HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-28, Page 1z VoI„ XXI No 17 RA ZURICH, THUHSDAY MOHNING, OCTOBER 28, 1920, framonagmusaaramossamsromaulsormaml..ragosmaraccatsoNyanslon.m....auto.matrascem=aeameuvommsossuormsgaarsounKoRnois. ackommacwors..900.1122mmamont wommoustaworamommornalpatawroasolammuinmailimpaememanoram OKL 1 K! IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL DELIVER- IES OF GOODS, WE ARE SELLING AT GREATLY RED- UCED PRTCES THE FOLLOWING; LADIES' WHITE CANVASS SHOES, 0 XFORDS AND POMPS. ALSO A FEW L1NZS IN PATENT AND KID OXFORDS AND POMPS. THESE ARE ALL EXCEPTIOITAL VALUES IMPAIRING NEATLY AND p ROMPTLY DONE PFLE Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a Year In Advance ZURICAri t ....orwasaraessrareanalarce.usmormatIvassatuulcaucatasrs..—...sssmestcvaogoarm.cc.=answara mras“waour...rxmocl. sa.a=a.cauv-suomm.xamanmasamms,.. aorwamocubaxemarownsacna=rs..g.remnaom -mvsecolaccaarcauoims. wpa-sta.,dasca MOM verwmaissrwmano.....• •gft 00000490Ses ommilaseetas es • • 33 80 ciab • • 8 • • 0 3 • E 00e0eaextseese GageSeetleS00080e aseeeeeeeeeeesea,eese: a have a Grand ShowIng ofFI Wir St in wearing appavel toy PURE WOOL eSERGES 0 Our stock of wool Seeges is now' • complete. We have all the .,e0 good colors; Navy, Blue, Brown, 4, Grey and Black, in different widths • ele suitable for Dresses or Suits, 40 Prices ranging from $2.75 to $6.50 • per yard. • **- Also a nice range of all -wool 11 plaid skirt lengths, 54 inches wide • le at very reasonable prices. • 8 SILKS A beautiful display of silks in le all the leading shades, 36 -inches 0 • wide, from $2.50 to $4.00 per yard. 1, 8 0 0 1116 • 8 0 -0 8 9 8 eet 0 8 .0 •to 8• 8 8 8 8 .3 v:0) • •• 3 .111, „LADIES' SILK CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS A splendid range of ladies' silk waists in all the newest colors and Styles. gip 8 0 8 , g M115 -Women, Isrs, Cadren • VELVETEENS .A big showing of Velveteens in s • all the -new shades and colors. THE NEW FALL SWEATERS 'And ive in many te 0 8• reaVrje.,21.-eeerKeeezi Don't forget the moving Pe - titre show in the Town Hall, to- night, Thursday eve, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Colles, eeei, spent a few weeks at Chat...t.n 'have returned home.- ' Dr. and Mrs. W. Schelig and fam- ily of Detroit were in the vile last Thursday. Mrs (Dr.) (Dre O'Dwyer and i 5 Jean. Lamonf' are attending Womens' Institute Convention at London. •.9r. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitheener were week -end visite.si at the home of the latter's paren.s,i Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnston, Anniversary Harvest Home see- viees were observed in the Luth- eran church on Sunday, and were well attended. Jacob Deichert end moth', Mrs. J. Deiehert, Sr„ and Mat eei Earl nad Miss Inez Yungblut wee, I visitors at Port Elgin over tee week -end. The Mitchell Recorder printine plant which belonged to the late Wm. Elliott, has been purchased -by H. • D. Davis ,proprietor o the Mitchell Advocate. - .Mr. F. C. Brown, the local Pr e. duce dealer has a large gang o.Z men engaged in picking and pack- ing• apples, which are an except -I ional good crop, this year. The Y. P. A. of the Evaangelicai, 3 eburele will hold their annual Rally 1 0- Day on Sunday Oct. 30th. .A. t cordialinvitation is extended t , • Pullovers are most attract- 3 all to attend their program on Su.e.• • . • _ ..,• their beautiful 'colorings ire ..1 da,.y, evening. . ..• " . , . . . • • aro 24. lr.' and 'Mrs. Geo. Willieei • ! :111!T new et yl es. .. They Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilhelm an 1 0 e daughters Helen nad Marjore.• o • Milverton spent a few days nt: a 0: the homes of the foriner's thatea- * tens Mrs. Hy. Schade of fl: LADIES' WOOL SCARFS g 0 wood and, Mrs, C, L. Smith re' tee . village. 0 a IN MEMORIAM 3 : Woods—In fond memory of our o dear sister Sadie, who died at 8 Brigden,. Ont. two years mete s 3 Oct. 26, 1918. 3 In- the City of life on the hills far 3 away, g g Where the sun never sets nor 3 the flowers decay ° She is with the Redeemer free from trouble and pain. Where in God's own good tirat.,, we shall all meet again. Not gone from memory, Not gone from love Butme g,ona• to her Fatehr's home a- bSadly missed by tBrother and Si:An. SEED GRAIN DISTRIBUTION priced from $6 to $11 eaeh. We have just received a ship- ment of Ladies' pure -wool scarfs in enticing new colors. We are also supplied with a full range of colors in SportFloss, put up in 2 -oz. Balls, the correct thing for knitting sweaters and Scarfs. t I • • •itt The Latest Sha and Sh 41: es Come in and see our fine assort- ment, as we have everything new in the line of Fall and Tweed Hats NO .SHADE S'VE HAVEN'T GOT. NO HEAD WE CANNOT FIT. CAPS Never was a larger rnage of caps shown in this store, and you know what that mcans. MEN'S CLOTHING Our Clothing Department i our new. styles for Fall, we ha always at your service, and wi Mite( a line of suits and overcoats th we feel proud off. Don't wor about Luxury Tax, as we have pslendil assortment from $25 to $ Also a large stock of men's a boy's Sweater coats and Pullove to chose from. SOMEHOW, WE ALWAYS THIK OF THE BOYS, NO MATTER WHEN OR HOW THEY CO et WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING THAT TAKES THEIR. EYE, AND OUR NEAT SUITS A 8 JUST A. LITTLE BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE. • •SIZES FROM 22 TO 32 PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $20.00. 8. 8 8 8 8 a 0 839 • • 8 0 8 • 8 a 8 3 • • 8 th • • ire at 0 ry 15, al re 5 a ME, fl RE* • 88 0 9 8 80 83 3a a 3 .71 , 08 1 8 3 3 3 • 2 • • 8• 'go 9 • 8 8 • Fresh Rroceries always on hand Produce taken in exchange Phone 59 41,004.014 Produce Wanted es00000***140240***SeDeett•••••• •10•44.01, 4'4 Just Arrived An assortment of Genuine :Rohner, 'Made in Germany' Mouth Organs. Prices from $1 up. Incorporated in 1855 THE OLSONS BANK ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and ReserVe 89,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crop at certain seasons. If he needa assistance he should consult our local Manager, Savings Dep- artments at all Branches. the Jeweller W. B. COLLES Mana.ger Zurich Banc , .414.0.,ver, • 4.11,.t4ilin4 . 4.,,acr • eireemeaemeeaveuesescatmemsaramm 1915 Ford Jellying, rebored pistons, painted etc. • $395 1915 Ford to.uring, rebored pistons, painted etc. $425 rek 35 H. P. • McLAUGHLIN TRUCK CAPACITY 1000 -lbs. $704 25 FORD -TRUCK, 1914 MOTOR Overhauled etc. • $375 .We guarantee our used cars to be mechanicalli" right. 1. horse 6 -yrs. old soun d, make us an offer. • 1 5:h.p. Gilson gasoline engine at your own price. F. M. HESS &CO. - ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars! Overland Cars —.1=10EINpageG..721===e1WpreleearZIRETZISMOV.. t++++++++++++++++++++++•++++++++++++++tee+++++++ee7-ieeet + . •4 t! + ,e• "'''' It.. . COMPArir: --7 ,. ,t.. 4 + ee 4 _ . a ',,',74,1••ti 4.1f .• $14'itti 4.. .e ''"*1 •sl., .'÷. "i 7 4. •:, , ..1.4. + 4., fr. We arc' receiving our Fall Shipments almost daily and have a . 4.+ large range for your inspection. + 4 + .a. ea SEE US FOP. QUALITY AND VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. 4 + 4 -4: We a:el are showing a fine assortment of Oxfords, for men .1.' + and Wrenea at greatly reduced prices. 4 + + + Big reduction in canvasand warm weather footwear to make +" 4 + 4 + + -7- 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 aExperimental Farms Note) The annual free distrubution oi eaeaples of seed grain will be con- ducted as usual at tha Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, by the Dominion •Cerealist. The following kind of seed gr- ain will bo sent nut this seascea; Spring Wheat; itt about 5 -lb Fam- ple4; White Oats; about 4 -lb. bar- ley; about 5 -Ib.; field peas; about 54b; field beans; about 241.. ; flax about 2-1b. Only one sample can be seut,te each applicant. Applications must be on priatee forms which may be obtained 1);,. writing to the Dominion Cereel- list, Experirwmtal Farm, Ottava, et anytime alter Sept. 1st. As the stock of seed is eireaers are advised to apply e7 • ly to avoid eisappointment, The, • who applied too late last sus vi are particularly requested to rene ia their nerne.s at once so that e plieation forms may be forwarde ; to them. No application form will be furnished after Feb. 1E,t,02 C. H. SUNDER, - - Dominion Cerealist. CAS1 0 I A For Infants and Children InUseFor ver301ream Always bears 3rt,gat the te41. ry$ • • ‘41, ee • room. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ! The Shoeman: -7-7-:.•+.7.-7-+ere++++++++++++++++41-++++++4++++++++++++++++444-ii erree-r. . . WINT R GOO We are prepared to meet your wants and. requirements in these lines of Goods; HEAVY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN' SW ItATERS, 'HEAVY WOOL TOP SHIRTS, HEAVY FLAN - J1 ITL YARNS, STOCKINGS, ',SOCKS MITTS,. GLOVES, ETC, ALSO A GOOD STAPLE LINE OF SHOES AND ILIAL I2 We Ora ee not the Article in stock thet you want, we will try, and get it for you. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD BRIGHT, WELL DRIED APPLES. • . Fresh Groceries always in Stock R. N DOUGLAS PHONE 11 - 97 BLAK 4