HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-11-04, Page 6Health
In spite of all that science has done
to preserve or restore the special
senses, it is a sad fact that deafness
continues to increase, and that medical
methods for its relief have been very
disappointing. Some cases of slowly
growing deafness have been relieved
when they have been taken .in hand
immediately; those who delay and con-
tent themselves with saying, "I realiy
must have my ears attended to soon," They are the victims of a feeling of
generally go to the doctor too late to i hopeless exhaustion after the per -
get any benefit from him. Sometimes
the trouble comes on so gradually and
insidiously that even the victim's fam-
This is 'What Thousands of
People Throughout the
Country Are Doing.
Thousands of Canadian housewives
are working from day to day on, their
nerve. They are daily drawing more
and more on their reserve strength,
knowing full well that they are using
up that vital force which often means
life or death is the crisis of disease.
romance of even the small tasks
which were once the simplest and
easiest parts of the day's work. They
ily hardly notice it; it at first is so i find the appetite failing, sleep is dis-
slight that he can carry on an ordinary 1 turbed and unrefreshing; they lose
conversation without effort. The first weight, and always feel tired and de -
shock comes when he discovers that pressed. In this condition a blood-
loodhe cannot hear the tick of a watch at building tonic is needed to restore
the usual distance, or has cause to health and activity, and for this pur-
complain of noises in the head, pose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are un -
A good many mechanical contri_ surpassed. Often the trouble will have
vances have been invented to aid the progressed to a point which makes .for several weeks.
deaf, but, helpful as many of them full recovery slow, but the treatment "First of all, be on time at every -
are, they are at best bothersome to should be persisted in and renewed thing, especially at meals. Get ready
manipulate, and in a good many cases health and activity will be the result. a little early; then, if unexpected
they do not help at all. The case of Mrs. W. Schooley, RM. things cause delay, you will still be
When deafness grows so extreme
that the joys of social life are threat-
ened. the trouble is probably incurable.
The specialist must be kindly frank
in explainin that the case is beyond
his help, The first stage of deafness,
when it is owing to middle -ear disease,
is congestion, and that ie.. the stage
at which the specialist should be called
pm, -
The Guest You Miss. leaving all .clean beneath; she has real
Perhaps there is no time whenmore ized their value as covering for
young women neglect to show the shelves, as a means of polishing the
traits of a gentlewoman than when stove top, wiping up grease, cleaning
they are in a whirl of gayeties away lamp chimneys, etc. But it has re -
from home. Recently a careful moth- m-a'ned for modern ingenuity to pro
er wrote a letter to one of her daugh-
ters who was visiting some friends in
Toronto. The letter reached the girl
on the first morning of her visit. Be-
cause it was not an ordinary letter a
part of it is printed here.
"I am glad that you can visit
Louise," wrote the mother. ".She is a
dear girl, and Mrs. Mabie is motherly
and lovely. Be sure to make yourself
a desirable guest. Enter into their
home life and cause as little trouble
as possible, since you will be there
hearing, "Tell Mrs. Blank that I am
not at home."
The right home training is the
greatest force for morality.. The char-
acter of the individual is determined
by the way in which it is begun.
Were the right influence, example
and environment given to all children
there would be no need for reforma
tories; a verbal pledge would be as
binding as a written one and the name
of the profiteer would not be upon
every tongue.
For Cleaning Day.
Every housewife knows how the
oven of an oil stove rusts and that
duce paper products especially for the' if it is not properly oiled or greased
use of the home and at a reasonable every week or so it will soap wear
out. If a little lune is sprinkled on a
price. board andlaced in the oven after
We are not apt to think of the roller laking it will absorb all the steam
towel in our own kitchen as a danger and prevent the rust from forming.
ons possession, and yet it is, in exactly
the degree in which it is used by Mrs. J.
different members of the family. In
,addition, the expense of laundering
soon duplicates the original cost many
For use in the kitchen, in the bath-
room or wherever towels are needed,
very fine paper towels may be obtain-
ed in large rolls, which are easily ad-
justed to a stationary metal holder,
This permits each person to have a
fresh towel each time at a negligible
No. 2, Tilsonburg. Ont., - well illus- ready on time and can meet early, expense. As complexion beautifiers,
trates the value of Dr. Williams' Pink guests or help in any emergency that} the paper towel has much in its favor.
