HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-11-11, Page 1z Vol. XX1 No 19 LO Ki LOOK ti __— ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNII4Q, NOVEMBER 11, 1920. ERALD IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL DELIVER IES OF GOODS, WE ARE SELLING AT GREATLY RED- UCED PRICES THE FOLLOWING; LADIES' WHITE CANVASS SHOES, 0 XFORDS POMPS. !ALSO A FEW LINES IN PATENT AND KID OXFO,RDS AND POMPS. THESE ARE ALL EXCEPTIONAL VALUES REPAIRING NEATLY AND P ROlYIPTLY DONE ,Zt.N4 W. PFLE ZURCH' AND ChesterL. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a 'Year In ,A.dvance o.III...I.I.mnmnn.I..=..I.I.I.=I...I.I./......II.I.+.I.."'.A.ursirmemsig.maaeswc.omwtauon.ov.ntvvaupoumoaueoeozvraanornanax.r/mar.ttuuoasaWusia..a.vsr-xas2rauaxtm...s:amammetavtau.etns,s•Mrwg0.•WaoII.M.M... B0100101. sommlamem.smealrawmama•••• 2 ***06000000,,C9064,00.64061DOesleeetleae .4! , 4.•• 0 0 8 8 to 8• 8 8 8 8 8 •8 r ea ce4aGerif••••• Rev, Graupner of Dashwood was in the village on Tuesday. I M. and Mrs. T. J. Merner of forth IWA,J.4 in the 'village on 31.t- urday. Mr. .Chas. Silber of Kitchener is visiting.at ,his home here. Dr. and Mrs. O'Dwyer were at London last ,Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C: 0. Smith of St. Joseph attended the. funeral of the .0****6•••••••••••••••••••• late John Groff ,atBaden laat • • . week. anniversary servises of Cal- e vary Evangelical church, Dashwoo 0 have been' postponed from leet 0 Sunday to this Sunday Nov. 14th, 0 A. special lecture will be given in the chach on' Saturday evening. o 0 The candidates sent by the Ev- angelical S. School to the Boy's • Parlianient at Exeter .gave a very ° detailed report of the session oa e have a Grand Showing of Fall aid iWiater Styles msses, Children h wearhy. apparel hir Nen, •,e 8 • PURE WOOL SERGES • to or Our stock of wool Serges is now 10 • complete. We have all 'the .12good colors; Navy, Blue, Brown, 0 0 Grey and Black, in different widths to 0 suitable for Dresses or Suits. ot 1Prices ranging from•$2.75 to $6.50 0 0 0 per yard. 1110 -0 —Use a nice range, of- all -wool plaid skirt lengths, 54 inches wide • 4,0 at very reasonable price. 40• iSILKS A beautiful display of silks in • to all the leading shades, 36 -inches 0 wide, from $2.50 to $4.00 per yard. 8 ,40 11 LADIES' SILK CREPE DE ot e • .CHINE WAISTS A splendid range of ladies' • waists in all the newest colors 0 8 a silk and The Latest Shapes • • ak..e VELVETEENS A big showing of Velveteens in all the new shades and colors. THE NEW FALL SWEATERS tAnd Pullovers are most attract- - ive in their :beautiful colorings in t Many new et.les. They- i *are, priced from $6 to $14 each. LADIES' WOOL SCARFS We have just received a ship- mont of Ladies' pure -wool scarfs in enticing new colors. • Sunday. It sure was educational for 'them, and they report gond • hospitality at Exeter. • • It is, not good that Labor should be alOne. Neither is it good that e Capital should be alone., Labor alone never produced anything, • but the merest livelilhood. Cpa- e, ital 'alone is even more sterile. The to twoare helpmates for each other. Only,,,together can they be fruit- . • ful and 'multiply .and replenish the e • earth --and subdue the forces • 2 the, earth. and harness them. for 3 the -binefit crf Man. 42 Mr • H. Gallnian, who recently •* *„ ed the house owned by Mr. Hy. Pa;textc. New Hamburg,. and wh:cli been ,13r41d.,Xtb i.A. Johnston & Son has' rnOVed i • B, Piffles residence recently e 0 chased from: the estate of the lat-: •'P. Bender. Just. Arrived An assortment of Genuine Hohner, 'Mad.e in Germany' Mouth Organs. Prices from Si up. We are also supplied with a full range of colors in SportFloss„ put up in 2 -oz. Balls, the correct thing for knitting sweaters and Scarfs. and Shades E r"eV Hess the Jeweller! GEZZ2601. 