuck in. MO 1 down grade, and the intensity of the
tee first deer we had seen!
ate mate. As neither upstream we did not stop heee. et- , more marked -when the horse trots'
deep enough foreeetrout to : keel) h'eee and stalling, several tiMese 1 lameness usually incrSaseS as exer-
eral rods further and --came to '".. 'wean we thad almost reached the. 1 cise is continued. Manipulation will
his dorsal fin under, we went see
it lacked in length it made up in
civeumference. .
Not knowing what difficulties
le s ahead of us we were anxions
d liy Deer
tee go on. We Pa
le.e. It was with a pang of pain ed, aret: is psually characteristic. A
standliteed walk sound, but if asked
orse ...me from splint will 'usually
11.11- c.ie.e,mmemyleedreepdarttleedat ,1 eatrhoeurn d this
to jog er trot will show well marked
epent pleasant weeks, roamintglithe
Wolds on his first deer hun . ID: 1 ly wheel the foot, of the sound .leg
,v,lameneee, the head dropping decided-
' "d 'elcome him on Ins touches the ground. The lameness is
lameness is caused. Tb.e first intima-
tion of the presence of splint is tlie
appearance of the enlargement,
which. usually gradually disappears.
In other cases lameaess is well mark -
deep, narrow, sluggish•
a I el of ta hill. In spite of vigor-, usually reveal the seat of the trouble.
. re aiele By pressing between the thumb and
not an idle haunt for trout, but the g, en.ger the line of attachment between
to • pastor took heart and decided, to eclellnya p
ke it Dos•e•
ea. the large and snaall bones fr
the weekly eamile- budget of staple try his 'luck. He took a hook and ° 'crur
Ilg 1‘)TCle
knee downwards th
seat of the trouble is pressed. And, if
cated by , e seat can be 10
A. slight decline in the cost of o the
averag? cost for a family ot five a W 0 I'M
ISSUla oe the Labor Gazette. The to a willow gad, and baited it with
out of. the can Of moss
it se mile9sr°agnrehsosnari.d nOonteeexc'e'the
el before we hove.,iti 4.eaefton rear on his hind legs. The
p stor went ahead. He walked
ave. a :lel:sill:At
_ eie pressure be applied he will
the horee flinching when the
foeds is reported in the current line from his pocket, attached
$15 53 at the middle or Oct: which had kept them alive a.nd and walked and at last calmly ,v,../eit -eat, .
3 been travelling westw
eseoaft:tre sfpolienteainsn°enn, tohreitinmnaeyr
in Octobtn• 1914. The price move -
which -proved disastrous tel them. .- '-
i:;a3eeetleollritellatNivlalieincl r iPilsesaing Ro a c1.1
e eorethe• , • ,
1 oi. tower. The hind 11.mb is seldom
4ober, as agaiest $15.05 in Septemeltnoueht it "tvorthwile to sa.mple '' 1 beon•l '
t ie outer surface, or both, and
.fresh. Only a few small ones t"
1 1. a imported :food, an experiment, • the knee, but may be either higher
is usually one to three inches below
reilway was built this
affected, but when it is the Seat is
bee, $14.21 ia October Vie and $2.93! eta So ,
w in the limey road emit a,Si000, ,
usually on the outer Surface.
I I Me -
Treatment. —Lameness is usually
present only during the inflammatory
stage. When the exudate becomes
ossified (converted into bone) the in-
flammatory action ceases and lame-
chirig a big string; but we noted! ness disappears, except the enlarge-
ment be of sufficient size, or so sit-
nastoree zes„ ft, et as g
ligament or involees the joint.Hence
with pleasure that the. trout that i — assea, Rye,eae postof fice •
ten hare been reported to be i I'l a klarm- • E the wheteabouts
treatment should be directed to allay
' ' I . . I y-- the man we wanted to vis
smallest took .a worm. 0.1 mformaton o
suddenly. A horse may go perfectly
e very w here u i north The larger' 1 - it. inflammation as promptly as possible.
'Aeter a nen e
--'• ding course of three
• t sound and after a rest of .a variable
enee chase the fly while only the i Splint lameness usually appears very
'1 through the densest mid
duration when taken out to drive
again, maty show the characteristic
symptoms noted.
The patient should be given per -
fest rest, and the seat of the splint
should be showered with cold water
frecniently, or pounded ice kept to it
for a few days. This will often be all
that is necessary. In other- cases
-lameness is nacre persistent, and it is
necessary to apply a blister. A blister
made of one dram each of biniodide
of mercury and cantharides mixed
with one oz. vaseline, and applied in
the ordinary way will usually. effect
a cure. In some cases it is necessary
to blister the eecond time (in about
a month). In rare cases an operation
by a veterinarian is necessary.