Pills in eases of health breakdown,stay arise. It is used like a blotter and so gathers
through weak, watery blood. Mrs., "If your roots does not have a pri the moisture and suspended dust par -
Schooley says: "For upwards of five 'vate bath and several others use the titles from the surface, rather than
years I felt my strength declining, un -1 same bathroom, as is likely to be the rubbing them into the open pores of a
til at last I uld not do Iight chores case, be sure always to. give plenty .of
i tsensitive skin.
around the place. Then a doctor was time for the others, and always leave In the kitchen there are a thousand
called in, and 'after doctoring about a , and one uses for paper towels to save
the roost neat. Hang up the bath rug, work and os for �
in. If the treatzttet,t that he, and he f month he said that only an operation 1 wash out the tub and wipe out theg. They are itivalu-
only, can give cures the congestion' would help me. I did not feel like go- a bowl after you use them, and leave able to drain doughnuts, croquettes,
] an event [r this, and decided that in potato chips, etc, asgrease isprompt-
rom t
and wards off the symptoms that fol -
any everything in good order for the next 1 P p
any event I would wait a while. I had 1 absorbed. A w otless length of
low in its train, the deafness may be person;and do not use the prettiest Y p
no appetite, often had headaches ac•white. absorbent paper is valuable like -
entirely cured. The first symptom is embroidered towels if there are any
a thickening of the parts of the in -1 times
Iby dizzy spells; several others. vise to polish glass, the egg -stained
times I had fainting spells, and my ,.At the table do not dawdle through spoons from the breakfast table, the
ternal ear. By and by fibrous tissue ,tea_ would swell, ,,,,t r could not even, , brass ornaments about the house, the
your meas, but each
yourrshostess ]windows and many other things. It
and try to finish each course as. soon
as she does, so that no one need wait is attractive to line dresser drawers, to
for you. On the other hand, if they use on shelves, to wrap the lunch for
seem to you a trifle slow, do not rush school or motoring, and as a means of
through, to sit with your hands in your keeping cake fresh.
lap like `patience on a monument,' but Travelers' packages containing a diglxtning in a train. '
nibble along slowly with then. number of towels, a paper comb, an! On the maws throat the doctor was
"Be careful to turn off your lights individual drinking cup, a fibre wash amazed to see an oat the df his own
every time you leave your room, so cloth and a tiny cake of soap are ob-
tainalile and do away with the neves- monogram, similar to that on his lost
that you will not increase the bill for ' sity of making use of public service purse. The purse was found. In the
gl tstranger's pocket.
He had- picked the doctor"s pocket
in the train, and while examining the
purse a lightning flash had been at-
tracted by the metal clasps and im-
printed the monogram on the tillers
Scientists often quote the ease of
the eight petrified reapers when talk -
forms; that is a permanent condition
wherever it occurs, and always means
loss of function.
People who belong to "deaf fam-
ilies," or who are predisposed to
catarrh or ear troubles, should be
very careful to avoid exposure. In
the case of 'young children, parents
must exercise this care for them.
They should not let water enter the
ear. When they go in bathing they
should put cotton in their ears, and
they must be careful not to let the
wind blow directly on their heads
while they arc asleep.
London Pride.
There was a haughty maiden
Whb lived in London Town,
With gems her shoes were laden,
With geld her silken gown.
"In all the jewelled Indies,
In all the scented East,
Where the hot and spicy wind is,
No iady of the best
Can vie with rue," said None -so -pretty
As down she walked through London
"Our walls stand grey and stately;
Our city gates stand high;
Our lords spend wide and greatly;
Our dame: go sweeping by;
Our heavy -laden barges
Float down the quiet flood
Where on the pleasant merges
Gay flowers bloom and bud.
Oh, there's no place like London City,
And Tut is s '.awn," said None -so -
The fairies heard her boasting,
And that they cannot bear;
So off they went a -posting
For e1iame.i to bind her there.
They wove their spells around her,
The maiden pink and white;
With magicIn t they bound her,
And flower:] sprang to sight
All white and pink, called None -so-.
The Pride of dusty London City.
Vdr nted, a Twin.
"Jones," :;aid the manager of a bank,
"there'll be a vacancy at the head of-
fice shortly, and I'm thinking of nomi-
nating your twin brother for the job."
"My twin brother!" exclaimed
Jones, "But-----"
"1 moans the one I saw watching a
ball game yesterday- while you were
at your aunt's funeral," said the man-
"Oh—er--yes," Bald Jones. "I—I re-
member! ( I --I'll go and get hint!"
"Good!" said the manager. "And
don't came back tilt you've found
To Live.
