HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-11-04, Page 8ry F.11 and Winter Go.ds see oar display of Fall goods.qur Stocks are.now almost complete®in all Lines Ladies' Wear A splendid range of Ladies Co- atings on hand in Velours, fine 'Chinchilla Cloth, Etc. New -Silks, Fine Botany Serges, All -wool Plaid Skirtings, Velvets and Velveteens, Underwear, Swe- ater coats in Newest Styles. Men's Wear WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL ,VALUES TO OFFER IN MEN'S 'AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, FOR FALL WEAR. NEW HATS AND CAPS, MITTS GLOVES, ETC. ETC. ( /E'R`s DEPARTMENT THE CANNING SEASON NOW ON HAND, WE HAVE NEW FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUIMIBLERS ZINK KINGS, JAR RUBBERS, PARO- WAX. XXX VINEGAR SPICES OF ALL KINDS. J. GASCHO & SO uric' Garae WE ARE AGENTS FOR PresOLite storage attery A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR NO BETTER BATTERY ON THE MARKET WE ALSO STOCK TIRES, TUBES, ACCESSORIES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTIONAND ALSO ING. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING. ANY MAKE, OF CAR A SPECIALTY BATTERY CHA:R.G- sem° �a Mousseau Zurich PHONE No, 103. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% AND PROSPECTS FOR TO GO 'STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND SAVE MONEY We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices. (1 J ; (, i ; 1.1 t. WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVEr'RO'UGHING AND REPAIRING AT ALI, TIMEIS + + 'F; STADE • a. PREETER BLOCK + ,ef ++++444444.44 1'. "44444++4441N44.++++++•a 444.4+++"i.44444+++ EIDO ZURICH (EXCELLS ALL OTHERS) The best by test. Provincial Agric- ultural Farm and Winter Fair Barns are equippedwith Louden machinery. Easy to install, Easy to operate, Endless Chain, docs away with crank, no side hangers to break on our track. , Our swinging track hinge enables you to run car on pole at any angle. Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto rhe Supreme Farm Engine HE famous "Z" Engine and the Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto combine to make the one SUPREME farm engine. Cali on us and see the result of this newest combination—FAIRBANKS-MORSE " Z " WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. IWe are substan- tially assisted in delivering ehgine maximum service by a nearby Bosch Service Station.' Agent for Massey -Harris Implements Fairbanks & Morse Engines and Tudi- hope-Anderson Spreaders and plows. Give us a call Before purchasing. elsewhere J.E,A °N�s ®- Zurich ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Sense poeple are reporting of rot in their potatoes. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry made a Business trip to Exeter on Satur- day. Mr. Philip Beaver, who had been at Exeter the past few months, s staying with his son, Edward, for the winter. The Zurich Won -lens' Institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John Gascho, on Wednesday, Nov. 10th. All ladies are cordially invited to be pres- ent. Mr. John B. Meyer, formerly of Hay Township, and who conducte ed a mercantile business at Wat- erloo for the past few years, has removed to Rochester, N. Y.where he will reside, in future. The candidates of the Evangel- ical S. School sent to the Boys' Parliament at Exeter on Friday and Saturday were; Lennie O'Brien, Whitney Brokenshire, Milton Hey, and Ronnie Weber. The boys report an excellent time and will give detailed reports on Sunday in the Sabbath school. After Nov. 1st. a change is pro- posed in the method of collecting the sales and luxury taxes. De- alers ..have constantly complained of the inconvenience of the pre -i sent method, so the Customs de -1 pertinent has decided to inaugu-' rtae a system of collection by means of stamps. Dealers will be furnishes free with a perforating machine for cancelling the stamps. The prize contest awarded by Mr. C. Fritz of the village, for the two largest potatoes