When hunenese is not shown it is
;seldom vonsidered necessary to treat
eptint, as the enlargement useally,
gradually disappears without treat-
ments—J. H., Ree,i, \•.S., 0. A. Col -
Lege, Guelph,
annul decreases oecnring-in grain,
that would havepassed as a - n
1 le ewer road duns ro e,
euent continued doe ne ar , s , i From under the bridge 1 landeet _.
ant nate hour, we decided to return- to the .
' -,11 el evith the railway the did road
treele it never was 0,. good road,
cattle. hogs, eheep, butt(17, veget- I ?,n,i:
aisles, cereals, sugar, cotton, some i Ian -sized. one at home but got not
lave rather ',fallen into: decay, alth-
'Imes or. meals and lumher, linceedi !more. Having fished for half an
\‘*; 1 6 too bright and Cool for cat -"'''7
( enee number of settlers here are
ains ni. . , .
ber and laundry starch. 1 ' S -wl ere , near
4). • erne ei .
e/11, turpentine, .chernicals, . farmer s how 0. - Prol3ably, the day i
Rec. J. 0. L. Spracklin. the eigh- -' s •- rood io cd an acteuaintance of
ting parson of Windsor conducted
Anniversary Services at Exeter on
Sunday. In the morning at Main
Street Mothodiet church eind • in
evening when hundreds: of people stream- ne , - e
, a, ,. t e on he lakes. 'There -
wan': darkest wilderness we ha.
the evening at Jamme 54 St 1 C L . X peculiarity that I 'noticed '
Church. Both services were lar- . .
.5.)on as we entered elusleeilea
igely 'attended, especially in the the deep 001100 -colour of ell the nen, we s. NV , light, .
' 4. e. and knewing
says; — which. the waters ftuther north and thet our men wee the only settler
were turned away. Mr. Sprack- wasen't the crystal clearness for wit in , ,
h' e r talus of miles around we
l'I would rather le, a livine fish in the Rocky Mountains .are noted urney was at an end,
concluded, that our third day's )o -
e recce ea. uated that it irritates the suspensory
did bite were as gamey as they 01- r)honee, where
;leek 'we
fighting my way up stream'lhan iThe Colour is proleebly due to the
a dead fish fleeting do wn stream soli formed from decayed granite
(To be continued)
v'ith the multitude. Young men ‚.ad gneims. Perhaps, in some esteefreeerneeee.-
a'Id w -- • - • -
omen, it is a shame for peiees, sewma
elust y help to dark -
you to say :you never had a chance en it, for in a number of places the FOR spliNT 1 A mrhmee
Semehow, sorn? day, you will shelf- ei03111115eills ras
eote ercm towns etostill Li eii
1.ei off this mortal coil and Y" clump their severalet ieto the sir- Ls Hi WO
Won't Lea missed, • The s'Acrifice 0.1n1,,. *110' I) it itiNscontrary to law
HOW to rDeal. With This T ouble
..,' •
. meet be an eecept dee one , "(I -is it. poilutes the streams and caure.'
Yrian cannet (do his eeeit work if he
be out o: tune with (lent 1 wonld
Txther have God Hay 10 t he hist
ley 'elnreeklin, you did not 111'lkC
money, hut you tried to do your
duty down in Sandwich.' than to
'have Him say. 'You becameWeal-
thy, hut you delnot serve Mee"
Unto me- premiws Lot '24 con.,
ti Hay; about the middle of Sep-
tember, a. light roan heifer, yearl-
ing.. Owner apply to W. C.
Pearce, phone 2—se. 2e.
-s the fish to diseppear, especially
the ever decreeshig trout which
ends. its spawning beds covered
Bidding our new friends good-
bye and promising ti) call again if
• ,eportunite permitted, , we started
again. intending to 'see' some of
the eountry that is least settled.
On tee main road nearly all the
reeete had been removed from the
reed wey but not here so that We
titttm urPre forced to go very Mow-
n; Pe tie oid breakages.
Gives a larger return for .!ie than is obtainable
from any otlfir form of investment with absolute
security. .
Free from Donl! Income
Any person resi(lent or clonliel!ecl in Canada over
the age 0: ) 0y parch este to beetn at 011CO3 or et any
lattI. date de ,1 7', d , an Annuity Of from 50 to $5,000,
to be paid in monthly or cuorterly instalments.
Any two persons may purchase jointly.
Elnployerg mey ti'Ar errploy.
Apply to •soLw or write, e- se T. neeeeeo,
Superintendent i7.es•
• •.fOrtn.V.t age LL.; !'' • •
hi Young Horses.
A Bone Affection — Young Animals
Most Commonly Affected—Sempe
toms Described and Treatment
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
PLINT lameness is a common
complaint in young horsee.
and occasionally seen in horses
of any age. It is rarely noticed
in the hand limbs.
In order to understand and appre-
ciate the trouble it is necessary to
aave an intelligent idea of the bony
anatomy of the horse from the ltnee
to ,the fetlock, This part is ueualle
ealled the cannon. It consists of eiree
hones: one large e.a,nnon bone extend --
Mg the whole distance, from the knee
in the fore limb, and from 1 lir 11.0.1,
In the hind limb to r
fetlock joints. Tlii lees a encee
end somewhet, 11 t nesee
Co each edgy of :;:;! : •
t0.011011 (by ligkin.
somov, 1. ' r-si;
bone, of roeel
where it 1(11 i-•
(51 tee
Nurses and Doctors
Likened to Angels
rp EBRE was still a delicious
brogue and a humorous
"twisht" to Norah's tongue, despite
years hi Canada and many heart-
Deserted by her husband, she
broke down under the burden of
wash tubs by day and family area
by night. "Tuberculosis," said the
doctor. Only rest could save her.
"But, doctor, dear, phat about the
childor?" defied Norah. ts,
Bventually the "chilcler" -Were car-
ed for, While Norah was sent to
the Muskoka Free Mospital for
night months effected a cure, And,
with help from the Samaritan
Club, stm is 710W making i home
for the "(linden"
"Faith," and Norali's Irish blue
exes shorAc as she told lter
"It's seryphims 1171' 1114018 1 ilURI
(loathers an' nurses do be, no' thoin
folks g1NT1 UV. 10111cm 01 me a
ollallt`t to he g '3,10' 'trung ap;in"."
75, ho.:01, that
r, „4, 0. 1 NI it
`.%1Irtr.. • •,
co 1,, •3'3' 55"
1 :123 , 'it'
seem e
seaseeseres, ee.e---e-rensause.
r. 4
. tee 4-67o , ii
•.; Alkile,ab!ePreptifatiolne145
similatlatlitiereedby Regale.' ,
....in,ettec::1,:ae:S c:1, B;ve li s, oil",
_ --_—,
,-.-_---...-- ....;=,..J.7.....- .---,–,--------,
Thereby.Yroinotint Digestion
: G.tieerfttinessandRest.€entain
natter Opiurn,lforplline nor
Ifinorat NOT ltTileattiOTIG
Dcpc of 041.01;:62110.0110,111,;
Pumplir ,,Yex4-
a raw
;Whelk Salts
Anise 31,14
Appermid ,
.17PaTtamate fro
Taro sor.1
latil,preiziTarar _
andFeveristness and
Loss Or, SIEP
'lac -Simile Signature of
age?* 0590-feeti
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
.iiiethers MOW That
Geuthie Castoriza
Bears the
Rif chr
Thirty Tears
eetEga - s55eWeeeiel: '1:44 ree3PeLV:aaIEENWWXMZ.
eeeesesteeeatilteee agh000stoessem meseemseeeeate
1 e still handle the
!old reliable B. T
g stable equipments.
Do not be misled by
'inferior goods of this
All Govein
merit Farm stables are
Equipe with the eel.
iebrated B. T.
g We have a vast experience in
installing. these goods.
0 •
2 We also carry a complete line of
. Pumps and Piping, and install
and keep in repair all our work -------t-7.:!-:
4.3 e-
•Imal a
vm• aeaaaas
ta totergA z
, n
tiilt0 742 its
Ceeteteeleieneetesteiteeiel teeleefeeeleDeeereeesefieleseeeetIOsateeeteileeee
e++++++++++++,e++++++++++++ Seoee
t Lumber
Laths Shingles
+ • 4.
+ • . +
+ 4s
Everything in 4..
+ sle
1: Combination storm' and screen doors made to ofder
• Lumber and • uilding Mate
.I.. '
.1. .1.,
t CaSt0111 Work our Speciait .4.
t 4..
i.v Always in filo market _for saw logs
+ 4.
se +
C. K -.•,: TAISCH
.* 4.
+ ........i., .:, I1 ...4:f„,
.,,. • PHONE 60 0 = ZURIC
t' 4...f.i.4.4..4.+Re444444.i.+++ 44+44+ 4.+++++4.44.+4-z..!--:, 34,,4•4-----.: •
„ .
leek P.
# ‘• ,(PcY, , ec,vrt.i 0'4 ;
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'qv aperk
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• y usa
▪ 10:11ike3