Zurich Herald, 1920-11-11, Page 8Fal. an Winte see our display of Fall goods. Our Stocks are now almost complete:ire all Lines Ladies' dear A splendid range of Ladies Co- atings on hand in Velours, fine Chinchilla Cloth, Etc. New Silks, Fine Botany Serges, iAll-wool Plaid Skirtings, Velvets and Velveteens, Underwear, Swe- ater coats in Newest Styles. Men's Wear WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL VALUES TO OFFER IN MEN'S iAND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, FOR PALL WEAR. t NEW HATS AND CAPS, MITTS GLOVES, ETC. ETC. L t,S Oil F F:a (E CGIEILLS .ALL OTHERS) Provincial Agric- ultural best by test. Provincial Farm and Winter Fair Barns are equipped with Louden machinery. Easy to install, Easy to operate, Endless Chain, does away with crank, no side hangers to break on our track. Our swin i on opn hinge naany aany bles you to run cAgent for Massey -Harris Implements Fairbanks & Morse Engines and Tud- 1iope-AndersoD Spreaders and plows. Give us a call .Before purchasing elsewhere JEDRUAR, „„ __,...,.., g, e Recommend these Tt ttett ' -hers Classic Colt Price $1.25 The `- thathe so construe harder the horse or colt pulls the tighter it gets. Thisis another Griffith Guaranteed Halter, and'it will be replaced or repaired by themfree, if broken within' one year. The Classic Colt is a very strongly built halter for the frisky, unbroken colt. It will hold him) welt be glad to show YoA u these and other choice halters.. . „ .. Price $1.50 to $2.25 Giant GROCERY .DEPARTME T THE CANNING: SEASON NOW ON HAND, WE HAVE NEW FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS ZINK RINGS, JAR_ RUBBERS, PARO- ti'4 AX. XXX VINEGAR SPICES "i -/F ALL °KINDS. • ASC P. THIEL - Zurich E. NADIGER - Dashwood ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Gertrude Hess had the mis- fortune last Pr:day evening to fall — .and in doing so broke severai'ri s also sustaining other minor injures We hope for a speedy'recovery. Ur].C S r WEI ARE AGENTS FOR PrestOLite storage emery A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR NO BETTER I3ATTERY ON THE MARKET WE ALSO STOCKUTIRES, TTUBES, ACCESSORIES AND GEN- TS EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTIONAND ALSO BATTERY CHARG- ING. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING.ANY LAKE; OF CAR A SPECIALTY Zurich H, Mousseau PHONE No. 103. The local merchants are buying large quantities of dutch sett. on- ions at the present time, but`anos- tly those that have been sown on contract. Teh setts are of fine quality and should demand the highest market price. Seyeral. carloads have been shipped this week. • (,. There passed away at Sebewing Mich., Oct.ober 30th, Mr. August Koch at the age of 54 years, 3 months and 29 days. Deceased had been sick a very short time and the end came unexpetced. He was formerly well known in these parts, having been raised her. ,but was born in Germany and immigrated with his parents, to Canada when 2 yrs. old, and then moved `t'o Michigan some years ago. He is survived by his wife and 3 sons and 3 slaughters of hwich all are at home except two two, Mrs. Stirling and Mrs. Shaw both of "Bad Axe, Mihc. Also one brother, Mr. Geo. Koch of Dashwood and faur sisters, Mrs. Wm. Daerr, Auburn; Mrs. Jos. Meiclinger, and Mrs. Hy. Weseloh, of Zurich and Mrs Hzrnick of Mich The -funeral was held on Nov. 2nd conducted by Rev. Bunhanrer. tetee4•4-4-1.3.. 4-ar c++++004^•e.•§•3.1••i•F•-r 11,•g.+++++++++ i.++4 i+++++++++.y k+ .1. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US 'WHILE OUR SUPPLY LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10X, AND PROSPECTS POR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND SAVE MONEY We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices. WE DO ALL HINDS OI' EVET'ROUGH.ING AND REPAIRING AT ALL TIMVMEIS TAD 4 4. 4 4. +1+ High heels and abnormal cases ro sing by women were among brought forward by Dr. F. Leh- mann of Winnipeg resu]t:ng in 'Ware iasis , physical and nervous- diseases at a meeting of the Alberta Med- ical Association. This fact has been borne out by all the medical profession, but the warning seems to be so little heeded, foolish style and pride bene considered `before health. mon .W:aveggen.A Aing zw:ow++.r•.,+asrrca+++'++vawa..1.s:sgu,:.,..4ew..m^.g.a.aeau F.an1Sa.;Rv::M.,V91. ;n+"Ae Vtnan rglANA'VISIFytrlw': A PRE TER BLOCK ZURICH 4. 