HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-21, Page 5It .1SIDtIESS C'1 .RDS • PI'.O D OOT, IIILLOBAN, t i'a r; ere, Solicitors, i '1' !i Pub1ie ee. ()iliee, an 14e door from liuin;ituu St: i, , j +iieb. Private feuds to loan at loneet, rte es tt� 11 �, I'R0'weeteT,. K. u, J. L. K e,eate i,. IL 3, D, Cooite. Mr, Cooke will he in Hensel' on JPriduv' and Saturday of each week. ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public ' Com missionee, Conveyancing, Vire and Life Insurance. agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. herald Office, Zurich. Dr.E. S. R ar ie DENTIST it At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICT — HENv'ALL. OSCAR ICLO.PP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Act neer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron :And am in a position to conduct. any kind of Auction Sale. Give me, a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31r 13, - -_ a, or - ..,._.. MARKETt. Lula Fresh and Salt Meats Beit a� F , suss ges, etc Highe..t Cash Price for Woulq 11 CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES 1161 li tevlext 41 w"'1 lif t S i°°' r 8 a si •t,;" { : 1d P :.Kce, 'at°. IN THIS COLUMN • d FOR SALE One 9 -ll, ,11. United Gasoline en- gine, dual igiritic>n, clutho pully, on trucks, good as new, i,, Prang. LOST Or removed fr•onri the car of Mr. Bki. Stelek on Fair night, on the Zurich Road, west of .the village, a Nurse belonging to Mrs. Stelck, Finder kindly leave at Nereid of - fico or return to owner. FOUND shawl -sear. in Zurich. Owner can have sante at Herald office by. paying for this adv. FOUND In Zurich on Tuesday, a roll oe bills. For further particulars ap- ply to Herald Office.. `^ LOST A child's cap, on Saturday eve. Oct. 8th on Goshen Line between Zurieh and- Dashwood. Finder please return to L. Hamacher Dash wood, pr Herald Office, Zurich. NOTICE. The Secretary -Treasurer o2 the Zurich Agricultural ;-oreety wilt be prepared to pay out prize money on and after October 22o.d next, All prize winnet;s are requested to call as soon after that elate. as •convenient. -A. F. Hess, Sec.-Treas. FARM FOR SALE. Consisting of 83 acres of land being Lot pt. 20 and pt. 21, L. R. E. Township of Stanley. Also stock and implements thereon. The farm ,i.; in a good state of cultivation, Sit acres of fall wheat, well fenced, 2 acres of orchard, and building's in good repairs: For further particulars apply to Wm. Mero, R.R.2, Zurich. ti) FOR SALE A good second-hand organ at your own price. A first-class new Mangan Pho- nograph, Large Cabinet Style. kj Ms. . :en; Mee- y ' `•i.ntih;y" entail; leen l ny at i).r'h d,tl. , if, reel) 1l'ee, II (1 Hess (,; wiraclsor spent' the holiday at hie home -here, Plis' Lila Ale -lie' of Clinton BP - eat the holiday at her home here.,' Mini Flora Hess of Centralia ell- eat the week -end at her home' here, Mr. Weed Prity of Kitchener, was a week -end visitor at his home here, Mise Margaret Lamont of Lon- don spent the week -end' at her home here. Mr, Feed Howald of Waterloo, was a visitor in the village over the holiday ' ilir. and Mrs. C. Fritz, Mr. Ward. �•a b^rtDilii6l()9I iyu;ia\; o1 tii:;C 'Stomach Among Ca.t:!e, • Sudden [lames to Very 1''atutebls b'ood, •A1ay Invite It --- Also the Eating of Over -ripe Hoy or Too Mich Grain —, S mptams and r.Cr'eetment Described -- Vlricken. Chat., (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) MPACTION of the rumen or Paunch is one of the most com- mon .disease of the stomach of the ox. It is a pathological eon- and Mies Dorothy Fritz and Mr, clition somewhat similar to tympan- and Mrs.' C. L. Smith were • Sun- day visitors at Dashwood. PRESENTATION A very unusual event took place introduction into the organ of solid in the Evangelical church at the matters to such an amount as to par - Sunday morning service, last Slab- Bally or wholly paralyze the musclesbath, when Mr. II, Well, who is by over -distension. about to leave Zurich, was pees - Some ented with a handsome club Bag ine foods, as grain, chaff Or po- and purse, as a r•emenibrance of