HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-28, Page 5RUSINES:a�' CARDS P1tOUDFOOT, litl.l,ORA.N, & ,COOIE, Barristers, Solicitor , Notaries 1Public tee. Office, on the Square, end door from Ilainiitou i,b. (aoderich. ?riveto,funds to loan at lowest rates 4V, Pxacuevooe, K. C. J. L. Iine oRA.z, H. ,I, D. Coorin, Mr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week, ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com tnissianer, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office, Zurich. Dr.E. 8. Harale DENTIST At EURICH EVERY WEI)NESDAit' DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE - HEN° 1LL. OSCAR NLOPP ' Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- iinty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate.. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18 e3 Lensed Aneti®weer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me' a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. .Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31r13. M/1•0.... Zurich ed Fresh and Salt Meats Bo1:.gna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wot•1111 CASISfnFOUR SKINS & 1I11)E2 iut M• eio ext NOTICE - As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line Phone 58 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. HENSALL G. T, R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave iZurich -.. 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... _-. ... 8.58 a.m. North, No. 163 --- --- __-10.33 am. AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich _._ ...3.00 p.m. South, No. 161 --- --- ...... 4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ..- _.. __----61I pan. LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich .,Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACKWA*nA C'yAL Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of delivery, Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries. Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality. 611• P' •p� Rs P tjh ?bone house No. 10, Office No. 10: HEN -SA,_ L I'UT YOUR Wants, For Babe, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLVMYIN NOTICE. All parties „'ho contracted with us for growing duthc setts will kindly bring in the setts on and after next Monday; NNov. lst. J. Preeter, FOR SALE .A. hen stable 8x12 Lor quick slae apply at Herald Office --....w - FOR SALE One 9-h. p. United Gasoline en- Trutt gine, clued ignition, clothe pulley, on trucks, good as new, L..Prang. LOCAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. C. L Snaith were Sunday visitor) atDashoowd Don't forget the moving Pie - 'tore show in the Town Hall, to- night, Thursday eve. Mr. and 'Mrs. 3, Hey, Jr. Terre oa a trip tilt C'iitaham over the two ale -end, • Mr. Oliver Davis, a former em- ploem- ployeeof the Molsons 43ank lienee was a visitor in Town last week, Mrs. W. Callfas and family, axid Miss Lie Mack were SundayVis- itors at Crediton, Apple) picking is the order of the clay, and there is no fault to • be found with the quality of the Owing to the high cost of labor and material practically all the tve- okly newspapers in Huron n ad Perth were compelled to raise their subscription rates to $2." • LOST Orremoved from the car of Mr, Ed. Stelek on Fair night, on the Zurich Road, west of the 'village, a purse belonging to Mrs. Stelck. Finder kindly leave at Herald of- fice or return to owner. STRAYED. From From pasture farm, Babylon line Hay, a red and white steer 1;( yrs. old. Finder please notify. Phone 81r5. Alex. Rennie. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Ev-, ei•y il'ednesclay forenoon. High - eat market prices. J. Gascho&Son NOTICE Beginning Monday Nov. 1st. We will take in Dutch Setts from par ties which contracted to grow same for us. They must be put through fanning mill and be thoro- ughly clry. J. Gaecho&Sori. FOUND A shawl -scarf in Zurich. Owner can have same set Herald office `by paying for this adv. FOUND In Zurich on Tuesday, a roll of bills. For further particulars ap- ply to Herald • Offices. WANTED Live poultry every Wednesday morning. Also potatoes, any qu- antity. -T. L. Wurm. LOST ' A. child's cap, on Saturday eve Oct. 8th on Goshen Line between Zurich and Dashwood. Finder please return to L. Hamacher Dash wood, ..or Herald Office, Zurieh. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 85 acres of land_ being Lot pt. 20 and pt. 21, L. R. E. Township of Stanley. Also stock and implements thereon. The farm .is in a good state of cultivation, six acres of fall wheat, well fenced, 2 acres of orchard, and buildings in good repairs. For further particulars apply to Wm. Mero, R R,2, Zurich. t19 .-410,0• FOR SALE A. good second band No. 21 Fleury plow. J. E. Druar, Zur- ich. ' WANTED LIVE POULTRY every Thurs- day morning. R. N. DOUGLAS, - Blake. WANTED LIVE POULTRY Reicl, Edighoffer & Son, Dash- wood, will take in live fowl every Wednesday forenoon of each week. FARM Fog SALE I have for sale the folloiwng fine farm, situated in the Tonw- ship of Hay, convenient to village and school and in good state of euitivation. The farm consists of 120 acres, with eleven acres of good bush, plenty of good water, frame dwelling, good bank barn and new silo, Also nineteen acres of fall wheat. Possession given in the fall or next spring. For particu- lars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich, FOWL SUPPER The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich will give. a fowl supaer,. in conneteion with r.o:icert on Thursday E'v'ening, Nov. 4th. Supper will be served at the Wolper House from 5,30 to -8 p rn. Admission, adults 75c,, chit dren' under 14, 10c, this includes ad-. mission to concert which will be given in the Town Hall at 8.30. Everybody welcome, The West Huron Teachers' Con - vexation held at Goderich recently Empire War Relief Fund." was well attended and the elect- To Make Known the Need. ion of officers for the ccnning.year The Canadian_ Red Cross Society OI8TRESS ft EUROPE British Empire Effort to Help Smaller Nations, Gatinaclian .Red Cross to Organize Appeal on Behalf of Orphans— Call to 13e Made In Arniistico Week. An urgent appeal for aid to com- bat the widespread disease and dis- tress In the war -stricken areas in Europe has been made by the League of Red Crdss Societies to the nations which have suffered least from the war. In response a War Relief Fund has been undertaken in Great Britain with an Empire -wide appeal for con- tributions. The Fund is under the immediate patronage of His Majesty the Ding and has the support of all parts of the Empire. His Excellency, the Governor-Gen- eral of Canada, having received com- munications from London upon this matter, consulted the Prime Minister, and with his appiioval referred the question to the Canadian Red Cross Society, and it was arranged for an appeal to be made in Canada during Armistice week in November. The Fund will be known as "The British resulted as follows; , President, Nelson E. Dahms, Zurich; vice-pres., M. Jean Ready Woodham; Seyc„-treas. W. H. Johnston; councillors, Miss H. Kinsman, Miss M. Baile, Miss How- ard. PRESENTATION On Friday evening of last week a large number of friends gather- numbers of their people lived close edat the home, of Mr. and Mrs. 3. to the bread line. The war drained J. Barry, who are leaving this them of all their surplus resources. week for Danville where they Through the years of strife they will reside, and presented them were denied all but the barest neces- with an address and a beautiful shies, and their condition now is rocker. After the presentation,; pitiful indeed, History has repeated which was made by Mrs. A. J. Mac- itself. The diseases which took such Kinnon and the reading vi the ad- fearful toil of human life after the Thirty Years' War, the Seven Years' dress by Mrs. C. Fritz, Mr. and Mrs War (1757-65), and the Napoleonic Barry very ably repl,ed, thanking Wars are again widespread, and now thise present for the honor and there are millions of peo ale in esteem they are; held in, The ev- Galicia, Poland, Jugo-Slavia and Rou- ening was very pleasantly spent in mania who, in addition to being pov- and lunch was served. - . erty stricken, are in. the direst misery Following is the address. • i and despair on account of disease. To 11•Ir, and Mrs. Barry; In some twelve countries, most of WTC, your friends nad neighs, le dlyto the .Ail ed cause,modern ther our Allies or hors have assembled this evening civilization is faced with the inevit- to express . to you our regret at able consequences of a great war your removal from our village and through partial famine and pesti- to convey to you our best wishes - lenge, inn your success and happiness, MI s A Previous Epidemic. the community to • which you are about to move. Your relations 1 That the epidemic is now one of with the people of this common alarming proportions and terrible in ij,s effect may be noted from the Pol- ity have been most cordial. You lowing quotation from "The Times"a. have always been most willing to j "At present the worst results of lend a helping hand to those wha typhus are confined to Galicia, where have had sickness or trouble in , the schools are closed, business is at their homes. You have both been a standstill, and civic life is crippled. unselfish and upright in your bus-: The whole community is faced with ines3 and private relations with; starvation, whilst the absence of everyone. You have never tried clothing and drugs makes it impos- to somattain success at the expense sable for the authorities to make any of attain bite else. By your rein headway against the epidemic. Here j have a country into whichthe oval we feel that the business in-, .idea of modern sanitation has never teresta- of Zurich have sustained a penetrated; for the most part there loss. Socially we shall miss you is no water supply in the smaller both very much and we shall al- towns and villages save wells, whilst ways be pleased to have you re- the work of sewers is done by open taro to visit us,! gullies running through the streets. As a slight token of the esteem i!There are no doctors, no nurses, and in which you are held by us we no beds, and. the miserable typhus - present you with this (Rocker}` stricken patients lie unattended on hoping our thoughts will b of, the bare floor. Throughout the rural your Zurich friends while resting your whole families exist in miserable one -roomed huts, their in your easy chiar, diet consisting of starvation rations Signed by the Friends of Zurihc• of potatoes and beet, both bread and BORN ( almost every hut there are several meat being luxuries rarely seen. In Feldrappe-At Cleveland, Ohio, to cases of typhus and in many