0 The lecal branch of the 0 Institute entertained the Credii on fa e Society . on Thursday last at, th? home of Mrs. C. Fritz, and 1.e..te, • • Institutes had a most enjoyable * time a splendid program was giv- er by the visitors, and much in - tenet was given on the instruct- . • eve paper by Mrs. S. M. Hauch. • hTe. Foly1 Supper given in the Walper House by the Lutheran iad- • ies' Aid last Thursday evening was 0 in every way a success. o certainly' wa.s in abundance and o: • the very best, and is a credit to 0 the ladies. The program rend- • ered in the Town Hall after the 0 supper was very much enjoyed by * all and was of excellent quality. a to 00 Come in and see our fine assort- to ment, as we have everything new 0 in the line of Pall and Tweed Hats co NO SHADE WE HAVEN'T GOT. NO HEAD WE CANNOT FIT. CAPS Never was a larger rnage of caps shown in this store, and you S know what that means, MEN'S CLOTHING Our Clothing Department is re always at your service, and with 0 our now styles for Fall, we have a lino of suits and overcoats that we fool proud off. Don't worry about Luxury Tax, as we have a • pslendid assortment from $25to$45.. 4) Also a large stock of men's and 2 boy's Sweater coats and Pullovers 5 to chose from. • • SUITS ARn 0 0 SOMEHOW WE ALW.AYS THINK OF BOYS NO 1./1...V.PTER WHEN OR HOW * JUST A LtliTLE *BETTER THE AVERAGE. PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $20,00. SIZES FROM 22 TO 32 !fat WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING THAT MAKES THEIR EYE, AND OUR NEAT to Fresh Grecenes always on hand Produce taken in TIIEY COME, exchange HAY COUNCIL The regular session of the Co- uncil of the Township of Hay w:u held on Saturday, Nov. 6th. .All the members were present. The minutes of the precious meeting were read and adopted. +.'/•++++•)++.:.++++++++++++++0.414÷++++++++++n -++++++++++++44' No Action was taken in regard damlgos to automobile filed by Rex Dick. T1 foll win accounts 'were • Incorporated in 1835' THE MOLSONS BANK ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $0,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Dep- artments at all Branches. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch ',M11121111122=1777:=SESSIMMININVEiliatallallidillailit verimi 4 F. H ES S & CO. OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overi.knd Gars! Overland Cars 4. 4. + 4.4.4. wt.,179.3;./,rt 4. 5- 4« -4,4 4« ...el..., ok, It We are 1•eceiving our Fall Shipments almost daily and have a oz,. 4- large. range for your inspection. SEE US FOR QUALITY AND VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. We as 1 are showing a fine assortment of Oxfords, for men el. e„. and \Von -len at greatly reduced prices. Big reduction in canvas and warm weather footwear to make4. 4 'I* $4. 4 4. 4. room. BUTTER ,AND EGGS WANTED C. FRTZ! The Shoeman: . to a ilt,f• :ig ,V to Phone 59 Produce Wanted 1,, Air;,‘1/4.4,:;"i-irieebee,/aFiri,f3oairet-sogvaniedt;:3h4til:d:r,fltavari7 ,... ..,,, 40 . *ft i 10 foliowing passed; Grand & Toy, War Mem schel- arship certificates 18,45; 3, 1. )3,o': iteeount 3.65; P. Haberer, valuatine 1he'p 3 00; J. Laporte selecting ju- era 400; E. F. Klonp ditto 4.1!0; A. F. Hess, ditto 5,00; F. Mousssav rep culvert 4 00; Wm Northeet,, Con Wrk. 1160.00; A. J. Penhel bridge and ;labor 13.01; P. Sehola oa wrk. 51.00; P. Deichert rr. litto 148.81; R. Munn ditto .255.0g): Z;rieb. Agrle. Soo. grant 25.01; P Corrivem, rep. culv. 25.00; . Se.I1h..eh .com. wrk. 261.10. • 11.,r, LDT Aug. to Sep. 108.65; Ste CArlson. Tel Co supplee; !,e279, Nov. .lee. Co, 130.79. The 'Council adjourned to me.; I,. agile .on Saturday, Dee. 4th. at i en. gravel accounts rhould be handed in to the Clerk on o before this meeting. • A. F. Hess,clerk ij • ,i.,..1,,,mago...//%Aiiihtot.;0041/041,,4 11406a/61,4; .4. 0,0“z10 c letW,1; *CM** WINTER O-tODB We are prepared to meet your,wantsandrequirements in these Imes o Goods; I HEAVY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN + IINVEATESS, 'HEAVY WOOL TOP sTqwrs. HEAVY FLAN- NELETTE LLANKETS, YARNS, STOCKINGS, SOCKS MITT'S, OLO Q'ES, ETC. ALSO A 000D STAPLE LINE OF STIOnS AND RUBBERS. I.: We 11.3..7a not the Article in stock the: you want, we will try and got it for you. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD BRIGHT, WELT, DRIED APPLES. • Fresh. Groceries always in. Stock R. N. DOUGLAS SLAKE it PHONE 11 -97 'Jr 4%.