HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-28, Page 4• WAYBURN NEWS The fine weather which bag Continued for the past two weeks bete been a blessing to our farm - i rs, enabling thein to gather in the autumn crops, The following were visitors here during the past week; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mew and IIrs. Allen of +ia'oderich, Mrs. 5, Ball and daughter 31rs. Joynt of Auburn, Mr, and Mrs Crich of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, E. all of Tuckersmith, Mr, Colin Carnpbel land his mother, and Misses A. and M. Sparks of the Eronson Line, Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Windsor of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Hodgins of Fairfield attended the Gospel Service held in our school last Sunday Evening. Our U. F. 0. Club hold their re- gular meeting in the Town ,Hall st Grand Bend on Friday night, Oct. 29th. An address, combined with free, open discussion on our Rural Schools and Education will form part of the program. Several Lhorusus and solos will be given throughout the meeting. A good treat is in hand. Come along. DASHWOOD The fine weather enables the farmers to get their fall work completed.. The beech nut trees are frequ- ented by more than squirrels this fall. Inspector J. E. Tom made an official visit to our school on Wed- nesday. The Boy's Parliament is in ses- sion this week -end. Messrs. Chas. Snell, Howard Truemner and =Garnet Wildfang are our three re- presentatives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilhelm and Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilhelm and two daughters of Milverton, Mr. and ]'rrs. C. L. Smith of Zurihc ; Mr. and .'drs. J.. Lein of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. J Tuthig of New Ham- burg were ".unday visitors to the home of Mr. and M.'s. Hy. Schade. Mrs. H. Hoffman and daughter, 3Vlyrta are visiting Detroit and other points this week. The trustees of S.S. No. 13 fell in line this week and raised their tea^') en's saiary to $,1,000. _le • C. W. Yager paid a business trip to Landon on Saturday. BLAKE. Mr. and MI's, G, FI'eclt:leton ac- companied by Mrs. Madge and I Mrs, Earl Weido spent Tuesday of )last week with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey of Zurich sp- 1ent Wednesday at the jjome of 11Ir. and Mrs. Sam. Hey in the vil- t lege. 14Ir. Wm. Swayzie of London called on friends in the village on Saturday. Mrs, J. A. Douglas of Hyde\ Park spent the past week with friends in this vicinity, Messrs. 11enno and Hewy Stec- kle end Mr. and Mrs. John Steckle accompanied by Mr. V. Gerber at- tended the funeral of a relative at Waterloo last week. Mrs. Thos Meyers spent Satur- day with friends in the village. Mr, Sam Hey entertained a num- ber of friends to a fowl supper on Thursday night. Miss Gladys Douglas spent week -end with friends on Bronson north. A Trip to The Highlands of Ontario miles the road showed too- traffic oo traffic to be a plain tlirougblare. The Ontario Road Map was no lon- ger a guide as we were, now too far north. Fortunately, we had a good map of the part of South- ern Ontario north of Orillia.; but it wasn't a road map. • Locating on it a station that we had just passed, we knew we had wander- ed too far- west. Here we saw this first outcrop of solid Lauren- tian rock formation. This out- crop marks the edge of the ear- th's oldest region. It 'was a low ridge running east and west for some distance. The roadway we were on had been improved by the blasting away of some of this hard rock. Having never been in the Laurentian region before, I was •perticularly interested and took time to note its dark, gray color and other distinctive featur- es. The top was well rounded off and smooth eecept for long the! scrathees or furrows all of which the pointed south-west, These were made, ages ago, by boulders of granite and gneiss from parts of Northern Quebec and Labrador. M1ny of these boulders can be seen along our roadsides and in the, fields where the Great Glac- ier left them after it had melted u;lrler the influence of a 'warmer epoch. tI is interesting to read =ram the surface of the rocks the geological history of our' provin- ce. In Northern Simcoe much of this .rock is blasted and then cru- s'red for inacadainizing the road•=. Several applications of this crush - e1 rock make the road like pave- ment after it is well rolled by n heavy tractor made for this pur- pese, but how