by one grow er. closed on Saturday evening; and was captured by Mr. Chris. Gingerich. of the Bronson Line, Stanley. The -pair weighing 5 -lbs 9oz, the largest oneof the two weighing 3 lbs. 8 oz. We certainly mu 31: all take off our hate to Mr. Gingerich for these unusual large "Murphys." Mrs, Cyrus Colosky brought a fine branch of matured ra.slber- ries to the Herald offide, and ad- vises us that the other clay 'h.se . picked a dish of these berries. I This, however, is not unusual to the Editor, es he. happens to have n few plants of the St. Regis ev- er -.bearing variety, and has had this treat no less than twice a week since the berry reason be gun. This fruit is of a fine quality and excellent flavor. Buy your supply of apple but- ter now, as it is very plentyful this year. No need of eating dry bread. The tax collector for Hay Tp. is now busy receiving the 1920tax- es. The taxes are a little higher thanl ast year, hut this can be ac- counted -for by. the increased levy for county rate ,highway rate and general school rate. The statute labor rate of 2 3/10 mills also help ed to increase the taxes, but many farmers have earned their statute labor rate in doing road work. RECENT REAL ESTATE CHANGED. Mrs. John Geiger has sold her 50 acre farm on the 15th ocn. Hay, to Mr. Henry • Badour, who gets possession next March. Mr. Bad - our has sold the dwelling house in Zurich he recently purchased from Mrs. John Simon to Mrs. Emma Fleischauer, who gets im- mediate possession, • Mrs. Jas. J. Barry has sold the shop he occupied to Mr. Wm. C. Califas, who will use it for a stable and garage. Mr. Edmund Troyer of the Parr Line, has sold his fine 100 -acre farm. lto Mr. John Steephan, of near Dashwood, who gets possession next spring. The consideration was $11,000. "Mr. Geo D, Wright, of Murray Township has just completed a seven day test on a pure bred Holstein cow under Government supervision. She produced 21.09 'pounds of butter and 492 2 pounds of milk in the week. We are told that. this is considered good for the time of year and age of the caw.. The cow is called Annie Brook DelCol and is owned. by the manager of The Molsons Bank at Franfrkord, and wee understand was purchased" from Mr. Lamont, a Millioniar breeder of Western Ontario." -Belleville Intelligencer. Since the above article has been received at this office, we learn that this "Millionair Breeder" hap- pens to be our genial citizen, Mr. Wm. Lamont, and he is to be ad ,sired of the high aspect and es- teem held by the general reflect- ion of this article, and furthermore we understand that Mr. Lamont was the recipient of a handsome, check as a part of appreciation from Mr. Dunlop, who purchased this animal from Mr. Lamont this sarin g. Much more luck and suc- ce s b y.aa Mr, R.T.D. A If AL BARGAIN 1, Lois Phonograph Cabinet Style Mahogany finish Beautiful toned machine Plays all records Absolutely guaranteed Regular Price $ 175 Sale Price $150 Including War Tax of 10 per cent. Oall and let ins demonstrate this Instrument E PHONE 63 34011 .91[11161111111101MENIZIONIIIMPSIM OFFIERINgS TIND 37 • • i 1.0•• N••.• , 1 •11••••• 1,1.- 1,1,..• ., L,1.w For Women THERE IS BUT ONE KIND OF DRESS GOODS TO BUY AND THAT IS THE BEST. Plain Pure Wool Novelty Skirt- ing at per yard ...... ...... $6.50 All wool Serges 54 inches wide in colors of Navy, Rust, Taupe, Brawn, Sand, at per yard $4.50 Velour Coating 51 inches wide Navy, Burgandy; Taupe and Green at per yard ... ... $5.00 EXTRA. SILK VALUES Silly Hose per pair ... . $1.50 This is our regular $2 silk article. Raincoats for Women in tweeds for $10.00 and upwards. ForMen TWEED HATS ARE POPULAR.. THIS FALL They come in light shade tweeds that will hold their shape at $4.00 New Fall Caps. In patterns to suit the most discriminating dres- ser. SHIRTS Great quantities of them in neat Patterns and Stripes. Raincoats for Men in tweeds, for $10.00 and upwards. Fresh Groceries and Fruits inseaso Butterick Patterns For Sale Phone 87 . LtJRJV[