To see z.he beauteous world,
To breathe the fragrant alr,
To hear accordant sounds,
To feel, to bel ---
This Is not life!
There is a larger vew,
There is a deeper breath,
There is a liner touch,
And a diviner sound,
Than sense can e'er reseal.
To see the glory in the Infinite,
To feel the breath of the Al-
mighty, •
To hear the voice of the I Am,—
This is to live.
sweep a floor without resting several
times. Again a doctor was called in
and he said the trouble was general
debility and nervous breakdown. The
treatment, however, did not help me,
and then one evening as my husband
was reading the paper, he came across
a case in many respects similar to
mine, cured through the use of Dr,
'Williams' Pink Pills. The next day
he got me a supply of the Pills, and
to their continued faithful use for
several months, I owe my present
splendid health. I may say that soon
after beginning the use of the pills I
felt a gradual improvement in my con-
dition, my appetite improved, I began
to feel rested after a night's sleep and
I gained in weight. My friends were
continually expressing surprise at my
improved condition, as. it was general-
ly believed I had become a chronic in-
valid. I always take a delight in tell-
ing them that Dr. Williams' Pink,Pilis
are responsible for my present good
health, and as. they have been a real
blessing to me I shall always continue
Ito praise them."
if you are suffering from any con•
dation due to poor, watery blood, or
weak nerves, begin taking Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills now, and note how
your strength and health will improve.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or they will be
sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Fighting On.
"For fourteen years I have not had
a day's real health; I have wakened
sick and gone to bed weary; and I
have done my work unflinchingly. I
have written in bed, and written out
of it, written in hemorrhages, written
in sickness, written torn by coughing,
written when my head swam for weak-
ness; and for so long, it seems to me,
I have- won my wager and recovered
my glove. I am better now, have
been, rightly speaking,. since first I
came to the Pacific; and still few are
the days when I am not in some
physical distress. And the battle goes
on --ill or well, is a trifle; so as it
goes. I was made for a contest, and
the Powers have so willed that my
battle -field should be this dingy, in-
glorious ono of the bed and the physic
bottle."—Robert Louis Stephenson.
Canadian fall weather is extremely
hard on little ones. One day is warm
and bright and the next wet and cold.
These sudden changes bring on colds,
cramps and colic, and unless baby's
little stomach is kept right the result
may be serious, There is nothing to
equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping
the little ones well. They sweeten
the stomach, regulate the bowels,
break up colds and make baby thrive.
fi The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co.,
{ Brockville, Ont.
I 4
Your own will carne to you, if you
] hold the thought firmly ands -•--hustle,
The improved Fanning Mill of to -day,
separates wild oats, smut, and eltess—
no grain too dirty for the Kline. Ca-
pacity 100 bushels per hour. Write
for particulars, KLINE FANNING
MILL CO., 480 Crawford St., Toronto.
Weshing by Fire.
The silky fibro derived from certain
rocks which we call asbestos was fa,
miliar to the ancient Greeks Lind Ito.
mans, and was commonly used by
them to make fireproof yarn, fireproof
rope and fireproof cloth.
These are the uses to which ashes,
tos is chiefly put at the present time.
It is only in tho production of thread
from this material that we have much
improved upon the ancients. it is
now spun so tine that a pound cf as-
bestos will yield two-thirds of a mile
To make a good home-made duster, of thread.
soak pieces of soft flannel in paraffin To wash" a piece of asbestos cloth
oil over night, wring out well and
eine has only to put it into fire. That
wash in lukewarm rain water. "This cleans it.
will gather up all the dust and leave
a good polish on floor, and furniture. rice
Dampen the dusting cloth with SHEEP
equal parts of turpentine and kero-
sene to brighten up the dullest furni Bring Bic' Prices
ture.—Mrs. J. J. O'C.
I use plaster of Paris to set nails in.
walls when the nails seem loose, and;
for a variety of other uses, but used,
to be troubled by the mixture becom-
ing stiff 'and unworkable before I was
through with it. A builder once told
me to mix a little vinegar with it to
keep it in a plastic condition.—E.C.
Photographed by Lightning.
Pictures imprinted on the skin are
a common freak of lightning.
Natural objects, trees, ships, and
the patterns of ferns are often found
on a man's, woman's, or child's body
after it has been struck.
Perhaps. the most curious instance
of this phenomenon is recorded by the
famous French scientist, M. Mammar-
ion. A doctor,'retiirning front a train
journey,- missed. alis .parse. Later in
the day he was called. to attend a
stranger who had been struck by
ta,Be mg. sure to throw the covers back accommodations when traveling or en -
over the foot of the bed and open your joying a day's outing. A roll of paper
windows wide, so that the room can toweling is fine to keep under the seat
air when you go down to blear ,��{. of the automobile.
Be dainty about your room. Do le, p`.er tablecloths and napkins may
get spots on the bureau cover or muss be secured in different sizes and .de -
the counterpane; and of course never signs. The napkins are used but once,
lie or sit on the bed without removing then discarded, but the tablecloths
the counterpane. may be used until soiled. The thrifty Ing of the frealds of lightning.
"Use your own stationery,—except housekeeper will sometimes cut these They were sitting under a tree eat -
when you write special notes for which latter into squares to clean lamp china-
ing their midday meal when a steres
their embossed paper would be ap neys and polish windows. At first] came on, and they were founts later in
propriate,—ard always keep a supple* these were offered in such highly col -{lite same position dead.•
of stamps on hand, so that you will ored designs and coarse texture that One or two held their food in n -•
not need to use any of theirs. they were not favorably received, but!
tural attitudes, one had u lung to lits
"If you read a book or a magazine, now the daintiest of napkins and] tips while another w.a: , rosining far
be careful to replace it exactly where tablecloths resembling fine linen may ward with -his laor lir ,the food bag.
it belongs as soon as you have finish-
ed reading it.
"Consult Mrs. Mable or Louise
about your dress for special occasions,
so that you will wear your prettiest
things when they wish you to, and so
that your dress will be in harmony
with Louise's. When a young man
calls on Louise, meet him pleasantly
and enter into the conversation, but be
sure to make some excuse to leave the
roots, so as to let them have at least
a few minutes together; and whatever
you do, do not try in any way to at-
tract him from her. Of course, when
she invites some one especially to see
you or when several young men come
together, it will not be necessary to
leave the room; but do not monopolize
any one man; talk to each one a while,
if convenient.
"Try to •contribute something to the
table talk without monopolizing the
conversation, and ask questions to
bring out interesting experiences or
information. At a dinner party notice
when 'the table turns.' That means
that when the hostess talks to the per-
son on her left, all should follow her
example, or some one will be out of
the conversation. Of cothrse you would
not abruptly stop in the midst of a
topic with the person on your rigi't,-
but as soon as you can gracefully do
so turn to the person on your left.
"Round the house in the mornings
have with you some sewing or a book,
so that no one will feel that you need
to be entertained. On the other hand,
always be ready to go anywhere or to
do anything that may be suggested.
You are the only one there who has uo1
regular duties; so try to do something.
for all the others."
be secured,
Why Does Mary Lie? -
rtain 'nether who was touch
A ce
surprised that her small daughter lied
very frequently and seemingly with-
out cause, would have been filled with
shame .tad she recalled how often she
to her maid in the child's
.had said
Paper: The New Servant.
Anything which eaves work is a
friend to the housewife, leaving her
more time for leisure and tate pursuit
of other congenial occupations, The.
thrifty housekeeper has long realized -
the many labor-saving uses of news-
papers about the house.
She has spread them on the floor by
the side of her stove when frying; has
used them to cut crumbly foods upon,
gathered up the litter in a moment and
All had been struck by lightning.
Another time a flash of lightning
stripped a girl of her hair, every
strand being cut clean away as if
shaved by a razor. Yet the child felt
no shock. A somewhat similar case
was that of a woman who. after being
struck, gradually lost all the hair on
one side of her head.
When Sold by
Auction at the
ronto u ,;
Stock Show
Classes for every feeder, whether
big or small.
Show will be -held at
December 9th & lath.
',Vrite Secretary, IBox- 085, We.:'
Toronto, for all particulars.
SAVE 50c
per roll
We ship on approval to any station
where there is an agent. We save
you. 50c to $1.00 a roll on Ready Roof-
ing n f guaranteed
ASIC FOR duality, yourself to be
FREJ3J the judge after in -
SAMPLES seeding the Roofing
at our risk. Samples
free by mail, also free catalogue
with prices and full information.
Send letter or post card, "Send me
free samples and price of Ready
Roofing and particulars of Free s
Delivery Offer."
Factory Distributors,
4EN who work outdoors meed
4. the comfortable warmth of
"Red label" underwear
It is made of the best wool --and is
cut to fit perfectly, giving ease and
freedom with the warmth needed
to protect against bitter cold.
We snake underwear in heavy
weights for mei], women and
WVrite for free sample bode
Truro, N. S.