the driver of our outfit groaned when we struck s elle of the freshly applied mat- erial and he saw _ how its sharp elges "chewed up" the tires. At one station a mountain like heap of crushed rock was ready for shipment to southern parts oI Ontario. Front Barrie to Orillia we had the choice of three roads, the lake road, the high road, and the middle road. The Lake Road is the longest, but it compensates the tourist in giving a splendid view of Lake Simcoe. To part- ly make up for lost time we chose the middle road which was level and had fine farms on either side Before entering Orillia we passed the Asylum for the insane. IL is a stately building and is beauti- fully situated on a hillside, over- looking the town. A one-horse waggon load of fresh beef was being delivered there for the bad- ly needs of the mentally unfortun- ate ones. The thought struck me that eating, perhaps, is the only enjoyment many of the inmates have. Thinking we could not help mis- sing the road to Muskoka, we struck boldly north from Orillia but after a run of about twelve •••From Orillia northward; the road runs parellel with Lake Cou- chiching. When we reached this bi'iutiful lake we knew we Were a sin on the right track. This long, narrow lake, reaching north mere than ten miles, and thickly Right In Your Liome! You can thank Thomas A. Edison, the inventor of the phonograph, for this remarkable offer. It has long been Mr. Edison's wish that every home in the land might en- joy the cheerful, restful, helpful influence of music. That is why it is possible for 1 to place DIS O .' NIAMOND The World's Greatest Phonograph Value right in your home for a three day's FREE trial! There are absolutely no conditions attached to this offer. Come to our store -pick out any style A.mberola and a dozen records—and we will deliver them to your home.. Let the .A mberola entertain you for three whole days— and then if you do not wish to keep it, we will call for it- -y- en- and thank you for .giving the Amberola an opportunity to prove its superiority ove "talking machines" and commercial p&lo- nographs. If you do want to keep it, we are bound to carry out the spirit of Mr. Edison's wish' by arranging the very easiest terms of pay- ment to suit you. We urge you to grasp this opportunity at once, if you wish to be' among the first to enjoy this Free Trials We are ready and waiting to hear from. you mitt now/ H. WELL DEALER ZURICH, e ONT, 1 dotted with little islands, is . a type of hundreds farther "north. It is really an expansion of the. Severn River which drains Lake Simcoe into Georgian Bay end makes..a natural boundary. betwe- en Simcoe County and the Distr- ict of Muskoka. As soon .as the Severn River is crossed etheepsis a decided chan- ge in scenery. South of it there are only few outcroppings of La- nrentian rock but on the Muskoka side there is rock everywhere.The soil seems to fill only the depres- sions between the higher parts.In the village of Severn many houses are wihtout cellars, as, in many rases, they are perched on humps of solid rock. The first road , through Muskoka and Parry So- und was constructed with a view to saving expenses in its upkeep. It as nearly as was possible, fol- lows the' height of land to avoid bridge -building and always went around a hill to save blasting a cut-out. From this you may im- agine how many ups and downs, frequent curves and sharp turns there are in dodngi the hills and rocks. A greenhorn wouldn't need to apply for a chauffeur's license here. The roads were quite passable, but they were, to say the least, dangerous. Nat- urally, we proceeded slowly, for the road was so crooked that we feared to go fast fro fear of me- eting oursel ee.s coming hack from the next world. To add to our difficulties, many dozens of tour- ists, mostly Americans, in their "big" cars met us. As you could seldom see teen rods ahead, you never knew when one of the "big' ones would conte lumbering from. behin 1 a rock or a lucesp of trees The three of us, respectively; to- ok o'1" turns in driving, watching for ' '.nleees, and seeing the scen- ery n ; you could do only one of these at a time. Having detail- ed ori" duties in this way, we met seith no mishaps. In ;'.'-nuthern Muskoka was the rockiest scenery we saw on our trip. Probably, several epochs before the creation of man, it boasted of lofty .mountains, an off shoot or continuation of the Laurentide Mountains in ' Eastern Quebec. Being the oldest of mo- untains, they began to crumble in spite of their hardness, and the succeding ice ages ground them down, till, little more than huge hummocks were left- when man's history began. Less than fifty years ago even the tops of these were covered with fine trees. Owing to the recklessness of man, fire consumed much of this Forrest not only burning the, trees but also the layer of humus which sup- ported then., To -day, large stu- mps and partly burned trunk, ly- ing high on the -bare rocks, still tell the story. ('To be continued) DISPErRSI0N' AUCTION SALE Of Pure Bred Registered Short- horn Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Swine The undersigned on account of his law practise requiring all, of his time and attention has decided to rent his farm and sell his entire. stock by Public Auction at lot 14,' concession 2, L. R. S. Tuckersmith Township 1 1-4 mile east of Eippen and 14 -mile south, at one o'clock p.m. sharp on Monday November 1st, 1920, the following property namely NORSES 1 registered Clyde- sdale mare 9 -yrs. old, Lady Oswald (36032) uspposed to be in foal to "Commodore"; 1 5 -yr. old geld- ing; 1 yearling colt nad-one suck- ing filly, both sired by Commodore, CATTLE 1 red cow 'Pie Cr= ust 2nd, (104.01) calved Jan, 24th 1913, this has been the best paying cow I ever owned and she is now supposed to be in calf to St. Pat- rick (115825); 1 red cote calved Sept. 12th, 1912, Laura Dutchess 4th (124982) with red bull calf \i!'an- nahill) at foot; one red cow Flora MacDonald (122706) calred Oct. lst 1916 with red' heifer calf at foot (Lass 0 Gowrie); 1 cow red with some white, Mary Queen of Scots (131289) calved May 8th, 1917 with red heifer• calf at foot (Jessie Flo- wer of Dumblane) ; Highland Mary (121981) roan calved ,August 26th 1916; 1 red heifer Maggie Lauder (141376) born; Oct. 5th, 1918; 1 red heifer, Bonnie Jean (152535) born Nov. 26th, 1918; 1 red heifer Isabella (154049) born Sept. 27th, 1919; 1 grade cow 9 -yrs. -old, an ex- cellent milker, one large fat steer 1 -year old grade heifer and one 2 -yr, old grade heifer. SHEEP -2 Lechester ewes 2- yrs. old; 2 year old Lechester ewes and threee lambs, also five pigs. TERMS, --All sums of $10 and • under cash, over that amount 3 months credit given on furnishing •, approved benkabl.e Joint notes. A discount et the rate of (a per en- anon allotted fir cash in lieu of. ' note. C. .W 1'w, '',Cine, A.uctionetr.- \; , le 'lee re ,L, .13., prepei:`:&r,r.. kiiiAgoaseeeseesseeeeee lush ,¢ N94.079 q•• i � Ilarceriletase orPntontModteesee icniat1n1tlteToo(tbylieutri mins ille5 omaclisalt( 0 0lect I For Infants and children. Mothers it -low That Gastrula Always Bears the Signature of .F'weeke sereO Senna .(tarhella IA" Anise Jla do pp,rmiftSaar 1Jf(5rrbrmaletb letnn. Ser' ClrnrlFedStry�r )1unlevren.51i02: L© SS Or. $LEEPaad beveristnessand ',Canstilationand'Diarrhoea l tesvftln$here'raauteat}.Amo1RedYfo�p�Ya5rsitturef IIa svNTTRE?LC0 .41..x:; :•; h n Use Foy' Over y Ye r Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW TOFU( CITY: q` ct' %: f eme•easeeeeeec ootoeeeeedwas ee cooseemeeeee sseamooecaeseet, , • • t0 e ti ee e We stip.. handle the old reliable B. T 0 stable equipments. :Do not be misled by jinferior goods of this kind. . All Govern- ment over - ent Farm stables are ®equiped with the eels. cb.tl. atod B. T. • We have a vast experience 0 installing these goods. r • PUMPS9 ETC.. m We also carry a complete line of Pumps and Piping, and install and keep in repair all our work • d -.40:i.- rt eoefee in •• e. CD it W e. •e e' e 1 (� eeaee• 2urieh • • SHIM GLES SHIN ALES Parties i'equir ung Shingles this season will do well by bying them at onnce. As after April lst all shingles will advance lOper cent. in ,(mice. ',ei,'. II OST•C.RA: EX .CUTIV The l3est l'atd 1'(wdosotoiYt Book -keened Waling). only Chomp talihing he ad vaticrnvnt til gnttliiy tta n,,nm,raunt. 9tomr,atarly training) not intrrfrtinq with vara 14<at ut e,rrupr',- ant, l ,,ki'i 1i \l'r• 11r,t Ir o•' rv.r, r'rrti -I ,,; . t h�.tttrr• tion. Al 1 i, II 1 i n, 1r d' i.E'. r• ,al:,:,, , 1,'t., NOTICE Having 7iurclulred the cider ,m Mr 11 Mr t1`..1, ,Mt riser„ ,VVe « - orati!ig sane on the foe eel d'tys; 13(T)1t 23rd, 27th, 28.. :etre ;'1 1 and nftt'r l h.rsv (lays rryr tiny r+sr 'long ; ti:urdlays .'Y will wird: nitplc hdntt''r on +tf r r 1rt11't;l} (lt 1. rt:1i. F. C. . 1;-'1t,i'lr*;1sr'1r. l'rnl,r;Vt"0r=; (Henry' 1'4:r7irn;M1ll. ltl'.lnlln,T'ittr