instances Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Feldrappe,' whole families are stricken with the (nee Ida Sipple,)• a daughter, disease, and are perforce left to die eIileanor.) v I unattended," Snowden -At Stanley, on Oct. 22, ; Many Countries Are Suffering. - to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden, I What is said of Galicia is true of a daughter. other countries of Europe, such as Johnston -At Zurich, on Oct, 22nd. Esthonia, Lithuania, Lativia, huge to Mr. and Mrs, Wellington John - territories of the Ukraine, Soviet Rus- ston, a daughter. ; sia, Jugo-Siavia and Czecho-Slovakia. Deichert-In Hay Tp., on Oct. 25, Nor is typhus the only affliction. to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Deichert, Tuberculosis, smallpox, dysentery and a daughter• relapsing fever are also ravaging Mr. Fred Howald of St .Marys • large areas. was a visitor in the village last Lack of Medical Aid. These terrible conditions have been called to the attention of the people of the British Empire in a statement by the Right Hon. Arthur J. Balfour, who, speaking for the Council of the League of Nations, says: "ititen, woolen and children are dy- ing by thousands, az}d over vast and civi feed, there are neither in eat apiall �,Rees nor medical skill st ctent to pope with the horrors by 1v gh we Sire faced. Governments have in certain cases done all in theil' power to bring relief, but there re- mains a vast field -for charitable enterprise which. can be dealt with only by Voluntary effort,” accepted the task of making this ap- peal known throughout Canada only in view of the relentless circum- stances and the humane desire to help to alleviate the terrible suffering of a large number of peoples. The reasons are numerous and com- pelling, Large populations are suf- fering from distress and disease. Mil- lions of innocent children are among them. Even in time of peace great week for a few days. sargains m Vi:•tory Loan tax free bonds at present prices are absolutely in the bargain class. The supply available is limited. Prompt action is nrgod for those who desire to take advantage of present opportunity. YOUR CHOICE OF FIVE MATURITIES. Due Price and Yield Inter. t . 1922 98 6,37 1923..... 98 6.15 1927 ... 97 6,00 1933 96.50 5.88 1937...... 98 .....:.................. 5,68 TAXABLE ISSUES 1924...... 97 6.27 1934.. 93 .. 6.25 Bonds delivered to your Bank free of all cd0'ivery or brokerage charge:, AJOnTIV Zurich Eleven Million Orphans. I)r. Livingstone Farrand, chairman of the Central Committee of tltee American Red Cross, 'who has just re- tntned front Europe,., states that there are 11,000,000 fatherless chil- dren in Europe who face the next few years without hope of adequate care unless outslcle fisrhts:1e i is given. Ready -to -Wear Clothing ^" DENOMY BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS _.first S1owlig of Fall and Winter Overcoats Ordered Clothing Our Fall and Winter Over- coat stock is%now complete in men's, young men's incl boys' MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN YOUR PARTICULAR STYLE D NOMI BItOLL Produce taken, i e ohaai,g e for Goods �F-fi+- -d+— i - :• - -- fi - -�-- +i+ + + + 3+--+ '1F + '1+--4 4' I YOU HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. ' Seeus about I DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL RINDS .Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line o1 Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc' A Trial Solicited t FRED THIEL ZU• H 5' +- + +-+ o' + 4 4 ++ + 4' 4 i i 4. 1' i -Jr:A'LYbM1'. ,M•TiGOW �- _._,.-.s..y�p-.�-�^sw. �-r.n .ef•� Y'�^�rv►-r+-rtq.✓rt`S01Y��CZ"i�16.3:Ha..,i2�ire,v.'�+ For Suffering Children. No stronger call could be made to humanity than that of suffering chil- dren, and on their behalf particularly the Canadian Red Cross will appeal throughout Canada daring Armistice week. Each provincial division of the Red Cross will have charge of the arrangements in its own province, incl all Red Cross workers should put themselves into touch immediately Frith their local branch or with the .t adqurters of the Provincial Divi - ion if no local branch is organized. R3 si btory � - elsse .iuy plus pun :}riSnog Market -prices. -. A. F. HESS, - Zurich NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joseph Bloeki. 8-t£. ALEX. FOSTER, Zurieh. INSIIRE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- 'Apo. HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS, MUTUAL Co. paid Silt 1,00 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 cents per $I00 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agent for several other "Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS '1 !\ 4h 1 ANCE' THE FARMERS OF THIS SECTION WILL HARVEST ONE OF THE LARGEST CROPS IN SOME YEARS. WHEN THE CROP IS. SAFELY STORED IN THE I3A.RN YOU SHOULD PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE GRAIN IS MARKETED. I CAN INSURE YOU IN THE LONDON MUTUAL EIRE NSITRANCE 'CO. AT THE FOLLOWINCr LOW COST PER MONTH, 20c per $100 for 1 month. '50e per $100 for 4months. 30c per $100 for 2 months. OOc per $100 for 5 months. 40e per $100 for 2 months. 70c per $100 for 6 months. )r a $2,000 policy for 4 months will cost you only $10.00, NSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, ACCIDENT, ETC, .RATES REASONABLE. A. F. HESS INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS.