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Zurich Herald, 1920-11-04, Page 5
BUSINES CARDS PROU1)rOOT, KILLORAN, COOK Barristers, Solieatore, Notaries Public &o. Office, on tbo Square and door from Hamilton St. {loderieh. Private funds to loan at lowest ease VV. Puocn1ecoe, K. C. J. L. KILLQRAN• H. J, 1). Coma. Mr, Cooke Will bo in House.11 on Friday and Saturday of eaoh week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. Dr.E. S. }Laraine DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE - HENc \LL OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conded in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0. Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. iii Zurich • Meet MARKET _.� Fre and Salt Meats Bo1ic o r:a Sausages, etc 'Highest Cash Price for Woull1 CASH POR SKINS & H1DES r`I ,YLg bilat &al Deichert NOTICE As I have recently purchased the Beery business, I wish to inform the public that 1 am in a position to accomodate, 1 line, Ana alo requirements a licensed long chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing ing line GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phcne 58 HENSALL G.. T, R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... ...... 8.58 dams Ncxth, No. 163 ... -•. .-_10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON ' Stage leave Zurich ...... 00 p.m. South, No. 164 .-- .....-...4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ... ..... I'UT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, round, Notice, Ete. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE • A hen stabi a 8x12 for quick slae apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE One 9-h. p. United Gasoline en gine, dual ignition, cluthe pulley, on trucks, good as new. L Prang. LOST Or removed from the car of Mr. Ed. Stele]: on Fair night, on the Zurich Road, west of the village, a purse belonging to Mrs. Stelck. Finder kindly leave at Herald of- fice or return to owner. -_STRAYED. J From 'pasture farm, Babylon line Hay, a red and white steer 13 yrs. old. Finder please notify. Phone 81x5. Alex. Rennie. • LIVE POULTRY WANTED Ev- ery Wednesday forenoon. high- est market prices. J. Gascho&Son STRAYED. Unto niy premises, a two-year- old steer, color blue and white, ow- ner can have same by applying to Mr. Philip Masse, Bronson Line, Hay, and paying expenses. FOUND In Zurich on Tuesday, a roll of bills. For further particulars ap- ply to Herald Office. FOUND Purse of money in Walper House Owner can secure same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply at Wolper House, Zurich 18 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 85• acres of land being Lot pt. 20 and pt. 21,,L. R. E. Township of Stanley. • Also stock and implements thereon. rrhe farm .is in, a good state .• of cultivation, six acres' of fall wheat, well fenced, 2 • acres of orchard, and buildings in good repairs. For further particulars' apply to Wm. Mero, R.R.2, Zurich. t19 FOR SALE A. good second hand No. 21 Fleury plow. J. E. Druar, Zur- ich. r i W ANTED Live poultry every Wednesday morning. Also potatoes, any --qu- antity.-T. qu- antity: T. L. Wurm. - FARM FOR SALE I have for sale the folloi\vng fine farm, situated in the Toney - ship of Hay; convenient to village and school' and in good state -of cultivation. The farm consists of 120 acres, with eleven acres of good bush, plenty of good water, frame dwelling, good bank barn and new silo, Also nineteen acres of fall wheat. P0330381011 given in the fall or next spring. For particu- lars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich. WAYBURN - NEWS Tow of our boys, Leonard Pa -t terson and Leslie Turnbull attend- ed the Boys Parliament hell a. y --L I / Q y Exeter last svc ek. �A few of our farmers have not lifted their potatoes and m rimed •- 0 � i T V yet, They neglected to take ad- -ti vantage of the good 'tveathos vh:eh ,. ti .. an l clo. . .'o� such ' bl , r was so suitable i. 1 now the group ails sosited with ra- ins, these roots catlatot be lifted with the same degree of ease. Th eU. F. 0. meeting last Friday night was' fairly well attended tart a favorable discussion of consol- idated schools by W. Schroeder and E. Disjardine were well ren- dered. Mr. T. F. Turnbull and T. Lose!, shipped two carloads of cattle last Friday to Toronto. Phone 94. Zurich Large quantities of apples are ,,,......----------------------e--- going to waste for lack of barrels De atrVal a & Hudson Co.'s for slupinent Taken every day till 3 Oclock p,m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices -.-CASH FOR---- Cream OR--Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien L ;C .AIM L Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of delivery. Our terms are cash on coaupletion Of deliveries. ,> Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality vision Phone house No. 10, Office No. 10. ENSA4... NT, LOCAL N .4? Ails; hazel Fritz of London, vis Rod her cousin Ali :s Dorothy Fritz last weak, . Slits Vercia Fuss has .returned to her home after vis'ting friends fn Chicago and Detroit, Rev. Allen Good of Waterloo, is giving lectures in the Mennonite church this week. Mr. David Gottschalk, of Pigeeon Mich., was a visitor in the village last week . English services will be conduct- ed in the Evangelical hcul'ch next Sunday morning. 'Vies. A. G. Ehnen, legit this week for Evanston, Ills., where she will remain for the winter with her son, .Rev. Morr;s Ehnes. . \Ve are sorry to learn that Miss Nettie Well of Detroit, underwent a serious operation last week, .in a Hospital of that city. We hope for a speedy recovery. The picture show held in the Town Hal1,1 est Thursday evening was all th._at could be looked for sa some real good pictures were shown. . Anniversary Services will be held in Dashwood Evangelical church,' on Sunday. Bishop ` S.P. Spreng of Naperville, will conduct them. A lecture by the Bishop will ,also be given by the Bishop on Mon- day evening. We are sorry to report the death of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johnston, who was born on Oct. 22nd andpas sed away on Nov. lst. Although a pre -mature infant, good hopes were entertained for its surviving but with the best of care,. it pas- sed away on Monday night. A. GUARANTEE The publishers of The Family Her ald and weekly star of Montreal are doing the right thing with the public. Ninety per cent. of news papers have already raised rates. The Family Herald publishing gu- arantees a full year's subscription. DPAS •;WOOD. SCHOOL REPORT ' 11t';tdy-to-W e ar ROOM 1111 !Clothing Sr, V; Art, .,r.,;g., airs. grarnin. --la Howard 8.7, M, 1'lein:aa 71, C. Steinhalgen 65. Jr. V; Same subjects;-- Hart- le}b '85, A. Hoffm•in 83; E. f1uenther 75, J. Guenth?r 73, P, Kleinstiyer 68; I. ReveSe 51 Sr, IV; Art, Geo:;. Writ, gram; --I, Tiernan • 7 6, Luc:l Willert 67; A. Rader 63, L. L. Breland 60, Lillie Willert 5L C. Snell 48. Jr, IV, same subjects; --L. Reid 75, V. Baker 60, E, Zimmer 54, M. Rinker 45. G. S. Howard, Principal. Room II. Sr. III, total mark 250;-V. Birk 229, E. Graupner 228, L. Bakere28, L. Witwer 212, H, Kellerman 171, A Kellerman 161, 0, Fisher. 127, II. Hartleib 76. Jr. III; 25) marks; -A. Tiernan 189, 189, K. Wein 156, G. Guenther 154, A. Miller 147, A. Willert 136, H. Hoffman 125, E., Wilds 107, F. Kleinstiver 105, W. Stire 105, A. Steinhagen 87. Sr. II, 200 marks; -A. Restem- eyer 140, E. Merner 124, E. Hart- leib 105, C. Burmeister 96, E. Ham- acher 84, M. White 79. Jr. II, 200 marks, T. Hayter 143 T. Guenther 143; M. Stiire 140; L. Bender 120, G. Lender 107, M. Mer- ner 97, L. Zimmertna 87, G .Burm- eister 67, I. Lipphardt 62, C. Edtueston, Teacher. 'Room I Jr. II; -M. Held 683; M. Gaupner 613, N. Fassold 587, W. England 522 E. Witwer 494, P. Bender 463, S. Genttner 446, F. Weil 393, L. Sta- ubus 321, A. Stire 160. Pt. II; -H Nadiger 638. E Kraft 597, I. Guenther 585, E. Rinker S 0, \V Wein 482, .L Stire 413, G White 329. Sr. Pt I -A. Morenz 378, V. Kraft 370, R Vincent 291, 0 Staubus 283, P Sshade 213. Jr. Pt I ;-S. Held 463, B. Edighof- fer 465, R. Kleinstiver 456, Z Nad- iger 439, V. Burmeister 426 Class A; -S Stire4 406, M. Res- temeyer 404, V. Kraft 391, E Stire 343, M Klumpp 341. at the old rate of $1.50 a year to all; • Blass B ;-E Fisher 429, E. Held who remit before December lst;; 406, H. Miller 372, J Donohey 307. 1920. We learn that many old sub -,.Class C; -I Genttner 180, H. scriber) are renewing for two years Schluntz 180, M White 172, H. Rine in advance .and thousands of new ker subscribers are being added. It is a great paper and the best vale ue on the Contine4tei Wonderful improvements have let ,Aly been made in The Family- Her:- old. er-,1ld. Members of the Imperial Press. Conference, who ,late4e-ed.7-1- ;ted ,Canada, say 'it has no equal -in the British Empire. ,Canad-_ fans should appreciate such -a pap- er at the price. After December 1st, they may have to pati more. PRESENTATION On Wednesday evening of last week ,the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, Wendel Smith, Gosh- en Line, south, met at their home and somewhat surprised them, when an address and presentation of a hand3ome arm chair and rocker was given theft. Mr. and Mrs 3ni".h, who are shortly mo v ing to Zurich to reside, will be gre- atly missed by their neighbors and fr.ends on the Goshen, conse- quently -this event. Following i5 the address;- Tolir. and Mrs. W enc; el Smith; We, your neighbors f1•11.1 friends, have gathered here tit;.y evening, to show in a slight way t'hcc deep esteem and high rr :vet in 'which you both are held by u.;. We have Learned with deep regret that you are heating our midst in t sew w,eks to maake your future he ne in Zia. ch Vo t have both t':l lt' ir- 1 yoursel ee i to u•is ale by your I=.indly ways and obliging dis- positions. Duthie She ninny years that you have lived here yon hive shown voursel•, es good neighbors and •.ra rnlent,- friends. Although you are _n 1 ing your home on the Goshen Line we are all pleased to know that yen will live in Zurich. acid we hope to s^e you bath quite often in our midst, where you will. ai-- ways be sure of a hearty welcome. We ask you to accept these two chairs as tokens of our esteem and respect, and may you 'both live long to enjoy the comforts they may afford you. 'Your Neighbors andiFrionds ara.., it s 1 Vi -tory Loan tax free bonds at prasent prices are absolutely in that bargain class. The suRpIy availabie is limited. Prompt action is urged for those who desire to take advantage of present opportunity. YOUR CHOICE OF FIVE MATURITIES. Due Price and Yield Interest % 1922.. 98 6.37 1923............ .......98 ......... 6.15 1927 97 6.00 1933 96,50w-. 5.58 1937 9$ 5.68 TAXABLE ISSUES 192.1 97 .. 6.27 1934 93 6,25 Bond delivered to your: Bank free of all do:ivory or brokerage n s char Andrew F. Hess, Zurich 70. P. Tiernan, Teacher The Worlds Greatest hn.g'"" ph VAL Every day the superiority of Edison's wonderful Aiaberola phonograph over much higher - priced 'tnikit:;-tnaciaitles" and commercial ;.,;, •,,ra:;ths is be - coining more widely recognized. Nire don't ask you to buy an Ambernlawithout ia.ts.,;nting other phonographs -we aa•e lrrrua comparison, Bt ; r; o do ask you not to buy any phonograph be- fore you :a:.{ 0 listened to Edison's son':s No :) Data mored 441 ayrma,1 sem; Compare the pure ton of the Amborola with the shrillness and metallic sound. of commer- cial phonographs. Cotnpnrethe Atnberola's put;mance t Diamond Point; R'nproduraz• with the cost and bother of changing needles. 'Compere the long-lasting 4nzbe>•ol Iiscords with fragile "tacking machine" records. 4'hsm make your choice. That is all we ask. Payments arranged to suit your conaenionC 1. W. . PFILI, D1'EALEi1, 'ZuricIIh - Ont. DENOMY BROS. CENTS FUi1NISIIINGS Bo c ti © .i @J A Ordered • ;Clothing Shirts, Underwear,, rwear,. Sweaterv, JL'._ ti'. FOE W EL'.. DRI. S i D MEN, 1 HEY ARE DI''F1RENr' FROM OR:DIN- ARV LINES, THEY ARE IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES. MAX WE ,SUGGEST THAT YOU LOOK OVER OUR PRICES AND AND MAKE A NOTE OF WHAT YOU NEED IN THESE LINES. DErWiv Y Bitos. ZTJ ICH rroduco taken in exchange for Good,s 4-4-4-4- --+ •-4---s-•h-+--fi• 4. 4. + + + + '1 + ? + + YOUR HARNESS NEEDS ¢ WilI be promptly attended to here. See us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells t Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc' A Trial Solicited I FRED THIEL ZURICH 4^-'t 4+ 4• 4. 4• 4• 4• 4• 1' ..�..-� -•: -e- .- i•-•1•-+-4•- 4•-: •--•;•-•3•- 3�-•: -D-'v-+-•` -+- Typhus In Canada. In its earlier days Canada suffered from the ravages of a disease then known as "spotted fever" but now known generally by the niamie of typhus. It is a disease that spreads rapidly and is very destructive of human life. In the years 1846-47 it was brought to Canada by immigrants and caused great loss of lite. It Is only by taking urgent measures to stamp it out in the cen- tres ,where it is now raging that it i an be ; rev ented from extending. Vk;I alssl itrV pi<,s Market prices. A. F HESS - Zurich plIt 4tj8aogf NOTICE I have a large quantity 0' y4:• -)1c1 building stone for sal^ at th,' St. Joseph Bloch. ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- tA.DO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property 'without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $116 400 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount df Ins. in force $25,000,u00. Rate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Ana also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. of 5pr�� � a T y'© loi'.s�5: a�.I,an ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGH l'NING RODS rpon '1 THEY, FARMERS OP THIS SECTION' WILT, :HARVEST ONE OF THE LARGEST CROPS IN SOME YEARS. \VITEN THE CROP IS SAFELY STORED I ti THE EARN YOU SHOULD PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST` LOSS BY FIRE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE GRAIN IS 117 ARKETE:). CAN INSUJRE YOU IN THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE NSU14ANCE CO. AT THE FOLLOWING LOW COST PER MONTH. 20c per $100 for 1 month. 50c per $100 for 4 months. 30c per $100 for 2 months. 60e per $100 for 5 months. 40c per $100 for 2 months. 70c per $100 for 6 months. lr a $2,000 policy for 4 months will cost you only $10.00. NSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, ACCIDENT, ETC. RATES REASONABLE. A. F. HESS ZURICH INSURA.NC 06' ALL KINDS: