HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-21, Page 8Pt .....__,....,_,...„,..,,,...,,,_,. _ ,..,_„..,.. Fall and ' Loud n table Equipment rater Goods see our display of Fall goods. .0 ur (•EXCELLS ' ALL . OTHERS) N. The best by vest... Provincial. Agric- tocl�s are now almost co .plete: n all. ultural Farm and Winter Fair Barns Lines --are equipped with Louden machinery. Easy to install, Easy to operate, Endless Chain, does away with crank, no side hangers to break on our track. Our swinging track hinge enables you to run car on .pole at any angle. LadiesWear A splendid range of Ladies Co- atings on hand in Velours, fine Chinchilla Cloth, Etc. New Silks, Fine Botany Serges, Ail -wool Plaid Skirtings, Velvets and Velveteens, Underwear, Swe- ater coats in Newest Styles. Men's Wear WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL VALUES TO OFFER IN MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, FOR FALL WEAR. • NEW HATS AND CAPS, MITTS GLOVES, ETC. ETC. GROCERY DEPARTMENT THE CANNING SEASON NOW ON HAND, WE HAVE NEW FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS ZINK RINGS, JAR RUBBERS, PAHO- 3A.X. XXX VINEGAR SPICES OF ALL KINDS. J. GASCHO & SON Zurich's Garage WE ARE AGENTS POR Prest-OLite storage Battery A SIZE FOR EVERY •CAR NO BETTER BATTERY ON THE MARKET WE ALSO STOCK IRES,oTD TUBES, ACCESSORIES AND GEN- UINE TS EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTION AND ALSO BATTERY CHARG- ING. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING.ANYlt1AKE;OFCAR A.SPECIXLTY H, Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto '`4.44.++++++++++++++++'k4+4+,1.44++++++++++++++ +++SII++ .* 4 4. 4. + + + 4. + + + +g. + 4. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. * PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- 4. ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY 4' LASTS, WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% AND 3 PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARL AND SAVE MONEY qr We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices. j i ; (, , ; ! ? t , , , WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVErROUGHING AND REPAIRING 40+ + + THE LEADING H WA RE ST AT ALL TIMES The Supreme Farm Engine THE famous "Z" Engine and the Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto combine to make the one SUPREME farm engine. ¶ Call on us and see the result of this newest combination—FAIRBANKS-MORSE "Z" WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. If We are substan- tially assisted in delivering engine maximum service by a nearby Bosch Service Station. Agent for Massey..- Barris. Implements Fairbanks '& Morse Engines and Tud- hope-Anderson Spreaders and plows. Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere • J. L a D,U_+ ., Zurich OFFERINE-S A REAL BARGAIN. 1, Lois Phonograph Cabinet Style Mahogany finish Beautiful toned machine Plays all records Absolutely guaranteed Regular Price 5175 Sale Price ,$150 Including War Tax of 10 per cent. Call and let us demonstrate this Instrument MELICK& BRI4LYN PHONE 63 1/4 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST bah Sch o and hurch era'ices bs Miss Irene Lipphardt and Mrs. J. Parke of the Goshen Line north spent the week -end at London. Mr. M. Hoffraan was a visitor to Kitchener last week. • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barry were visitors to Danville a few days last week. Mrs. L. Jeffrey, who spent the past few weeks at Chatham, has returned to her home here. Mrs. Jacob Wagner of Shakes- peare was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klopp. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Appel and son Lloyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. AAp pel of New Hamburg visited rel- taives here over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Smith and two daughters Catherine and Marjorie ,of Hamilton are visiting with the former's two brothers, Mr. C. O. Smith of St. Joseph and C. L. Smith of the village. The auction' sale of Mr. Herbert Kaercher held on Tuesday aftere noon was in every way a decided success. Mr. Arthur Weber, the young auctioneer,' welded the ham mer like an old veteran and show- ed himself a master in this cap- acity. PRESENTATION On Tuestlay evening of last week the Ladies' Aid of the, Evangelical church assembled at the home of Mrs. A.. Kaercher, Bronson Line.,. and presented her with a hand- some Community Silver Meat Fork, prior to her departure to her new home in Kitchener. Mrs. C. Fritz read the address while Mrs. G. Surerus made the present, ation. Mrs. Kaercher very ably replied with well chosen words. The evening wa s spent in a very nice sociable way, and lunch was also served. Following is the address;— Dear Mrs. Kaercher;— We, the members of the. Ladies' Aid of the Emanuel Evan. church, Zurich, have gathered here to -night to show,, in a small de- gree our mingled feelings of s01 - row and regret of your removal to another place. For many years yore have been a devoted member of our `Aid, your co-operation, sympathy .and cheerfulness has been a great help help ' and inspiration to all indulg- ers. In all these years we could count on you in every worthy cause. , a 1 I STADE & WEIDO= RREETE.R BLOCK - ZURICH t "x"1104-1, ';y 44.14'i°'%.T,.y"p"1'^g':g 44.444411e+t T++g + y.+ "g"t "d"*T.'g +"1'+"g°++' .+ gig 1; keenly felt by all, but what is our loss is Kitchener's. gain. • And now in severing your con- nection with us we ask you to ac- cept this small gift, not for its intrinsic value, •but as a token of our sincere love, and our prayer is that the blessing of our Great God may rest upon you and your fame ily. Signed on behalf of the members of the Ladies' Aid. A DEPENDABLE When you subscribe for a news paper there are two essential po ints to be taken into consideration First, make sure that you subsc- ribe for a paper friendly to your interests, one whose friendship has been proven.,, Second, a news- paper that is fearless editorially, always dependable and with farm markets reports that are are as nearly accurate as possible. Such a paper in the Farmers' Sun, Tor- onto, owned, and publihsed twice a week by the farmers in the int- erest of the farmers. Twicei... a week, 104 issues for the old rate $1.50. You) should have this sure friend in your home. Thanksgiving Day passed off rather quietly in the village.. The,I afternoon program on the fair grounds consisting of a ball game bet•tveen the Santa Clara team of :London and the local team of Zurich, resulting in a win tor, the visitors, score 10-7. The atten- dance was not near up to what \vas anticipated, but the interest good and the class of ball played was excellent. This batteries for Zurich were Dr. O'Dwyer, L. W. Hoffman, Kekoa,, pitchers, W. F. Braun catcher, .A. few minor ac- cidents resulted to some of the players. Several players belonging to the Chicago American baseball team have confessed accepting 'bribes in order to "sell" games. • As aroma seven members of the Chicago to am have been dismissed, while mem berg of. other Clubs in'the League are under suspension. BARGAINS •7 J. Nr.s 1.....• 1, ,-. III/ l• f1_, I.; .'1 ,• .1 • For Women THERE I5 BUT ONE KIND OF DRESS GOODS TO BUY AND THAT IS THE BEST. Plain Pure Wool Novelty Skirt- ing at per yard .._ _._ $6.50 Ail wool Serges 54 inches wide in colors of Navy, Rust, Taupe, Brown, Sand, at per yard $4.50 Velour Coating 54 inches wide Navy, Burgandy, Taupe and Green at per yard ... ... $5.00 EXTRA SILK VALUES Silk Hose per pair ._ .. $1.50 This is our regular $2 silk article. Raincoats for Women in tweeds' for $10.00 and upwards. For Men TWEED HATS ARE POPULAR THIS FALL They come in light shade tweeds that will hold their shape at $4.00 New Fall Caps. In patterns to suit the most discriminating dres- ser. SHIRTS Great quantities of them in neat Patterns and Stripes. Raincoats for Men in tweeds, for $10.00 and upwards. Fresh Groceries and Fruits in. season Buttericik. Patterns For Sale phone 87 w WURNI