3r BLAKE. The regular oneeting of the W M. S. was held in the church on • Wednesday afternoon of last week Rev. Mr. Foster of Varna gave a very interesting address which was much appreicated by those pres- ent. Miss Irene Lipphardt of Zurich visited at the home of Mr., and Mrs. John Parke last week. Mr, Edmund Bechler • spent the week -end under the parental roof. The monthly meeting of the Blake Womens' Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm, Carnie, on Wednesday Nov. 17th, Mrs. Pollock and Miss Jemima Johnston of Zurich spent last week with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kipfer of Dixie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Jake Kipfer in the village last week, •1 Special Announoernent We are pleased to announce that we'have added to our line the WHITE SEWING MACHINE BOTH WITH ROTARY AND VIBRATING SHUTTLE, WHICH WE CAN SHOW YOU 1N P VE BEAUTIFUL MONELS ON OUR ,i'LOOR. 1• 4 4. 4. 4+ "WHITE" Rotaries don't wear out, they sew faster, run easier, and are absolutely NOISLEiSS Machines are marked at one price, to all, which will be Aly adhered to. John Groff, who had his..legbad. ly torn .while silo • filling at the farm of Samuel Snyder near New Dundee three ,weeks ago' on Mon- de, died at the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital on Sunday last, .as the re- sult of his injaries. His trousers. caught in the machinery while he was oiling the same, and his leg we ; broken in two places, e end below the knee, and otherwise b Idly 'mingled. From the outset there were only slight hopes Por his recce cry. On the Saturday proceeding his fatal accident ,the •de^rase d and has brother lost their threshing outfit in a fire that de- stroyed the barn of J.J. Brown,, near kyr. The deceased was in rlli�I�n�I�l1� i iA �I I ��t'l IIII II f!I I �i�QtrA,i �ill�yi ;r BUT AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO ANY ONE WHO NEEDS A MACHINE, WE ARE GOING TO OPFER THE FIRST •FIVE MACHINES AT A. HANDSOME REDUCTION OP 10 ON STRICTLY CASH SALE. Don't wait you may be one of the Five Lucky ones, .as there will absolutely be not more than five sold at this reduction. We will also sell sewing Machines on weekly payments. WE CARRY IN STOCK ALL STYLES OF NEEDLES, BELTS, THIS ADD. MUST BE PRODUCED TO RECEIVE CASH A -L LOWANCE OF $10 ON SEWING MACHINES. DASHWOOD. Owing to .pressing engagements s elsewhere, Bishop g unable to be present on Sunday last to take the Anniversary ser- vices in the Evangelical church. These had to be postp-oned to next Sunday when he promises t:) be with us. English service will ibe held at 10 a. in. and 7.30• p.m, land German` at 2.30 p.m.. On Sat- urday evening at S p.m. he - will give a lecture. Our three members to the Boy's Parliament gave their reports to the Sabbath school last Sunday. The experience• did the boys good a:'Xd the report they gave was creditable to all of them. The Parliament is to be an an- nual affair and be held in cycle or- der in the villages in South Huron, The Boys "< c•ere. loud in their prais- his 22nd year, and was a son o , the kite Andrew B. Groff, of Wil- es of the hospitality shown by the mot Tp. He is survived by his people of Exeter and especially so mother in Baden and several bro-,o the ladies hwo furnished the tilers and sisters. The remains good things for the banquet. were taken to the home of Mr.I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder of John S. Wilhelm ,Eros Road, from near Crediton spent Sunday with where the. funeral took place on,Nr. , r. and Mrs. Wm. Meyer.. Are. 'nes lay afternoon to Schantz Messrs. Herb and Edwin Rinker chereb and cemetery. The late ( o" Sarnia were visitors at their John Groff was known by rn or•ken'home oveIVIcr thesc, we sl Hibbard of /sir;eh and vicinity having !or Mr. and Mrs. e. O. Smith, St.I Detroit and Mrs. Vernon of Win-+. Joseph for severalyearS he being; drays isited7edatives in town a few' a nephew to Mrs. n1 ih. LICK:N ��3 14... PHONE 63 ,1t O 1? t\4- For Women THERE IS BUT ONE KIND OF DRESS GOODS TO BUY AND THAT IS THE BEST. Plain Pure Wool Novelty Skirt- ing at per yard .......:�_.. $6.50 All wool Serges 54 inches wide in colors of Navy, Rust, Taupe, T3rown, Sand, at per yard $4.50 Velour Coating 54 inches wide Navy, Burgandy, Taupe and Greer, at per yard ... ... $5.00 EXTRA SILK VALUES Silk Bose per pair • $1.50 This is our regular $2 silk article. Raincoats for Women in tweeds for $10.00 and upwards. 1 For Men TWEED HATS ARE POPULAR THIS FALL They come in light shade tweeds that will hold. their shape at $4.00 New Fall Caps. In patterns to suit the most discriminating dres- ser. SHIRTS Great quantities of them in neat Patterns and Stripes. Raincoats for Man in tweeds, for $10.00 and upwards. Fresh Groceries and Fruits i useason Butterick Patterns For Sale rfrr \7JJ