tataes, appear more liable than oth- the congregation. The address ers to cause the disorder, but any - was read by Rev. F. B, Meyer and thing particularly palatable to the animal ,pray be consumed in such quantities if opportunity presents it- self. Sudden changes of food, espe- in Christ, are aware of the fact cially if the Change be to a food par-. itis or bloating, but differing in the urgency of its symptoms and method of treatment. It depends upon the Mr. C. Fritz made the presentat- ion. olloFwing is the address;— Dear Brother Well;— We, your brothers that the time is drawing ,near when tieularly palatable to the animal; you are about to sever your cone over feeding on grain Without allow- nection with us to take !up your ing the animal to take exercise; incli- abode elsewhere. ' gestibie food, as over -ripe hay; food Icor many years you have faith- only moderate quartiitits, may cause loyal citizen, an honest member of the trouble. The animal continuing the church, a true christian •and• to eat, but not ruminating suflicient- 1 faithful official 111 responsible ly, the amount of ingesta gradually positions. Your quiet un-easrim- increases in tike rumen. We frequent- ing manner, and up -rightness of ly notice a case without appreciable ch iratcr has gained the lasting cause. e 'esteem c'f all who know you. Symptoms.—The animal becomes dull and suffers pain, often expressed essed ' Your absence in the servIces by stamping the feet, striking at the end board 'meetings will be keen-, abdomen with the hind feet, switch- ly felt, your laelf ley*e these. ieg the tail, etc. Respirations usually many year:; has bor been crowned'cvith accelerated, appetite lost .and ruuiin- blessin gs. Many have reit the' ation suspended. Bowels usually cos - strength of your character to live , tive, abdomen enlarged, especially on better lives, and we feel assured left side, but this does not Occur as that your influence in the comm quickly as in tyutpanitis, neither is unity will continue or .gage! after it of the same nature. When tapped r >n*�. Since you have between the point of the left hip and you bre ; ' ? the last rib, a dull sound is produced; petspostad to leave this vicinity and when pressed it has a doughy our kindest wishes and prayers o feel, and the iuhprints of the, fingers •tit°itll you. A ilrl if kind Pro\rtd- do not . disappear quickly—et "pits n•nee will se rl;reet your way that,. on pr.ssure." There is often a grunt Regula' price $175, now for ili1''25. :t til 11 seen best to r tu:•:n to our during expiration, especially when tC.0.1 soon RS I -am only a short I11st, a hearty e\'enenn`_' i4'Ill a- the animal is lying. In the later time in Zurich :Tait you. -stages tympanitis may appear as a coiupllCittion. WELL, H.. Pfile s Shoe Store.Ae a parting remembrance we In mild easel the a .. ,�t�eeneeteenet:nee eene-ne _._ .__. k you to accept t his grip 'and'' patient appears illassev.H RE A. S I handle all kinds of Massey - Harris repairs for Farni Ilnpleni- ents, Also a full line of Verity Plow Points and Plow Repairs, at My Shops opposite Town Hall. J .J. airy - Zurich HENSALL 0,. T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING iStage leave !Zurich 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... ... ... 8.58 a.m. North, No. 163 _.. ... ...10.33 axe. •"AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich _.. 3.00 p.m. South, No. let ... ......... ..4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ... ._.... LVE POULT V "a,vrANT D Taken evbry day till 3' Oclock, pan. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices -CASA. FOR -- Cream and Eggs W a O'Brien Phone 94, • Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK A COAL Also soft coal. Season 120 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- tlettled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery orptice We 'will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of delivery. Our terhns are cash 00 completion of deliveries, Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality. Ll , f;1 Phcn 2 home No, 10, Office No, 10. FOR SALE A good second hand No. 21 Fleury plow, J. E. Druar, Zur- ich. WANTED LIVE POULTRY every Thurs- day morning. R. N. DOUGLAS, - Blake: WANTED LIVE 'POULTRY Reid, Edigholfer �C Son, Dash- wood, will take. in live fowl every Wednesday roreneo,i of each week. FARM FOR SALE I have for sale the folloiwng fine farm, situated in the Tome - ship o2 Hay, convenient to village and school and in good state of cultivation. The farm consists of 120 acres, with eleven acres of good bush, plenty of good water, frame dwelling, good bank barn and new silo, Also nineteen acres of fall wheat. Possession given in the fall or next spring. For particu- lars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich. NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that 1 are in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Ain also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line t1.8-tf. GEO. J. THIEL c Phcne 58 Zuiicii. HENSALL ,►I`I"E.I WANTED LIVO poultry every Wednesday morning. Also potatoes, any qu- antity—T. L. Wurru. .purse as a token of our sincere• ti hyve perioditeet ease and expresses a desire for fci�id IP food be allowed love. Our pryn:cr is that the 1z lllessin�5 of God be with you and e will eat a variable quantity with bapparent relish, but the symptosis of yours. illness soon begone nnore nharked egpeel on behalf of your bre- than before, thein and co-workers. Treatment meet be directed to the Chas. Fritz. removal of some or the impacted AAt the evening service the mass of food and the restoration to reply of Mr. Well was read by the activity to the over -distended wall of pastor which is as follows; the organ. When ,the distension is not excessive the administration of Dear Pastor and congregation; a brislt purgative, as 2 lbs. E riow J I will try and in salts, 3'^ oz. gamboge and 2 oz, gin- ger humble way reply to the morn ger in about Ile quarts of warm ing address and gift presented to water given as a drench will usually inc. I ani sorry to' state that there give good results. This is a fair dose are only two more Sundays that for an ordinary sized cow, the dose I and intending to be present in for smaller or larger animals should your midst to attend the services be more or less, according to the 'of the Lord in this church.size of the animal, Follow this ne 1 tzttenclecl this church since it with 2 drams of nux votuica every was .built, •16 year, ago and have six or seven hours, allow no solids been a member for 3'3 years, andto eat until free purgation is estab- b:.tn assure you that during this lished. If purgation has net cent- tnenced in twenty-four to thirty-six tinie I have never been taken by hours give 1 ee pints raw linseed oil, so great a surprise as this morn-, and this alternated every twelve Mee, a thought came to me, pas-' hours with 1 ib. Epsom salts and 1 sibly it will be the last Thanksfiv- oz. ginger, until free purgation is ing service I will ever witness with eestablished. a little bran forh mod be d be S�Ou' allowed. Allow all the water the pa- Tllis eigreat and congregation has tient will drink. In the meantime Ile2n a great ,inspiration these, 33, keg up the administration of nux ;years to me h trying to live a veiniea until pugation commences. life in honor tel the master and for If the disease is not yielding to the good of man as well as my treatment after the second day, some- own salvation. And many thitnks thing must be given to sustain to the church and members for the strength. x'or• this purpose give boil-, esteemed manner and lovingile nd- ed flax seed in quart doses five or cess shown towards me nad my six tunes daily (as a drench). family, As lam leaving only in In cases where the early symptoms person, but not. in spirit par by erinarianale nis�necesan sary.tion by a vet- my financial aid. W1iat is commonly called "grain Kindly accept my best and sin-: sick" is simply impaction of the cere prayers that the Lord's bles-• rumen with grain, sings may rest upon you all, and When an animal has had the op - God be with you till we meet a- gain. ' I remain yours sincerely; H, WELL rtz., s'` . s,, Vi••tory Loan 'tax free bonds at pr_seet prices are absolutely in the bargain class. The supply available is limited. Prompt action is ni'ged for those. who desire to tale advantage of present opportunity. YOUR CHOICE OF 1+IV1 MATURITIES. Due. Price and Yield Intc'i'cst• % 1922. 98 .......... 6,37 1023 98 .., 6.15 10'47 91 6.60 1.93 3 96,50 5.88 10 37 e8 5,68 TAXABLE ISSUES 97 0.27 1021 103.1 Florets delivered to your Mink free o4 all del.:e ry o2•.b:o c:,iees 03 6.2:, Ai ro ('liarec poh'tunity of eating excessive quan- tities of grain, the usual custom of shutting in the stable, allowing noth- ing to eat or drink, and awaiting developments, is absurd. The owner or attendant should anticipate trou- ble by at once administering a brisk purgative, as for ordinary impaction Allow nothing to eat, but allow all the water he will drink, in small qttantities and often, in hope that purgation will commence before dis- tress appears. Of course, in eases of "grain sick" where the early symptoms are severe, an operation called "rumenotomy," which consists in cutting into the rumen and h'enloving some of its con- tents by !hand, should be performed by a veterinarian.—J, H. Reed, 0.. A, College, Guelph. Chicken Chat. In view of the high price of feed can -thee farmer afford to lone) the Poor !eying l (ons in 111 01 given exercise, 50i'r plenty of greon -lova 1=I ' uat,i (1,-.l1.;d) tb: ,..,ink .;. •; , , ,"s',) 11. .i Fall Winter 1vercoats Our Fall and Winter Over- coat stock isnow. co In Pete all rueu's,'young men's =1.1.hI boys' (Ar.19'e•,'z.t' 1'1lItiai MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN YOUR PARTICULAR STYLE •- D NOMY BIOS. ° ZURICH ,IC 1 Produce taken in exchange for G oEe -"�"'g" `mac—'3.—•'r•-- i` --tet' 3• YOUR HARNESS NEEDS 117111 be promptly attended to here. Sce7us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING UI' ALL .HINDS Rugs, .Blankets Bells Full liue of \ 'l)i1), Sweat Pads, Curr~ Combs, ete A Trial Solicited THIEL ZURICH I -xe .y -.,» �.-"4 - -:'- i -�i - '- +-•-'i-$+-i•i -•i --+-+-•i•-$-+- c.•mx: :•^,-.ns:mc-s• a.arz a SXCIESc ler,,•.a. +c ,.c..• •,w.,• .c,r.. , r,:s.Qzi•.r:+a'r 4 ac atcves wvru, co let the bens feed themselves—a hopper may be built at home without great expense. Only the well-fed, well-bred beaks Will be found in the very heavy proe clueing class. Where the hopper pian of feeding is adopted on the farm, the labor problem is much reduced. If the hop - tiers are kept supplied with grain there will be much less danger of underfeeding and producing stunted chicks, 3Y uiss' Stly mos puce eri2nog Market prices. A. F. IIESS. - Zurich NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joseph Block, s -if. ALEX. FOSTER, Zulielh. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST ST .DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE 00. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees ne special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INS. MtTTI.'AL Co, paid $116 e00 loss in the November 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. in force $25.000,000. hate 45 cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- ium note 2 per cent. Am also agent- for several other Wind Insurance Companies. G. Holtzman ZURICH, • ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS A THE FAIUtERS OF TUTS' SECTION WILL HARVEST ONE Oi THE LARGEST CROPS IN SOME YEARS. .WHEN THE CROP IS SAFELY STORED I1 THE BARN YOU SHOULD PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY .LIRE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS TIIE GRAIN IS 'MARKETED, I CAN INSURE YOU IN THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE NSURANCE CO. AT THE FOLLOWING LOW COST PER MONTH. 20c per $100 -for 1 month. 50'3 per $100 for 4 month% 30c per $100 for 2 months, talc per $10i for 5 months. 40c per $100 for 2 months. 70e per $100 for 0 months. er a $2,000 policy for 4 months will mist you only $.10.00. NSURE YOUR- AUTOMOBILE AGAINST FIRE. TIIIi1+T, • ACCIDENT, ETC, RATES REASONABLE. A. F. HESS ee